ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Ar Ciel Technical Data Compilation Room/Issue 1

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Hello, Tsuchiya here.
At the end of last month the settei book came out, and after that will come the drama CDs, Toukou CD, anthology comics, and DLC - there'll be something new coming out every month, so the world of Ar tonelico will definitely be expanding. We're offering it all up in hopes that you all enjoy it, and are working night and day to make sure it's of the highest quality possible. But since I've been running late, I'm afraid we're making you wait on a few things that are supposed to come after the DLC is available. I'm really sorry about that. We'll be working hard to release it as soon as we can, so I hope you all enjoy it.


Now, then, back to the settei book. Now that the Ar tonelico 3 settei book is out, the world of Ar Ciel has completed a full revolution. We've gone from Ar tonelico 1 to 2, from 2 to 3, and now from 3 back to 1 and 2. I can't help but think that everything about the world that's been dangling out of reach until now is finally understood. However, since I'm only human, it's not like I can remember every detail about Ar tonelico 1, which came out over 5 years ago, and once again, it's a simple fact that there are a number of things that we wanted to talk about but couldn't get down in the settei book. When we saw the survey responses for the AT3 settei book, as well as people's impressions of it on the Net, we saw lots of things that made us think, "if only we could have explained this better!"


Over the course of our work on the Ar tonelico series, I've taken care not to compromise on the setting or world view. We've made the characters and various materials stand out more to aid things from a marketing perspective, but even as we've had requests from "Corporate" to put more emphasis on certain parts, there have been parts we've refused to compromise on. The Ar tonelico series has reached a conclusion of sorts for the time being, but I would hate to leave things in a state where all of the fans who've enjoyed the series have doubts or questions about it, so I'd like to support you all as much as I can.


And so, for the time being, I'd like to run a column under the name "Ar Ciel Technical Data Compilation Room" where I talk about things we've forgotten, things we couldn't explain very well, or just didn't have the opportunity to talk about. I'd like to run it in the same fashion as the Toukousphere, where we answer questions from users. It will probably get pretty in-depth and won't poke fun at the characters, so I don't think we'll be able to answer everyone's questions, but we'll start with questions we get asked a lot and things we want to explain and do our best to talk about them as seriously as possible.


I think it's going to be a pretty bland corner, but the Toukousphere will still have all the fun, showy character service, and I think we'll be able to shed some light on the serious side of Ar tonelico that we haven't been able to much before.


So, please ask us about things you have doubts about, things that have been bothering you for a while, and things you were disappointed didn't make it into the settei books. We'll do our best to answer politely about everything we've forgotten and explain everything we can, even the parts that, unfortunately, didn't fit in with the setting or just couldn't be fit into the games. Anyway, we'd like to do as much as we can as thanks for those of you who've followed and loved the series for so long. I hope you'll all enjoy it.


Please use the form below for your submissions. I'm sure the setting of Ar Ciel will approach perfection with all of your help. I'll be waiting for your questions!