ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Ar Ciel Technical Data Compilation Room/Issue 2

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今回から始まったテクニカルデータ編纂室。初回から沢山の投稿を戴きまして、 本当にありがとうございます!皆さんとても気合いの入った投稿をしていただき、 私の方も身が引き締まる思いでした。今回は初回ということもあり、また、出来 る限り皆さんの謎に回答するというコンセプトに沿う為に、諸事情により回答出 来なかったものを除く、およそ9割の投稿全てに対し、真剣に対応させていただ きました。述べ40以上の回答になりますが、ご興味のあるところ、もしくはご 自身の投稿した部分だけでもお読みいただけたら、私としてもとても嬉しく思い ます。尚、誠に勝手ではございますが、毎回全ての質問に回答できるとは限りま せん。なるべく可能な限り回答していきたいと思いますが、その旨ご了承下さい ませ。
尚、回答できなかった残り1割についてですが、そのままスルーではあまりに申 し訳ありませんので、理由を説明させていただきます。まず、開発体制、会社と しての事情に抵触する質問が1件ありましたので見送らせていただいております。 そして、ヒュムノスの歌詞に関する質問も見送らせていただきました。これは、 歌詞に関しては私個人に権利が無いものが多く、また、作詞家さんに思い入れの 深いものでもありますので、私が勝手な回答をするのは失礼にあたる為今回は申 し訳ないながらも見送らせていただきました。最後にテル族に関しての詳細説明 です。これは誠に勝手ながら私的事情でほとんど割愛させていただいております。 (一部基礎的な事に関しましては代表者様に回答を行っております)。
上記以外に関しましては、基本全て回答しているつもりでおります。このコーナー が、皆さんのアルトネリコへの興味を更に引き出せるものになることを願ってお ります。それでは長くなりますが、ごゆっくりお楽しみ下さい。

尚、引き続き質問の方受け付けておりますので、下の方にありますフォームにて ご質問いただければ幸いです。

Hello, Tsuchiya here.
We started the Technical Data Compilation Room last time. Thank you for sending in so many questions after the very first issue!
We got lots of really great questions from you all; I was kind of nervous to see what people would have to say.
Last time we ran the first issue of this column where we do our best to solve the mysteries our readers pose to us, so aside from a few which I can't answer for various reasons, I've worked hard to come up with answers to over 90% of them. There's over 40 answers here, and I hope you'll be able to read something interesting, or even see the answer to the question you posted. Now, I know this is kind of selfish of me, but I wasn't able to fully answer every single question posted last issue. I hope you'll all understand that I've done my best to say as much as I can.
Now, it would be too sad to just ignore the 10% or so that I couldn't answer, so I'll explain why you're not seeing them here today. First, there was one question I had to pass over due to corporate circumstances in our development team. I also didn't answer questions about Hymmnos lyrics. Since I personally don't hold the rights to the lyrics, and the song writers in the series have poured their hearts into them, it wouldn't be right for me to answer questions about lyrics, so I've unfortunately had to pass them over as well. Finally, for personal reasons I've reluctantly decided to pass over a number of questions on particulars about the Teru. (We'll invite a representative to ask some of the basic questions.)
Aside from the ones I've just mentioned, I intend to basically answer everything. I hope this column helps make Ar tonelico even more interesting for all the fans. This is kind of long, so sit back and enjoy.

We'll be accepting questions for quite a while longer, so feel free to submit them using the form at the bottom of the page.

So there's a Mini Activation Plug, but could you make a Mini Sol Marta or other song server with the right blueprints?

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You mean the Mini Conductor Plug item that you can Grathmeld? The theory behind them is totally different, but with proper blueprints, you could make the real thing, not just a mini version.
In the Third Age (when the games take place), Tenba or the Archia Think Tank might be able to pull it off with accurate blueprints (or rather, design specifications).

Exactly what kind of song was the Sublimation that Infel and Nenesha sang at the end of Ar tonelico 2?
Unlike during Hibernation, Cocona and Cloche were perfectly fine while it was being sung, so it doesn't seem to have any effect on the IPD cosmospheres inside Infel Phira until it's finished, right?
And, when they say "this entire world", exactly how far would that effect go?
Is it limited to Sol Marta, or would it be all of Ar Ciel? The entire universe?
And since Infel's personality is also inside Infel Phira, what would have happened to her if Hibernation had succeeded?
Maybe this is a useless question, but how exactly does Musume Powered work?
Are the IPDs secretly helping you in battle somehow?
(Muneo Haus)

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Sublimation was described as ascending to the next dimension, but it basically severs the link between mind and body and merges everything into a single will. I can say without fear of misunderstanding that it basically takes the souls of all mankind, which are fairly similar to one another, and makes them another personality of the planet.
400 years ago, Infel came to understand the Hearts of the Land (the Selfstabilizing Tesseractal Nuclear Loop) through the development of METHOD_METAFALICA/. and Infel Phira - and because of that she became aware of collective consciousnesses and soul fusion.
The man-made [Heart of the Land] is created through the collective energies of a consciousness higher than that of humans, a man-made loose coupling of souls in order to create a soul that transcends humanity. On the other hand, you can use the same process to create a unified soul (to create a single entity instead of a collective of many) or liberate the mind from the body.
In other words, Sublimation is a technique born of Infel Phira's capabilities.
Of course, it doesn't really explain why Hibernation was made as a middle-step toward Sublimation's creation.
Incidentally, when Sublimation is sung, you get the impression that the sky is falling, but that doesn't mean that the tridimensional world is being destroyed. As the link between the soul (the H-Wave world) and material substance (the D-Wave world) is severed, you become unable to sense D-Wave activity beyond your own body. This was represented in-game as the sky falling for purposes of dramatic exposition, but in reality it's more like black paint slowly covering the world, starting from far away.

