ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Ar Portal Of Our Youth/Issue 1

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Hello, Tsuchiya here.
This is the first issue of our new column, "The Ar Portal Of Our Youth". I'd like to run this column twice; I'll use it to discuss our feelings about Ar portal, which we haven't talked about much before.


In the first issue, I'd like to talk about the period leading up to the launch of Ar portal.

▼アルトネリコの総カタログ化を目指して/Aiming for an Ar tonelico General Catalog


Ar portal was launched on July 30, 2006. This was half a year after Ar tonelico was released. I'd already started work on Ar tonelico 2 over the course of that half year, but I'd also been spending a lot of time working on merchandise and generally getting informatin out. So, as we were releasing various pieces of merchandise, I realized that I, myself, didn't have a really good handle on what was coming out. Thinking that if the director doesn't even know, the fans are probably even more in the dark, I tried to think of a good way to get the news out. A long time ago, before the Internet, I relied a lot on catalogs to get my hands on merchandise related to games I liked a lot. To turn it around a bit, the goods in those catalogs were the only goods that existed, and I always considered myself lucky to find and buy something that wasn't in them, but I was always really disappointed if they'd already stopped selling it. So, I wanted to create something where you could know everything about Ar tonelico if you followed it. I wanted to create something where the fans could be assured they'd be able to find all the Ar tonelico information they wanted. We do have the Internet nowadays, and there is no better medium for information. So, I thought we absolutely needed an Ar tonelico information site.


And so we launched Ar portal. We decided one very important thing when we launched it: that our users would be at the core of Ar portal. For example, we decided we'd publish any information if we thought our fans would want to know it, even if it fell into a grey area in terms of corporate benefit. Specifically, we'd be willing to release information about the artists that participated in Ar tonelico and their independent projects. The most conspicuous item at the time (and now, of course) was the Songs of Ar tonelico. I think quite a few people who listened to Hymmnos became interested in the artists that created it. In response to their requests, we published information about their CDs and live events, and even proactively sold their independent works in the Gust Shop. Now we deal with the artists' CDs just like any other goods we sell, but it started out of our desire to create a user-focused Ar tonelico general catalog site.

▼ユーザー本位とはどういうことか?/What does it mean to be user focused?


Now, then, Ar portal was conceived as a general catalog, but there was one other key idea: I wanted to bring us closer to the fans. This is something I've believed in since before Ar tonelico; the "Supporters" system we used around Ar tonelico was something we came up with years before, and I truly believe it's helped bridge the divide between the company and our fans. (A number of other companies are doing something similar now, but at the time, there wasn't really anyone else who gave fans information about goods before their release and encouraged them to use on their blogs or what not as they saw fit.)
Once we'd introduced the idea of Supporters on Ar portal, we wanted to go even farther. So, we thought of a site where fans and developers could open a window and communicate with each other as the next stage. You can think of forms as the web version of windows. We thought it would be worth investigating a situation where everyone might post their impressions or ideas to the developers, and the developers could respond to them. A number of projects came out of this, such as the Toukousphere, Supporters' Review, deciding on merchandise based on user posts (such as the bath towels, etc.), and finally, the Ar Tonelico Summit.


We wanted to create a webpage based on these two ideas where one could find any Ar tonelico information, from information about merchandise in development to information about related artists, information about fan activities, and even other fans' thoughts on the series. And so for the time being, even if perhaps we haven't done enough, I think we've managed to faithfully bring that idea to fruition, to a certain extent.


Well, that's all I have to say for this time.
In the second and final installment, I'd like to focus on the various projects we've hosted on Ar portal, and go behind the scenes a little. I hope to see you next time!