ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Ar Ciel Technical Data Compilation Room/Issue 15

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長く皆さんと対話をしてきた「アルシエル・テクニカルデータ編纂室」も今回で 最終回を迎える事となりました。毎回沢山のご投稿ありがとうございました。皆 さんの中で謎だった部分は、少しでも解消できましたでしょうか?私の方も、皆 さんがどういった所に興味を持たれており、知りたいと思っているのかという事 を、対話を通じて得られた事を嬉しく思っています。

さて、次回からのこのコーナーですが、「交流」という点に於いて、更にもう一 歩踏み込んだ企画を行ってみたいと思っています。

題して「アルトネリコサミット2011」。 次回から、各テーマ毎にアルトネリコ1~3を振り返り、皆さんと意見交換をし ていきたいと思います。今でも思う、「ここはこうした方が良かったのでは?」 や「こんな感じを期待していたが、プレイしてみたらこうだった」という、皆さんの 屈託のない御意見を頂きたいと思っております。
皆さんからの御意見の中から10点程度を採用し、それを次の回で発表、そして 他の皆さんからの投票を行います。皆さんは、採用された意見を読み、設置され た投票システムを使い「自分もそう思う」「良い案、代案がある」「自分はそう は思わない」のいずれかに投票をしてください。そして更に次の回で、私がコメ ントをします。
今回の「アルトネリコサミット2011」が、これからの私の製作していくゲー ムやコンテンツの指針となり、よりファンの皆さんが楽しめる創作の基盤になれ ばと考えております。

今回は「ゲームシステム」についてです。戦闘システム、調合システム、精神世 界、トークマターなどなど、様々なシステムがアルトネリコには存在します。そ れらについて「こうしたら良かったのでは?」や「こう思っていた」などの御意 見をお待ちしております。


Hello, everyone. This is Tsuchiya.
This time, the [Ar Ciel Technical Data Compilation Room] which I used to converse with you all for such a long time has finally reached its final issue. Thank you for the many submissions you all sent me for each issue. Was I able to clear the questions you all still had in your minds? I was pretty glad too to see that you all had so much of an interest in a section like this one, and wanted to know so much about this world.

Well then, from the next issue onwards, this corner will be centered on [interaction], and furthermore, I wanted to try taking one step into another sort of project.

It'll be titled the [Ar tonelico Summit 2011]. From the next issue onwards, we will look back at different themes from each of the three Ar tonelico games, so we can exchange ideas about them. Even now, I continually ponder about things such as "Was okay that we did this in that way?" and "While I expected for it to give off these feelings, it ended becoming this way upon being played", so I want to receive your carefree opinions on them.
I'll accept a max of ten opinions from the ones you all send to me, which will be displayed in this column's next issue, while all the others can put their votes in a poll we will be conducting. So basically, you all can read the opinions we accepted, and using the vote system, you can choose as your options "I agree with it", "It's a good plan, but I can suggest a better alternative", and "I don't think so", so please make sure to put your votes. Likewise, I'll be giving my comments on them.
This [Ar tonelico Summit 2011] will also serve to me as a sort of guideline for the games and contents in which I'll be working in the future, as I think it'd be great if we could use it as the basis for the production of something that all our fans will enjoy.

Well then, let's begin right now by posting the theme for the first issue.
Said theme is [Game Systems]. This covers all of the systems presents in Ar tonelico, such as battle systems, synthesis systems, Soulspaces, and Talk Topics; so I'll be awaiting to get opinions such as "Would be it okay if it was done like this?" and "You were thinking of that" about them.
I'll be looking forward to talk together with you all.

Well then, I hope you all enjoy the final issue of the Compilation Room!


I have a question about Finnel's Cosmosphere.
The fake Paradigm Shifts, the game of unhappiness and such other things were caused by Finnel's defense system.
So considering this, does it mean that the true Paradigm Shifts were caused by Finnel's true feelings winning against the things that hindered them (such as the defense system itself)? Is this theory correct?
Although the main point of this column might change, since this is something that has always bugged me, I hope you can answer it if it doesn't cause you any inconvenience.

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Generally speaking, that's pretty much what happened. Within a mind, there are several [feelings] and [conflicts]. Both are part of the true feelings of a person, so the quarreling between both is what ends shaping up their minds, but they are also prone to wavering.
While Finnel's mind was structured by the constant confrontation between her impulse of wanting to show Aoto the depths of her own mind and her impulse to not show him anything, thanks to Aoto's feelings, her mind tipped in favor of [the impulse of wanting to show him].


