ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Telemo Plaza/Issue 10

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いよいよ春めいてきましたね!とてもウキウキ(死語)して外にでる時間も長く なる今日この頃。アルトネリコも超ウキウキで春を迎えます。そしてそのまま夏 まで突っ走り、夏には更に熱い展開が待っています!
そんな春を突っ走る大きな目玉があります。そう、メタファリカフェスタ200 8のメインタイトルでもあるWEBラジオ「ラジオネリコ~自室に響く少女たちの宿 会話」です!

さて、そのWEBラジオですが、丁度先日収録を行ってきました。小清水亜美さん と沢城みゆきさんによるWEBラジオですが、今回はよりアルトネリコファンの皆 さんに楽しんでいただけるよう、ルカとクローシェがパーソナリティとなるよう な形でのWEBラジオとなっています。先日までWEBラジオ用に皆さんから投稿を募 集しておりましたが、何と200通もの投稿があり、スタッフ一同でキャーキャー 言いながら選出を行っておりました(笑)。その中で何名かの方を採用とさせて いただき、そして先日収録を行ったというわけです。皆さんの投稿もそれはもう 面白いものばかりでしたので、収録が盛り上がる盛り上がる!本来台本に書いて いない事までその場で作ってしまったり、現場で「こうした方が面白いよね!」 なんて事で、勝手に付け足したり…。トウコウスフィア部分だけで30分をオーバーしてしまうようなボリュームに、きっと満足していただけるかと思います。
また今回のWEBラジオでは、WEBラジオオリジナル企画として「誰でもわかるやさ しい波動科学」というコーナーを用意してみました。波動科学と聞くと「あーあ の難しい設定ね…。そんなものラジオでやらんでも…」と思う方もいるかも知れ ません。ですが!今回の「やさしい波動科学」は、そんな方にこそ聴いて欲しい 企画として作っています。ぶっちゃけ言うと「ちょっとしたコントを交えて、面 白可笑しく詩魔法の理屈を理解しちゃおう」というコーナーで、それ故に色々と 趣向を凝らしています。
その他にもスタッフ対談では今まで以上に濃い話が聞けたり、ちょっとしたクイ ズもあったりと、最後まで飽きさせない大ボリュームになっていること間違い無 しです。4/10に第一回目公開予定。是非皆さん聴きに来てくださいね!

今回のWEBラジオがここまで盛り上がったのも、そして面白い物になった!と胸 を張って皆さんに提供できるのも、皆さんの投稿があってこそです。最近トウコ ウスフィアを始めとする、ファンと制作側が一緒に盛り上げていくというコンセ プトが、徐々に実現し始めているように感じています。次回お話しする予定の 「アルポータル二周年記念特別企画・アルトネリコファンブック」もその一環と して制作をしていきます。これからも私の関わっていく作品は、その作品を好き になってくれた人達と一緒に、ずっと楽しんでいけるような制作をしていけたら… と、切に願っています。何にしても今は、こうやって皆さんと楽しみながらアル トネリコを作っていけることを本当に嬉しく感じています。

Hello, everybody. It's Tsuchiya.

Finally it's starting to become spring-like! Today it's the sort of day where you can go outside all happy-lucky (obsolete expression) and when hours take longer to pass. A happy-lucky springtime is coming to Ar tonelico too. And we'll keep running like that until summer comes, as we'll have several heated developments ready for that season!
And running through spring like that, we've got a large centerpiece to it all. Yes, it's the main title for the Metafalica Festa 2008: the Web Radio [Radionelico -The Girls' Inn Conversations That Resound Throughout Your Own Room]!

Well then, we started doing the recordings for that Web Radio the other day. The Web Radio will be starred by Koshimizu Ami-san and Sawashiro Miyuki-san, and so Ar tonelico fans will get an even greater enjoyment from it, they will becoming the personalities for Luca and Cloche during it! We were also taking submissions from you all so we could use them for the Web Radio, but somehow we got over 200 submissions, so the staff members were all exclaiming "kyakya!" while they were selecting the ones we'd use (*laughs*). We picked several of these submissions and used them, and so we started the recordings the other day. So it means that because the submissions you all sent were so interesting, they really enlivened up the recordings! I even improvised and added a lot of things that weren't in the original script, thinking that [they would be really interesting!], and thus I added them of my own accord... The Toukousphere part alone has a volume of over 30 minutes, so I think that should satisfy you all.
Additionally, I tried preparing another corner called [Gentle Wave Science Lectures That Anyone Can Understand] as an original project for the Web Radio. It's possible several of you went all [T-That complicated part of the setting...? How are you gonna make a radio about it...?] However! It was made as project for that exact sort of fans to listen to. Speaking frankly, it's a corner in which [we will explain interesting and funny Song Magic developments through comedy skits], and so it's something I had planned out to do.
Besides, as it'll be a corner where the staff members will converse with each other, you'll be able to listen to stories deeper than those you've heard so far, and we'll also hold quizzes, so I don't think I'm mistaken when I say it'll be the project with the greatest unadorned volume we've done so far. The first broadcast is scheduled for this April 10th, so please make sure to not miss it out!

The Web Radio has gotten us this excited, and thus it became something interesting in itself! That is the sort of feeling I had tugging at my chest when we became able of offering this project to you all, and when we received your submissions. Starting with the recently made Toukousphere, I've always tried to emphasize the concept of both the fans and creators becoming excited over a game together, and I've started to feel we're actually making it a reality. For the next issue, I'll talk about the next project we've planned: the [Ar Portal 2nd Anniversary Commemoration Special Project - Ar tonelico Fanbook], and the events that led us to create it. If I could be able to make related products the users and the creators liked, and that we could enjoy them forever... that would be my earnest wish. In any case, I'm truly happy that I could get to make Ar tonelico like this, in a way that we can enjoy it alongside all our fans.
Please keep supporting us! We'll always be happy to receive your submissions!