ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Ar Ciel Technical Data Compilation Room/Issue 3

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今回も編纂室に沢山のご投稿ありがとうございます!前回の回答から興味を持たれた方が沢山いらっしゃったようで、投稿数も一気に増えました。それだけ皆さんがアルトネリコの設定に関心を持っていただけているんだなぁと思い、本当に 嬉しい気持ちで一杯です。



Hello, Tsuchiya here.
Thanks for posting so many questions to the Technical Data Compilation Room again! It looks like a lot of people were interested in the last column, so there were a lot more posts this time. I'm truly happy to think that so many people are interested in the setting of the world of Ar tonelico.

I was able to answer most of the questions again this time. Any questions I skipped over were skipped for the same reasons as last time; there were no new exceptions.
I'm somewhat embarrassed to say that there were a lot of questions about the circumstances surrounding the game systems this time. There have been lots of ways we've refused to compromise the world setting in order to enhance the game experience in each release. Up until now I've avoided answering those sorts of questions in order to try to avoid betraying everyone's expectations about the games. I mentioned that at the beginning of the Technical Data Compilation Room, and I've written up the answers this time with that in mind. AS a result, some of my responses may end up betraying your expectations somewhat, but I hope you'll understand as you read through the answers here.

Now, about the next technical data room ... I still end up rushing into battle here and there, and I don't really have the confidence that I'll be able to answer so many questions again next time. However, I'd still like to answer as many of your questions as I can, just please try to limit yourself to 5 questions per person. I'm really sorry about the limitation, but I do hope you'll continue to enjoy this column.

I know this is an old question, but is there a reason why Katene's ears are all pointy?

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It's just a visual design feature.

So I know there was a god named Sashanomiya that was the god of literature and civilization; is this where Sasha's name comes from?

There's a god named ... Sashanomiya: "God of civilization, knowledge"
Is that Sasha? Or are they just similar names?

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Sasha's name is indeed based on Sashanomiya's. Sasha's grandmother gave her that name. She gave her that name in order that Sasha might grow up to be a smart girl, but it seems to have worked a lot better than she could have ever expected.

つまりティリアは…盛り上がるためだけに脱いでるというわけですね! いっそ脱ぐときょぬーになる全裸ムービー追加はどうですか!
> Only Saki and Finnel can purge to amplify energy.
So ... Tyria was only stripping to make everything more exciting, then! Why not add a movie where she takes it all off, then!
(Kimura Shuuichi)

This is my first post. I really enjoyed the first issue of this column! It was really interesting!
So, one of the answers last time said, "Only Saki and Finnel can purge to amplify energy"... so why does Tyria also power up when she Purges? Tyria doesn't have anything to do with the Wills of the Planet, right?
Since Arru is one of the Wills of the Planet, she works the same as Saki and Finnel, right?

I can't say I liked the Purge system that much.
Last time you answer one of Kubou's questions with, "Only Saki and Finnel can purge to amplify energy", so then why did Tyria and Arru Purge?

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I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mention this last time, but it's the same for Tyria as well. Since Arru herself is one of the Wills of the Planet, Tyria gets that effect via Arru after their persona fusion.
Which just leaves the question of what happens before her fusion with Arru, but it's like how I mentioned last time about how the setting encyclopedia says "Finnel is also linked via the Antibodies in Archia". In other words, that link takes place via the connection to the tower, or in other words, through Tyria.

What happened in the 1 year of the First Era?
Is anything known about the time before the First Era?

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By 1 year of the First Era, do you mean the first year of the First Era? If so, then that would be the year that the "Father of Sound Science" discovered the power of song stones. Since this history is based on the study of wave science, that's really all the meaning there is to the First Era (i.e. it's different from, say, a political calendar of history).
There is no recorded calendar of the history before that time, but there are traditional histories passed down about the things like the time of the Moon Chanters and the era of the Twelve Sages in Metafalss.

Please tell us the purpose of the Linkages used by Tyria and Lady Shurelia, and their various functions. I don't mind if you get kind of in depth.
Also, there's supposed to be an imperfect Nuclear Triangular Loop inside Mimimi, but isn't the Nuclear Triangular Loop supposed to be made of plasma? Can you really put something like that in a material object?
(Babongo Seller)

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Just as the name suggests, the purpose of Shurelia's and Tyria's Linkages is to enhance their link to their respectives Tower. Strictly speaking the two have various different special qualities, but since Shurelia's is the easiest to understand, this explanation will focus on her Linkage.
I think you all know that Shurelia was linked to the Tower during the First Era, but she needs to wear her Linkage armor in order to exercise control over the Tower via that link. Her perception resonates with that of the Tower even when she's not wearing it, but she needs to wear Linkage in order to control things and receive more detailed information from the Tower.
For example, when you encounter ELMA at the beginning of the adventure, her Linkage is what enables her to immediately determine what information is being hacked, and the extent and location of the damage.
Now, about your next question, like the Selfstabilizing Tesseractal Nuclear Loop, the Nuclear Triangular Loop is enclosed in a shell in order to better allow it to physically exist in a particular place. The shell stabilizes the plasma that makes up the Nuclear Triangular Loop and functions to keep it from dissipating (just like the Selfstabilizing Tesseractal Loop).
This shell exists both in Reyvateils and in Mimimi, but in Reyvateils the shell is enclosed in organic matter (specifically, the brain), but the shell around Mimimi's Nuclear Triangular Loop is man-made.
In Mimimi's case, a small portion of the Nuclear Triangular Loop's emotional wave forms (roughly equivalent to nerve fibers) simply serve to control her facial expression according to Grammul's program.

I never imagined you'd go so far to answer even that knid of question. Thank you!
I have another question
It looks like Skycat applied for a marriage license with Luca and it was rejected because they were the same sex, but Lady Shitframe said in Toukousphere issue 91 that there are some same-sex (Reyvateil) romantic couples in Clustania. Does that mean Clustanian law recognizes same-sex marriage? If so, I'll be cheering for you, Skycat.
(A Simple Tub)

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Clustania doesn't really have the concept of marriage to begin with, as it doesn't really have anything to do with furthering the prosperity of their nation (as the nurturing tanks are what give birth to Reyvateils in Clustania). So, there's a very strong feeling there that marriage is something that humans do, so Clusternians are more or less against the idea of marriage as a civil institution.
Of course, since love takes on a number of different forms, Clustanian Reyvateils naturally build up very strong friendships (and more). Sometimes they even move in together. However, to them, this is simply a natural progression of their friendship. Naturally, they feel emotions such as like, dislike, and even love, but the civil institution of marriage has negative connotations.
So, unfortunately, Skycat and Luca wouldn't really be able to get married in Clusternia.

There were a number of questions that "couldn't be answered" in the last Technical Data Compilation Room. I'm sure there aren't many things you haven't planned out about the setting, Tsuchiya-san, so are you going to put out a sequel? Or did you really just not think of some things?
Also, I don't think it would have really mattered if characters like the Origins, Harvestasha, and Meimei were male, so why were they all female? Well, not that I mind or anything.
Thanks for all your work up until now. I've really enjoyed it. It's given me memories I'll never forget for the rest of my life. I hope to see more from you, as well.

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I can't say anything about a sequel for now. I hope you won't mind. When you mention things I might not have thought of yet, if you're thinking about the Teru, who I mentioned in the introduction last time, I've actually thought about them quite a bit.
Just as you've said, the only reason why all those characters are female is because I thought it'd be better that way. And honestly, there were also very strong marketing implications to this decision.
Still, such concepts of marketing held loose sway even inside the game, so Sol Ciel's culture would rather have them be female if it wouldn't lead to any reduction in their capabilities. Everybody loves beautiful things, so the fact that they're female is in itself a sign, in a way, of the civilization's advanced stage of technological development (in Ar Ciel, naturally).

Whoa, that's a lot of answers! Great job, seriously. Anyway, I have a question.
In the New Testament of Pastalie, a function can basically turn a phrase into a word; can you do the same thing in the Alpha Note?
It seems to me that if you could work it out with Lady Shurelia before-hand, you could have her define a lot of words to go along with feelings like "Gyaaaa!" and come up with a really efficient song, like in Pastalie.

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The vocabulary definitions of the Alpha Notes and the functions of the New Testament of Pastalie are basically the same thing. So, if you defined a word to mean "Gyaaaaa" (maybe something like "gyhaatz"), it would actually take effect in a Song.
However, their purpose and structure are entirely different. The Alpha Note is meant to support the singer in conveying their emotions. It's like using both English and Japanese in a sentence if there's no word in Japanese that conveys the same nuances as a word in English. Since Hymmnos, too, doesn't have a word to convey every single emotion anyone could possibly feel, sometimes Reyvateils have a hard time finding a word to convey their emotions and have to try to get around it by using really long phrases.
The Origin Spells are meant to allow the singer to convey these complex, indescribable emotions in a single word. Of course, since all their [meanings are planned], you can even use them contrary to their original purpose.
Since the purpose of Pastalie functions are to make singing more efficient, the motive is completely different, but the general idea is the same.
However, since Pastalie function definitions are only temporary, and Origin Spells are permanent, any Reyvateils (in that Origin's sphere of influence) can use words defined as Origin Spells, so it's quite convenient. On the other hand, since very few people (indeed, only the Origins) can define Origin Spells, it's not something you can exactly do any time you want.