1) Which was the Hymmnos Note the Moon Chanters could use? I imagined that it would be either the Kurt Ciel Note, Carmena Foreluna or the Ancient Metafalss Note (if the singer knew it), but...
2) Around how many Moon Chanters do still exist today in each region? As far as I know from the Drama CDs, only a few still exist in Sol Ciel, but I wondered if there was any possibility of some of them still existing on Metafalss... and how about Sol Cluster? Could you give us a general image of their current situation?

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1) The Moon Chanters don't sing [Hymmnos]. Strictly speaking, Hymmnos is a system mechanically processed by the Towers, and the only ones that can harness it (that can sing to cause some sort of effect through it) are the Reyvateils.
It's true that the Kurt Ciel Note and other similar ones existed prior to the creation of the Reyvateils and the Towers, however, among them, the [Kurt Ciel] one was especially called the song language of the Moon Chanters. Therefore, while these are the [Songs of the Moon Chanters], they aren't [Hymmnos].
2) The Moon Chanters originally appeared in Sol Ciel, so their culture has always been rooted in that region. However, only a few of them remain in the current world, and only in the Wings of Horus.

話や設定のアイデアを考える時、どうやってます? 何か心がけていることとかありますか? それとも、普段通りに活動している時に突然湧いてくるような感じですか?

So the final issue of the Technical Data Room has come at last? Thank you for all your hard work.
While I have the feeling that the point of this column will be changing quite a bit, there's a final question I want to ask.
What are you doing whenever you come up with the ideas for the stories and setting? Is there something you always keep on mind when doing it? Or do you live as usual and the ideas come suddenly out of nowhere?

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In a variety of ways, such as during walks, while taking a bath or when I'm using the bathroom; so there are quite a number of ideas that I'd have never thought up by just living as usual. Especially during walks, as there are the times in which I have the largest number of "Eureka moments", and why I always like taking a stroll. Still, while walking, I normally end up concentrating about facts of that world, which is how I think them up.
Even when I'm in my room, I continue walking in circles whenever I'm thinking of something. Generally, I end completing around three laps around it, but there have been occasions in which I ended making around 100. It's because I can never come up with anything if I'm sitting down.

2)謳う丘~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~の冊子に公開された大地創成の話(謳う丘~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~の詩の想い)には、三謳神は「宇宙に散らばる"同じくらいの波動をもつ意志"」を集めるように指示されたという内容がありますが、この"同じくらいの波動をもつ意志"とはどんな意志のことですか。

As this one is the final issue, I gathered a large number of questions, but looks like they aren't going to get answered, huh...? But I decided to still ask them despite thinking that.
1) During 3, there was a line that stated "Creating a child of the Wills of the Planet it's the same thing as singing a Song", but the Wills of the Planet actually create new Wills in such a way? That was an event in the Cosmosphere, so the normal method it's basically the same, or it has any differences from the one used in the real world?
2) In the land creation story that was unveiled in the booklet of Singing Hill ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~ (the Feelings Contained in Singing Hill ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~), there was a part that ordered the Trio of Elemia to gather "the same waves that the Wills have, which were dispersed throughout the universe", but what is the meaning of the expression "the same waves that the Wills have"?
3) There were all sorts of explanations in the booklet of the Singing Hill album, but specifically, what does the Goddess of Earth [Horus] control as a Will of the Planet? It's something I wondered upon noticing how Horus wasn't mentioned in the explanation back in issue #2 about the Twelve Gods of Starcircling and "their actual role as Wills of the Planet".

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1) Basically, creating a human or a Will of the Planet is the same thing: everyone gathers their feelings and concentrates their waves in a single point. Thus, when these gathered waves resonate with each other, a new wave motion is generated. We could say this is an act of transforming Dynamic H-Waves into Static H-Waves, as Static H-Waves are what we call souls, and therefore, life themselves.
2) It's pretty much a way of saying "souls that have a consciousness similar to that of humans". To put in under the terms of Ar Ciel's science, they would seek a place where a large concentration of waves with a frequency band similar to the humans' H-Waves was located, to then call these Static H-Waves into Ar Ciel.
3) As a Will of the Planet, Horus' role is controlling absolutely all the related matters to the physical structure (D-Wave related phenomena) of the Planet "Ar Ciel".

