ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Telemo Plaza/Issue 6

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今週もやってきましたテレモの広場。今回は「調合」についてお話ししたいと思 います。

アルトネリコ2のショップ調合、アルトネリコ1のグラスメルクは共に、起源は と言いますと、マリーのアトリエから脈々と受け継がれているアトリエシリーズ の調合システムになります。しかしアルトネリコはアトリエシリーズとは楽しみ 方もコンセプトも違うシリーズ。その為、調合システムのノウハウを受け継ぎな がらも、どのようなアプローチをしたらいいのか、アルトネリコ1開発初期の頃 から色々と試行錯誤をして制作していたのです。
そんなわけで、今回のお話はアルトネリコ2だけのお話ではなく、アルトネリコ シリーズと調合についての想いをお伝えしたいと思います。

アルトネリコという作品に調合システムを組み込む事になったとき、アルトネリ コにおける調合の意味や存在価値は何だろう?と考えました。例え面白いシステ ムでも、合わせ方が悪ければその良さを引き立てることは出来ません。料理でも 同じ事がよく言われますが、ゲームでも同じだと思っています。そのため、調合 システムをアルトネリコに組み込む意味、組み込んだからこそ「こんなに楽しく なりました!」と胸を張って言えるような、そんなシステムを目指した設計を心 がけていました。その中で、アルトネリコならではの調合の手法というものを創っ ていったのです。

アルトネリコとアトリエシリーズを両方プレイしている方に質問してみましょう。 アルトネリコとアトリエシリーズの、それぞれの調合システムのこだわりポイン トが何かわかりますか?簡単に言ってしまえば、アトリエシリーズの調合はシス テムサイクル、アルトネリコはイベントになります。
アルトネリコの調合で大切にしたかったこと、それは「この調合をどんな感じで やっているのだろう?このアイテムが完成して、キャラはどんな気持ちなんだろ う?」といった、調合しているキャラにスポットを当てて豊かに見せることでし た。アルトネリコのコンセプトは「キャラクターの絆」であり、その目的の為に 「様々な手段でキャラクターを表情豊かに表現する」という方針を掲げて制作し ています。こうしたコンセプトから、アルトネリコに調合を導入する意味を「キャ ラクターの交流や表情に、更に奥深さを与えるもの」として位置づけているので す。
調合とは新しいアイテムを創るものです。調合の楽しさは、まだ見たことのない アイテムが生まれるワクワク感、更に強い爆弾や武器防具、便利アイテムが出来 るかも知れない期待感、アイテム表がどんどん埋まっていく達成感など、様々な 要素があります。アルトネリコでは、こういった要素は保持しつつ、それ以上に 新しいキャラの掛け合いを見るワクワク感や、新アイテムにキャラがどういう 形で反応するかといった、「新しいキャラやエピソードを楽しむ」要素を重視し ながらシステム構築をしています。
新たなキャラの一面を見たい!新アイテムをネタに楽しいキャラの掛け合いが見 たい!といった気持ちで調合を遊んでいただけているのであれば、制作者として もとても嬉しく思います。まさに「キャライベントを調合している感覚」であり、 出来上がるのは「キャラの新しい一面」や「キャラの更に深い部分」。そんな楽 しみ方が出来る調合を目指して試行錯誤してきました。そして今ここにいます。

皆さんは、アルトネリコの調合についてどう思いますか?また、上でお話してい る調合に対するコンセプトや方向性について、どう思いますか?是非下にあるレ スポンスターミナルで、皆さんの想いを教えてください。

Hello, everybody. This is Tsuchiya.

This week we have again a new issue of the Telemo Plaza. This time, I'd like to talk about [Synthesis].

We could say that both the Shop Synthesis from Ar tonelico 2 and the Grathmelding from Ar tonelico 1 have their origins on the synthesis systems that have been continuously handed down through the Atelier series starting with Atelier Marie. However, Ar tonelico and the Atelier series are both grounded in different concepts and are also enjoyed in different ways. It is due to this that we created Ar tonelico 1 by doing several trial-and-error experiments at the start of its development cycle, trying to find the proper approach we could use for the know-how on synthesis systems we had inherited up to this point.
And so, the things I'll be telling you all on this issue don't concern just Ar tonelico 2, but are actually the feelings I want to convey through the whole Ar tonelico series and its synthesis systems.

When the time came for us to include the synthesis system into the work called Ar tonelico, I started pondering "what would be the meaning and raison d'etre for synthesis in Ar tonelico?" Even if it turned out to be a fun system, if it made a poor combination with the series we wouldn't be able to focus the spotlight upon its good points. Even cooking itself is said to be the same thing as synthesis, and so I thought that could also be applied to games. Because of that, when I found the meaning of it being included in Ar tonelico, I felt my chest tightening as if my heart was trying to tell me "We could make it fun this way!" due to it, and then I put all my soul into designing it with the goal that the system would be just like that. And during that time, we made up the synthesis method that we felt would be the most appropriate for Ar tonelico.

So, let's try asking this to people who have played both Ar tonelico and the Atelier series: do you know which points the synthesis systems for each of these series are fixated upon? To put it in simple terms, synthesis in the Atelier series is fixated upon a systems cycle, while in Ar tonelico is fixated upon events.
For Ar tonelico's synthesis, we put special care into [How would this synthesis be like? What would the characters feel about the completed item?], and so we made it so you can have a good glimpse on the characters involved in the synthesis. Ar tonelico's concept is [The Bonds Between the Characters], and so we made everything related to it following the plan of [having the characters express themselves in a variety of ways]. It was from that concept that we arrived to this position in which we introduced synthesis with the meaning of [being a way for characters to interact with each other, express their opinions, and being a vehicle to give them more depth].
Synthesis is a way to make new items. The elements that make it fun are the excitement of producing items that no one has ever seen before, the expectation of being able to create more powerful bombs or equipment, or convenient items; the sense of accomplishment in seeing your Items menu slowly filling up, and many other such emotions. We preserved these elements in Ar tonelico, and furthermore, we added to them the excitement of seeing new dialogues between the characters, wondering how they will react to the new item's appearance, meaning we pretty much constructed it as a system that places emphasis on the component of [enjoying new episodes between the characters].
If you can enjoy synthesis by having feelings such "I want to see a new side to the characters! I want to see fun interactions between the characters that have a new item as their main topic!", that's something that would bring me great happiness as a creator. Furthermore, you could also [feel you're synthesizing the character events], meaning the results you would get are [new sides to each character] and [a deeper insight into each character]. Our many trial-and-error experiments were with the intention you could enjoy synthesis in this way, and now it has been condensed in these systems.

So everybody, how did you find synthesis in Ar tonelico? What did you think about the concepts I just explained and that we used to make the current synthesis system, and the goals we had on mind for it? Please make sure to tell us through the Response Terminal located further below.
Well then, that's it for this issue, so I'll be going home for today.