ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Firefly Alley Citizen's BBS/Issue 21

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※This edition of the Citizen's BBS will have large spoilers, so please proceed with caution.

こんにちは、土屋です。そろそろ6月!というのに、まだ半袖では肌寒い長野。 いや、やっぱり今年の気候は変ですよ、ええ。長野といえど、さすがに6月は暑いですからねー…。
さて、今回で終わりの予定でしたアンケート結果ですが、すみません…次回がラストになります。今回のお題「愛、絆を感じられたシーン」そして次回のお題 「愛、絆が感じられなかったシーン」は、両方とも皆さんの熱い回答もあり、また多彩な御意見に1つずつ目を通しているため、少々時間がかかっております。 本当に真剣にご回答頂きまして、ありがとうございましたm(__)m

Hello everyone, Tsuchiya here. It's almost June! ...or that's what I'd like to say, but it has been still very unpleasantly cold here on Nagoya. No, it's more that weather has been quite strange this year too, so it's no surprise that this city would be so cold even in June.
Well then, I had planned to finish up the Enquete results this issue, but unfortunately... we'll have to finish them up next issue. The topic for this time: "Scenes Where Bonds and Love Could be Felt", and the topic for the next issue: "Scenes Where Bonds and Love Couldn't be Felt", were met with several passionate comments from bot sides, so in order to be able to look over these varied opinions, I'll need a bit more time. Really, thanks for having answered these questions so earnestly. m(__)m

この設問に対する答えは、非常に想いのこもっていた方が多く、大変興味深く読ませて頂きました。予想に反して答えは千差万別、十人十色。印象に残ったシーンは本当に多彩で、突出してこれ!というものはありませんでした。 中でも、沢山の方が記入して頂いたシーン上位幾つかを紹介させて頂きますね。プレイされた方は、ご自身の想いと照らし合わせてみると、色々と気づきがあって面白いかもしれません。

▼Which were the scenes in which you felt bonds and love?
Several of the answers to this question were extremely packed with feelings, so it was something I was very interested in reading. Contrary to my expectations, the answers were very varied and filled with all sorts of tastes. So basically, the scenes that left the largest impressions were very varied! To the point where there weren't any outstanding results. However, I can show you all the most notorious scenes among them, according to several of the comments that were written by the users. To everyone who played the game, it could be interesting to try comparing your feelings with those opinions, and see if you can notice all sorts of things from it.




★The Scenes Chosen by Most of the Users

・The scene where Misha chose her duty as the Star Singer over her freedom and began singing.
・The scene where Aurica began singing LINKER at the Altar of Apostles and Lyner came to save her.
・The scene where Aurica crafted Song Magic to save Lyner in the Singing Hill.
・The life extending agent scene.

All of these were very large events in which I poured a lot of my own feelings. Since these were the very first scene materials I wrote down from the earliest development period of the game, these are the ones that make me happy the most. Still, the point where the scenes between Misha and Aurica when they are both singing "LINKER" and "CHRONICLE=KEY" cross over was made as the conclusive scene that would relay the message of "bonds of the partners". The development of Ar tonelico as a game had at its very core depicting the bonds between partners until reaching these scenes, and from there on, it was set to have at its core the depiction of love for humanity and love that transcends races and background. I think that if the two scenes left such a deep impression in you all, it represents that you could reach a very high degree of empathy with the heroines. Still, many of you also reminisced, thought back and commented on all sorts of memories of experiences you had in the real world. If this managed to make you remember about "very dear things to you", it would make me happy to the point nothing would surpass it.




★Scenes Chosen by A Relatively High Number of Users

・The scene and conversation when Ayatane joins the party.
・Tastiella's question "What is the cause of conflicts?" and the answer to it.
・The setting of Misha's and Lyner's childhoods, and the conversation with Misha at the Tail of Reminiscence.
・The setting and relationship between the protagonist and Hama. Hama's feelings.
・The scene where all races join to make the airship.
・The scene where Misha says "I won't need anything aside of you, Lyner" right before the ending.
・The scene where Shurelia sings Suspend.
・When the party picks up the FFT Divider.
・The Install scenes.

The comments for the above also have written "second half", so a large part of them would account for the part representing love that transcends races and background. Events such as Tastiella's question and the building of the airship are also scenes in which I put an especially large amount of feelings when I was creating the events for the game.
Also, the Install scenes and the life extending agent scene also brought several opinions stating "Even if most people calls them perverted, I was really moved when I saw them while going through the game", which made me genuinely happy.


However, and while we haven't touched this subject yet, there were several who commented on how "they felt love and bonds" from the "Cosmospheres" and the "Dive System" itself. From these results, I can say that you all understood that the representation of bonds and love isn't just limited to Ar tonelico's main scenario: it's system also do their own part to represent them.


On the other hand, I also received many replies stating "they didn't feel anything". The reasons for it were very varied, so I think whenever I need something to use as a reference in the future, I'll be asking you all for your valuable opinions. I'm truly thankful that you all sent me these passionate opinions, despite some of them containing some unpleasant comments. Thank you very much.


In addition, I've also received all sorts of other opinions: so many, that I can't event count them. I'll have to omit them for the time being, but next time I'll be posting the summary of all the precious opinions you've sent us.
Still, I received so many opinions and from so many people, that I wouldn't be surprised if it gets as long as this issue of the Citizen's BBS! I really felt a great love for the characters and the game itself. Really, thank you very much for these feelings! That I could meet so many people and exchange all sorts of feelings with you all through Ar tonelico is something I'll always treasure as part of my experience as a game developer. As a game developer, there's no happiness that can surpass this for me. I want to continue while treasuring the interactions I have with all of you, so I hope we can always continue working together!

さて、次回は今度こそ本当に最終回!(…)「PHASE.2アンケの結果レポート Vol.4」をお届けします。この企画、長くなってしまい本当にすみません…。 それでは、また!

Well then, the next issue will be the final issue for real! (...) There, I'll show you all the "Phase 2 Enquete Results Report Vol. 4". I'm truly sorry this project has taken so long to finish... so, until next time!