ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Tenba News/Issue 4

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いやはや、時は光の如し…ですね。最近は、ついこの間のことが実際は1ヶ月前 だったりと、驚きへこむ事がしばしばあります。時間は大切にしなければ…と思 う今日この頃。お金は頑張れば稼げますが、時間は損失した分は二度と帰ってき ませんからね。…などと考えるのは、自分が年を取ったということなのかもしれ ません。

Hi everybody, I'm Tsuchiya.
Good gracious, time is just like the light... isn't it? A little ago, when I noticed that a month had already gone by, I had to blink multiple times before the realization sunk in. Right now I'm thinking... We really must treasure time, as you can work your best to earn more money, but lost time can never be recovered... And thinking such things, is possible I may have started growing old.

「謳う丘~EXEC_HARVESTASYA/.」 についてのお話をしましょう。謳う丘、志方さんのセカンドアルバムの収録に合 わせ、今週マスターアップしました。私の手元には完成版が有るような状態です。 実際にアルバムが発売されるのは10月ですが、それまでの間、皆さんが少しでも ワクワク出来る企画が出来るように、今avexさんとお話ししているところです。 何が出来るかはお楽しみに。

Well then, I think today's topic must have caught the interest of many people out there, so we'll talk about [Singing Hill ~EXEC_HARVESTASYA/.]. Singing Hill was recorded in Shikata-san's second album, and its mastering was finished this week. I mean, I have already the completed version right in my hands. So the album is supposed to go in sale this October, but before that time comes, I've decided to go and talk to avex so we can hold a project that will surely excite all of you. Please look forward to it.

実際の楽曲はといえば…いやー、かなり大変でした…。と言いますか、こういう事 を自爆と言うのでしょう。イリスのアトリエのOPテーマ「白夜幻想譚」以来、多 重録音という形の楽曲を作り続けていますが、今まで長くても3分程度、OP曲は 基本的に2分いかないものが殆どだったと思います。それを今回、そのボリュー ムのまま、ぐーっと分数だけを伸ばし、3倍の6分弱というとんでもない曲を作曲 してしまったわけです。私も相当自爆しましたが、志方さんにもとんでもない量 のコーラスを謳っていただきました。
以前志方さんがアルトネリコボーカル曲「ハーモニウス」について、こんなに声 を重ねた曲は初めてだ、という事をお話ししていましたが、今回はそれを超えたのでは ないか…という程です。実際面白いのは、楽器類を全部外してコーラスとボーカ ルだけにしても、曲の頭から終わりまで殆ど音が途切れないという状態。「コー ラス&ボーカルMIX」などという、全部声だけで構成された楽曲で出しても良い んじゃないか!?と思ったほどです。志方さんにはこの場をお借りして大感謝し たいと思います。本当にありがとうございました!
今回の楽曲は、メロディや進行はOP版「謳う丘」と殆ど同じですが、歌詞、アレ ンジ、裏に秘めた想いなどは全部新規書き起こしをしています。
EXEC_HARVESTASYA/.と言う以上はヒュムノスであり、効能と歴史と物語がありま す。今回の謳う丘は、まだ「月奏」というレーヴァテイルの前身であった人達が 活躍していた頃の時代、アルトネリコの物語からざっと1000年程前にあったお話 です。人間でありながら非常に強い詩の力を持った少女、ハーヴェスターシャの 淡い「想い」の物語です。楽曲のイントロから最後までで1つの物語を形成する 歌詞を持っており、1曲聴き終わる頃には1つの物語を読み終えたような感覚が あるように創られています。
歌詞については最初、OP版の歌詞を拡張する形にする予定でした。しかし、楽曲 を創っていくうちに、楽曲の中に物語が生まれ、それをどうしても出したい!そ の物語を語ってこそこの楽曲は完成するのだ、という思いが強くなり、歌詞を1 から描き下ろしました。楽曲を創るときには、その楽曲事に「想い」があります。 OP版謳う丘と今回の謳う丘は確かに同じ謳う丘ですが、メロディは同じでもそこ に秘めたる想いはやはり違います。その想いを大切にしてこそ、楽しみにしてい る皆さんに100%楽しんでいただけるものを創れると思い、フルリアレンジ、 歌詞再構築という今回のこの暴挙に踏み切ったわけです。前の歌詞が好きだった 方、ごめんなさい。でも、今回の歌詞は本当にイイです。何故全面再構築するに 至ったかは、聴いていただければお分かり頂けます。
楽曲のアレンジといい、歌詞といい、ハッキリ言って自爆三昧ですが、私自身は 本当に納得したものを創れた感があります。そして謳う丘や志方さんのファンの 皆様が、必ずご満足頂けるものになったと自負しております。