土屋さんに直接疑問や質問をぶつけられる良い機会ですのに;; 後悔する前に質問です。
これは最初のAT1以降は極力ヒュムノスは自分で調べて欲しい、という意図があるがゆえに掲載されていなかったのでしょうか? お答え頂けると嬉しいです。

Thanks for always giving your all in answering all these questions! However, it's still a shame that the Data Compilation Room is planned to end next issue.
And it's because this was a great chance to directly ask you all sorts of questions. Therefore, I'll ask this before I regret it.
Among the guidebooks that were released for the Ar tonelico series, the AT1 book featured a section titled "Summary of How to Translate the Hymmnos Language Present in the Game", but then I noticed that neither the AT2 and AT3 guidebooks had anything similar to that.
Maybe it was that you didn't want it published because you wanted everyone to study Hymmnos by themselves the best they could after AT1's release? I'd be really glad if you could answer this for me.
Anyway, thanks for all the great work you did with the Data Compilation Room!

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It was because the release of the AT1 guidebook was at the same time as the "Hymmnoserver" coming online. As the Hymmnoserver provides grammar guides and a searchable dictionary free of any costs, the merit of publishing such sections in the guidebooks greatly diminished.


Finnelly... I mean, finally this column will end with this issue...
It's sad, but still, I want to thank you for having answered our questions for such a long time.
Thanks to this, I was able to learn about many things I wouldn't even have thought of asking.
Now, as we approach to the end, there's one more question I wish to ask: Given that 1's Rinkernator is already located above the Blast Plate, I thought that human beings wouldn't be able to live there for a prolonged period of time, so for how long could anyway stay there? (And what kind of problems would it bring to stay there for too long?)
I guess that bringing back Leard after he was kidnapped wouldn't be a problem if that lasted only a half-day or a day, but well. That aside, I'd like to know which one among the Three Towers would be the tallest (excluding anything aside of the Tower itself) from a setting standpoint. (And sorry if such a question has been asked before)
(Crescent New Cello Moon Key Axe)

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As long as they aren't inside of the Blastline, even remaining above it for a long time shouldn't pose any problems. However, they would have to bring some way to protect themselves from the low temperatures of the place. Leaving temperature aside, matters such as atmospheric pressure and radiations levels are still under the sphere of influence of the Ion Corridor, so there's no need to worry about them.
As for your other questions, the Tower that would be the tallest among the three... if we're including Sol Marta, it'd be the [Second Tower]. Otherwise, it'd be the [First Tower].


Thanks for always working so hard in each issue.
This time, I gave some questions, particularly about the Install Ports:
1) What is the factor that decides the shape of the Install Ports?
2) Does the design of an Install Port stay the same during the entire life of the Reyvateil?
3) When Cloche sang Replekia during 2, did she provoke a Hymmnos Fusion with it? When I saw the Replekia connection event during the game, I had a slight hunch of it being an occasion in which a Hymmnos Fusion had happened.

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1) In the case of the Pureblooded β-Types, it's preset in their memory. To put it in simpler terms, "it's an image designed by someone that was preset as [Install Port Form Data]". However, in the case of Third Generations, the place where that data is input is indefinite, which is the reason for their Ports having entirely random shapes.
2) Basically, it stays the same for the entirety of their lives.
3) While I can't really say that she didn't, I can't say either that she provoked a Hymmnos Fusion that caused a concrete change in the effects executed by the Song.


Hello! Once I heard you were going to close up the Technical Data Compilation Room, I came and sent a last-minute submission.
Now, here I begin with the questions,
1) In issue #14, you said that "Once their task was complete (in a way of speaking, regardless of if they died of natural causes, and accident or illness), the Demigods died. In that point, they were identical to the humans. Therefore, it wouldn't be wrong to consider them as [an special kind of humans that were bestowed special abilities by the Gods]". However, there's something I thought up thanks to that: the minds or souls of the Demigods are just something like H-Waves created by the Gods, and once the physical vessel containing them dies, it ends its existence, or for a worse way of saying it, "it's disposed of"; so they can return to the Wills of the Planet once their mission is over and can descend again in other era. That's more or less the case here?
2) If that's the case, considering that they could be seen as similar to the heroes and great figures that appeared during certain eras of the our Planet's past, how did the inhabitants of Ar Ciel distinguish them from normal people? According to the legends, the humans that came after the Trio of Elemia should have been born from intermingling among themselves... Or did someone come out and confess "I'm a Demigod"?
3) While this question isn't related to the two previous ones, there's something I wanted to ask about Misha's Hymn Code. She's a β that was cultivated by using again the then-heavily used D-Cellophane of the first Star Singer: Lune. But if that was the case, she should have the same relationship that Luca and Frelia have, and therefore she should have the same Hymn Code as her: [LUNE_FEHU_EOLIA_ARTONELICO] (at least that's the Code I guess she had). Or did they just replace (overwrite) the name (the first part of the Code) when Misha was born?
These are all my questions. It might be quite late now, but I've received the signed paper from the enquete lottery! I'll make sure to store it with great care and watch it every now and them. Thank you for this wonderful commemorative gift. Well then, I'll be now excusing myself.