I can only imagine a RT that can only function within the range of her Tower as a defensive measure intended to prevent an attack from outside,
but were there any methods to allow a RT to operate out of range for invasion purposes, or any research along those lines?

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This is the reason why Sol Ciel was willing to build a Tower in Metafalss and give them an Origin Reyvateil and work on the Metafalica project for free during the First Era.
They were able to extend their range to 1/3 of the world's surface by building a relay tower in Metafalss. It's like if Japan were able to convince China to build a Tower in Tibet and thus be able to broadcast radio waves into the Middle East.
Extending the range of the Tower's influence was in fact an invisible invasion that served to broaden the dominion of the Reyvateils.
Still, to truly extend their range of influence, Reyvateils would need a mode of transportation, just like humans. Of course, this wasn't possible at the time, but planners at the time realized that if they'd had the power of something like EXEC_FLIP, they'd be able to do things like turn themselves into birds and make their way into enemy territory.

It seems like everyone can understand each other all over Ar Ciel; why is that?
What language do people speak in everyday life?

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Mostly it's to make the games work.
This is true in other media as well; you can't avoid making some sacrifices in the setting in order to make things easy to follow.
Actually, most of Sol Ciel, Metafalss, and Sol Cluster originally spoke languages with different roots. However, a common language arose during the First Era, and most people learned enough of it to be able to read it.
This language is called Shell.

I have some doubts about the chart of Teru clan names and Necrofamily names from last time.
In the comic Ar tonelico ~Arpeggio~, there was a shadow double-using character named Adagio Lowutis (sic), but according to that chart his middle name should be Nest, so which is wrong?
(Nyo? of Hachijo Island)

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I'm terribly sorry, some older, incorrect material snuck in again.
The correct answer is "Low".

What would happen if a Reyvateil's Install Port was injured, or she lost it somehow?

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If a Reyvateil's Install Port were injured or lost, the LPM would make it appear somewhere else. Since preserving the functioning of the Nuclear Triangular Loop is the same as preserving a Reyvateil's existence, it would eventually end up on their head.
The random location of the Install Port was meant to serve as something of a security measure. For example, if the Install Ports of all Reyvateils were located in the back of their necks, it would be easy to attack and disable a Reyvateil.
So, the best thing would be if its location changed over time, but that would make maintenance a pain, so the current scheme was proposed as a compromise.

1. Do you have a detailed depiction of the planet Ar Ciel?
If possible, I'd love to see a map of the planet from before the Grathnode Inferia or after the success of the AHPP.
2. Ar Ciel has two satellites, the moons Cello and Viola, but do these two moons have something you could call a Will, too?
Well, let's assume they do for a moment; would it be possible for humans to commune with the Wills of the satellite (leaving out questions of methods and difficulty)?
(Posting NOVA)

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About #1, I have a pretty rough sketch, but it's locked up in storage at my house somewhere. I'm really sorry, but we don't have any plans to release it at present.
About #2, of course they have Wills. The major theme of this world is that even things like rocks and the wind have Wills, so of course the moons do. And, it's possible to converse with them.
Ar Ciel usually talks to Cello and Viola as a matter of course, so humans could do it, too. You might even meet them kind of like the Earth story of [Kaguya-hime].

Thanks for your hard work in the first update. Nothing really went against my expectations, so it was a lot of fun to read. There's something about the explanation of the Rinkernator in Ar tonelico 3 that I wasn't quite satisfied with.
Ayatane said that when the Rinkernator opens completely, the Tower's Symphonic Power levels drop and Reyvateils can't sing anymore, but the power loss didn't seem to have any effect on the Tower Guardians, did it? Don't they run on the Tower's Symphonic Power?
And, since Saki and Finnel could still sing Song Magic even while the Rinkernator was open, doesn't that contradict his explanation? Or are they special because they also had the effect of the Wills of the Planet?
If it's a simple contradiction, I think it would have been enough just to not have any random encounters while the Symphonic Power loss was in effect, but if the Guardians are powered by something else, I guess it can't be helped for dramatic and gameplay effect.
This question got kind of long, but this has been a real mystery to me, so if it's not a bother I'd love to hear an answer.

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I'm really sorry, but this was also somewhere we had to really cut through the established setting for the sake of the game.
Ar tonelico originally worked such that you couldn't sing magic at all when the Tower's output was cut, and Ar tonelico 3 wasn't originally even supposed to have Guardians. But since we couldn't make the game work with either of those things, we opted to have things work out the way they did in the interests of keeping production costs under control, substituting other game systems (or enemy characters) while trying to preserve the original intent as much as possible.

In 3 they said that in another year Ar Ciel would be destroyed, so what would happen to the 1st and 3rd towers with their weather control, and Metafalss with its Heart of the Land? And, what effect would this have on Infel Phira if Sublimation had been completed?

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If Ar Ciel had really broken apart, theoretically the Musical Corridors and Metafalica would continue to protect their respective worlds, so humans would be able to live on. Realistically, though, that [theoretical] hope is pretty impossible.
First, let me explain what would happen if Ar Ciel were destroyed. If the planetary core had died off, the Wills that protected it would cease to exist, and the planet itself would go back to being dust. This means in practical terms that its gravitational pull would cease to exist, and its physical power (= gravity) would disappear, so the planet would crumble into a bunch of clumps of rock that would expand away from each other.
The expansion would take place on a macro scale, so from a human's point of view, it would be like an endless rain of boulders flying up into the sky. After that there would be a great release of magma, and it would be no more possible to pass through that unscathed than it would be to walk safely through a rain of [Indra's arrows].
Even if they managed to make it through that safely, there's the question of the atmosphere. Since the Musical Corridors are weather control systems based on the presumption that [they'd be controlling Ar Ciel's weather], they can't be used in the void of space. The gravitational regulators (Plasma Bell) provide the anti-gravity effects for the region, so if Ar Ciel's gravitational field were to vanish, they wouldn't be able to find a new gravity sink. So, they'd perish along with the planet.
The situation in Metafalica would be a little bit more hopeful. The IPDs provide the waveforms that power Metafalica, so it could continue to exist without the planet. How well it would be able to function independently [would depend on the (potential) emotional power of the IPDs]. Even gravity and an atmosphere could be generated instantly from Metafalica. However, it's undeniable that Metafalica indirectly receives a lot of shelter from Ar Ciel, and if that shelter disappeared, it would probably be impossible for the IPDs alone to protect it from the dangers of space (like radiation).



I remember seeing that the characters of AT2 used Infel Phira to activate their super moves, but how exactly does that work?
(How can they continue to do such superhuman feats?)

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It's not due to Infel Phira, but due to the synchronicity between the front line and the heroines. I said a few things about Synchronity Chain in the last Technical Data Room; a similar phenomenon occurs between the heroines and the vanguards.
Of course, they're receiving emotions (=a physical Song Magic phenomenon) from the heroines when they're performing those techniques, which gives them power people would normally be unable to use.

I tried sending this to the Toukousphere once, but it didn't get picked up then, so I'll try sending it here.
The AT2 setting encyclopedia lists Cynthia's birthplace as "???", so where did she come from?
Targana's is also listed as "???", so it would be nice if you could clear up this mystery for us.

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Cynthia's a Pastalia girl. She even says the weapon shop's been handed down in her family during synthesis events. Having it listed as "???" was a mistake.
We eventually decided to leave Targana's as "???". There are some complicated historical circumstances, so it ended up that way. He was born in the Grand Bell, but he was moved to Rakshek right away, and then they moved to Enna.

Can people actually hear the musical parts in Hymmnos playing back in the game world? Or is Hymmnos sung a capella, in which case the music only serves a gameplay purpose?
I always thought the latter was the correct answer, but reading the question in the last Technical Data Compilation Room about whether a Reyvateil without a voice could sing made me have some doubts.
Based on the answer to the question above, the heavy choruses and even the jokes about eating while singing in the Toukousphere, can you really think it's really playing back in the game?

