ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Hymmne Chronicle/Issue 7

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ヒュムノスに関する開発秘話やエピソードなどを皆さんにお届けするコーナー、 ヒュムネクロニクル。第6回目です。
今回は「ファンタスマゴリア」についての、製作苦労話などをしていきたい と思います。歌い手さんには、みとせのりこさんにインタビューをさせていただ きました。

Hello everyone, it's Tsuchiya.

Here we have again the corner that's aimed at showing you all the secret development stories and episodes for the Hymmnos. And we're up to its sixth issue now.
This time I thought I'd show you the stories about the troubled production that [Phantasmagoria] had. We also had an interview with its singer, Mitose Noriko-san.

エンディングテーマとして作られたこの曲。曲自体は全曲中一番最後に創られた 曲ですが、構想は一番最初からありました。アルトネリコという作品が持つコン セプトは、今も昔も変わらず「絆」や「人と人との繋がり」という事です。エン ディングでは必ずそれを昇華させたい、という想いがずっとありました。そして その想いは「世界中の人々」という形となって紡ぎ出されました。
「世界中の人々」とは、このファンタスマゴリアの曲中最後の方にある、沢山の 人による大合唱のことです。この世界中の人々こそ、アルトネリコという作品の テーマを表現するためにとりいれた、冒険の1つでした。
きっかけとなったのは、「We are the world」のメイキングDVD。ご存知の方も いらっしゃると思いますが、Wee are the worldという曲は、世界中の著名 なアーティストが、この世界から飢えや苦しみを無くそう!と発起し、こころを 一つにして謳った歌です。その歌の最後に、その世界中のビッグアーティストが 同じコーラスを謳い続けます。このコーラスを聴いたとき、世界中の人々が手に 手を取り合ってみんなで歌っている、というイメージがぶわーっと湧いてきたの です。是非これをアルトネリコのエンディングでも表現したい、と思いました。 そして、様々な方々にお願いして、最後のフレーズを謳ってもらったのです。そ の意味を説明すると、誰もが快く引き受けてくれました。このようにして、ソル ・シエールの人達全員が謳っているというイメージの曲、ファンタスマゴリアは 完成しました。ゲーム中で苦楽を共にしたヒロイン達3人が中心となって、世界 中の人達が心を一つにする、というシーンを描いたのです。
世界中の人々のみならず、この歌には様々な冒険がありました。個別で活動され ている歌い手さんの歌を会わせて1つの曲にする、という思い切った試みが成功 したのも、それぞれの歌い手さんが快く引き受けてくれたからに他なりません。
歌自体も簡単というわけでもないのに、更に他の歌い手さんとの歩調や関係も考 えて歌うことは、相当な苦労があったと思います。そんな中、この私の無謀な企 画に最後までつき合っていただいた歌い手さん達には、本当に頭が上がりません。 そして沢山の協力してくれた皆さんにも、今でも感謝の気持ちで一杯なのです。 こうして、皆さんの気持ちと協力によって紡ぎ出されたファンタスマゴリア。お 陰様でゲームをプレイした皆さんからも好評を頂いていて、制作者としてとても 幸せな気持ちです。ゲームをプレイしてくれた皆さんもまた、この曲を聴きなが ら想いを共にしてもらえていたら、それは一緒に謳ってくれていることと同じで す。こうして、皆さんと共に手を取り合って謳えたことを、本当に嬉しく思って います。
最後までゲームをプレイしてくれた皆様、世界中の人々を快く引き受けてくれた アーティストさんや声優さん、そして、最後までつき合ってくれた歌い手さん達 には、この場を借りて、改めてお礼をしたいと思います。


[This Week's Theme 1: [PHANTASMAGORIA]]

This song was made as the game's ending theme. While the song as a whole was the very last one to be made from among all the ones in the game, the concept for it was actually the very first one. The concepts that Ar tonelico embodies as a work have always been the same: [bonds] and [relationships between people]. I always had the idea that I wanted to sublimate them in the ending. And these feelings were crafted under the shape of the [People of the World].
The [People of the World] refers to the massive chorus composed by a large number of people that can be heard throughout the final section of Phantasmagoria. That People of the World in itself was one of the risks I ran into when attempting to present the themes of the work we know as Ar tonelico.
And what gave me the push to do it was the making-of DVD for [We are the world]. I think you all should be familiar with it already, but "We are the world" is a song that was made by several prominent artists throughout the world and sung as if their hearts were one to state "Let's eliminate hunger and suffering from this world!" And at the very end of that song, these big artists from all around the world continue singing the same chorus. When I heard that chorus, I suddenly had the image of all the people in the world joining hands and singing together appearing in my head. And then I thought that was exactly what I wanted to show in Ar tonelico's ending. And thus I asked several people to Sing the final phrases of the Song. When I explained to them the intent behind the Song, they were all too happy to go ahead with it. It was in this way that the image song showing every single person Singing in Sol Ciel, Phantasmagoria was completed. It depicted a scene that has at its core the three heroines that shared joy and sorrow throughout the game, with which the people throughout the world join their hearts into one.
And it wasn't just the People of the World: the song in itself had several risks of its own. Personally, I wanted by all means to try and have the active singers join their voices into a single song, and each of the singers were all too happy to oblige and make it a success too.
This doesn't mean the song in itself was simple, as considering it is a song in which I have to take into account the cadences and relationships between the singers, I thought it was pretty difficult. I can only bow my head in appreciation of the singers, who continued collaborating with me up to the very end of this reckless project I started. And to the numerous people who helped us, here and now I want to express all the gratitude I hold for you. It was in this way that everybody's feelings and help managed to craft Phantasmagoria. It was thanks to you that the game had such a favorable reception among everyone who played it, so it also makes me quite happy as the producer behind it. If everyone who plays the game attempts to join their feelings with ours as they listen to this song again, it would be the same thing as if you Sung with us. This way we will be able to join hands with all of you and Sing together, and that would make us all really happy.
And finally, I want to take advantaged of this occasion to demonstrate my appreciation for everybody who played the game, for the artists and voice actors that were so happy to accept being part of the People of the World, and last but not least, for the singers that continued collaborating with me up to the very end.

My most heartfelt thanks to you all!


今回のテーマ『PHANTASMAGORIA』についてのメッセージを、みとせさん からいただきました!
以下の3つのテーマに沿って、各楽曲について熱くぶっちゃけていただいていま すので、是非是非聞いてみてくださいね!

▼Messages from Mitose Noriko-san

We received a few messages from Mitose-san regarding today's theme, [Phantasmagoria].
These messages follow along the three themes below and discuss frankly and passionately the particulars behind each song, so please make sure to give them a listen!

[Translator's Note: None of the messages were preserved in the archive I have. If anybody has these messages stored anywhere, I'd appreciate if you could send a copy of them to me.]