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1) Basically, they're the same as the Wills of the Planet and the humans. It's "death will someday come to claim every living being". Both humans and Demigods might have direct and indirect differences, but they're the same in the fact that they were created by the Wills of the Planet. Normal humans were never given a definite mission, but since the Demigods were actually given one, they were given special tune-ups to their abilities so they could accomplish them. That's the difference between both.
2) That was due to the myths that existed back the. For example, the Demigod "Raikokubishi" that appeared in the myth "The Chronicles of Resshikou" remembered his mission at his 15th birthday, and it was then he understood he was a Demigod. Therefore, it's certain that pretty much all Demigods knew what they were. Besides, there were babies that were said to be "sent by the Gods" when they were born, although on the other hand, there are several myths whose credibility is extremely slim.
3) The Hymn Code and [Lune's genes] are entirely different things. For example, let's suppose they use a Excel file at your work in order to increase the efficiency of the workers, and everyone working at that company then copies that file. That copy is what we would call a clone. Now then, everyone can change the filename in order to make it easier to use to themselves. That [filename] is pretty much what the Hymn Code essentially is. Therefore, the Hymn Code can even be a name that has no relationship at all to the Clone. However, since the Hymn Code is also a piece of information that shows the linkage with the SH Server, that's why it also has a naming format. That's the gist of it.
And congratulations on winning the signed paper! Please, make sure to treasure it always.

質問1:イーヤやアルルにも神話での神々の名(蒼痲ノ宮=ソーマ という感じ)はあるのでしょうか?

Thanks for all the answers you have given so far!
First Question: Do Ieeya and Ar Ru have any god names that were used in myths (such as Soma having Soumanomiya)?
Second Question: Are all the myths real stories about the times in which the Wills of the Planet actually manifested themselves over (?) the land?
Third Question: What is the reading for [黒螺]?
(Black Wind)

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1) In the first place, Ieeya's name is her god name too. As for the "Soma having Soumanomiya" bit, that was because during the times in which Sol Ciel and Sol Cluster had yet to establish contact, Soma descended upon the land in both regions, so it's pretty much a case of her having different names in each place. Therefore, in the case of Wills like "Ieeya", who was born after globalization had spread throughout the world, the only name that would be passed down for her if she were to appear in any myths would be "Ieeya".
2) We could say that most of them are stories that were created as a result of the times in which the gods actually descended upon the land (in which the Wills of the Planet took human forms in the surface to intervene in the affairs of the humans). However, there are also a few hoaxes among them.
3) It's read as "Kokura".

回で最終回ということで最後の記念に投稿します。 星ではなく人が創りだした生命であるレーヴァテイルですが、星の意思達から見てレーヴァテイルというのはどんな存在になるんでしょう? やっぱり他の生命と同じで、愛しい存在なんだろうとは思いますが・・・ (リク)

Since the next issue will also be the last one, here's my final commemorative submission.
As the Reyvateils are life-forms created by the humans, what kind of existence are they considered by the Wills of the Planet?
I think they should be treated as beloved existences like any other life, but...

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Actually, they are looked at in a slightly cold way. Naturally, they may look pretty much the same on the surface, but as feelings are concerned, the Planet sees "the humans as their own creations", while "the Reyvateils are matter created by the humans", so they are pretty much put in the same category as brooms and flower vases.
However, this is only something that exists in their root (their subconscious) and thus, they don't actually treat the Reyvateils in any way different from the humans, as the Reyvateils also have the capacity of behaving, learning, and feeling emotions like them.