This is kind of an unromantic question, but I may as well ask it.
Last time, you answered a question with "you can think of a Reyvateil as a solo vocalist that has a perfect backing band in their head."
So, I have a theory: is it safe to say that the Hymmnos we hear as music (in the game, or maybe on CDs) is the image that the Reyvateil who's crafting the Song is trying to express in their mind?
For example, say you have single Reyvateil who just keeps singing her Song. Anyone around her would just hear her singing that one single melody. They wouldn't hear any of the chorus or instrumental parts.
However, a grand instrumental performance and backing chorus would be playing back inside her mind. If you take it to mean that the Reyvateil is concentrating that hard on the Song while she's singing... maybe this is too extreme of a way to say it, but you could say that she's having a powerful hallucination of an orchestra and chorus that isn't (couldn't be) playing in the real world. You could also say she's in a powerful state of immersion.
Everyone around her can't hear it, but the Reyvateil who's singing can. And those of us back here in the real world can hear it (played back in the game, or on a CD) as the richly expressive "Hymmnos" that the Reyvateil hears. And that's how I arrived at my theory.
I'm sorry I haven't really been able to express what I've been thinking that well, but I'd love to hear what you have to say about this. I understand that touching on this sort of thing would be taboo in other works. I feel like I can make a hypothesis like this about the setting of Ar tonelico world, though, so I thought I'd go ahead and ask.
PS: In every case throughout the games, the extremes of "black or white" don't seem to apply. Like how on the continent of Metafalica, when the IPDs shared in Cloche's feelings, I get the feeling that the images expanding in Cloche's brain (like the orchestral performance or its resulting sounds) could have become stronger or weaker depending on exactly what happened.

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I get the feeling that my explanation wasn't that good, but everyone around a Reyvateil singing her Song can hear the performance she imagines. Last time I said there's "an emotional feedback effect from the Tower that can manifest in a range from a few meters around the singer to a few kilometers," which means people up to a few kilometers away might be able to hear the song.



I really love Ar tonelico.
So, I'm really happy to be able to ask you questions like this, Tsuchiya-san.
Sorry that got so long. The two questions I wanted to ask are:
・can the Star Singer sing EXEC_CHRONICLE_KEY/. outside of the Crescent Chronicle?
・can you interrupt EXEC_CHRONICLE_KEY/., and if so, wouldn't that result in Mir's revival?
I think a lot of what I wrote probably wasn't all that necessary.
I hope to hear back from you.

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The reason why the Star Singer sings there is to aid their concentration, but also to protect against physical attacks like what happened with Bourd in AT1, in order to maximise the effectiveness of their Song.
About the second question, I can answer it using a theory that was presented either in Ar tonelico 2 setting encyclopedia, or maybe the muchaburi calendar (sorry I'm not sure which one).
Due to the laws of inertia, a wave motion won't disappear immediately. The more powerful it is, the longer it will take to disappear. For example, it would take about a month for Second Tower to fade away. The Chronicle Key would last for about a day. So, even if she stopped singing for a day, nothing would happen, but Mir's restraints would gradually weaken to the point where she would be able to wake up, so if you kept doing that intermittently, you'd give Mir enough power to be able to fight back again beneath the surface, so you'd need to sing at least half a day at once.

Last time you mentioned that the βs know how long they're going to live, but does that mean that the βs from the Second Era knew they were only going to live for about 20 years?
If so, they probably didn't tell anyone else then, right?
Reading the setting encyclopedias, I got the impression that (at least with most people) maybe it was a chance ocurrence.
Sorry for asking such an odd question. I just wanted to ask something, so I thought I'd post.

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Since their Telomeres were intentionally shortened, their awareness of their lifespan was extinguished to prevent them from knowing that.
If they knew how short they'd live, within a few years Archia'd be under pressure from Clustania due to these anomalous Reyvateils, who would probably find a way to take care of them before they reached child-bearing age, which was their original purpose.
They weren't suited for mass production, and no man would want to marry a woman who would only live for twenty years, so the plan was eventually scrapped.



Could you overwrite the program of the Nuclear Triangular Loop to gradually substitute cells regenerated from food for Reyvateil cells and create a new, upwardly compatible Pureblooded Type?
I get the feeling that their lifespan would fall to that of a normal human's, but ...
If you used the same technique on an Origin to convert them to a Nuclear Loop, I get the feeling you could give them reproductive organs and all sorts of things like that.
(Kimura Shuuichi)

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This is theoretically impossible with the Nuclear Triangular Loop.
It's said to be impossible to accurately simulate the internal processes and compositions of all the cells in a Reyvateil's body using current technology. This is because all organic matter (bodies) controlled by Ar Ciel are formed by the wave interaction of 7 different wave forms, including D-Waves.
If you took a cellular sample from a Reyvateil and compared it to a sample from a human under a microscope, they probably wouldn't look all that different. The Reyvateils' cells don't perform the same functions as a human's, though.
According to the wave physics of Ar Ciel, even a single cell has its own Will, but they're bound together with a gravity-like wave form, like the components of an atomic nucleus (by one of the 7 waveforms, N-waves). The Will of a human is a single entity that unconsciously includes the Wills of all their component cells, so it works on basically the same theory as the Wills of the Planet. On the other hand, a Reyvateil's body is just like that of an amoeba (or perhaps a material with shape memory). Each individual cell doesn't have its own "feelings"; the entire body acts in unison in according to the Will of the Reyvateil.
If you tried to force D-Waves to simulate the same sort of power that N-Waves have, you could get the cells of the Reyvateil's body to link up in the same manner, but that wouldn't work for humans.
So, I think adding reproductive organs to an Origin would be pretty hard. It probably would be more effective to reverse engineer Tyria's Nuclear Triangular Loop and access the program that creates her reproductive organs and try to overwrite the part of Shurelia's ROM program that governs her physical form.

What exactly does equipping Hyuma during a Song Synthesis do?
Unlike Installing or Dualstall, I just can't imagine what you'd actually do.
The only hint is that it's [easier to do if the RTs take off their clothes], but what does that mean?

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Perhaps you remember that it's called [Programming] in the game. Unlike Installing, equipping a Hyuma isn't a [physical fusion], but rather [arranging the Reyvateil's emotions] inside their Soulspace.
In the Soulspace, various emotions are constantly being rearranged in realtime due to the Reyvateil's priorities or environment at that time. Their minds' memory, unlike the memory in a PC, is normally being continuously defragmented [in order to better serve to their purposes].
Hot feelings are placed somewhere where they're easy to find, and old, unused feelings end up being buried down deep... or so. When their feelings get strong enough, they can be distinguished by the difference in their energy levels. For example, when they intensely think [I want to eat agepan], you could visually recognize that thought from a scan of their Cosmosphere. The [Hyumas] are a system that anthropomorphizes this phenomenon.
The setup for this answer was pretty long, but equipping a Hyuma basically [pre-loads an emotion a Reyvateil needs in an address that's easily accessible while they're singing Song Magic]. It's an external action that forcibly swaps addresses in SH-RAM.
You might think that forcibly affecting their emotions like this would result in trauma, but this isn't the case. That's because the addresses for their Individual Consciounsess Fields (the addresses easily accessible from their active conscious mind) are located far away from the addresses used for singing Song Magic.
Still, if you intentionally abused Hyuma equipping, it's possible to inflict trauma on a Reyvateil's conscious region.

How are Metempsychosis and Suspend different?

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The aim of Suspend is [to put the Tower into a sleep state], and the aim of Metempsychosis is [to create a holography of the Administrator].
In other words, putting the Tower into a sleep state is just a means to the end of Metempsychosis' goal of creating holography for the administrator, so the goals of these two Hymmnos are entirely different.
Incidentally, you also need to fulfill a few other conditions in order to create holography of the administrator beside singing Metempsychosis. If these conditions are unfulfilled, it will just suspend the Tower.

At the start of the lyrics card for the Hymnos Concert Side Blue, it explains why [Sakia Rumei's] name is written with the [流] kanji for Ru.
However, in Saki's CS LV1, she herself gives her name with [琉] for the Ru kanji.
Is this a simple mistake? Or is that how she thinks of her own name?

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I'm terribly sorry. It's just a mistake.

In the First Tower there was a dish with Cloud Sea Fish on it, but is there really such a thing?
If so, what happened to them after the planet revival?
Are they really fish?

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Cloud Sea Fish are in part a Sol Ciel urban legend. They exist, of course, but they're imperfect Antibodies, or Antibodies that have served their purpose that made it to Sol Ciel.
An Antibody that's served its purpose is one that's finished taking energy from the Blastline back to the planetary body. Since at that point's it's used a considerable amount of energy and can't really do much anymore, it won't go back for more energy. As a result, it just wanders aimlessly around the Sea of Death.
Most people who go fishing for Cloud Sea Fish have never caught any. However, sometimes they do. That's because the Antibodies, even in a weakened state, will respond to their life force and come to attack them.
Since the bait will dissolve if you drop the line too far down, it's a pretty odd type of fishing.

I'm so happy to be able to read this column!
I have a question; where do the sounds of a Hymmnos that aren't the main vocal - that is, the backing chorus and instruments - come from?
I don't think it's impossible for a RT to make all those sounds with her mouth, so does it come from the Tower, or is it just a game-only performance (i.e. it doesn't actually happen)? I figure it's one of the two, but ...

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I talked about this in a previous response, but basically, just like song magic, the sound is created by Dynamic D-Waves. In other words, the people of that world basically hear the Reyvateil singing the whole thing (instrumentation included); the Tower emits Dynamic D-Waves to cause the air to oscillate (creating sound waves), simulating the impression of stereo and focus. It's basically high-quality fake surround sound.

