ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Telemo Plaza/Issue 9

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いよいよ15日から始まるメタファリカフェスタ2008!4月と5月に放送さ れるWEBラジオを中心として、FLASHコスモスフィアやさぽているとの連動企画な ど様々な催しを展開します。各コンテンツの公開日にはそれぞれお知らせもお送 りしますので、是非遊びに来てくださいね。

さて、その2日後になる17日ですが(厳密にはお店、地域によって発売日が異なりますが)、いよいよ設定資料集が発売になります。前作よりも濃い!本が厚い!付録つき! と社内では言われておりますが、前作以上のヴィジュアルと設定情報量になっ ていることは間違い有りません。アルトネ2の世界をより深く知る一冊となりま すので、ご興味の有る方は是非お手にとってみてください。
設定資料集と共に、もう1つのニュースがあります。アルトネ2の世界で初公開 となった新しいヒュムノス語「新約パスタリエ」についてです。その新約パスタ リエの仕様がついに明かされるときがやってきました。設定資料集にはもちろん、 それに合わせてヒュムノサーバーもバージョン2.0として、新約パスタリエ変換をサポートす るようになります。単語も随時更新していきますので、CDのお供に、そして ご自身での作文にと、是非ご活用くださいませ。
主にクローシェの詩魔法で大活躍の新約パスタリエ。その複雑な単語形態と文章 にビックリされた方は多いのではないでしょうか。今回はその新約パスタリエ制 作の想いをお話ししたいと思います。

アルトネ1でヒュムノスを設計し、それを見ながらふと思ったことがありました。 ヒュムノスは人間が喋れるように、そして聞いて理解できるように、想いを伝え る魔法的な役割と言葉としての機能の両方を掛け持ちしている言語です。もちろ んその言葉に「想い」が載っているのですから、それが言葉であることは当然で すが、もっと効率のいい詠唱方法があるのではないかと思い立ちました。
言葉とは必ずしも想いを伝える最高の手法ではありません。例えば美味しかった 食べ物の味を表現するときに、言葉では上手く説明出来ないことがしばしばあり ますし、感動を伝えるときもなかなか伝わりません。ならば、もっともっと「想 い」に近い発声…そう、意味は分からないけど想いがダイレクトに載っていて、 感じることが出来る、そんな言語手段を創れないかと思ったのが始まりでした。 例えば怪我をしたときに「痛いです」と言うのと「うおおおおお!!いてーーーーー!!」
と泣き叫ぶのでは後者の方が痛そうです。この「うおおおお!!」でビックリす るわけです。ただ事ではない、と、ソワソワしてきたりします。この「うおおお!」 というような「感情の音化」をもっと色々出来ないか、そして体系化できないか…。 こうして生まれたのが新約パスタリエです。
新約パスタリエは、より感情をそのまま言葉に出来るように、というコンセプト で創っています。更に、レーヴァテイルに特化した言語として、人間をサポート しない言語としても創っています。元々のヒュムノスが言葉の形をしているのは、 それが昔月奏と言われた人間が謳っていた時代からの産物だからです。歴史背景 的に考えても、既に詩を謳わなくなった人間の為に回りくどい表現にするのはナ ンセンスであり、より感情をそのままぶつける、レーヴァテイルと詩魔法サーバー だけが理解できる信号のようなものとして創る方が効率が良いわけです。そういっ た理由から、新約パスタリエは完全なレーヴァテイルだけの言語、自分の感情を 音という媒介を使って表現する「信号」としての位置づけ、その音と力が最高効 率で連携できるもの、というコンセプトで制作しました。
新約パスタリエで最も特徴的な事は、動詞の中に複数の感情を込めることが出来 る事です。通常のヒュムノスでは1つの文章に1つの感情しか入れられませんが、 新約パスタリエは単語によっては一語で4~5の異なる感情を入れられます。こ れにより、人間でも良くある「親友が受験に合格した。嬉しいけど自分も頑張ら ないと…ちょっと悔しい」みたいな、複雑な感情が入り交じった文章を非常に短 い文章(最短1ワード)で創ることが出来ます。具体的には「rrha ki ra exec hymmnos yor!(超真剣に貴方に対して詩を謳います)」という文章が、新約パス タリエでは「hYAmAmYNrN!」という1語で表現できます。

このように新約パスタリエは、歴史的背景、そしてレーヴァテイルの特性などを 考え現在の形になっています。そういった見地からもう一度ヒュムノスコンサー トを聴いたり、新しくなったヒュムノサーバーで遊んでみると、また今までと違っ た趣が出るかもしれません。今回の公開、そしてこの記事で、ヒュムノスを更に 楽しんでいただけたらとても嬉しく思います。

Hello, everybody. This is Tsuchiya.

