ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Ar Ciel Technical Data Compilation Room/Issue 6

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Hello everyone, Tsuchiya here.
First, I'd like to give my thanks to everyone that comes to read this column everytime, and in exchange for your continuous support, I want to tell you all an exciting piece of news. Looks like Her Highness Harvestasha will come to us through Twitter? Well, this was something I actually had planned to put out at the same time as the fourth anniversary festival, but somehow committed a mistake. But if there is enough interest, maybe I could try doing something about it?


Well then, now let's go to the column's point itself.
As I mentioned on the previous issue, this time I'll be conducting a survey about the contents of this column, about the contents of the Toukousphere and other sections of the Ar Portal, and in which way we should develop them in the future. For this purpose, I've put up a few questions that I'll be very glad if you take the time to think through and answer them honestly.
This is because the feedback I receive from you all it's something I carefully consider whenever I develop anything for Ar tonelico. Therefore, if we can continue interacting every now and then in this same way, I think that we'll be able to continue advancing even fruther.



By the way, I want as many people as possible to take part in this survey, so if you can spread the word through your own blog or Twitter, I'll be really happy.
If you want to use Twitter for it, here I have added an announcement link below you can use for this purpose. Feel free to make use of it.

Finally, I hope we can continue interacting as well as we have done until the very end.

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[Question 1]
This question is about the Ar Ciel Technical Data Compilation room.
How interesting has been this column to you?
If there is, or was any other column that was as interesting as it, please write its name.

How interesting has the Technical Data Room been?
[ 今までで一番イマイチ ]
It isn't the best of the columns so far.
2 (1%)
[ 一番つまらなくはないがイマ ]
It hasn't been to most boring one so far.
8 (3%)
[ 一番ではないが面白い ]
It isn't the best, but it's quite interesting.
166 (65%)
[ 今までで一番面白い ]
It's the most interesting of the columns so far.
81 (32%)

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[Question 2]
This question is about the answer policies that were added to the Ar Ciel Technical Data Compilation Room.
Currently, the Technical Data Room has the concept of "honestly answering every question without concealing anything", so what are your thoughts on it?
If there are any answers you'd like to be kept concealed, please write the main fields in which these answers would fall.

What do you think of the Technical Data Room's concept?
[ それよりもっと名案がある! ]
There are far better ideas than it!
2 (1%)
[ ナイーヴな所は反転表記(通 ]
There were parts that overturned some naive images.
23 (9%)
[ やはりナイーヴな所は回答し ]
Maybe it'd be better to not get answers about some naive things.
10 (4%)
[ 今のままで良い ]
It's okay as it is right now.
221 (86%)

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[Question 3]
This question is about the Ar Ciel Technical Data Compilation room.
Among the answers that have been given so far, there was any that was unpleasant to you? And if there was, please tell us specifically what was unpleasant to you.

Did you receive any unpleasant answers in the Technical Data Room?
[ なかった ]
I didn't.
219 (91%)
[ あった ]
I did.
22 (9%)

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[Question 4]
This question is about the direction in which we should develop the Ar Ciel Technical Data Compilation Room from now on.
Currently, the Technical Room serves to answer all of the questions it receives, but this would also be too hard on us whenever we approached busy times.
Therefore, please vote on which you think that would be the best policy for us to take, and if you'd like, write the reason why you think so.

Which one would be the best development trend for us?
[ それよりもっと名案がある! ]
There are far better ideas than this!
13 (5%)
[ 途中で募集を打ち切り、毎回 ]
Always cut off in the middle of the recruiting.
23 (12%)
[ 毎回30点程度を選んで回答 ]
Choose and answer 30 questions per issue.
198 (80%)
[ 他の時間を割いてでも、毎回 ]
Make each issue longer, even if that takes time off from something else.
9 (4%)

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[Question 5]
Please, write any other requests you would have for the Ar Ciel Technical Data Compilation Room.

If you have any specific requests, please vote.
[ それよりもっと名案がある! ]
I have some requests.
280 (100%)

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[Question 6]
This question is about the Toukousphere.
What do you think about the current state of the Toukousphere? Additionally, please write the concrete reasons for why you think so.

What do you think about the current Toukousphere?
[ そろそろやめた方がいい ]
It'd be better if it ended soon.
3 (1%)
[ 最近不愉快な記事がある ]
It had some unpleasant posts lately.
24 (9%)
[ 最近面白さが落ちてきた ]
It hasn't been very interesting lately.
12 (5%)
[ 相変わらず面白い ]
It has been as interesting as always.
226 (85%)

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[Question 7]
This question is about myself (Tsuchiya).
What kind of work would you like to see me involved in? If you have any concrete requests, please write them.

In which kind of work you would expect me to work in from now on?
[ その他 ]
Other kinds of work.
19 (8%)
[ ゲーム制作に専念する ]
Devote yourself to making games.
36 (15%)
[ 開発者として、一線を引いた ]
Continue drawing your line as a developer.
135 (55%)
[ より親密なユーザー目線での ]
Continue making activities that make you much more closer to the users.
55 (22%)


Thank you for your collaboration!
From the next issue on, I'll do my best to make the site reflect the results gotten here. I hope we can continue working together like this.


By the way, I'll start receiving questions for the Technical Data Room once again from today on, so everyone, send me everything you have. By the way, I also want to apologize for not being able to answer to the submissions that were sent until today (I still have to apologize to those who were expecting these answers, although I wrote a warning on this topic at the end of the previous issue...). If you like, please make sure to send the same questions once again.