I've had my doubts about this for a while, but on the AT1 world map, there's this lake-looking thing on the Wings of Horus (a reservoir?). What is that? It looks kind of that way on the Cello Forest dungeon map too, so is it some lake-class body of water (even though it looks like a river there)?
Since there are no oceans, I thought it was probably related to water for everyday use, and maybe the people of Karuru Village used it as a water source?
Fortunately, it looks like there are rivers running all over the continent, but it looks like they all fall off in waterfalls when they hit places like Nemo, right? You probably can't recover all that water, so the continent probably gets its water from the atmosphere under the power of the Musical Corridor, right?
In any case, I'd like to hear more about the water situation in Sol Ciel. Anyway, that's a lake, right? I bet it doesn't get a lot of traffic, so it's probably a great date spot, right? (At least, the part that's not alongside the dangerous Cello Forest.)

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As you say, it's a lake. The Wings of Horus get rain from clouds that are created fairly randomly by the Musical Corridor. The water falls off the edges of the continent, but the atmospheric simulations of the Musical Corridor gather water vapor from the surrounding areas and simply create new clouds. So, it's not really that different from how things work on the ground.
Now, there are a few places around the lake that have been turned into date spots. The Wings of Horus are pretty well dotted with villages, so a lot of people go camping around that lake, and the area has become something of a health resort.

いません、お取り込み中失礼しますm(_ _)m
Sorry for interrupting you while you're so busy. m(_ _)m
Anyway, this never came up in the games, but does Grathmelding exist outside of Sol Ciel?
Well, the recipe cards in 2 are pretty much the same as Grathmelding, right? Actually, isn't it exactly the same thing? Well, I mean, what's the difference?
Anyway, the recipe cards in 1, 2, and 3 (which I haven't played yet ... ) are all normal card sized, right?
Depending on the goods, you can even find those for pretty steep prices in real lif estores. It seems like kind of a rip-off, in some respects.

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The synthesis in 2 isn't Grathmelding. That's just normal cooking, weapon smithing, medicine making, and rocket launching. Sometimes it results in pretty incredible things, but that's probably just the power of love. I know that seems like too much, but that's how the setting works out.
About the recipe cards in 2, trading cards in the real life go for pretty high prices, too. If there's demand, or it's a rare card or one that's no longer produced, the prices can get really high. I think it's pretty realistic.

One of the personalities of the planet is named Lere, but is that where the name of the Lele Reservoir in AT2 comes from?

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Yes, that's exactly right. Lere is the goddesss of life, so the Lere Reservoir, which is the source of life for the Rim, was named after Lere.

I've been wondering this for a long time, but Misha was a Lune clone, right? So why doesn't her Hymn Code have Lune in it?
(Hazy Moon on a Dark Night)

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[Clone] is kind of an inconvenient word since it's so vague, but in Ar tonelico, there are two types of Reyvateil cloning.
One type is Betas that were created from the same D-Cellophane, and the other is Betas that were created as part of β-6D.
Misha is the first type. She was created from the same D-Cellophane used to create Lune. However, her server is still the one and only β-6D, so her Hymn Code is [FEHU_EOLIA].
There aren't any of the latter types of clones in the present day, but towards the end of the first age, there were a lot of inexpensive SH Servers. Each were copies of Shurelia or copies of the copies, and were SH Servers built to house a master persona.
Any βs created from that Server had that Server's name in their Hymn Code.

Maybe this was in the setting encylopedia somewhere, but what was Luca's real father like?

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Luca's father was the head of the Office of the Maiden in the Grand Bell. He was assassinated in the coup d'etat by Alfman, which allowed him to merge the Offices of the Maiden and the Pope under his supervision.
Since it wasn't unusual for the head of the Office of the Maiden and the current Maiden to have that sort of relationship, marrying the Maiden would make you the first candidate for that position. It seems he had his hands full with Batz in more peaceful days.

In 2's battles, even if one Reyvateil runs out of MP, the other one keeps singing as long as she has MP left, right? But why does the one that run out of MP keep moving her mouth? What's she doing?

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Sorry to trouble you, but it's just a gameplay effect.

In the drama CD story about Claire-san's past, Midir-san sang the Song of Destruction, a Hymmnos called "EXEC_NULLASCENSION/", but would the area of its effect just be the First Tower's range, like in the question last time about Sublimation?
Or would it really effect the entire universe and destroy everything?

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Like you said, it would only extend to the range of the Tower's influence, but that Song Magic would consume all of the Tower's resources, and that energy would condensate into a mini black hole, so if you're not careful, it's quite possible that it would have an effect outside the range of the Tower too.

I remember hearing that the [Craftmeister Eolia] created a sword called [Eoria's Serenade] from his daughter, who was a Reyvateil, but what exactly does that mean?
The Grathmeld conversations with Shurelia, who's lived a very long time (over 700 years ago) never even touched on this, so I'm really curious.

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The name of the Craftmeister, [Eolia], is just a trade name. He has nothing to do with Shurelia. Of course, since Shurelia didn't know anything about this person, she never talked about it.
This sword was created according to the wishes of the head of a major corporation at the end of the first age; the president of the corporation was named [Eolia]. He built the Reyvateil nature into the weapons he created to make the swords more powerful with magic, and also sold plug-ins for the swords that would make them into flame swords, ice swords, wave swords, and even other swords that would be unfathomable by today's standards.
He used a Reyvateil he'd developed in another project (a copy of a copy of the β-6D administrated by Shurelia), to create a number of Reyvateils for sword development research.
He was trying to create something you might call an [Open Sword OS]. Since he was trying to cram Reyvateils, which were intended to occupy human bodies, into swords, a lot of organizations decried his actions as inhumane black magic.

Each of the Ar tonelico logos features a silhouette of their respective origins, but it looks like Tyria is carrying a rifle in the logo for 3.
Since the Third Tower plays the role of the rifle that shoots the XP Shell into the core of the planet, and Tyria herself is the third tower, is it supposed to look like Tyria herself is the rifle?

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That's exactly right. We started the Ar tonelico 3 title logo from the idea that [Tyria would fire the bullet into the planet].

Of the 7 swords created by the Craftmeister [Eolia], one is the [Eoria's Serenade], but what are the names and powers of the other 6?

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We never came up with the other swords.
They might show up someday somewhere else in some other fashion, though.

I have a question about the other personalities (gods) of Ar Ciel.
The gods (stars) in Starcircling make up twelve constellations, right? So there are other stars named after gods, right? If the legend of the Trio of Elemia is even older than the story of Harvestasha, there are stars with their names somewhere, right? You didn't mention this in the question about Filament and Yurisica being personalities of Ar Ciel; why is that?
I know I say this every time, but this column is really interesting.
I hope you'll keep working hard at it!
(Babongo Seller)

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Yes, there are other stars named after the gods. The details vary from region to region. Some regions do have stars named after the Trio and Harvestasya.
The reason why I didn't mention Filament or Yurisica, was because, quite honestly, I was relying on the constellation chart as a reference, and since they're not listed, I just forgot to mention them.

Actually, there's a story about why they're not listed in Starcircling...
A long, long time ago, the father of the gods decided to have the gods race, and commemorate the top 12 finishers as stars in the sky.
Everyone participated, since this was their chance to become a major god. Filament was very fast, but she got distracted by some catnip along the way and ended up rolling around while everyone else finished. Yurishica used performance enhancing techniques to win and was disqualified when she got found out. So, these two weren't celebrated in the night sky.... that would be funny, wouldn't it? Sorry, it's just a joke. (There's a story like that in Japanese astrology.)

I thought of this while I was reading the 3 setting encyclopedia, but one of the people Saki owes her life to, a person named Lona, lost her life in an incident Saki caused somehow; what exactly happened?

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Maybe that wasn't worded very well. She didn't die in [an incident Saki caused]; she just died of illness. That caused Saki to perform her first Miracle. So, there was no real need to talk about exactly how Lona died.
Her death was simply due to complications from a cold she caught that were exacerbated by old age. Saki was probably afraid she didn't take good enough care of her.

の① アルトネリコ3までにジャクリとスピカ、ラウドネス、ココナとさーしゃ、ジャックとクルシェなど多くのキャラクターが各塔の間を行き来していますが、これだけ多くの人が移動できる手段があるのでしょうか?また、それを踏まえてその他の人物でも可能なのであれば、各塔間での技術や文化の交流等があってもおかしくは無いと思うのですが実際にそういった事はあったのでしょうか?
その② 惑星再生計画が成功したアルシエルがああも短時間で人が降り立てる地になった事に少し違和感を覚えました。惑星規模での環境が変わるのがこんなにも簡単なものなのでしょうか?それとも、その後数年が経っていたというオチなのでしょうか?見た感じだけだととてもそうは見えませんでしたが…。
その③ 土屋さんの自画像(アイコン?)的なものが怒っているようで怖いですね?いえ、特に深い意味はありませんが(笑)

Number 1, throughout the series, you have a number of characters like Jakuri and Spica, Loude, Cocona and Sasha, and Jack and Krusche that can travel between the different Towers. Is there some method that allows normal people to take that journey? That would influence whether or not you could have cultural and technological exchanges between the Towers, but such things have actually happened, right?

