ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Telemo Plaza/Issue 12

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最近は随分と暖かくなってきましたね。そんな中、公募企画「インフェルのダジャ レ道場」に殺到する皆さんからの投稿で、社内はバキバキと凍りついています。
カルタ企画、ダジャレ道場などなど、沢山のご参加ありがとうございます。両方 ともお陰様で数百通を越える投稿を頂いており、本当に有り難い限りです。
5/2からは、公募企画第4弾、第5弾も登場します。皆さんのアルトネパワー で、とんでもない投稿をしていただけることを期待しておりますので、是非是非、 ガンガン投稿してくださいね!

さて、今回はちょっと特ダネ。このページの読者だけに、こっそりと先取り情報 をお届けしたいと思います。それは、さぽているのことです。
その前に皆さん、現在ゲーム雑誌「ゲーマガ」さんに、アルトネリコの連載ペー ジがあるのをご存知でしょうか?「読者が紡ぐメタファリカ」というタイトルの コーナーで、過去にゲームへの質問コーナーや、ドラマCD収録風景やインタビュー、 設定本先取り情報などなど、アルトネリコの今をいつも紹介していただいている ページです。そして今月末(4/30)に発売される号にもそのページがあり、 今回は「さぽている」特集。

Hello, everybody. It's Tsuchiya.
The weather has gotten really warm lately, hasn't it? But the inside of the company has gotten crackling colder thanks to the flood of submissions you all sent us for the ongoing project [Infel's Pun Dojo].
Thank you very much for participating in all these projects: the Karuta project, Infel's Pun Dojo and all others! Thanks to you all, the number of submissions we got for these two particular projects have gone beyond a few hundreds, and I'm as thankful for it as I can be.
Starting this May 2th, we'll also unveil the fourth and fifth projects for the anniversary. I'll be expecting another absurd number of submissions filed with the Ar tonelico power you all have, so please make sure to keep 'em coming!

Well then, I have something of a special material for this issue. Given you're all readers of this page, I think you may be wanting to know about this before anybody else. Well, that special material is about the Supporteils.
But before we get into the core of the mater, did you all know that the gaming magazine [Gemaga] has a serial set of pages for Ar tonelico? It is a corner titled [The Metafalica Crafted by the Readers], which in the past featured question and answer sessions about the games, interviews and photos of the Drama CD recordings, and it also featured things such as an advance introduction to the Setting Encyclopedia, and even now, it's a column focused on introducing Ar tonelico to the people. And when next issue releases on April 30th, that corner will have a special report on the [Supporteils].

なんとそこで、「さぽている」の「ゲーマガオリジ ナルボディ」が登場します!

このボディは、今さぽているをやっているプレイヤー さんなら、すぐにでも使うことが出来るものです。そのボディを先行ご披露!… って、これでは何だか分かりませんね。1つだけ言えることは、今までのどのボ ディとも違う、一風変わったものに仕上がっているという事です。実際にどんな ボディなのかは、今月末売り号のゲーマガに掲載されていますので、是非チェッ クしてみてくださいね。

さぽているをまだやったことがないという方も、同じく記事の中に紹介が載って いますので、興味が出ましたら是非参加してみてください。いつでも誰でも、 どこからでも、先にプレイしている方との敷居を感じさせない作りを目指してい ます。今からでも目一杯楽しめると思います。久し振りに、左側に私のさぽてい るもご披露しておきます。是非遊んであげてください。

What's more, a [Gemaga original body] [Supporteil] will be making her appearance there!
This body will be usable right away by all current players of the Supporteils. And so, here's an advance unveiling of that Supporteil! ...But despite saying that, you can't get really what's she like, right? However, there's only one more thing I can say about it, and it's that she was made to have an entirely different feeling from all the other bodies available at the moment. You'll be able to see what body it is once it gets published in the Gemaga issue that will be released at this month's end, so please make sure to check it out, okay?

Similarly, a full introduction to the Supporteils will be published in that issue for players who haven't started raising one yet, so make sure to check it if it catches your interest. We've also aimed to make it in a way that anyone can always jump in and start wherever they want without feeling disadvantaged in comparison to players who started first. Even now, I think you should be able to greatly enjoy it. And for the first time in so long, I'll also be unveiling my own Supporteil on the left-hand corner. Please make sure to drop by and say hi to her.
Well then, that's it for this issue, so I'll be going home now.

Note: The Supporteil mentioned near the end of the article isn't displayed nor can she be visited anymore due to the termination of the game at the end of 2012.