Now, as for the scope of its effect, you may be able to guess that it's only within the broadcast range of the First Tower. In other words, it wouldn't take effect in the Third Tower.

So, as you can see, it wouldn't cause the destruction of Ar Ciel, merely the separation of the spiritual and physical, so it wouldn't be the end of the world.

Girl Power is one of the parts featuring the heaviest in the game systems, but it's just a representation of characters forging the bonds of promises to each other. The Reyvateils you "equip" are basically singing songs of protection for you. Please don't try to poke too many holes in the in-game systems.

Exactly how do Ar tonelico 2's Combined Singing and Dual Song Magic work?
Luca and Jakuri aside, Cloche doesn't even use the same song server.
( Babongo Seller)

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To put it simply, you can think of it as being an effect of Replekia, or at along the same theory as Replekia.
We didn't explain it because it wasn't that important to the story, but there's a master/servant aspect to Synchronity Chain. Basically, it's called fusion song magic, but one person is singing the song, and the other is giving energy to support it.
You may have noticed that Luca and Cloche's Synchronity Chain magics have Western and Japanese names, respectively. For example, Luca would sing Icefall Dragon, and the other character (Cloche or Jakuri) would sing to support her.
The type of support we're talking about is energy for the song magic via Nuclear Triangular Loop resonance. Since Ar tonelico and Infel Phira aren't connected, it's impossible to perform amplification or energy transfer between the two at the server level. However, the singers' strong emotions have a strong effect on their Nuclear Triangular Loop (or LPM in the case of third generations).
This isn't just a characteristic of H-Waves, but also effects D-Waves due to the laws of physics regarding collision between objects. To explain it in terms of energy transfer, e.g. Cloche's strong desire to protect Luca will cause Cloche's LPM to interfere with Luca's. That energy will spin Luca's LPM like a turbine and provide her with energy above and beyond what the server could provide to her.
This effect isn't limited to Reyvateils, but also manifests itself with humans to a limited extent. Being able to do things you normally wouldn't be able to do for someone important to them, or the deep relationships that grow between married couples, are due to H-Wave interference.
The Torcarrol mode of Infel Phira basically constructs a limited-scale LPM control network using this H-Wave interference.

それで質問なのですがEXEC_HARMONIUS/. やEXEC_RIG=VEDA/.の効果が人の心を落ち着かせるもの等とあるのですがEXECが付いているということはヒュムノスエクストラクトであり、塔が何らかの動作をしていると思うのですが。精神が詩魔法サーバに繋がっていない人間には何も効果がないと思うのですが。
Director Tsuchiya. Thanks & nice job on the Ar Ciel Technical Data Compilation Room!
It's amazing that there's still so much more to know about the world of AT ... Maybe I'm just late to the game, here, but I spent half a day reading the setting encyclopedias ...
So, my question is that songs like EXEC_HARMONIOUS/. and EXEC_RIG=VEDA/. basically have the effect of soothing people's minds, but since they're EXEC songs, doesn't that mean they're Hymmnos Extracts that have some sort of effect on the Tower? That means they wouldn't have any effect on normal humans that don't have a spiritual connection to the Tower, right?

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Hymmnos is a control language for the Tower. Phantasmagoria has the effect of directly healing the Reyvateils' minds (enhancing their positive thinking to make them kinder towards humans), but it also has a significant effect on regular humans, too.
How does it have a healing effect on humans, you might ask? Say, for example, you have a USB fan that plugs into your PC. That fan can be controlled using programming languages like C, and if you ran the C program EXEC_ELECTRIC=FAN/. it would cool you off.
You wouldn't think, "My mind isn't connected to my PC, so EXEC_ELECTRIC=FAN/. won't be able to cool me off", right? Of course, you won't be cooled off if you don't have a USB fan. So, is there something like the USB fan for EXEC_PHANTASMAGORIA/.? There is: the Grathnode Plates and the Musical Corridor. They cause a resonance effect between the song and all the humans in the world. In other words, the song can be spread throughout the world ... or, to put it in entirely unromantic terms, they're basically megaphones for the songs' high-frequency pitches. It has other various, almost aromatic, effects that basically cause everything to react more positively to people.
It doesn't have a direct effect on humans' static H waves, but just like the USB fan, it can have a positive effect on them. Maybe you're thinking, "Whaaat? So that's how it works." It wouldn't be very comforting if there were a system that could directly effect humans' static H-Waves, though, right? You never know when someone could be doing mind control on you, or tweaking your emotions. I guess I can't help feeling kind of sorry for the Reyvateils if you think about it that way.

Good evening. I've decided to hurry and send you a message.
I haven't gotten the setting encyclopedia yet, so maybe this is answered there already, but this was bothering me so I thought I'd post it.
Ar tonelico was temporarily put to sleep with EXEC_SUSPEND/., but only the First Tower can do that, right?
It had an effect on the Second Tower, but if Frelia or Tyria used EXEC_SUSPEND/., would the other Towers be put to sleep, too?
Sorry for such a simple question, but I was curious, so I decided to post it.
I'm sure you're busy, but make sure not to work yourself too hard.
I'll be cheering for you.