Number 2, I remember feeling uneasy that humans could go down and live at ground level right after the Planet Regeneration Project succeeded. Is it really that easy to affect the environment on a planetary scale? Or did it really take a number of years? I wouldn't have thought so the way it was depicted ...
Number 3, Tsuchiya-san, don't you think your avatar (icon) looks kind of angry and scary? Er, I don't mean anything deep by that, though *g* (Moon Rabbit)

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Number 1: people from the Towers do start communicating not long after the games end. Before that, though, there really isn't any great interaction between the towers. That's because most travel, be it large-scale migrations or independent voyages, was one way. Once people live a particular place, no one knows if they made it safely or not, and since the people who ran off to Metafalss at the end of the second era ended up getting beaten pretty badly, it didn't really amount to some grand interaction.
Still, the technology of the Second Tower's Dive Machines was brought there by the émigrés from the First Tower at the end of the second era (Mir's Rebellion).
Number 2: it happened right away. The flowers that you see around Aruru in the ending were created by Aruru's song. It's not like the rest of the world suddenly sprouted into bloom though, so the world is still a desolate, rocky place at that point.
However, the planet is singing its own special Song that causes trees and other greenery to grow at 10 times its normal rate, so there should be small forests popping up again within 2 years or so. There will still be a lot of earthquakes at first, and most people will only be able to live very close to the Tower they were born in for now.
People will only start seriously moving down to ground level after about a year has passed. For now, Metafalica is a much nicer place to live than the surface, and probably will continue to be so for at least another decade.
Number 3: I think so, too. I'll have to treat the artist to dinner and have them draw a picture with a normal expression.

In the Technical Service Center, they said that if a Reyvateil loses her memories, she'd lose a downloaded Hymmnos if it were stored close to those memories, too, but what would happen to a Hymmnos she Downloaded during her period of amnesia after she got her memories back?
Would it continue stick around after her memories returned?
Or, if she Downloaded it while her memories were in some previous state, if the way she'd react to the feelings in the song differently before and after the memory loss (sympathy vs. rejection), would it have an effect on the song?

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There are two types of memory loss, seal and destruction. In the former type, it would be restored, and in the latter type it would be erased. However, most memory loss is of the former type, so recovery is usually possible.
To put in it SH Server terms, Hymmnos are basically [emotional supplement services]. When you install it, any feelings that aren't created by the user are recorded inside SH-RAM alongside the memories of that moment.
So, after installation, a Hymmnos is treated the same as any other feelings or memories. However, any externally addressed information or license information is stored elsewhere, so it's deleted immediately upon uninstall.

Up until now in the AT series the Reyvateils have crafted Song Magic from various sides of themselves that have different effects, but in 3 all of that goes away and they only have their [Mind Guardians].
Does that mean that the Hyuma that can only be used with the Third Tower themselves create various effects, like how Girl Power from 2 creates various effects based on the Songs the IPDs sing for you even without creating [individual Song Magic creatures]?

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Honestly, it mostly has to do with practical considerations of work volume. Sorry it's such a mundane reason.
I've said a lot about the Hyuma system in a previous response, so please have a look.

In the game, you create a holography of Tyria to bring about her revival, but what exactly is this holography?

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β : ×数千万円→○数十億円
フォログラフィ : ×数百万円→○数千万円
申し訳ないついでに、オリジンも公開します。シュレリア84兆円、フレリア7兆4000億円、β−6Dは4兆円程度です。詳しくは今後発売される書籍『アルトネリコ ビジュアルブック 蒼天楽土』に掲載予定です。
A holography is a simple way to create a copy of a Reyvateil. This is actually a pretty important topic, so I'll explain it here since I forgot to include it in the setting encyclopedia.
When the βs appeared in the First Era, it significantly dropped the prices in effect in the Reyvateil industry and greatly expanded the size of the markets. However, individual units still cost tens of millions of yen billions of yen, which is something you just can't buy with your own money, so private ownership was practically impossible for most people.
A company at the time was developing even more convenient ways to produce Reyvateils, and one of those was holography. Holography uses resonance from the Nuclear Triangular Loop to create a temporary body.
This technique resulted in a pretty revolutionary price reduction; since it dropped the cost to roughly the materials cost of the necessary biofluid and machinery, you could make a Reyvateil for about a few million or hundred thousand ten million yen or so.
Naturally, this resulted in a number of problems. Since β-6D would try to do the same thing with a Reyvateil created via holography as with a so-called normal Reyvateil, the Reyvateil herself would essentially need to be sleeping all the time (strictly speaking her physical form wouldn't be a normal body, but her Nuclear Triangular Loop would exist on its own in a dedicated facility).
Further, creating multiple holographies of the same Reyvateil would result in odd mental effects, since you're trying to forcibly divide SH-RAM that can't be divided; for example, the different copies might suddenly start doing or saying something the other copy was doing, or their consciousness might overlap. What's more, since a single Nuclear Triangular Loop would be forced to maintain a lot of bodies at once, it resulted in accelerated Telomere degradation, shortening Reyvateils' lifespans to 50 or even 20 years.
It was possible to create 100 copies of a Reyvateil through holography in lab situations, but the limitations this would impose wouldn't make for a workable product, so this concept was never brought to commercial use.
Katene discovered materials that described the theory and practice behind holography and applied those principles to Tyria.

※ I'm sorry, I misread the order of magnitude for the costs of creating holography of βs.
Betas cost billions of yen (about US$tens of millions), not tens of millions of yen (about US$hundreds of thousands)
Holography costs tens of millions of yen (US$hundreds of thousands), not millions of yen (US$tens of thousands).
As a token of my apology, I'll include the figures for Origins' costs as well. Shurelia cost 84 trillion yen (about US$840 billion), Frelia cost about 7.4 trillion yen (about US$74 billion), and β-6D cost about 4 trillion yen (about US$40 billion). I plan on going into more detail in the upcoming publication "Ar tonelico Visual Book Souten Paradise".

Tyria-san is the Third Tower, but what will happen to the Tower when Tyria-san dies?

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In a word, it will disappear. Everything else that was built using the Tower will also disappear. Everything else will fall.

How's this work for Girl Power? "Each IPD essentially uses the IPD Queen as a relay point for their feelings towards their partner (or equivalently recognized person), allowing them to strengthen the vanguards using a Harmonics level that's usually unachievable."
The increase in an IPD's Girl Power level represents the deepening bond between her and the vanguard she's contracted with, so it's not like a part time job, but she's actually working her hardest to sing in battle as long as the contract is in force.
(Nyo? of Hachijo Island)

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Thanks for your proposal! That's an excellent plan that fits very well with the setting of Ar tonelico. I'll definitely refer to this plan whenever I think about how Girl Power works.
Since the IPDs being able to connect to each other through the Queen is a special feature that only applies to the IPDs themselves, I'm happy to see it continue to be a part of the setting.
Thank you very much.

The Mind Guardians are subsconsiously modelled on important memories, so what are the models of the Mind Guardians for the personalities in 3 (including the heroines (Tyria is an Origin, so this only counts for Ar Ru))?

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As parts of the Will of the Planet, the part of the Dive Machine that represents their Mind Guardians doesn't quite work normally on them, so the nature of their Mind Guardians is somewhat different from those of normal Reyvateils.
If they don't have one, they can define something as important to them on the spot, they can create one if they need something to support their actions, they can create one as a representation of a great purpose they're all fired up about... and so on.
Basically, a normal Reyvateil's Mind Guardian is created from some important thing lurking deep in their subconscious mind, but to look at it from the other side, anything that exists at that particular address will be interpreted as the Mind Guardian, so since what exists at that address for the Wills of the Planet is actually part of their conscious mind, they get to determine what their Mind Guardian will be.

I might have this wrong since I don't remember it exactly, but after you beat [Ciela] in the last battle of 3, when Harvestasha XP-san fuses with the Heart of the Land and [Ciela], the consensus Will of the Planet, the XP Shell stays behind in the Planetary Core to oversee the final creation of the new core of Ar Ciel and fuses into the core as well, but what happened to Harvestasha's Will after the fusion was complete?
Did it just disappear?

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This may seem harsh, but I hope you'll understand that my answer is given according to the nature of this column.
XP doesn't have a Will at all. She's a man-made construct of AI and memory, so she doesn't have any Will or thoughts that would disappear in the first place. XP was lost just like you'd lose everything on your PC's hard drive if you dropped it into hot lava.

Why do the characters that show up from Luca's and Cloche's (Reika's) memories in the Infelsphere (like the Reyvateil from her Dive Therapy training, or the girl that got lost and wandered into the Grand Bell Palace) look like Jakuri (Mir) and Lakra (Sonia)?
I could understand it if it worked like the Cosmosphere where various parts of the heroine take form as characters, but the Infelsphere isn't like the Cosmosphere, right...?

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It's just a question of production cost. Please think of those images as placeholders for someone else.

