ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Firefly Alley Citizen's BBS/Issue 24

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Hello everyone, Tsuchiya here. While over here at Nagoya and the northern regions of Japan have gotten relatively little rain for a wet season, right now it's still continuing to rain. While I don't really want go out anywhere... I don't really want to go back home (and why is that?), so now, let's begin with a heated news explosion about Ar tonelico that won't lose even against the rain!

As you all might have seen in Citizen's Mail Newsletter, we've finally established and opened the Ar tonelico Communication Fansite "Ar Portal", which will serve as the communication point with the Ar tonelico fans so the enthusiasm doesn't fade away yet! And once again, this is only possible because of the large support you've all given us! Really, thank you very much for always loving our works!

This time, we'll continue where we left off in the previous issue: "Plans for Future Developments After Ar tonelico - Part 2", so we'll now show you all a few of the items that will be released this August!

■Ar_tonelico Hymmnos musical ~クレア・そよかぜの約束~



■Ar tonelico Hymmnos Musical ~Claire - Promise of the Gentle Breeze~

The Hymmnos Musical! Yet other genre unique to Ar tonelico, which also serves as a sequel to the Hymmnos Concerts, has been born. This is other super-recommended CD that will get released this August 30th.

A Hymmnos Musical is a song CD that also contains great number of story elements, which is why it's also something created by the world of Ar tonelico. I think those that have played the game should know this already, but Hymmnos must always have "feelings", "history" and "effects". Songs that lack any of these elements can't be called Hymmnos in any way. And the starting point for the creation of this Hymmnos Musical was me wondering if it wouldn't possible to make "songs that carry feelings (stories)" in a medium that was different from games...
Even though it's called a Musical, the musical performances aren't what moves the story forward. These performances are in the end the songs the characters actually sing in that world, so the story is actually supported from behind by these songs. Yes, it could be said that the Hymmnos musical is the true form of Hymmnos itself, and because of that, we made this CD hoping you'll enjoy a hundred times more!


歌い手さんも、アルトネリコ・ネイティブである「石橋優子」「霜月はるか」 「みとせのりこ」を初め、新たに強力な歌い手を何名も起用!

更に作曲者も、やはりアルトネリコ・ネイティブとして「サスペンド」「PAJA」 「そよかぜのうた」「ルミナスディフェンス」等を作曲した稲垣貴繁氏!

There is a total of nine songs recorded in this CD, and story structured by the feelings and effects concretely demonstrated by them in the drama, making it into a great work with a satisfactory volume of over 60 minutes!

We have appointed several singers for this new work, beginning with the following natives to Ar tonelico: "Yuko Ishibashi", "Haruka Shimotsuki" and "Noriko Mitose", and leading on with other new and powerful ones!

And furthermore, the composer for these songs will be the native to Ar tonelico who made pieces such as "Suspend", "Purger", "Song of the Breeze" and "Luminous Defense": Mr. Takashige Inagaki!

土屋もこのCDに大きく関わっています。主に世界観監修と拡張、公式歴史の深化、 そしてヒュムノス作詞を担当しました。特に今回のヒュムノスは、新たな試みをふんだんに取り入れた、聞いて楽しい読んで楽しい、更に、謎を解いてもっと楽しい(!?)という謎な仕様を創りあげています。
(7/22 10:40追記)作曲担当の稲垣氏よりメッセージを頂きました!『クレアイイ!!14歳のクレアめっさカワイイ!14言うてもロリではなくてツンデレって感じで、かなり可愛く仕上がった!』とのことです。期待大です(?)。

So, while it's a piece of related merchandising, I promise that it'll have the same level of quality as the story of the game itself, and will be quite the extravagant album.<br /. I'm also greatly related to this CD, mainly because I'm in charge of the world setting view and its expansion, the deepening of the official timeline, and finally, of writing the lyrics for the songs. This is especially true for the Hymmnos this time around, so we made them in a mysterious way in order for you all to try having all sorts of new experiences by listening and reading them, and furthermore, trying to solve the mysteries (!?) contained in them.
Anyway, this CD is something that both the fans of Hymmnos and Ar tonelico will enjoy, which I'm recommending it so much.
The preorder for it will begin this July 28th in the Gust Shop!
(Note added July 22th at 10:40 am) We've received a message from Mr. Inagaki! It's "Claaaiiire! 14 years old Claire is so cute! Despite being 14, she feels more like a tsundere than a loli, which makes her much cuter!" Looks like he's quite anticipating it (?).


■Celebrating the Ar Portal's inauguration! Limited-time Life-sized Bath Towels
We'll also begin taking preorders for the life-sized bath towels will this July 28th. Therefore, to commemorate the inauguration of the Ar tonelico Portal Fansite "Ar Portal", we'll take orders for them for only one month, until they are sold out.
They have a total of four different designs. The sizes go from beyond 180 cm to the more moderate 150 cm, so make sure to preorder and buy the ones you want. This chance will last one month, so make sure to not miss it out!

というわけで、今回の町民会報は終わりです。そして、半年に渡り続けてきました町内会報も、今度こそ本当に終了となります。今まで本当にありがとうございました!今後は、『アルポータル』内の新設情報ページで、日々の裏話や戯言などを書かせていただきますので、そちらの方も 続けて応援していただければ幸いです。 『アルポータル』開設まであと7日!その時には、これらの情報を含め、更に色々な驚きと共に皆様をお迎えしたいと思います。是非とも、7/28日には『アルポータル』へお越しください!皆さんとまたお会いできることを楽しみにしております! それでは、また!

And with this issue, the Citizen's BBS comes to an end. We managed to keep it going for half a year, but this time we'll close it up for real. Really, thank very much for everything so far! From now on, the new information page we made, the "Ar Portal", will be the place where we'll write about the secret stories, nonsense ramblings, and other things, so if you can continue supporting us over there, I'll be very glad. The "Ar Portal" will open up in just seven days, so until them, I'll be looking back on all the information I've received from you and see what other surprises I can come up with for you all. So by all means, let us cross over to the "Ar Portal" this July 28th! I'll be looking forward to meeting with you all once again there!
See you all later!