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The Ar tonelico 3 setting encyclopedia goes into some detail, but there are systems that are shut down by Suspend and systems that aren't. The Tower's essential functions stay active even when you use Suspend.
Also, Frelia can't sing Suspend. The Second Tower uses the energy from the first, and its controls also follow those of the First Tower, so suspending the First Tower will suspend the Second Tower.
The Third Tower is an independent system and has a different notion of system suspend from that of the first; it's very complicated because the Third Tower has a number of independent systems - the Tower of Origins, Tyria, and Harvestasha - which interact with each other in complex ways.

This wasn't in the setting encyclopedias, so I'll ask here.
What's that thing above Aoto's left ear?

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Here's what's written in our original design notes.
Headset: has multiple functions.
  zoom lens, infrared lens
  altimeter, barometer, density meter, position meter
  substance analysis, surface penetration scanner (for determining rock thickness, hardness)
Memo navigator (for recording positions for later)
etc. etc.

And that's it. That's how advanced technology in the Third Tower is.

I have a question about Hymmnos titles. Most song titles are two words connected by an underscore or three words where the second and third are connected with an equal sign, and you've explained that three-word songs lik EXEC_HYMME_* and EXEC_FLIP_* are called socket plugin-type Hymmnos.
However, EXEC_CHRONICLE_KEY/. has three words with underscores - why?
It's kind of hard to ask this, but should it actually be EXEC_CHRONICLE=KEY/.?
Please tell me.

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Unfortunately, there are a few subtle inconsistencies in materials from AT1. EXEC_CHRONICLE_KEY/. would be written EXEC_CHRONICLE=KEY/. using today's standards.

The part of the First Tower of Ar tonelico you enter from the Terraced Fields is labeled Level 1 on the map, but what about the parts further on down?
If there are floors below that, would they be called the basement?
People must have gone up the Tower in the First Era, but was there a way for them to walk up (or take an elevator up)?

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Everything in the game is written from the perspective of people in the Third Era, so the floors aren't numbered using the ground as a reference. There are lower parts of the Tower, but the parts lower than the Terraced Fields are closed off by a barrier wall.
Like the barrier wall that closed off the XP Shell's exit point from the Third Tower, it was closed as a safety measure in times of emergency. This barrier wall has expanded the number of places where people can live and makes it possible to walk around inside the tower.
When the Grathnode Inferia happened, a lot of people climbed the inside of the tower. Since most of the elevators were shut down, most people either walked inside the tower or took an airship to the Wings of Horus. However, since the barrier wall had been shut, a lot of people were trapped inside the Tower.

I'd like to know more about the Teru.
・How the Teru live (lifestyle differences from humans, such as how the ysleep)
・Why don't the Ayatane Teru have horns or ears?
・The abilities and middle names of all the Teru clans
It seems like the Teru are the biggest mystery of everything we've learned about in Ar tonelico.
I look forward to reading your response.
(Nyo? of Hachijou Island (representative question))

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There were a number of questions regarding the Teru. Unfortunately, I can't give many answers about the Teru at this time.
There is one thing I can tell you that we haven't said before.
Teru were originally halfbreeds. In other words, a "pure-blooded Teru" is simply a cross between a "human" and a "non-human". Over the course of thousands of years, their community came to be called the Teru clan.
Now, each kind of Teru is a cross between humans and a different species, so it's not quite right to lump them all together. I can't say what they're all crosses of yet, but the non-human part of the Teru greatly influences their special attributes.
Most Teru have horns and tails, but the size and length varies greatly. With some Teru, like Tastiella, they're very noticeable, but there are some Teru like Chester where they're not really noticeable at all.
That's all I can say about the Teru for now.


Xc=*** -> ***/.



I have two questions about the New Testament of Pastalie.

Xc=*** -> ***/.
This construct appears in 澪〜MIO a lot, but what does it mean?
How do you pronounce it?

If you put the emotion vowel "O" at the beginning of "qejyu" (person) to make "Oqejyu" it means "a disliked person". Could you make any number of Pastalie words that start with other emotion vowels like "A", "YA", or "LYA" following the same formula?

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1についてですが、単純で「もしAならばBでしょう」を「Xc=A -> B/.」と表記します。Xcは定義文字列で、条件文を意味します(プログラムのIF〜THENのようなものです)。
About the first question, "XC=A -> B/." simply means "If A, then B". Xc is a reserved word that introduces a conditional statement (like if/then in a programming language).
About the second question, the New Testament of Pastalie is an efficient blending of modern Hymmnos program language with the Carmena Foreluna that forms the basis of the Metafalss Note, so it inherits a few aspects of Carmena Foreluna For example, since "O" signifies hatred in Risshizen Tsukuyomi, "Oqejyu" mean "a hated person". However, this only works for some vocabulary, and isn't a general construct you can use with any word and any emotion vowel. In other words, it's a special rule that depends on the word in question. Incidentally, "qejyu" and "Oqejyu" have separate entries in the Hymmnoserver.

1の設定資料集に書かれてある第二紀の年表に『3176年 異形の者が現れ、人々を襲い始める』とありますが、この『異形の者』とは抗体の事を指しているのでしょうか?
あと、もし異形の者が抗体だとしたら、何故第二塔には抗体が現れなかったのか? と言う疑問が出てきますが……。
The timeline for the second age in the AT1 setting encyclopedia has "3176 - A strange-looking creature appears and starts attacking people" ... was this [strange-looking creature] an Antibody?
That could be a good way to describe a monster that comes from some unknown place, and AT3's timeline says the Antibodies appeared around 3122 and that they started showing up all over Ar Ciel for the next 50 years, so I thought maybe it was an Antibody - am I wrong?
If it is, why didn't they show up at the second tower?

