ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Telemo Plaza/Issue 18

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いよいよ来週は、アルポータル2周年記念です。今年はアルポータル本をリリー スしたり、各種お祝いグッズも販売したり、ゲーマガさんやアニメイトTVさん とのタイアップなどをしながら2周年に向けて頑張ってきました。そしていよい よ2周年当日です!2周年合わせで進んでいたアルポータル本も発売となります。 当日は本当にささやかではありますが、心ばかりの催し物を開催したいと思いま す。来週をどうぞお楽しみに!

さて、1年と362日目、1年目最後のテレモです。そして今回で、アルトネリ コ2に託した想いのフォローアップは終了となります。皆さんからのたくさんの 御意見を受けて、制作側も色々と新しい発見をすることが出来ました。こうやっ て皆さんから御意見を頂けることは、本当に素敵なことだと思います。今回の御 意見を元に、今後のソフト開発全般に役に立てて行ければと考えております。本 当にありがとうございました!
さて、最後のフォローアップは「ショップ調合+調合イベント」です。前にもお 話ししましたが、アルトネリコの調合は「新しい発見の喜びと、それを見たキャラの反応を楽しむ」事を目的としたシステムです。アトリエシリーズで培われた 調合ノウハウを元に、誰でも出来るシンプルな調合システムに改変し、そのかわ りキャラのリアクションに重点を置いたアルトネリコならではのシステムとして 創りあげたものです。
調合についての皆さんからの御意見は好感触なものが多く、特に「キャラの掛け 合いが面白い」「ストーリーが有ったのでついついお店に寄ってしまう」「調合 の新しい面白さを作っている」などという意見が多数寄せられていました。コン セプトに沿った形で好印象の御意見を頂けた事をとても嬉しく感じております。 ただ、今回の調合システムには個人的に改良の余地も多々あると感じており、そ れと同じ御意見も様々頂いておりまして、改めて更なる向上をしていくことを決 意したというのもあります。例えば「ショップに行かないと調合できないのが辛 い」「ヒロインがすぐに居なくなって調合が出来なくなる」といった御意見があ りました。調合店の場所が固定で、広い世界の中でそこに行かなければならない、 というのは、確かにそれだけでやる気が減退してしまいますよね。どこでも調合 できたアルトネリコのグラスメルクの方が、気軽に楽しめたのも事実です。改善 案として「どこにいてもショップを呼び出すことが出来るような何かを作ってみ ては?」という御意見を頂き、なるほど、とも思いました。世界観との整合性さ えしっかり付けることが出来れば、これはユーザビリティを向上させるとても良 い案だと思います。また、「シナリオのパターンが決まっているのでマンネリに なる」といった、シナリオネタに関する御意見も頂いています。こちらも、もっ と様々なバリエーションで構築していけるように、色々なネタを仕入れておきた いと考えております。
ともあれ調合というものが、私達の制作するゲームを購入されている皆さんにとっ て、とても楽しみにしている部分であるという事も良く分かりました。 皆さんからの期待の大きい調合というシステム。今後も様々な企画で「調合の面白さ」を追求する機会が来るかも知れません。 その時も今回と同じく、調合の面白さを追求していく事を忘れないでやっていきたいと考えております。

長期に渡って続けてきたアルトネリコ2,ゲーム制作の想いフォローアップ。今 回で一通り終了となりました。本当に最後までお付き合い下さりありがとうござ います!今後も、こうやって皆さんと色々な意見交換をしながら進めていける企 画を続けていきたいと思っておりますので、今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いしま す。さて、次回からは何の話をしましょうか。それは私自身の次回までの宿題とさせていただきますね。それでは、今回はこの辺でおいとまさせていただきます。

Hello, everybody. It's Tsuchiya.
Next week we'll be holding at last the Ar Portal Second Anniversary Festival. For this whole year, we've been hard at work in the road to the second anniversary, releasing the Ar Portal book, putting out for release celebration goods of all sorts and even making tie-ups with Gemaga and Animate TV. And finally, the second anniversary is almost upon us! Therefore, we'll end up releasing the Ar Portal book during its course. So while what'll happen that day won't be such a large scale celebration, I think many events you all would be interested in should be opening for it. Please make sure to look forward to next week!

Well then, after 1 year and 362 days, this will be the final issue for the Telemo's first year. And similarly, this issue will also cover the final follow up to the feelings I put into Ar tonelico 2. After receiving the many opinions you all sent me, I was able to discover many new things as a creator, and it really was a wonderful experience receiving all these opinions you sent me. I think these opinions you all sent us will be in general a great help to our future software developments. Therefore, thank you very much for sending them!
Well then, for this final follow up, we'll discuss the [Shop Synthesis and the Synthesis Events]. As I explained previously, synthesis in Ar tonelico was developed as a system whose goal was [letting you all experience the joy of discovering new items and seeing the characters' reactions to them]. Therefore, it was created as a simplified version anyone can enjoy of the synthesis systems featured in the Atelier series that cultivated their know-how and processes, and which we modified to make it focus on the character reactions that are so important to Ar tonelico.
There were generally positive reactions in the opinions you all sent about synthesis, with the greater number of them especially focusing on aspects such as [the character conversations being fun], [visiting frequently the shops to see how their story developed] and [synthesis allowing to create new fun items]. I'm really glad to see your opinions went along the concept we used to make the synthesis system. However, there were many individual opinions that found points where the synthesis system could use some improvement, and similarly, thanks to them I've decided to continue improving these systems as much as I can. Some examples of these areas that need improvement were [it's bothersome I can't synthesize without going to a shop] and [the heroines are always leaving the party, leaving me unable to synthesize anything]. Given these synthesis shops are located in specific places, it's true that being forced to go to them while traveling across a wide world would make anyone unwilling to use the system. It's also the truth that Grathmeld in Ar tonelico could be freely enjoyed because it allowed you to synthesize wherever you wanted. And when I got a proposal that said [How about letting players make an item that allows you to call a shop wherever you want?], I couldn't help but agree with it. I thought it was a good idea, and as long as it conformed with the world setting, it would really improve the system's usability. There were also opinions stating [as the pattern is predefined, it becomes a rut to do it] about the scenario material for the events. This also made me think I want to construct a system that allows for more variations, so we could put more material into it.
In any case, with this I have come to understand quite well the parts all the buyers enjoyed from the games we made. And you all place a large amount of expectations into the synthesis system as well. And... I might be able to pursue a [more interesting synthesis system] for the several projects I'll be involved with in the future, and so I'll try to do it without ever forgetting to pursue the interesting points of synthesis, just like I did for this time.

Ar tonelico 2 has continued for a long time, as also did the follow up to the feelings I had when I was creating the game. And this issue is the end for both of them. Thank you for having stayed with me until the very end! As I want to keep exchanging opinions with you all as I work on my projects in the future, I hope we can keep supporting each other. So well... what will the topic we'll talk about for the next issue be? That's the homework I'll have to complete for the next issue, isn't it? In any case, we'll leave this issue here, as I'll be going home now.