The 3 setting encyclopedia said that Ar Ciel created three personalities to help support the main personality Saki-san in situations she couldn't get through on her own, but wasn't Saki-san also one of Ar Ciel's personalities? What does this mean?
Since Sis Sakia is Saki-san's true main personality, she's not one of the Wills of Ar Ciel, so I thought maybe it was Lere-san showing up in Saki-san's Cosmosphere or something like that, but that would contradict the statement from before they went to Tyria to have their life energy restored that she had four personalities in the same body.

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That's something we overlooked during proofreading. Strictly speaking, the correct answer is that Saki's alternate personalities are the two personalities Ar Ciel created to support her and her main personality, Sakia Rumei.
The description from your question was written before the game released, when Saki's true nature was still a secret. I take responsibility for it having been published as such in the setting encyclopedia.

I understand your answer from last time about why Luca-san and Cloche-(Reika-)san don't have shortened lifespans like the heroines from 3, but there was that scene in 2 where Luca suddenly loses consciousness due to decreased energy after meeting Infel and Nenesha in the Infelsphere; was that the same problem that Saki-san and Finnel-san had in 3?

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What happened to Luca in the Infelsphere wasn't a loss of life energy. Since something had happened that directly contradicted her memories, she was thrown into a state of shock that caused her to temporarily lose consciousness. It's just like how sometimes in our world people will faint from the shock of seeing something happen that they just can't accept.

Lyner, the main character of 1, has a father, Leard, who's the leader of Platina, but what was his mother like?
She's never mentioned in the story, so did he lose her when he was very young?

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His mother passed away when he was very young. Leard was always very stubborn, even with his wife, so this still weighs on his mind. He can't help but regret what he did, and wonder if his actions contributed to the early death of his wife.
So, he wants to make sure that at least he does a good job of raising Lyner, which is why he is as strict as he is.

Maybe you've already talked about this, but if the monsters on the Wings of Horus are man-made biological weapons, what about the monsters in 2 and 3?

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In the case of 2, most of them are creatures that came along with the émigrés from Sol Ciel. Things like Poms ended up adapting nicely to their new environments. Some Nyo? were brought along as well, but they couldn't deal with the conditions on the Rim and mostly died out.
A number of other monsters were brought along as well to serve as a defensive (or perhaps offensive, in a sense) measure against whatever they'd encounter in Metafalss.

Most of the enemies in 3 are natural inhabitants of the environment that are out looking for food. Even humans are a good source of food for many creatures in those harsh natural enviroments.

Please tell me Tyria's real three sizes.

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Our internal development notes say "72-60-75".

What's the sign in the back ramp in Tokoshie that says "We have those boxes"? What's "that" box?

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What is "that" box? It's fun to let your imagination run around for a while. So, for now, we'll keep it a secret.
...actually, the truth is I don't know either. Only the artist who drew that picture knows.

There were some Reyvateils in the Slave District that had undergone Cleansing. What is the Cosmosphere of a Cleansed Reyvateil like?

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It's totally different from the Cleansing that's performed on humans, and much simpler. The Clusternians search through their SH-RAM and completely flatline (zero out) any thoughts or feelings that they deem improper. After that they go through some [reeducation], and that's that. They became unnecessarily obedient, which is a byproduct of the intentional rebuilding of their Cosmosphere.

Why can Reyvateils talk when they're singing Song Magic?

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The answer would be the same as the one for the question in the last issue about a Reyvateil with no voice; Reyvateils don't need to physically sing in order for their Song Magic to be recognized. The music and chorus that you hear during Hymmnos are simply a return effect from the Tower that takes effect in the few meters or kilometers surrounding the singer.
The area of the return effect for a Hymmnos Extract is fairly small, and 20 meters is about the limit. You can hear the Song for the magic she's singing just about anywhere in those 20 meters, but that music isn't something the Reyvateil is singing, but a Song that's created by the Tower.

You can select different Hyuma to equip on the Song Synthesis screen, but how exactly do the characters do that?

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Last time I mentioned that we did a lot of things to make the series work as games; this is one of those things that isn't really done the way it's pictured in the game.

In the setting encyclopedia, it says [Sakia's true form is a ~ program], but she wasn't made the same way that Saki, a fellow γ-Sublimate, was, right?
Or does this mean that, now that she's relinquished the role of main personality to Saki, she doesn't have a body to call her own?

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I'm terribly sorry, that's also left over from an idea we had in an earlier phase of development. The correct answer according to how we finally worked things out is: "She is actually a γ-Sublimate, and Saki is one of the Wills of the Planet contained within her."
Now, I'd like to use the opportunity to shed a little light on the development process. Early on in the development of AT3, Saki was originally the γ-Sublimate and owner of the body, and Sakia Rumei was a frame program (just like the Harvestashas) installed by Archia to watch over her.
If Saki started to reject her true mission (to sing Arphage) or started to change her mind, Sakia Rumei's duty would be to forcefully correct her. In that respect her role isn't that different from her current role, but it's not as easy for her to force Saki to do something as it was originally going to be.

All of the Wills of the Planet in AT3 we saw were female, but are there any male Wills? Since the Wills were all feminine or motherly, and Aoto responded to them in a very masculine way, it really highlighted the emotional relationship between them as men and women. However, it seems like taking the mechanisms of life into effect, you'd expect the Wills to be split about half and half between men and women.
Also, since the Wills of the Planet created this world, do they understand the physical bases of how everything in the world is put together, like the genomes of living things, their physical construction, and so on? I get the impression Yurisica does, but if that's the case, wouldn't that mean that the Wills of the Planet know the answers and true theories behind all the experiments that take place in laboratories around the world?

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Regarding your first question, the Wills of the Planet don't have any gender distinction. They can take either form as they please when they manifest in human form, and they can appear young, aged, or even as a beast. The Wills of the Planet don't have the concept of breeding, which only applies to the living things in Ar Ciel. So, even if life exists on planets in other star systems, it's unknown whether they would breed or not, as this is a fairly irregular activity for beings derived from EXA_PICO.
Regarding your second question, the Wills of the Planet don't have the concept of normal science, and see everything as constructed from undulating feelings. It might be easier to understand if you think of it this way: let's say all the stars in space still look like a ★ when you get close to them and are delicious when you eat them. Now, imagine a human actually biting into one. Nobody would go so far as to consider the laws of physics and the cosmos in such delusional terms, right? That's kind of how the Wills of the Planet feel about this world.
Well, anyway, about Yurisica, since she herself says [her role is to promote the advance of civilization], she has the role of deciphering their [delusions], or as humans call them, [theories].

This is a question about Teru, so you can ignore it if you want.
Last time, you said Teru are half-human, half non-human, but would that make little Ieeya, who you craft in Saki's cosmosphere, a Teru? Or would she be a god since she's supposed to stand in for Saki?

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Ieeya isn't a Teru. In the first place, the Teru aren't half-breeds of humans and the so-called Wills of the Planet. They're a Will separate from that of Ar Ciel. There are even Teru who can sense the wave motions of waves outside the 24 types generated by Ar Ciel.

I have some questions about Jakuri.
1・ (there was a question like this in the last Toukousphere, but Lady Tyria totally ignored it, so ... *g*)
When she gave Cocona the piece of the Heart of the Land, Jakuri said, "I wanted to take it myself, but I have to go back to my home now."
That means that Jakuri was going to go to Sol Cluster, even though she promised Shurelia she'd come home ...
Didn't she know she'd turn to water if she went to Sol Cluster? Was she going to use her status as last boss to just make it happen somehow ...?

2・ Jakuri was sealed away at about age 30, and Pureblooded βs live for about 150 years.
So, does that mean she had about 120 more years left when the seal was broken?

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About the first question, Jakuri was testing to see whether or not she could make it to the Third Tower (mostly by getting information from Loude), and she'd realized she couldn't by the ending. I'm sure she also really wanted to honor Shurelia's request that she return home. She's unexpectedly fond of Shurelia.
About the second question, since her Nuclear Triangular Loop was inactive while she was sealed away, and her Telomere counter was also inactive, that time didn't have any effect on her. Since she was a so-called SH Server-only lifeform, she was just the same as Infel. So, she has about another 120 years to live.

Is it correct to say that a virus = a digital life form?
In the games, Ayatane and Shun are healed when they eat, and they can take damage and collapse, so they don't seem very different than normal living creatures, but do they feel pain? What goes on inside them? ...
Ayatane's known Lyner for a long time, but he hasn't always looked exactly the same as he does now, right? I'm also curious to hear the details of how Enja was reborn as the digital life form Shun.

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Yes, you can say they're the same, but strictly speaking, [viruses are a subset of digital lifeforms].
Their HP are restored when you give them food because that's how the game works. It would have been too much trouble to have a special set of healing items that only worked on Ayatane. I hope you'll understand.
As for their outward appearance in the game, it's basically all for show. It's like how a polygon model can take off their clothes and even change outfits instantaneously. If you think of it that way, it makes it easy for them to hide their identity.