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The [strange-looking creature] that appeared in 3176 was the man-made weapon known as the [Pom]. The place known as the Singing Hill was a laboratory that conducted experiments to create them, but the Wings of Horus were a place meant to house potentially dangerous experiments, so it had always been a treasure trove of potential biohazards.
Also, the reason why Antibodies only appear at the Third Tower is explained in the setting encyclopedia.

Nice to meet you. Thanks for creating this column. There's a number of things I'd like to ask, but I'll narrow it down to just two.
The first is about the explanation of Phantasmagoria in the AT1 setting encyclopedia. What were the "hidden orbital adjustments made by a hidden party that even Shurelia didn't know about"?
Was it done by a Tower system that Shurelia didn't know about, or maybe the Will of the Planet, or maybe there was no particular meaning at all? I'd love to hear more about it.
The second may be too specific and wishful thinking, but it's about the twelve Teru clans' middle names and Necrofamiy names. This hasn't been revealed yet, but it's all been planned out, right?
I'd love to hear anything you know that we don't yet. (Sorry if it's spoilers for anything you're working on.)
Maybe you just hadn't had an opportunity to explain Chester's clan, or maybe you're working on something that will use it in the future, or maybe it's not actually all planned out ... I've been worrying over a lot of things like that, so I hope you can tell me something.
That's all.
Thanks for all your hard work from the last 5 years; I'll look forward to seeing more.

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I can now say that the "hidden will" itself is the SH server (β-6D). Modern Hymmnos has a subtle effect on the personalities and wills of the Reyvateils. The effect itself might be faint, but if you think about what percentage of the population are Reyvateils, a lot of people are effected (because there are so many third generations).
The effect was the feeling of comfort and positivity I wrote about earlier, and reinforces optimistic thought patterns.
The Teru fall into the table below. By the way, only the Necrofamily names of the Teru families that took part in the Grathnode Inferia will be published on it. This is all I can say for now.
Clan name
Necrofamily name
Middle name


Translation (of goods across distances)
Hearing the voice of the heavens

Hard labor (explosions)

Rain calling (weather control)

Wish fulfillment

Doll control
Easy growth/childbirth
Nest ***

*** - this is an error. In the next issue, he corrects it. The correct middle name for the Pralra clan is ロー / Low.

Krusche's ex-boyfriend Luke was trying to cross the Blastline in his own airship and went missing, but how did make it to the Third Tower in Sol Cluster and get mixed up with the Ancients faction at Archia?

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Luke was a young, impetuous, curious young man, the sort of person you usually expect to become a hero. Heroes can grow into truly great men, but they also have a high chance of making some fatal mistake. You could say he was the less fortunate type.
He met Gartzburn in the Blastline, who showed him a map from ancient times. And so he decided to head to the place with the most advanced civilization that was also least effected by the Grathnode Inferia, the Third Tower. The man who had crossed the Blastline and commanded the sky as his own chose diving beneath the Sea of Death as his next challenge. He'd crossed the Blastline with Sol Ciel's technology, but with the technology of the Third Tower, maybe he could go beneath the Sea of Death. When he arrived at the Third Tower, he set up in the most advanced location, Archia. He hid his airship in the Iron Bridge where nobody usually came and used his free time to remodel it using techniques or technology he gained from his work at Archia. In those days, Archia also had a a program to explore beneath the Sea of Death, and Luke volunteered right away. Recognizing his talent, the laboratory chose him to lead it.

However, his adventurous streak turned out to be his undoing this time; even though Archia shut down the project in an early stage, he set out for the Sea of Death and never returned.

What sort of people(?) where the personalities of Ar Ciel that didn't show up in the game and what parts of the Wills of the Planet were they?
Also, what were they the gods of in the legends?

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You mean the ones that weren't mentioned in the game and were listed in the settei book? I can talk about them.
The god's name
The god's role
Current role as a will
那由他羅 (なゆだら=ユークリッダ)
Nayudara = Juklizda
Sun god
Light, radiation, preservation of the stratosphere
Rokkan = Clyuue
King of kings, lord of the gods
Core of the wills, controller of U waves
God of the skies and wind
Weather control, atmospheric maintenance
Koudeinomikoto = Listea
God of weapons and battle
Control of H wave interference, mediation, natural selection
Saranoyomei = Shelanoir
God of plants, forests, and life
A plant-centric god of creation
Deiji = Dijya
God of mountains and volcanoes
Oversees mantle convection, minerals, the earth, etc.
Reishiki = Lere
God of souls and the material world
Primary god of creation, controls H waves
Sakiyarumei = Saki
God of salvation, life
Animal-centric god of creation
Datenkou = Salapator
Goddess of love, god of downfall
H-wave interference, harmony, resonance
Soumanomiya = Soma
Violent god of catastrophes
Balance through natural selection, maintenance of the world
God of civilization and knowledge
Oversees D-waves and material order
God of song and creation
Mother of all 3D substance, controls D-waves

ティリアがリンケージを装着している時は、頭の部分から髪が伸びているようになっていますよね?あれは本当に髪が伸びているんですか? それとも何か特別な繊維で編み込まれた何かだったりするのですか?っていうか、長髪になったティリアが見てみたいです。
When Tyria is wearing her Linkage, it looks like it's got hair growing out of the helmet. Is that really hair? Or is it some special sort of fibrous material? Hmm, I'd like to see Tyria with long hair.

