Falss (boss)

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The virus-infected form of Bishop Falss, who attacked Lyner and his friends at the Symphonic Reactor. This battle is the only place in the game where the boss theme Loki plays. This boss has a total of five abilities: Forbidden Claw, which deals average physical damage to a single target; Elemia Ray, which deals large physical damage to a single target; Elemia Anthem, which restores part of his HP, a Lv. 2 Stored Attack called Gravity Punishment; and finally, his most dangerous skill: Super Acceleration, which allows him to take four actions straight without any interruptions. Most likely, he will use Elemia Ray, Forbidden Claw, and Elemia Anthem first, and then begin charging Gravity Punishment upon activating it. Due to this, he poses a large threat if your party has a low HP whenever he decides to use Super Acceleration, which would most likely would end up knocking them out. Because of this, make sure to keep yourself healed, and pay attention to whenever he tries to use Gravity Punishment.


  • This boss is also fought in Shurelia's Cosmosphere, although with severely reduced stats, and instead of being played by Bishop Falss himself, he is played by Lyner's father, Leard Barsett. You will receive Shurelia's Song Magic Apostle of Mir upon defeating him, which allows you to summon him to cause Ice-elemental damage to all enemies.
  • As it can be seen from the Visual Book that accompanied the release of Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia, this enemy was supposed to be part of an enemy class called Apostles of Mir, but said class was scrapped during the production of the game.