ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Telemo Plaza/Issue 13

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ゴールデンウィークが終わってしまいました。今年は「ギリギリワーク(過去の ツッコミオリカ参照)」とまでは行きませんでしたが、色々とバタバタしている うちに終わってしまいました。皆さんのゴールデンウィークは如何でしたか?

本日はいよいよWEBラジオ(…いや、音声WEB番組?)「ラジオネリコ~自室に響 く少女たちの宿会話~」2回目にして最終回です(笑)。今回も前回以上にぶっ 飛び発言が炸裂します。優しい波動科学も更に無茶の極みとなり、そしてクロー シェ様親衛隊クイズは遂に結果発表!と、聞き逃せない内容となっています。全 問正解者が何名いるか、今から楽しみです!これがアップされる頃には既に聴け ると思いますので、まだ聴いていない方はすぐに聴きに行ってくださいね。

さて、5/2から本格的に始動した、ファンブックへのトウコウ。異様な盛り上 がりっぷりに、おたよりを頂いているこちらでは毎日ワクワクしっぱなしです。 このトウコウのお題(「アルアルアルトネ」などの事です)は4月中旬頃に会議 で決めたのですが、その時の裏話をちょっとしてみましょう。
会議はバンダイナムコゲームスの河内さんや広報Tさん、そしてソフトバンクの 皆さんと一緒に行われました。ここで沢山のネタの中から「アルアルアルトネ」 と「妄想道場」が生まれたわけですが、この時に他にも、惜しくも落ちてしまっ たネタがいくつかありました。それをこっそり紹介します。
まず「タスティエーラの占い道場」。そもそもタスティエーラは占い師ではない のでボツ。「ライナーの銘菓道場」。こんなお菓子を考えてみた!というリアル グラスメルク!?道場だったが、敷居が高すぎてボツ。「クルシェ&さーしゃの 発明道場」。これは、こんな道具があったら便利!というネタを集めるものでし たが、あまりに漠然としすぎて難易度高めでしたのでボツ。そしてどういうわけ か、「ヒュムノス書道大会」(笑)。ヒュムノス文字を豪快に半紙に書き殴って 写真トウコウするというもので、これは大変!ってか、誰が出したネタだ?(笑 )「メイメイ姉妹の何でもヤリコミ道場」。ゲーム内やゲーム外でやり込んでい る(アルトネにはまっている)ことが分かる写真を送ってもらうコーナー。例え ばラキが「私達は現在12195回戦い…」などと言っている画面のスナップや、 画面上に9999のダメージ数字が数え切れないくらいある戦闘シーンの画面な どを募集する企画でした。これは、ネタがカナデ戦などに集中してしまうのでは ないか、ということで、惜しくもボツになってしまいました。他にも色んな候補 が出ましたが、これらの議論がかなり白熱しまして、「これはいい!」「これは 絶対ダメ!」など、3時間にわたり話された結果が今の2つになったわけです。
最初はどれくらいトウコウが集まるかドキドキでしたが(特に妄想道場)、蓋を 開けてみればすごいすごい!難易度高めの妄想道場も面白い会話が続出で、皆さ んの才能と愛をヒシヒシと感じている毎日です。この調子で、5/31までガン ガントウコウしてくださいね!毎日メーラーを楽しみにポチポチしています。

さて、次は何をしましょうかね(笑)。6月下旬頃にはFLASHコスモスフィア2が 登場します。誰でも無料でプレイできる、ちょっとしたコスモスフィア体験ゲー ムです。その後は、いよいよアルポータル2周年祭!ファンブック以外にも何か 企画が出来ないか、日々考えていたりします。皆さんも、何か楽しそうな企画を 思いついたら是非提案してください。
自分の手で作品を作り、作品を暖めて、ファンの皆さんと一緒にずっと楽しみ続 ける。そんな創作のかたちが、私は好きみたいです。

ディレクターはアルトネリコの中でトップのように見えますが、実は結構な下 働き(笑)。正直いえばディレクターの出来ること、そして力には限界がありま す。企画を出してもはねられたり、逆にとんでもないモノを押しつけられたり (汗)。でもそんな事にめげず!逆境にもへこたれず!その中で出来る限りの力 で、皆さんと楽しめるものを作り続けていきます。そんな手作りなアルトネリコ で、ずっとい続けたいと思っています。

さて、次回からは、以前ここで連載していた「アルトネリコ2制作に関する想い」 で皆さんがしてくれたコメントに、お返事をしたいと思います。随分と遅くなっ てしまい申し訳ありませんでした。

Hello, everybody. It's Tsuchiya.
The Golden Week has come to a close. While we didn't quite get ourselves to [grindyworky (credits to a Tsukkomi Aurica appearance from last year)] levels, it ended in quite a large bit of commotion over several matters. How was the Golden Week for everyone out there?