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It's just like a wig. It's a particular sort of divine representation that was popular in the First Era.

If Cloche (Reika) -san and Luca-san were multi-personality Reyvateils like the heroines in 3 (they had personalities named named Infel and Nenesha) but they didn't have Saki and Finnel's problem of not living very long?

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Saki and Finnel's multiple personalities are different from the personalities living inside Cloche and Luca. In the former case, a personality completely separate from them (an existence much greater than theirs) had infiltrated their bodies. In the latter case (if you consider Infel and Nenesha a case of multiple personalities in Luca and Cloche), it's more like they're on TV.
If you think of a Reyvateil's body as a house, the former case is like living in a one-room apartment meant for one person with three 6-foot tall muscle-bound bros, while the latter case is like being alone in your room with the TV on talking to a friend on the phone.
Now, if you're talking about Alice and the other versions of themselves in different costumes when you say multiple personalities, that's not really much of a burden on them.

These are just different facets of the heroine taking form, kind of like staring at yourself alone in the room. It can't cause them to exceed the capacity of their body.

Cocona-chan had the Boundary Gate at her Tower of Life smashed, but miraculously it didn't have much effect on her mind. So, she showed up in that state in 3, but does that mean that it had healed by then?

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Implanta restored the data in the SH-Server, so it was almost completely restored. The destruction of the Boundary Gate was a software effect; it would be like overwriting the Registry on your PC and forcefully disabling the firewall.
Implanta essentially restores a back-up domain, which is nothing more than overwriting the Cosmosphere with a version from a little while before. In other words, it overwrites the existing SH_RAM data (Cosmosphere data) with the data from the last backup cycle.
After that the LPM will restore some of the memories that were mirrored on the human side, but the Boundary Gate isn't in the parts that are mirrored in the LPM, so it will be restored to its state from the backup (before it was destroyed).

The IPD Reyvateils don't have Mind Guardians, but I think if they don't have anything watching after them Dives would be dangerous, so do they have anything to take the place of Mind Guardians?
I get the idea they do from watching the Flash Cosmospheres, but ...

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They don't have anything to take the place of Mind Guardians. So, it's dangerous. That's just the way it is.
For example, if you touch a power line, you'll get shocked. It's dangerous, but the electricians knew that when they put it there. They could get less dangerous the more effort you put into making better insulation for the cable, but for various reasons they've remained in their current state, where you'll get shocked if you touch them.
There's lots of things like that in the world. A Cosmosphere with no Mind Guardian is dangerous, but that's not that unusual.
The only reason why IPDs don't have Mind Guardians is because the Mind Guardians weren't programmed into Infel Phira when it was developed.

So, IPD Outbreaks happen because Infel Phira was damaged in the fight with Raki and the Divine Army and they never bothered to give it proper maintenance, so the IPDs are overwhelmed with feelings of unease and such when they awaken as IPDs, but now that Meta Falica has worked and Infel Phira has served its purpose in becoming the Heart of the Land does that mean IPD Outbreaks won't happen anymore?

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The optimizations that took place when Mode Metafalica was activated (the defragmentation that erased Infel) remapped the SH-Server addresses to prevent Cosmospheres from being written to sectors that were detected as bad. So, IPD Outbreaks won't happen anymore.
By the way, you say they "never bothered" to maintain it, but after Infel died, Infel Phira was completely alien technology to everyone else, so nobody was able to properly maintain it. Besides, nobody really understood that the physical damage was the cause of the outbreaks, so people just did their best to deal with the situation.

Cocona said she could just go bring another Heart of the Land, but she came to Sol Cluster with the Heart of the Land she'd been given at the end of 2. Does that mean you can create any number of Hearts from a Heart of the Land?

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The Selfstabilizing Tesseractal Nuclear Loop ( = Heart of the Land) has a number of special properties that the Nuclear Triangular Loop doesn't. The first is its fusion/fission capabilities. A Selfstabilizing Tesseractal Nuclear Loop is a multicellular structure, to put it in biological terms, for which there are innumerable cells. Each of those cells is an individual H-Wave area, and the places where the cell walls touch are U-Wave areas. If you break apart the U-Wave links, you can break part of a Selfstabilizing Tesseractal Nuclear Loop into a separate unit. The number of available cells is essentially infinite (the addressing was three-dimensional to begin with) and changes based on the H-Wave numbers required.
In other words, if the collection of feelings decide to separate their cells from the whole, the new cell that will be born from the separation becomes an independent Selfstabilizing Tesseractal Nuclear Loop. Furthermore, the separated cell is empty, and needs to be populated with a new soul (=SHW). That's why the new Selfstabilizing Tesseractal Nuclear Loop is so small, and why it gets larger when filled with emotions. That's why the Selfstabilizing Tesseractal Nuclear Loop is so big when it appears in Moocheriel in Ar tonelico 3.
The different wills of Ar Ciel are installed into different cells of the Selfstabilizing Tesseractal Nuclear Loop that was translated into Ar Ciel, but the Selfstabilizing Tesseractal Nuclear Loop of the Metafalica continent stores the H-Waves of any IPDs that have gone into roaming mode. If you think of it that way, you might say that the IPDs are the goddesses of the Metafalica continent.

