ARM Backup/Ar tonelico/Supporteil/Supporteil Guide/Registration

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Here, you'll be taught how to create your own Supporteil, and how to configure her to appear in your website or blog.

First Step

  • To get started, first you have to go to this section of the Ar Portal.
  • Once there, scroll down until you reach the bottom of the page. In there, you will see the following buttons:


Depending on if you have a blog/website, or on if you simply want a Supporteil Lite, click the following:

*If you have a blog or website, simply click on the orange button
*If you don't have a blog or website, or don't want to make a full-on Suppoteil at the moment, click the green button.

The rest of the guide will vary depending on what you chose.

Second Step: Orange Button

If you clicked the orange button, then the next you have to do is register in the Ar tonelico Supporter's Database. The registration is done here.

This is the registration form:


And here it's the translation for each thing it asks you:

お名前(ペンネーム)/Name (Nickname)
メールアドレス/E-Mail Address
貼付ページURL/Website or Blog URL (You need to add an Ar tonelico Supporters Banner to this exact page. If it's the root page of the site, then omit the filename extension)
ホームページ名/Website or Blog Name
パスワード/Password (Needed too to access the registration data modification page. Minimum length: 8 characters).
サポ通の送付/Supporter's Newsletter (Click on the left button if you wish to receive Gust's newsletter, and the right button if you don't wish to receive it)
りりにゅの送付/Release News (Click on the left button if you wish to receive news about Gust's new game releases, and the right button if you don't wish to receive it)

Once you have filled all of the above, click on the button at bottom of the page. Then, you will be sent to a page saying they have sent you an email to confirm your registration, so go to your mailbox, search for a mail from, and once you have opened it, click on the link it has.

This will send you to the Ar Portal again, to a page saying your registration was confirmed, and that now, they have mailed your access SP ID#, and your password.

Now that you have your ID number and password, the next step is putting your Supporteil in your site or blog, and to do this, first we have to return to the first site (the one you accesed after clicking the orange button). Under the section labeled as number 2, you will see a textbox containing a javascript code.


Simply copy that code, and paste it in the area you find the most appropriate in the coding of your page, taking care to replace the asteriks after "Uid=" with your SP ID (for example, if your SP ID was SP32032, then the code should end in "Uid=SP32032>").

After you have done all of this, your Reyvateil should be ready.

Second Step: Green Button

If you clicked on the green button, then scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, and click in the button in there. Once you have done it, this form should appear:


And here it's the translation for each item:

お名前(ペンネーム)/Name (Nickname)

メールアドレス/E-Mail Address

パスワード/Password (Needed too to access the registration data modification page. Minimum length: 8 characters).

サポ通の送付/Supporter's Newsletter (Click on the left button if you wish to receive Gust's newsletter, and the right button if you don't wish to receive it)

りりにゅの送付/Release News (Click on the left button if you wish to receive news about Gust's new game releases, and the right button if you don't wish to receive it)

レーヴァテイルの名前/Reyvateil's Name (Max. 6 letters)

オーナー(貴方)の名前/Owner's (Your) Name (Max. 6 letters)

趣味/Hobby (You can choose one from, in the same order as they appear in the dropbox: Reading, Sports, Videogames, Grathmelding, Napping, Music, Drawing).

自分の呼ばれ方/Nickname Given to you by the Reyvateil (Max. 6 letters)

好きな色/Favorite Color (Dropbox, and the translations use the same order as it: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Purple, White, Black, and Gray).

ルームタイプ/Room Type (Determines the background your Supporteil will have. You can choose one among the Nemo Inn, Firefly Alley Inn, Em Pheyna Inn, Platina Inn, Survival (Lyner's and Aoto's tents), and Aesthetics (the messy house shown in the Cosmospheres).

キャラクター容姿/Character Type (Allows you to choose which Supporteil kind you want between the three initial ones. The initial types are Maya (expert in Song Magic, and prioritizes Song Magic Power over everything else), Mayuru (expert in synthesizing, and prioritizes Sensibility over everything else) and Raksha (average in both synthesis and Song Magic).

After you have filled all of the above, click on the button at bottom of the page. Then, you will be sent to a page saying they have sent you an email to confirm your registration, so go to your mailbox, search for a mail from, and once you have opened it, click on the link it has.

This will send you to the Ar Portal again, to a page saying your registration was confirmed, and that now, they have mailed your access SP ID#, and your password. With this, you can simply go now to the main page of the Ar Portal, and log in using the text fields on the right.


With this, your Supporteil Lite is ready (though if you want to make her into a full version one, go on reading).

Changing From Lite to Full

Whenever you feel like changing yoru Supporteil Lite into a full Supporteil, simply copy and paste the Javascript code that was given to you in the mail containing your Password and Supporter ID. Once you have done this, the Server Helper Supporteil will appear on the Flash Conversation window, and ask you the following: Password, URL of your site, and URL once again. Once you have done all of this, the registration will be complet, and once your refresh your page, the Flash Window will have your Supporteil.

Miscellaneous: Recovering a Lost Password

If by any chance you lose your password, go here, and in there, fill the fields with your SP ID and your mail address. Once you have done this, you will receive a mail with a new password.

Miscellaneous: Changing a Password

If you wish to change your password for any reason, go here and input your ID and password. Once there, simply modify whatever is on the パスワード/Password field to change your password, and once you have done that, go to the bottom and click the button in there. Then, just go to the bottom of the confirmation page, and click in the button again. This will have changed your password to what you typed in the Password field.