We're finally getting close to the 15th, when the Metafalica Festa 2008 begins! While its core will be the Web Radio that will be broadcast during April and May, other projects linked to it like the Flash Cosmospheres and the Supporteils will inaugurate these festivities. We will be also broadcasting daily the news for each piece of new content we will be unveiling for you all, so make sure to pay us a visit, okay?

Well then, two days later, it'll be the 17th, which will be when the Setting Encyclopedia will finally get released (although strictly speaking, the release date might differ depending on the region and the store). Within the company I heard a lot of opinions, such as "It's thicker than the previous game's Encyclopedia! The book is really thick! It includes supplements!", but there's no mistaking the fact that both the volume of setting information and visuals greatly increased in comparison to the previous game's book. As it became a tome in which you'll be able to learn more in-depth about the Ar tonelico 2 world, all those interested should really try and get it on their hands.
There's also a bit of news I want to share alongside with the Setting Encyclopedia, which is about the new Hymmnos Language, the [New Testament of Pastalie] that we unveiled for the first time in AT2's world: the time has finally come for me to make clear how the New Testament of Pastalie is structured. Of course it is explained in the Setting Encyclopedia, and to match it, I have updated the Hymmnoserver to version 2.0 to make it support the conversion to New Testament of Pastalie. I'll be also updating the lexicon as occasion calls for it, so please try making use of it both as a companion to the CDs and for making your own sentences.
New Testament of Pastalie plays a main part in several Songs, especially in the Song Magic sung by Cloche. Maybe many will be surprised by how complex the structure of its words is? But for this issue, I'd like to talk about the feelings I had when I created the New Testament of Pastalie.

When I was designing Hymmnos for AT1, this flash suddenly came to me as I was going over it. Hymmnos is a language that has two simultaneous functions: it can be spoken by the humans and listened by those who can understand it, and it also serves the role of magical words that can convey feelings. And then, I had this idea: what if I developed words that, naturally contain [feelings], as that is a given for any words, but had a much more efficient way of singing them?
Words aren't necessarily always the best way of conveying emotions. For example, when you want to express how tasty a food you ate was, you usually can't find the proper words to do so, and you can't convey properly when something moves you. Therefore, I started thinking that I wanted to make a word method formed by pronuncations that were closer to these [feelings]... Yes, words that while their meanings aren't exactly understandable, they can convey feelings directly and make others feel them. Like for example, when you get hurt you would say [That hurt], or [Aaagh! That huuuuurts!!]
Of those two, screaming the second one while crying makes it pretty clear it really hurt. It only means the [Aaagh!] would be pretty impactful to others. And it's not the only case, as it can also be used to express when you're exasperated or restless. I then wondered if I couldn't make more [emotional sonorizations] like that [Aagh!] and systematize them... And so, the New Testament of Pastalie was born.
The New Testament of Pastalie was created from the concept of putting emotions just as they are into sounds much more than current Hymmnos does. And furthermore, given it is a language specialized for the Reyvateils, it was also created as a language that doesn't support humans. After all, current Hymmnos was made as a product of the bygone era in which the humans called the Moon Chanters sang, who were the ones that gave these words their shape. Even from a historical perspective, they are filled with nuances that are expressed in a roundabout way for the humans who had already become unable to sing, meaning it would be better to create something that acted as signals that only the Reyvateils and the Song Magic Servers could understand, so they would let their feelings hit the Server in their purest form and also improve their efficiency. It is due to those reasons that the New Testament of Pastalie was developed as a language completely for the Reyvateils, which is built around this concept: by using sounds to express [signals] that serve as intermediaries for the Reyvateils' own feelings, these sounds and their powers are able to link up with the greatest possible efficiency.
The most special characteristic that the New Testament of Pastalie possesses is the fact that several complex emotions can be placed within its verbs. So while you can't place more than one emotion per sentence in normal Hymmnos, in New Testament of Pastalie you can place up to four or five different emotions in a single word, depending on the word itself. From this, it's possible to create extremely short sentences (the shortest ones being only one word long) in which several complex emotions can be placed, similar to expressions so common in us humans such as [my friend successfully passed the test. I'm really happy for him, but I worked so hard too... so I regret it a little]. To give a more concrete example, a sentence like [rrha ki ra exec hymmnos yor!] (I'll ultra-sincerely sing a Song for you!) can be expressed as just [hYAmAmYNrN!] in New Testament of Pastalie.

It was by thinking about a lot of things, such as the historical context and the special abilities of the Reyvateils, that the New Testament of Pastalie got to its current form. If you listen to the Hymmnos Concerts once more with that viewpoint and then try paying the renewed Hymmnoserver a visit, it's possible that you will gain a new perspective on them. It'd make me really happy if the Festa's inauguration and these news made you look forward to Hymmnos becoming even more fun than before.
Well then, that's it for this issue, so I'll be going home for today.
See you all later!