There are three parts of the Heart of Land in all, including the one that was transplanted into Ar Ciel, but they won't interfere with each other, will they?
I get the idea it's like if one vessel = three different people (not personalities), but ...

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They do interact with each other, just like humans. However, Selfstabilizing Tesseractal Nuclear Loop almost never have negative interactions with each other, because they each take what the other says very seriously.
Assuming by the "one vessel" you mean "the planet Ar Ciel", then the cores of the planet and of Metafalica each have their own different spheres of influence, so there won't be any interference between the two.
I'd like to make just one note: beings created by song magic don't receive the love of Ar Ciel, so once the song stops, they disappear. Similarly, if Infel Phira stops singing Metafalica, Metafalica will disappear. That's not that terrible, as if Ar Ciel stops singing, then the planet Ar Ciel will disappear as well.
Since each has their own sphere of influence, they don't interfere with each other, and they'll accept each others' existences.



They said in the game that Tyria-san will only live a few years longer if the AHPP succeeds, but I got the feeling she was okay in the ending, but why is that?

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She's not really okay, but you can't tell just by looking at her. She understands that, though. It's not like that just with Tyria, though; the βs are the same. βs normally live for 150 years, but they're the picture of health all the way up through year 149 day 364. However, βs spend their lives calmly knowing and accepting how much longer they have to live.
It's the same with Tyria. This is a good example of how Reyvateils were originally created as tools by humanity. Knowing and calmly accepting the extent of your remaining lifespan down to the second is extremely convenient for a machine, but too cruel for a living creature.
Now, it's not entirely clear when Tyria will begin to experience pain from insufficient energy. How it will happen depends on how her life is going at that point, but Tyria knows that, too.

When you make an Origin, how much can you customize their abilities?
(Easy Eight)

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Almost as much as you want. You can even make male Reyvateils, or even ones that don't look like humans.
However, making an Origin is astronomically expensive, so even in the prosperous world of the first age, there was a lot of opposition to creating 3 Origins, so I think you can understand they would be difficult to mass produce.
Further, it's known that chromosomal obstructions prevent the birth of male Reyvateils in third generations, but that doesn't effect Origins. Male or female, Origins are artificial life forms. Still, even if a well-made male Origin and a human female had children, the Reyvateil genes would only manifest in their girls.

Toukousphere 91 said "If a β leaves the broadcast range of their Tower, they'll turn to water and die." I have a question about that; when Jakuri comes to Metafalss in 2, was she using Elma or something else as a relay, like in Tyria's normal end? Please let me know.
(Funbun Production Factory)

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Metafalss is within roaming range of Ar tonelico (the First Tower). Sol Marta is a relay station for Ar tonelico, so she can get enough power from Ar tonelico even when she's in Metafalss.
On the other hand, since the world of 3 (Sol Cluster) is outside of the First Tower's range, Jakuri would turn into water if she tried to go there.

In the setting encyclopedia for 1, when Mir-san was sealed away, her mind fled into the Binary Field and created viruses, but her body was turned into Grathnode crystals and sealed away, but in the game it looked just like her body was in cryogenic sleep in a Dive Machine; which was it?

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You mean the CG image that appears in Ar tonelico 1? If that's the case, I'm really sorry, I can't deny that the image isn't correct.
The truth is that she was turned into crystal form by Tastiella's Teru magic and entombed beneath the Crescent Chronicle.

When you finish cosmosphere level 9 in AT1, you can get to level EX; there wasn't anything like that in the Second or Third Towers, but is that a level that only exists in the First Tower?
How can you get to level EX if a Dive Machine can only access level 9?
Just what is level EX to begin with?

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Level EX only exists as fanservice and has nothing to do with the setting of the world of Ar tonelico. My apologies to all of you who take the setting seriously; I hope you understand.

Tsuchiya-san, I love seeing your serious demeanor towards the fans! An attitude that carries through ones own convictions no matter what others might say of their work is truly the model of a creator, and something I can really respect.
I can't wait to see your next work, or perhaps a continuation or side story of Ar tonelico. I'll be cheering for you from here on. Good luck!

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Thank you very much!
I hope you'll continue to support us from here on, too!
If there's something you don't understand, please feel free to ask.

Since normally you just write your opinions here, I was really happy to hear that you'd be responding directly to users' questions. So, I look forward to reading what you have to think about different things here, Tsuchiya-san.
Since it seems questions should be relatively short ... I skipped over one. I always end up putting lots of time into fan letters and they get really long, so since I don't really have a question I guess I'll ask if we have to submit questions *g*
Sorry for posting all the time~ ^-^;

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Thanks for your constant passionate support. I'm happy that you enjoy reading my thoughts so much. I'm sorry I wasn't able to print the entire text of your post; I hope you'll understand.
Now, since the purpose of this column is to answer questions about the setting of Ar tonelico, I hope you'll all submit questions along those lines. Of course, I'd like to respond to other submissions to the extent possible, but this column will lose its focus if I do that too often, so there will be things I won't be able to publish.
I'd love to answer any questions you have about all the horrible inconsistencies in my writing, so please, don't hold back.
I hope to hear from you again!

・Why did they go into the Sea of Death?
・Why did Ayatane try to save Mir if he couldn't take her away from the First Tower?

