ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Firefly Alley Citizen's BBS/Issue 9

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開発が進むある日、私は、詩の収録に立ち会っていました。アルトネリコの詩は独特で、ひとつひとつ違った音色を積み重ね歌い重ねて、少しづつ完成された音を紡いでいきます。ほんの1小節を完成させるのに、歌い手さんだけでは無くいろいろな人の手を通して組みあがっていく様に、私はたいへん感動を覚えたものでした。そんな時、ディレクターの土屋さんの声が・・・「1曲、沢山の人でコーラスを録りたいので参加してください」ええっ! 突然の参加要請に仰天しました。今まで見ていた詩の収録に、突然参加することになったのです。



Tsuchiya-san has done an splendid work by writing all of these previous issues in succession.
Well then, all of the twelve songs in Ar tonelico are going to be used very effectively. So far, Tsuchiya-san has introduced to you all every one of the four singers that are cooperating with us: Shikata-san, Shimotsuki-san, Mitose-san and Ishibashi-san, so you will be able to hear their magnificent singing voices in the best way possible. And now, I will tell you all about when we were recording one of these songs.

During a certain day in which we were going deeper into the development, I witnessed how one of these songs was recorded. The uniqueness that the Ar tonelico songs have are that each one of them are made by separate and different tones, which, when they all are sung in unison, slowly create a perfected sound. By merging themselves into a single bar, it's like the singers weren't the only ones singing, but more like a great number of people were helping them to turn these songs into reality, which is an experience that has deeply moved me. And at that time, I heard the voice of the Director, Tsuchiya-san... [I want to make a song were many people record the choruses together, so please, help us with it], ahh! I was amazed by that sudden request. Until now, I just was a spectator when the songs were recorded, and now, all of a sudden, I ended taking part into such a recording.

I wondered if I would be able to do correctly such a delicate work... but that fear suddenly disappeared when everyone, who all gathered in a circle around the microphones, began singing together with the rhythm of the song, and saw that it would be possible for all of us to partake in this recording. (Though that doesn't mean that we wished to sing in such a difficult way, since we all were still amateurs). Though we misunderstood this initially as an embarrassing experience, we gradually got closer and closer to the microphone. The fact that were uniting the choruses of so many people in that day, was similar to when I witnessed the lyricists at work for the first time, and when I saw the voice actors recording at a different studio. Unexpectedly, I saw the PR director raising his head, and like that, many other people did the same, constructing an improvised a chorus which we ultimately recorded. The singers, the composers, the arrangers, the producer, the director, the PR and studio employees, even unauthorized people came and joined us, and in the end, completed the choruses for that song. While we were doing it, the embarrassment ended vanishing away, and we even chattered at the end of the song, though we all together gradually gave away the feeling of a great clamor. That improvised chorus was what ended giving the finishing touches to the song, and while it isn't really possible to imagine it, it's really beautiful, like a flower we attached to the world of Ar tonelico.

The feelings of these many people aren't just limited to this song, since they are contained in the entirety of the game. I think you'll be really looking forward to feeling them as you play the game.