I have a question about the Heart of the Land. In the last Technical Data Room, you said that [the energy to create the [Heart of the Land] comes from [combining] the Wills of humans into something higher]; if that's the case, does that mean that EXEC_with.METHOD_METAFALICA/. is a way to turn Infel Phira, that is, the collective consciousnesses of the IPDs, into a Heart of the Land?
In that case, the [Heart of the Land] that was created from just EXEC_METAFALICA/. was incomplete because the [collectivization process] didn't happen, right?
In which case, [Deathlandia] had such a strong sense of ego because the [collectivization process] couldn't occur due to a lack of energy, forming [an imperfect Heart of the Land].

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That's generally correct. The effect of METHOD_METAFALICA/., as you've recognized, is to turn Infel Phira into a Will that transcends that of mere humans. Now, the Heart of the Land created from just the EXEC part was an imperfect version (with a strong sense of ego) because it lacked the high-frequency portions that would exist in a Will that transcended that of humans.
For example, it's like if a wolf were able to use a machine gun. In that case, it would use it to prey on as many things as it wanted. The Heart of a Land is too strong a weapon to be used by mere humans.

While I was playing, I was wondering about Saki's Mind Guardian; it's Japanese name is Bakudanman, right? Or is it "Bakudasomaso", which looks really similar?
I can't help but think that "n" kana looks a lot like a "so", or am I the only one who thinks that?

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Officially, the collective opinion is that it's written Bakudasomaso, but when Saki says it out loud, she says Bakudanman.
That's because it would just be too unnatural for Saki to say "Bakudasomaso-san" (and it kind of contradicted the image we had of her character).

I had the impression that the atmosphere during the planet's regeneration was pretty unusual, but people don't seem to be avoiding it. I suppose that means the areas around each of the Towers are okay thanks to the Musical Corridors.
Did the Third Tower send word to the other Towers afterward?
I can just imagine how drained the people of Metafalica would feel after they went to all that work to craft the continent, and one day suddenly the planet is revived and the real continents appear beneath the Tower.
(Ban Dai Namuko)

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Just as you say, each of the Towers is protected by their weather regulation system, so it doesn't really effect them.
As for whether they established contact, that'd be something that happened after the ending.
The Second Tower did succeed in crafting Metafalica, but I don't think they would react that way. As I said in response to an earlier question, it will take quite some time for the world of the surface to become as nice a place as Metafalica.

Were the Ayatanes in 1 and 3 the same character?
In the end he appears as a boss and you beat him... and he was Jakuri's Mind Guardian in 2, so I just don't really understand how it all fits together.
I've beaten all three games, but I just don't really get it. Please explain this for me!

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The Ayatanes in AT1, AT2, and AT3 are all different people.
In AT1, Ayatane is a digital life form that Mir created. In other words, he's a program; you might think of him as a polygon model.
Next, in AT2, the [Ayatane] that she'd met long, long ago had left such a strong impression on her that he served as the basis for her Mind Guardian.
Finally, the AT3 character's name is [Ayatane Kureha], and he's a separate person from [Ayatane Michitaka], who served as the basis for the characters that appear in AT1 and AT2. Kureha is a descendent of Michitaka. The real Michitaka was one of the [Ayatane Necrofamilies] that controlled Clustania from the shadows. His goal was to rescue Mir and bring her back with him to his own world, Clustania, and in attempting to do so he left a very strong impression on Mir. As a result, Mir created a program based on him named Ayatane (AT1), and even her Mind Guardian was based on Ayatane (AT2).

Salavec Rhaplancaについてお話ししていただきたいです。
I'd like to hear something about Salavec Rhaplanca.

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色々とお話出来ることが有れば、何でもしたいと思います。ただ、現状私がSalavec Rhaplancaについて語りたいことは、志方さんのCD「ハルモニア」のガストショップ特典本冊子で全て語ってしまっておりますので、もし「ここについてもっと詳しく知りたい!」という事が有れば、具体的に指定していただければお答えいたします。
I'd love to say something about it if I could. However, everything I could say about Salavec Rhaplanca I've already said in the special edition booklet that came with Shikata-san's CD [Harmonia] in the Gust shop, so if there's something more you want to know about it, please ask specifics and I'll try to answer.

When you beat Antibodies, you get Nyo? Guts, so does that mean that Nyo? are Antibodies?

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The item drops are largely determined by game balance, so that doesn't really match the setting, either. I hope you'll understand.

When I read things like the recent Toukouspheres, there are a lot of references to Wave Science, but not a lot of references to Sound Science. If you say that Wave Science is on the entry level courses in a Sol Ciel college curriculum, would Sound Science be considered something of a lost technology these days?
What are the differences between the two, and why was Sound Science forbidden(?)?

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Wave Science is a development of Sound Science, and is a much more systematic system that resulted as a logical conclusion of investigating Sound Science. So, [Sound Science] is already a thing of the past; it's more antiquated than lost technology. It's kind of like the relationship [between alchemy and chemistry].

So who pulled the trigger that ended the world?
Rikka isn't a g- ... *cough cough*

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There are a few different senses to [the end of the world]. There's the [literal destruction of the world], [the announcement of the end for the cruel world that's existed for so long], and a lot of other meanings, too.
So, there wasn't any one [someone] who pulled the trigger - all of the Reyvateils in the game had some trigger to pull. Saki, Finnel, Tyria, and Rikka too, of course, Akane, Mute, and so on; they all sing a Song that serves as some turning point for the world.

You said, if an Origin had a child with a human male, so does that mean that Origins and humans can have children? I know that βs can have children with humans, but if they can't, that means I'll never see any of the Origins smiling with a child in their arms... will I?

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I've been avoiding saying this for a while too, but since it's mostly covered in the AT3 setting encyclopedia I may as well tell you the truth. Among the Origins, Eolia and Frelia can't have children, and Tyria can.
So it's not so much that Origins can't have children, but as was said in the last Toukousphere, it depends on exactly how they've been customized.

Has there ever been a historical period where the Hymmnos Language was used as an everyday language?

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Not even once. However, it's used in various degrees depending on where you are. To start with, the Hymmnos Language has Carmena Foreluna in its roots, which is in turn derived from Ar Ciela (the Language of the Planet). Of the two, Carmena Foreluna was meant for use by humans, but it was more of a language for casting spells than a language for everyday speech. So, you could say the Hymmnos Language would fall more under the category of [spell-casting] than [language].
However, the priests of Metafalss were able to use the Metafalss Note in (joking) conversation, so it could be used as a conversational language, even if it wasn't adequate for all purposes. Still, its spell-like attributes are very strong, and it's true that it was mostly used by the priests of Metafalss or the Moon Chanters of Sol Ciel to pray to the gods.

So I was thinking, about Kanade and Raki's battle form, isn't that design ... ? You can't do that, right?

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Sorry, I"m not sure I understand, but Nagi-shi came up with the design and forms of the maintenance droids. I don't really know much about robots, so since I thought the robot designs Nagi-san drew were pretty cool, I've left all of that to Nagi.

It looks like Mute wasn't treated well in the Clustanian army, but what do the Clustanian βs think of Third Generations?
(Give Shurelia-sama a fan club, too!)

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Maybe this wasn't written about in the AT3 setting encyclopedia. The Clusternian βs don't really acknowledge Third Generations as Reyvateils. The only see βs as Reyvateils.
Since they can pretend to be Reyvateils, though, they let them work in the Clusternian army, just the same way you'd keep a horse to work for you. Since Third Generations are children of humans and Reyvateils, their very existence is something Clustania wouldn't want to accept. Therefore, it's probably about right to say they detest them.

Is Cocona's age in the Ar tonelico 3 Perfect Guide an error, too?

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これも制作的なお話で恐縮ですが、 開発向け設定にココナの年齢が「15歳(実年齢13歳)」と書かれていた物を、 攻略本では15歳の方だけを掲載してしまっていたというのが現状です。
ココナはタツミとして変装しているときに「自分は15歳」と言っていましたので、 その年齢が載ってしまっているわけです。 実際は13歳と掲載するのが正しいです。
Well, sorry to trouble you with a publishing issue, but what happened is that our development notes list Cocona's age as "15 (actually 13)", but that got left as just 15 in the book.
When Cocona was pretending to be Tatsumi, she'd say she was 15 years old, so that's what got published. Her real age is 13.

When you reach the end of the Infelsphere, Soope turns into the Hymn Crystal for Method Metafalica, but can he turn back from the Hymn Crystal into Soupe?
If you assume that the Soope Infel and Nenesha used is the same Soope that Cloche and Luca used, I think it would be a problem if he couldn't.
Or, did they prepare a number of different crystals, which means there are a number of different Soopes? I think that could be a security issue, though.
Are there any other Hymn Crystals that can turn into something else?

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The correct answer is that there was more than one. There's a place in the Kanakana Pier where Soopes are raised under the care of the half-Teru residents of Kanakana; there's usually 1 Soope at any time.
I'm afraid I'm not sure what kind of security risks you're imagining, but Kanakana Pier is isolated and protected by a long line of bodyguards, and since Soope will only become a Hymn Crystal under certain, limited conditions (like [Can this person understand me?], [Has this person undergone the trials of the Infelsphere?], [Are there two Maidens, one Mio, one Homura?]), I personally think there are enough security measures in place.
Soope is currently the only one that uses this sort of system. There aren't any other Hymn Crystals like this.