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There are a number of reasons why they entered the Sea of Death. The most important one, though, was that the wills of the planet were beneath it. Since the Sea of Death didn't exist in the first age, the fuselage of aircraft of the time weren't built to handle it, so it would have been impossible.
So, I can't say there wasn't an element of chance in the plan's success, but since the plan as it had been conceived in the first age was to travel to the planet's core where its wills were, to an extent it was a necessary success.
Next, about Mir, as it says in the Ar tonelico 3 setting encyclopedia, the plan to save Mir relied on a relay satellite project (which many βs had been put to work on), so if either failed, the other would have to start from scratch. The relay satellite project didn't get anywhere due to a number of factors like the hacking of the First Tower and the invitation of some of the First Tower's best Reyvateils to Clusternia.

Hello. I always enjoy reading this site. My question is about the Purge system. To get right to it, why is it suddenly that in AT3 your Reyvateils will only get stronger if they strip? Personally, I find it hard to imagine that it suddenly is easier for the planet's power to transmit that way, so I was wondering if it was really always supposed to be that way, or if it was added on this time by marketing, or something. I imagine it might be hard to answer this kind of question, but I'm not trying to be harsh, so I hope you'll be able to answer.
I really do like this series, so I love and admire the setting and world view that you've made, Tsuchiya-san, from the bottom of my heart. That's why I have a few lingering doubts about Ar tonelico 3. One of them is the Purge System.
I hope to hear a serious answer to this question.

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I don't know if you'll take this as a serious answer, but I'll give you my own honest response.
What did you think of the Dualstall system in Ar tonelico 2? I think everyone had different opinions, but I had the same goal when we created the Purge system as I did when I created the Dualstall system. That was to create a nice, marketable system that wouldn't clash with the setting that everyone would enjoy; this was the condition I imposed on development.
Just like with the Dualstall system, we did our best to think both in terms of amusing material and the world setting during development, and settled on whatever wouldn't cause insurmountable problems on one side or the other. The wave motion osmosis of the Dualstall system and the U-Wave resonance of the Purge system both served as opportunities to further expand the themes of the works (e.g. the bonds between the heroines in AT2, and harmony with the will of the planet in AT3) in a manner that meshed well with the world setting.
Still, I can admit that there were a number of people who thought it was going too far. Still, just as it wasn't something we threw on at the end without much thought, I'd like to take opinions like this one into account in our next work.

Isn't Sasha's age in the entry for Nyanyaya in the AT3 dictionary a mistake?

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I'm terribly sorry. You're right.



Lady Cloche wasn't able to download EXEC_METAFALICA. in Ar tonelico 2, but she still sang it somehow, right? That's been bothering me.

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Just as Cloche herself says in the game, "I watched her very closely (while trying to act so that others didn't realize I couldn't really sing the song) as I sang." Basically, she wasn't actually singing a Hymmnos Extract.

In one of the previous Technical Service Centers it was said that the goddess Eolia was one of the Elemia Trio of goddesses that was worshipped in the first age in the legends of Sol Ciel.
But, what kind of relation would those legends have to the wills of the planet, like Saki and Soma?
Should we think of the gods of legend and the wills of the planet as totally separate people, or are some of the wills truly revered as gods? I'd love to hear answer.

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Eolia, Frelia, and Tilia were portrayed as existences very close to the wills of the planet, but strictly speaking they're "half-gods". A half-god is something like the miko Harvestasya or Rhaplanca, but they appear in the much earlier story "Festival of the Song of the Stars (Seiousei = Stelliarhythm)" as some of "the first lives that descended to Earth"; they were the three sisters who were granted "the voice of the gods" in order to give other people hope. There were other characters who were blessed with various other powers, and by working together they were able to create a peaceful world.

Is it possible for a Reyvateil who can't sing from birth to exist?
Would she be able to craft song magic?

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This could become a pretty shocking answer.
We've hinted at this implicitly before, but since I was afraid of betraying everyone's expectations, I've never said it publicly.
When a Reyvateil sings Hymmnos, she's not just singing with her throat. Of course, she is actually singing, but that's because it serves to reinforce her own emotions to better convey them, so there are strong implications of self-suggestion.
Naturally, this self-suggestion is a strong amplifying factor (just like how you might feel better if you sing. When Reyvateils pour their heart into song, it really helps their feelings become stronger. Their H-wave activity is amplified so much it becomes visible), but the act of singing itself has no meaning in terms of data transfer to and from the Tower.
The Reyvateils sing out to make their song magic more effective (and to make their own feelings stronger), but it has no meaning to the song magic server.
This means that, even if you don't actually make a sound, you can sing Hymmnos. Hymmnos is an emotional feedback effect from the Tower that can manifest in a range from a few meters around the singer to a few kilometers. To put it in terms of a concert, it has the same function as a "return" (one of the speakers on stage that's pointed towards the performers).
The same wave data that plays back from that "return" (including the high-frequency dynamic H-Waves that the return can't reproduce) will be transmitted to the Tower and take effect.
It might be easier to understand if I said that when you think of a song you've heard, you think that all of the parts are recorded inside your brain. You remember it just as if it were playing back from a speaker. So, you can think of a Reyvateil as a solo vocalist that has a perfect backing band in their head.
So, to get back to the question, you can sing Hymmnos even if you have no voice.

Why is Ar tonelico a tower?
Is it a broadcast tower?

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That's generally correct. There are two basic reasons why it's so big; the first is that it would increase the effective range of the "super long-distance layered wave" weapon that was built into Ar tonelico in the First Era, as it was necessary to have a tall location from which to transmit Dynamic D-Waves, and the second is that a resonator of a certain size is necessary to amplify Dynamic Waves.