As for the song itself... well, it was really difficult... or should I say it was like getting set to blow myself up? Ever since I made the Atelier Iris OP theme, [White Night Illusion], I've kept making songs through multiple recordings which so far hadn't exceeded 3 minutes in length, as I think that opening songs shouldn't be more than 2 minutes long. So I ended up taking that volume, extending it as much as I could, and I ended tripling that length and composing an absurd song that is just a little below 6 minutes in length. So while I was pretty much blowing myself up with this, I also made Shikata-san sing an absurd number of choruses.
The first song for which Shikata-san joined multiple times her voice was for the Ar tonelico vocal theme [Harmonious], and afterwards, we talked about if it wouldn't be possible to go even farther with that for the next song... that's how much she had to sing for this song. It was actually very interesting, as even if we removed all the instruments and left only the vocals and choruses, the sound would still continue flowing uninterrupted from the song's beginning to its end. I even came to think that [wouldn't it be amazing if I made a chorus and vocal mix song that was constructed solely by vocals!?] I can only express my greatest gratitude to Shikata-san for having lent me her abilities for this. Truly, thank you very much!
This song features a mostly similar melody and progression to the opening version of [Singing Hill], but its lyrics, arrangement and the feelings hidden in its underside were all rewritten from scratch.
The aforementioned EXEC_HARVESTASYA/. is a Hymmnos, and so it does possess a function, history, and story. This Singing Hill takes place in the era when the people that served as the predecessors to the Reyvateils, the [Moon Chanters] were still active in the world, and it takes place roughly 1000 years before Ar tonelico's story. It's the story of the fleeting [feelings] of Harvestasya, a girl that possessed the mighty power of the songs despite being human. The lyrics construct a story from the song's introduction to its finale, and it was made in such a way that you would feel as if you had listened to a story to its end when you finish listening to the song.
About the lyrics, I originally planned just to expand the lyrics from the opening version. However, a story was born within the song as I kept making it, and I wanted to bring it out no matter what! I then had a strong feeling that telling this story would complete the song, and thus I sat down to write the lyrics from scratch. When I make a song, that song contains [feelings]. So while this Singing Hill is the same one as the Singing Hill from the opening, down to having the same melody, the feelings contained in it are completely different. I thought I ought to treasure these feelings and use them to make something you all would enjoy in a 100%, so I recklessly leapt into fully rearranging the song and reconstructing the lyrics. I truly apologize to everyone who liked the lyrics from the original version. But the new lyrics are quite good, if I may say so myself. As for why I needed to fully reconstruct everything, I think you will understand as soon as you listen to it.
The song's arrangement is good, the lyrics are good, and while frankly speaking I ended up focusing myself into carrying out a suicide mission, I personally feel that I made something I'm quite pleased to have created. And if I may brag a bit, I'm sure this will satisfy all the fans of Shikata-san's songs and the original Singing Hill.
Truly, seriously, please make sure to give it a listen!
I'm truly feeling that it's hard just to say this much!
Please, look forward to a follow up report I'll be posting afterward!

See you all later!