And finally, the Web Radio (, maybe it'd be better to call it a voiced web program?) [Radionelico -The Girls' Inn Conversations That Resound Throughout Your Room] has gotten its second and final broadcast today (*laughs*). Both this broadcast and the previous ones exploded with statements flying all over. The Gentle Wave Science lecture also got extremely absurd at the end, and we also published the results for the Cloche Fan Club quiz! These were the contents no one should have missed out on. As for how many people got all the questions in the quiz right, that's something you all can look forward to hearing later! As I think many must have heard it already by the time it got uploaded, to everyone who still hasn't done so, please go and give it a listen, okay?

Well then, the submissions for the fanbook really picked up steam from May 2th. It got all exciting-like in a pretty weird way, and this excitement continued for several days due to receiving submissions from all the enthusiasts out there. The topic for these submissions (which was called [A Typical AT]) was decided on a meeting near the end of April, and so let's talk a little about how we settled on it.
The meeting was carried out alongside Kawachi-san and T-san from the PR Department, both from Bandai-Namco Games, and with the whole Softbank Creative staff. While it was there that the sections [A Typical AT] and [Delusions Dojo] were born amongst all the material we came up with, regrettably the larger part of that material was discarded. Therefore, I'll show you some of these discarded ideas.
First there was [Tastiella's Fortune-Telling Dojo], but as Tastiella isn't seer or anything, it was dropped right away. Next was [Lyner's Delicious Funbun Dojo], which was more of a "Real Grathmelding!? Dojo" than an "I Tried Making this Sorta Sweets!" section, but it was discarded due to being difficult to approach in general. Next we had [Krusche & Sasha's Inventions Dojo], and while we had gathered a lot of material of the sort "Having These Items Would be Really Convenient!", it unfortunately was considered too difficult to understand due to its vagueness, which led to it getting canned. And so, we also had preapred a [Hymmnos Calligraphy Tournament] (*laughs*). As we've had several image submissions showing people excitedly scribbling the Hymmnos glyphs on calligraphy paper, it ended up becoming a "This is Too Hard! Who Came Up With This Idea!?" (*laughs*). Next was a corner called [The Mei Mei Sisters Anything Goes Challenge Dojo] which was supposed to contain submissions of photos proving achievements you had done in or outside the games (as long as they were AT-related)... Like for example, this was a project in which we could collects photos, such as a snapshot with the caption [This is my 12195th battle with Raki...] written over it, or a battle screenshot showing a countless amount of 9999 damage indicators. But as the staff started wondering if people wouldn't just go the easy way out of focusing solely in tasks such as endlessly challenging Kanade, we regrettably had to drop it. There were several candidates like these, and while the arguments over them got quite heated, after three long hours of back and forth discussions, with people shouting [This is great!] or [This won't work at all!] and the like, we ultimately got the two sections we have now.
While I was really excited at first imagining how many submissions we would get, (especially for the Delusions Dojo), the amount was really shocking to see when we opened the lid! We even got several contiguous interesting conversations for the so-difficult Delusions Dojo, so I could accurately bear witness to your talents and love every single day. So please, keep sending these submissions away until this May 31th! I'm always looking forward to seeing the splotches on my inbox every single day!
And so, you must be wondering what's coming next, right? (*laughs*). Well, the Flash Cosmosphere 2s will make their appearance near the end of June. These small, experimental Cosmosphere games everyone can play free of charge. And afterwards, it's finally time for the Ar Portal Second Anniversary Festival! I'm always thinking about what sorts of projects we'll be coming up with for the occasion, aside of the fanbook itself. If you have any proposals for a fun project you'd like to see, please make sure to send them t ome.
I hope I can always keep enjoying alongside our fans this work I made and warmed with my own hands. I really want to love this way of making things.

While it might seem that I'm the boss within Ar tonelico due to being its director, I'm actually more of a subordinate (*laughs*). Honestly speaking, while there are things I can do as director, that power also has its limits. It's possible a project won't take off after I present it, or on the other hand, it might get pushed back if I proposed something that's too absurd (*sweatdrops*). But I mustn't be discouraged by that! I mustn't lose heart before adversity! I want to keep making things I can enjoy alongside you all as long as it is within my power to do it! That's why I want the Ar tonelico I crafted with my own hands to continue forever.

Well then, I think I'll start answering the comments everyone made about the [feelings I had when I was creating Ar tonelico 2] that I posted on previous issues. I apologize it has taken me so long to get to it.
Well then, that's it for this issue, as I'll be going home now.