1) While the Teru have a life span of around 200 years, what about Chester and the other half-Teru? Will they also have a life span longer than that of humans?
2) It's possible to increase the strength of a Song Magic once it has been crafted? For example, since Reaperette Deathlene was crafted from the strong feelings for a reaper doll, would it be possible to change its effects if the feelings it contains intensified?
3) What would happen to a Pureblooded β-type if she sustained an injury that would be fatal to a human? Would she be able to survive as long as her Triangular Nuclear Loop was safe?

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1)ですが、ハーフテルはテル族よりも寿命が若干短くなります。人間の倍、テル族の半分くらいでしょうか。 2)ですが、あります。想いの産物である詩魔法は、その「想い」が強まれば強くなります。ただ、記憶となってしまった想いが強くなったりする事は滅多にありません。良くない例になりますが、もし「母を殺した夜盗」が詩魔法になったものがあるとして、20年後にその夜盗に出逢い、夜盗への憎悪に萌えた場合、その詩魔法は強くなります。 3)ですが、βは中核三角環とインストールポイントが無事であれば、ある程度の自己再生能力はあります。ただし、いつでもどこでも再生するわけではありません。生まれた時と同じ「三極式共鳴培養槽」の中に、自分の身体と同じ成分の液体を入れて稼働させる事で再生が可能となります。

1) Half-Teru have a life span slightly shorter than that of pureblooded Teru. They pretty much have double of the life expectancy of a human, and half of the life expectancy of a Teru.
2) Yes, it's possible. As Song Magic is the product of feelings, it'll become stronger if the specific [feelings] that created it become stronger. However, feelings that have become memories rarely become stronger. It might be a terrible example, but supposing that [a burglar that killed your mother] became a Song Magic and you met that burglar 20 years later, if your hatred for the burglar sprouted, that Song Magic would become extremely strong.
3) For βs, as long as their Install Port and Nuclear Triangular Loop are safe, they will be able to regenerate themselves up to a certain degree. However, this doesn't mean that said regeneration is possible anytime and everywhere: for that to be possible, she would have to be placed inside the [Tripolar Resonance Incubator] in which she was born and put it into operation after filling it with the same exact biofluid that constitutes her body.


1) Ar Ciela (the Planet's Language) is a language that can only be used by Planet Ar Ciel?
2) If the Planets from the Sol System can establish [conversations] among each other, would they need a common language for them to speak to each other, or do they even have conversations in the first place?

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1) Yes, that's correct. It's the language used by the Wills of the Planet of Ar Ciel. However, since the frequency bands it employs are around the same as the ones used by the other Planets, it could be used to converse with other Planets, although there would be a language gap similar to the one present between [English] and [Japanese].
2) There's actually a part of the Wills that can establish such conversations. Among the Wills of Ar Ciel, the one that serves as the main communicator is Soutentei.


(1) Mute (in her small form) doesn't look at all like someone in her thirties, but is that due to some particular reason? (Maybe it has to do with her being a Third Generation?)
(2) During the game, we saw several scenes in which the characters sang normal Song Magic at the same time they were singing Hymmnos Extracts, or they running or physically fighting as they sand the Hymmnos Extract, but is that physically possible? (Example 1: Saki took part in battle singing normal Song Magic while singing EXEC_EP=NOVA/., Example 2: Rikka physically fought while singing EXEC_Z/., and the like.)
(3) Was the Song Magic that Cocona used during her Hymmnos Musical something that was crafted right there (in the real world) instead of being crafted during a Dive? (It seems so because she couldn't sing from the beginning.)
Lord Tsuchiya! Ppease do your best from now on! I'll do my best singing you on too!

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1) There are no particular episodes related to that, actually. The only answer here is that she has a nonstandard body type.
2) These were done as compromises we had to make due to system-related issues, particularly for Ar tonelico 3. In fact, there is an example that works as it should in-setting in Ar tonelico 1 during the scene the Purger is sung in, as I directed that for it, the Reyvateil singing the Hymmnos shouldn't be able to participate in battle.
3) It was crafted during a Dive she had Croix do into her sometime prior to the Musical. However, she never had a chance to make use of that Song Magic (Granzero Spear) afterwards because Metafalica had become so peaceful.
Thanks for your encouragement!


I can't say that I'm not sad that this time has finally come...
When Suspend is sung and the Tower is put in Sleep Mode:

1) Did Ayatane disappear?
2) Then, how was he revived?
(Was he recreated by Mir's singing, or did she continue singing just to provide him with the energy necessary to turn him back to normal and give him a physical form?)

