ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Telemo Plaza/Issue 7

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前回まで、ゲームのシステム1つ1つについて、それぞれの制作時の想いなどを お話させていただきました。それに対して沢山の御意見ご感想を頂きましてあり がとうございます。皆さんからの御意見はまとめまして、3~4月頃に再度、こ のコーナーにて発表させていただきます。

さて、今回のテレモですが、沢山の方に期待していただいている設定資料集につ いてお話ししようと思います。先日、ほぼ全てのページが一度上がり、それに対 して私の方から色々と意見をする会を行いました。長らくお待たせしてしまいま した設定資料本も、いよいよ大詰め!という所まで来たのです。 11月頃から開始している設定資料集プロジェクトですが、今回は前回以上に私 の方で色々と提案させていただいたり希望を盛り込ませていただきました。その 為前作アルトネリコの設定本の、厚さだけなら2倍程度!にもなる、読み応え抜 群の本になってしまいました。I.P.D.カードが付いている事もありますが、それ を外しても前作よりもボリューム増大!なのです。

以前、まだこのコーナーが天覇新聞と言っていた頃にも一度お話ししていますが、 設定資料集は私の中でも、とても楽しみな関連商品の1つです。今回のアルトネ リコ2にも、前作以上に裏設定が沢山あり、それを限りなく全て掲載すべく、私 の方からソフトバンク様に色々な無茶を言い(笑)、そして実現していただきま した。
イラストに関しては、ショップ特典品も含め大判掲載。キャラに関しても、今作 で深く掘り下げたヒロイン3名に関しては大幅にページをとっており、キャラの 生い立ちからキャラエピソードまで幅広く掲載しています。
設定面でも、メタファルスの歴史、地理はもちろん詳細に網羅。更にちょっとコ アなところでは、インフェルピラの稼働理論からメタファリカが大陸を生成する 理屈に至るまで全部公開しています。もちろん、ヒュムノス「新約パスタリエ」 の解説、詩の想いも全部掲載です。正直、ページを見せていただいたときに「本 当に全部入っている!!」と感動してしまったくらい、今回の設定本のボリュー ムは大きいのです!
時間はかかってしまいましたが、せっかく作るのなら半端なものにはしたくない… という想いから、少しでも満足していただける本にするために、納得いくものを 作らせていただきました。

個人的オススメは、第一期のフレリアのお話、インフェルの昔話などでしょうか。 ゲーム中ではあまり語られていなかった、重要人物の過去エピソードも全部公開 させていただきました。これは私がキャラ設定を作る際に、自分用に書いていた エピソード集ですが、読み物としてもお楽しみ頂けるのではないかと思います。 また、ロストテクノロジーに興味ある方には、インフェル・ピラの歴史話がオス スメです。
まだ正式な発売日は告知されていませんが、3月発売に向けて今ラストスパート を突っ走っています。楽しみにされている皆さんには、後もう少しお待たせして しまう形となりますが、私自身も自信を持ってお出しできる本になっていますの で、後もう少し!楽しみにしながらお待ちいただければ幸いです!

次回は今後のアルトネリコ2の展開について、少しお話しさせていただければと 思います。

Hello, everybody. This is Tsuchiya.
Up to the previous issue, we had been talking about topics such as each of the game systems and the feelings I had when I was creating each and all of them. I want to start off by telling all you my heartfelt thanks for having sent so many opinions and impressions about the previous issues. It is thanks to all of your opinions that we have kept publishing this corner for these last three to four months.

Well then, for this issue of the Telemo, we'll talk a bit about the Setting Encyclopedia many of you must be looking forward to. The previous day almost all the pages were finished, and so we held a meeting so I could give my opinions on how they turned out. I'm sorry we made you all wait for so long to release it, as even I had to say myself "at long last it's done!"
While the project for the Encyclopedia's creation started back in November, I suggested several things in hopes that they would be included into the book, way more than the contents included in the previous game's Encyclopedia. As a result of that, this book ended becoming twice as thick as the Ar tonelico Encyclopedia! And it also ended becoming a book that has the distinction of being a true worthwhile read. It also includes IPD Cards of course, but even if we exclude them, the book's volume grew in size a lot more in comparison to the previous game's!

I previously said something similar in this very corner back when it was still called Tenba News, but the Setting Encyclopedia is one of the related products I personally consider to be the most fun in the series. This is also the case for the Ar tonelico 2 one, which includes even more secret setting stories than the previous game's, as I unreasonably asked (*laughs*) Softbank to publish absolutely everything I thought we should, and they made it a reality.
As for the illustrations, it also includes large pin-up version of the first-press bonuses that were exclusive to certain shops. About the characters, this time we dedicated a large number of pages for delving deeply into each heroine, and we also published several pages' worth of character episodes taken from each of their personal histories.
On the setting front, we naturally have included a comprehensive lecture on Metafalss' history and geography. And since it's also core to the setting, we're also making public everything that goes from Infel Phira's operational theory to the theory used by Metafalica to create a continent. Of course, we have also published an explanation on the [New Testament of Pastalie] Hymmnos and the Feelings Contained in each and every Song. Honestly, when I first took a look at the pages, I even got moved from the fact that [Everything was really included here!!], and from the fact that this Setting Encyclopedia's volume is seriously huge!
So given it took us so much effort, this was something I didn't want to do in a half-hearted way, no matter how long it took us to complete it... Such were my feelings on it, and in order to make a book that would satisfy those who read it, I made sure to create something to which I could give my passing grade.

I think my personal recommendations from it would be the stories about Frelia from the First Era, and Infel's past. Given we didn't talk much about them in the game itself, we published all these episodes from the past of the most important characters. These are a compilation of the episodes I wrote for my personal reference back when we were creating the setting for each character, but I thought you all would find fun to read them. I especially recommend Infel Phira's history to everyone out there who has an interest in the lost technologies.
So while we still haven't announced an official release date, we're currently running the last spurt with the aim of releasing it in March. So while everybody looking forward to it will have to wait a while longer, please hang in there a little more! This book has become something I'm very proud of. If you can wait for it a little longer while looking forward to reading it, that'd make me really happy!

Well then, that's it for this issue, so I'll be going home for today.
Next issue, we'll talk a little about the future developments for Ar tonelico 2.