This is probably a risky question even for Ar tonelico, but I've been wondering for a while so I thought I'd post.
RTs are man-made lifeforms, but how can they have kids with humans?
Is their internal structure really that close to that of humans?

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Basically it's because humans' reproductive functions were faithfully reconstructed. This is largely due to Kurogane's work, and Kurogane's work was merely intended to pave the way to his studies on advancing humanity. For more information on that, please see the Ar tonelico 3 setting encyclopedia.
Now, you may be wondering whether it's really possible to so closely reproduce the reproductive tract, and it is. After all, they've made the technology to create skin and eyes that are indistinguishable from humans', so reproducing internal organs would be more of the same.

Please tell me about each of the Teru's middle names, and about the youke.
Also, Jack's middle name changes from De to Los in the AT3 settei book; which one is it?

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Please have a look at the previous question on the Teru.
In Jack's case, the correct answer is "De". Sorry to have caused you trouble with the setting encyclopedia.
This isn't really that important, but there's a very deep reason for this mistake. Until the final days of development, Jack's name was "Harmonica Los Pameli". That caused a number of contradictions in the setting, so at the last minute we changed it to "De".
So, according to a lot of the old development materials and the association in my brain, "Harmonica" is followed by "Los", which has caused grave damage. We'll be sure to pay much closer attention to the particulars in the future.

I have a question about the systems that produce Song Magic.

The RT's personalities reside in the SH-Server, but are the "emotions" created during Song Magic transferred directly from the SH-Server to the Song Magic Server, and then the regulated D-Waves transmitted from the Tower or Infel Phira?
(In which case, the manifestation of the Mind Guardian, etc. before a Song is cast can be considered simple pointers.)

Or does the SH-Server collect the emotions from the Reyvateil's body via the Install Port, causing D-Waves to be transmitted?

Or perhaps the Song Magic Server transits the SH-Server to transmit the D-Waves directly to the Reyvateil?
(Kimura Shuuichi)

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The first answer is correct. There really isn't a whole lot to the characters and other visual effects that appear when Song Magic is cast.
Here's a little extra note. I mentioned something similar when I was answering the question about Reyvateils who can't sing, but the world of H-Waves is strongly influenced by things like "atmosphere" and "mood" that have no real meaning in the world of D-Waves.
In other words, the proper energy will be transferred even if the Song Magic characters didn't exist, and the Song would have its effect. However, a Song with some associated image will be stronger than a Song without one. To those of us living in the modern D-Wave society "the power of emotion" is considered meaningless or superstition; what matters is what will make live data flow.

Is the Orgel of Origins a perpetual motion device?
(Kimura Shuuichi)

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A lot hasn't been said about the Orgel of Origins.
However, it's not a perpetual motion device. If I had to say, it's a [white hole device]. That's all I can say for now.

Did the wave motions of EXA_PICO stop at affixing matter to Static H-Waves?
Or does it continue to act on now in real time, and does everything in the universe continue to perform according to EXA_PICO's Song?
(Kimura Shuuichi)

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EXA_PICO continues to sing now, but to put it in an extreme fashion, everything in the universe performs according to EXA_PICO's song. This is basically what the Teru mean when they speak of the [Grand Wheel of Fate].
In other words, the Will of EXA_PICO influences even the smallest of Wills in the universe. That doesn't mean, however, that EXA_PICO dictates everything.
This world is full of various wave-emitting existences, starting from EXA_PICO, and going on to space, galaxies, star systems, planets, and so on down the line, and each has their own individual Will. Even though EXA_PICO has some latent influence over all the other Wills, the other Wills in the universe don't follow that influence 100%; an object's own Will, and the Will of each object in the hierarchy between it and EXA_PICO, will mediate, and this loose interplay of controls is how the world works.
Each object's Will may be influenced by the planet or EXA_PICO, but that doesn't mean they can't directly contradict it. That's the nature of wave interference; if you look at it from a wave motion perspective, sometimes a large and small Will resonate, and sometimes they cancel out, and so the world carries on.

Is the fundamental nature of the "waves" in Ar Ciel the same as those on Earth?
For example, can the waves pass through each other?
(Kimura Shuuichi)

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In general, yes, they're meant to work the same. Waves can pass through each other. If many of the same sort of waves exist in the same space (the extent depends on the type of wave), their total energy becomes higher and "something" is created.
Matter is created by matter waves, and high energies (dense waves) will create an individual object, and material objects will form and collide. This is the sort of interference pattern that only occurs in groups of waves, where a single wave would pass right through unaltered.

The Purges in 3 had great effect, but is the effect of the Purge limited by the power of the Reyvateil being Purged?
We didn't see this in 1 or 2, and even in 3 only the heroines Purged, so I was wondering if it was some sort of special ability.
Even if there wasn't something preventing you from doing so, I don't think most people would want to strip on the battlefield.

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Only Saki and Finnel can Purge to amplify energy. That's because Purging isn't a factor of being a Reyvateil, but rather because it allows the wills of the planet to support you through U-Wave interference.

I wanna hear the reason behind the buri hamachi bulgogi hot cake scramble~
(A simple tub)

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It's all due to the influence of Saki's thoughts. We turned the thoughts floating through Saki's head of defenders of justice, and strong people, and ways to make everyone happy into stories and characters.