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1) We could say that he did disappear, but it's more like he stopped having a physical form. We can think of it as [Ayatane's visibility is like a display showing an image] and [Ayatane's existence being data file located inside an HDD]. Therefore, Ayatane continued existing inside an HDD while we couldn't see him, although he was left in a suspended state.
2) When the Tower was restarted, he was rebooted alongside it.


So it ends next issue... it's pretty sad. I still have a few questions I want to ask, but... thank you very much for everything you did so far.
It's okay if you don't answer all of them, mainly the ones for which you haven't particularly thought up answers, but if you can, please do so.
1) This might have been explained before, but what is the theory behind events such as Momoko sacrificing her life to save Finnel's mind and then getting reincarnated as a Hymma in Finnel's deepest Cosmosphere levels?
And would a new Mind Guardian be born after Momoko was reincarnated? If that was the case, I'd like to know about any settings you have made up for it.

2) We were able to see the part that connects the Reyvateils with their respective Towers (the Boundary Gate) in both 1 and 2, but we couldn't do so in 3. What is the reason for this?
Aside of this, Raki's personality was rewritten because of Reki?
Finally, I missed the chance to ask this last time, but I'd like to know how good are both Shurelia and Frelia at cooking.
3) The organization to which Vinnet belongs is part of Clusternia's dark side? What happened to (I don't remember the name) and them after the planet was regenerated and the truth was exposed?
That's all.
Somehow I have the feeling that I put too many questions here (what happened to Finnel's Mind Guardian after these events, why Raki's personality was overwritten, and the question about the Boundary Gate would be the main ones here), but if you can post and answer all of them, please do so.
Truly, thank you very much for having answered our questions for such a long time. Now, I'll excuse myself. I hope we have another chance of communicating like this in the future.

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3)ですが、「アルトネリコ3ドラマCD~Sideフィンネル~」に、その辺りの描写があります。一部のレーヴァテイルは、それでも妄信的にハーヴェスターシャVISTAを信奉し、昔のクラスタニア至上主義に戻す為に日々活動をしているのです。 毎回沢山の質問をありがとうございました!

1) As they are the product of feelings, if the trend of these [feelings] changes, they can occasionally change their position too. For example, in Momoko's case the main reason behind her becoming a Mind Guardian was because Finnel constantly thought "I absolutely need a heel to give pain to myself". Otherwise, she would have been unable to exist as a tragic heroine. However, after she shared her heart with Aoto and was satisfied enough to not need to be a tragic heroine anymore, this triggered a change in a part very close to the root of her mind which also created an inconsistency with Momoko's role as her [Mind Guardian].
However, since Momoko herself (and Finnel's beloved Aoto, as well) has become a deep [feeling] of emotional attachment, she ended turning into a Hymma, or so to speak a normal [product of feelings]. In other words, as the relationship binding both Aoto and Finnel is a sadist cupid-type one, she remained inside Finnel's mind as a token of these precious memories.
2) It's because the Dive Machines from each region having different technical specifications. As for Raki's personality change, it was a consequence of Reki's efforts to repair her, although she didn't have any malicious intentions while she did it. As for Shurelia's cooking ability, I think that was depicted several times in the game itself, but on the other hand, perhaps we could say that Frelia is the best cook among the three Origins.
3) We depicted something about this in the [Ar tonelico 3 Drama CD ~Side Finnel~]. They are a group of Reyvateils that work day after day to return Clusternia to its former supremacy while blindly worshiping Harvestasha VISTA.
And thank you very much for always sending so many questions!

少し斜に構えたリアリストのお姉さんを含め、 何人かの地域住民もいるようですが、
人達もいる―なのでしょうか、そこら辺、教えてくださいませ<(_ _)>

Thanks for always working so hard. T_T
In 2's Slums, aside of the IPDs,
and including that slightly jaded realist girl, it seems like an inhabited area of a large size too,
but are they people that live in the lowest strata of Pastalia?
Are they assistance that come every now and then to help in the Slums?
Or are the residents of the Slums people that have always lived there, aside of a few that also gathered there after coming from other places? (In other words, the Slums aren't inhabited by IPDs only)
Please, tell me, even if it's just that there are any other people here.
(Crescent New Cello Moon Key Axe)

Tks tsuchiya 01 1.jpg


Pastalia's [Slums] weren't a hiding place for the IPDs originally, as the people there had been living there from the beginning and the IPDs only stumbled upon it while seeking a place where they could hide. So naturally, there is a large number of people in the Slums aside of the IPDs.