ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/The Developers that Even Stop Repelling the Trigger of World's Demise!/Issue 1

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アルトネリコシリーズのディレクターをやらせていただいております、(株)ガス トの土屋と申します。このコーナーではこれから発売日までの間、第2、第4週の 金曜日更新で、アルトネリコシリーズ、主にアルトネリコ3に関する開発秘話や 近況などをお伝えしていきたいと思います。どうぞよろしくお願いします!

I'm Tsuchiya from Gust (Ltd.), where I work as the director for the Ar tonelico series. And for this corner, I think we'll be using it the Friday of every second and fourth week of each month until the release date comes to talk about the secret stories and recent developments for the Ar tonelico series, especially Ar tonelico 3. Pleased to see you here!

さて、今回からスタートしましたこの企画、まずは最初の数回にわたり「アルト ネリコ3に託した想い」と題しまして、シリーズファンには恒例の「今回はここ にぎゅぎゅっと愛を詰め込みましたよ!」というお話をしたいと思っております。 今回はそのうちの1つ「RAH」についてお話ししたいと思います。

Well then, now we've started this project with the current issue, I think I want to make use of it to tell you all over its multiple issues about the [feelings I put into Ar tonelico 3], the kind the series' fans would come and say as is customary by now [This part here got packed tight with love this time too!] And the topic I want to talk about this time around is about [RAH].

今作アルトネリコ3は、シリーズ初のPS3作品であり、PS2以外でのリリー ス作品となります。新ハードとなれば、今までと違ったことが出来る!というこ とで、ネタ好きの土屋のドキドキハートはMAXフリキレだったわけです。特に 今のゲームシーンの最先端を行くハードですから、可能性は十分すぎるくらいあ るわけでして、後はどれだけネタを作り出せるか!というところが勝負どころに なるわけですね。ハードウェアがPS3と決まってから、とにかく面白いことが 出来ないか!と、毎日コントローラーをブンブン振ってみたり、XMBでコンフィ グをいじくり倒してみたり、他社様の作品をプレイさせていただいたりしており ました。そして、幾つかの目玉(=ネタ)を皆さんにお届け出来る運びとなった と自負しております。
ミドルウェア制作会社のCRIさんにもご協力いただき、PS3のパワーによっ て実現した、多チャンネルストリーミングによる楽曲構築です。
PS2など、過去にも楽曲を自動生成するゲームは何タイトルかありましたが、 恐らく「歌が入っていてテンポもキーも変わる」ものは初めてなのではないかと 思います。欲張りまくって素材数が膨れあがり、現在徹夜で組み合わせ調 整をしている真っ最中ですが、イイモノにするために頑張っております。
プレイヤーサイドから見た場合、詩調合というもので楽曲構築を行うのですが、 ちょっと一ひねりありまして、いわゆる「(音楽ツール的に)曲を組み立てる」 わけでは無いのです。ですので、音楽は苦手!という方でも楽しめる作りになっ ています。今は多くは語れませんが、そこで目一杯遊んでいただけたらと思って おります。そして、皆さんが作った楽曲を、皆さんで話のネタにして盛り上がっ てもらえたら、制作側としては本当に嬉しい限りです。

The column's main topic, Ar tonelico 3 is also the first game in the series for the PS3, so that means it's the first one to get released in other platform aside of the PS2. As it was a new part of the series, and I was all "We can do stuff different from what we did before!", my Heart Beat Meter had already reached Max due to how much many jokes I'd be able to make and how much material I'd be able to use in it! This was specially true because we were now working in a hardware that served as cutting-edge technology when it came to displaying game cutscenes, and since that meant we had more possibilities for it than what I could ever imagine, I pretty much threw myself in to "do all the jokes I possibly can!" After it was decided we would make it for the PS3, I spent every single day doing things like shaking and swinging the controller, bringing down the XMB configuration to my feet, and playing the games other companies have made for it. And so I ended challenging myself to put in and send to you all the special features (jokes) I could.
But the one among them in which I put special care and dedication was the [RAH System], which has been already introduced in gaming magazines.
It is a multiple channel streaming music construction system that could be made a reality only thanks to the PS3's power and the help I got from the CRI Middleware.
While there have already been several games that could generate music on their own in platforms like the PS2, I think that most likely, this system is the first one that [can make up a song, and change its key and tempo]. I got a bit too greedy with the number of base samples though, which is why even now we're pulling off all-nighters for doing adjustments on how they are mixed, but that's just the amount of the efforts we're making for it to turn out the best we can.
As for what this means to the players, it is that the Song Synthesis system will allow them to construct songs easily, but not in a way similar to [making a song (using specialized musical tools)]. That's why even players that aren't good at music will be able to enjoy it too. There are many other things about it I won't tell for the moment, but I think you'll greatly enjoy them when you finally have a chance to try them yourselves. And if making your own songs excites you as much as the other jokes the story will have in store for you, nothing would make me happier as a creator.


Well then, I'll have to excuse myself for now.
See you again next issue, in the second week of November!