また、ヴィーナによって作られる塔ですが、これは単なるソル・マルタへの通路なのでしょうか? 用途については特に言及されていなかったように思うのですが…。
Frelia's Viena, which creates the Second Tower, and Rebirthia Protocol both have the common attribute of [creating a Tower through Hymmnos], though I understand the process by which they do that is totally different. I don't really understand the details for either process, though. I'd love to hear details about their differences and how they work.
Also, is the Tower that's created by Viena simply a path to Sol Marta? I don't think you've ever alluded to its purpose ...
That's all, thanks as always.

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The process by which Frelia created the Second Tower involves creating a solid object out of [vaporized metal and solidifying elements of the atmosphere] slowly over the course of several years. Frelia can perform Hymmnos Extract playback in realtime, so she can sing Hymmnos Extracts for days at a time. The results of these Hymmnos Extracts built up the Second Tower bit by bit.
Now, the purpose of [Viena] is [to lift the optical camouflage that was placed over a Tower]. Strictly speaking, it doesn't actually create anything. It just [unlocks] it. It's just changing the mode of something that's already there.
And [Rebirthia Protocol] [manipulates RAM in the physical portion of Tyria's Nuclear Triangular Loop to transform her body into the Tower]. So, this is more of a [transformation], and it's not the [creation of a Tower]. The scale of the thing she's transforming into is in another league entirely, but it's just like the old stories of [tengu becoming gigantic and tiny].

The Tower from Viena is like the [string on a pendulum]. Humans see it as a Tower, but on a more macroscopic scale, it's none other than the thread that connects Sol Marta and the Tower that Frelia creates. You could say that Croix's party is simply climbing up between the threads of the pendulum cable.
Frelia can also sense what happens in this pendulum, and it serves to give her direct feedback about the state of the structure on the end of it. In other words, if the CV and DV are [Frelia's eyes], the Tower of Viena would be like [Frelia's nerves].

What happened to the Blastline after the planetary regeneration was successful?
What was the Sea of Death, anyway? I remember hearing you could fish in it.

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The Blastline is still there, but it's gradually being neutralized by the planet's purifying energy.
The Sea of Death was made up of the bits of earth that were blown up into the air by the Grathnode Inferia, and the passing of 700 years and the Wills of the Planet turned it into what it was.
Cloud Sea Fish are Antibodies that have served out their purpose. I've said quite a bit about them in response to an earlier question, so please have a look at it.

How was Cocona recognized as an unknown type of Reyvateil in Sol Cluster?
Is it just that they have an individual registration code for every Reyvateil, so they'd recognize her as an unregistered Reyvateil?
(Kimura Shuuichi@Sunday East Hall Shi-30a)

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First of all, the Clustanians are extremely cautious about any unregistered aircraft that approaches the Third Tower. They're tracked automatically, and anything that's deemed to be a threat is shot down before it can reach the Great Fang.
The things that make an aircraft [dangerous] are the possibilities that it [contains a large bomb], [a large energy source], or [a Reyvateil].
Since this system is built on technology from the First Era, [Reyvateils] are considered particularly dangerous. It was a matter of course for military planners to consider the possibility of war that used Reyvateils as weapons, so the presence of unknown Reyvateils was a particularly menacing possibility.
As a result, if the automated tracking system detects a Reyvateil, it tries to identify them by their Hymn Code when the aircraft approaches. Since it's prepared to shoot down incoming aircraft, it scans as many aircraft as it can and creates an identity profile based on the Hymn Code data it collects (and if they're already under attack, they're sure to be an enemy, so the information is collected in order to enable Clustanian retribution). When Cocona came to Sol Cluster, it detected Cocona's Hymn Code as anomalous.
This isn't too related, but Loude had a similar technique at his disposal in AT2 (a scouter that could read Reyvateils' Hymn Codes). We were going to have an event where you find it in the Cat Mansion, and it's able to easily identify Luca and Jakuri, but Cloche just comes up as [Unknown], but we got rid of it since the conversation got too in-depth too fast.

You know all about Cocona's Install Port, but you just haven't told us, right? Or have you not decided?
If the former, I'd like to know why you haven't said anything about it.
(Kimura Shuuichi@Sunday East Hall Shi-30a)

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You mean the design for her Install Port? We haven't decided that. We always ask Mr. Nagi to do the designs for the Install Ports. The reason why we haven't done Cocona's has less to do with the setting and more to do with the trials of being an adult.
If you all want to see it enough, we might be able to do something about that.

Isn't Cocona's super move in AT3 where she "crashes into the enemy and accelerates" a simple physical attack? Or does it use her Reyvateil powers somehow?
(Kimura Shuuichi@Sunday East Hall Shi-30a)

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It's just a trick to make the game representation more exciting. Things like this happen because it's a game, so please just leave it be. If you don't, we'll have to come up with theories to explain all the super moves from AT1-AT3, and since things like this aren't really that closely thought out, establishing a setting for all of them would pretty significantly change the focus of this column.
So, I'll have to add that as one of the reasons for refusal in the introduction.

In AT3 when Tatsumi's clothes get ripped, Cocona's clothes appear out from under them, but that's just due to dramatic needs, and in real life that event would reveal a half-naked Cocona, correct?
(Kimura Shuuichi@Sunday East Hall Shi-30a)

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Just like the last question, it made for a nice, strong movie scene.
I'll leave what would happen in real life to your imagination.

I have a question about Cocona's energy blasts. Does this mean that Cocona's is always drawing power from Infel Phira, or can Reyvateils create energy blasts even without a Song Server?
(If the former, is it due to a geostationary satellite Sasha created, or is the Third Tower just barely enough in Infel Phira's range for her to get power?)
(Kimura Shuuichi@Third Day East Hall Shi-30a [Walking Broadcast Tower Party])

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The former.
During the game, Sasha says things like [I've launched a new satellite. This time it should reach 30%], and the old version is still in geostationary orbit.
There are two reasons why Cocona doesn't normally use Song Magic, the first is that it's very tiring. I believe there was a scene in AT1 where Aurica and Misha try using Song Magic after Suspend and get tired out easily; it's just like that. It's not as tiring as that, but the stamina consumption is according to the root mean squared function (because of the LPM).
The second reason is because she didn't want to expose herself to Clustania by launching too many satellites or making it obvious she's an outside Reyvateil. Since she was originally attacked because she was an [unknown Reyvateil], she takes a lot of care about this.
Still, since Sasha came along with Cocona to provide support to her as a Reyvateil, since she understands they'll need something like that soon, and since Sasha has a very inquisitive nature, she started experimenting with relay satellites.

Why is it called a V-Board?
And, how good a V-Board racer is Cocona?
(Kimura Shuuichi@Third Day East Hall Shi-30a [Walking Broadcast Tower Party])

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The name V-Board comes from Vertical Board. V-Boards were originally created in order to scale large outcroppings like cliffs or the tower wall in the area around the Third Tower.
Cocona is pretty high up in the rankings of V-Board racers in the entire Third Tower. Victory could be more than just a dream for her.

Thanks for answering my question last time.
Actually, I already have another question.
Saki and Finnel have different bodies for the different personalities, but do the different personalities all have different Install Ports?
Saki's Install Port is on her right thigh, but no matter what I look at, I can't find it. This is just an oversight, right?

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No, they don't have different Install Ports (Yurushica even says in AT3, [Ask Finnel if you want to know where Soma's Install Port is (because they're in the same place).]
Now, we've also consistently not drawn the Install Ports on character art, ever since AT1. Please take note of this.

How big are Install Ports?

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Most Install Ports are about 5cm in diameter. Especially in Third Generations, it might be smaller, or have an irregular shape (it might be oblong, or look like it has cracks in one part). Most βs' Install Ports are about 5cm.

This isn't that great a question, but if Saki or Finnel took enough damage that they lost a limb, would that be reflected in the other personalities' bodies, too?

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Yes. However, it wouldn't between Tyria and Arru.
If Saki and Finnel could use a more powerful FLIP, it wouldn't have an effect, but since with their current abilities it's a surface transformation (a transition between states of equivalent energy values), if they lost an arm, they wouldn't get it back if they changed to another personality.

I have a question about the Tower to the Heavens.
It looks like the Tower wasn't there when Enja took a rocket to Sol Marta, but when Infel invade it says she [ran up] the Tower, so it must have been there.
Has the Tower to the Heavens flipped between physical and non-physical forms several times throughout the history of Metafalss?

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The Tower to the Heavens can change its state of camouflage and whether it's there in physical form. Since doing so takes quite a bit of energy, though, it doesn't happen very often.
In its initial state, the Tower to the Heavens is camouflaged. It would be more proper to say that they made it appear in Infel's time rather than to say it appeared.