Guard Knight

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A rather large improvement over the Knights found as bosses in both the Ironplate Desert and the IPD Labs, these enemies have stats that surpass by a large margin those of their predecessors, making them capable of dealing large amounts of damage. Their moveset is also improved, with their basic attack dealing up to three hits of damage and keeping the Knight Thrust attack from their predecessors, but as long as the player has decent blocking abilities, these knights should be easy to dispose of despite the fact that there is practically no end to them due to the absurd encounter number at the Grand Bell Mothership.

However, it has to be noted that they drop the Crack Bolt weapon for Croix, which is also a material for several weapon syntheses, so it would be wise to collect at least five of them before clearing the area, as there is no way to get more of them later on.


The description is mistaken by calling them "Knights of the Sacred Army", when in fact they belong to the Grand Bell due to their coloring, type of spear wielded and moveset.