ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/The Developers that Even Stop Repelling the Trigger of World's Demise!/Issue 6

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Hello, it's Tsuchiya.
Happy New Year!
I hope you'll continue supporting the Ar tonelico series this year too.

さて、年明け早々早速大変インパクトのあるキャラが目白押し&PV第2弾がお披 露目になったわけですが、今回はそのあたりについて少しお話ししてみようかと 思います。
先日公開されたばかりのキャラに「ミュート」というのがいますが、彼女の設定 が出来たのは、実は主人公よりも前だったかと思います。今まで、レーヴァテイ ルといえば「か弱くて護ってあげたくなる存在」である、というコンセプトで全 てのキャラを創って来ましたが、コイツはその枠から外れる偉大な一歩を踏み出 したキャラです。ミュートは第三世代(人間とレーヴァテイル(β純血種という 人工生命)のハーフをそう呼びます)ですが、創られるβ純血種と違い、普通の 人間ですから色々いるわけですね。現実世界でもガッチリした肉体美をお持ちの 方もいらっしゃるように、きっと第三世代レーヴァテイルにもいるだろう、とい う事で、そんなキャラを一人創ってみたいと思ったのがきっかけでした。とはい え、初期のミュートは今よりは少し女性的なプロポーションでして、まさに「肉 体美をお持ちの女性」といった感じでした。いつどこで今の形になったかは、今 は既に闇の中ですが(!)、その後、色々設定を考えて固めていくウチに、どん どん凄いキャラになってしまいました。初期設定画も、機会があればお披露目し たいと思いますが、まずは現状のミュートをゲームで堪能してみてください。 今回のアルトネリコ3では、ミュートも然りですが、様々な挑戦的なことをして います。前作、前々作の反省も踏まえて、サブキャラ含む各キャラについて一層 の設定の練り込みもしており、全てのバストアップキャラに見せ場を用意してい ます。ミュートも外観だけでかなりインパクトが有ると思いますが、実際にゲー ム中でイベントを見ていけば、更にサプライズが満載です。そしてミュートと同 時公開だった為に陰に隠れがちなカテナも、ゲームをプレイすればきっと印象が 変わるだろうなぁと、今から一人ニヤニヤしていたりします。
ココナやさーしゃ、ヒロイン達ももちろんアオトも、そしてまだお披露目をして いないキャラも、みんな、ファンの皆さんに好きになってもらえたらいいなぁと、 日々思っています。毎回そうですが、本当に全てのキャラが好きですから。
今回、新たな戦力として、メインシナリオの脚本を新しいシナリオライター さんに書いていただいています。お陰で前作以上にキャラに深みが増し、全ての キャラが活き活きとしたように感じます。本当に今作のキャラが、皆さんに愛さ れる事を切に願いながら、発売までのあと20日を過ごしたいと思います。
今月は情報も目白押しですから、是非雑誌のチェックをマメにしてみてください ね。それでは今回は、この辺でおいとまさせていただきます。

And well, it's still pretty early into the year but we have already unveiled some characters that have quite a bit of impact and we also made public the second PV, so these are the topics I'd like to touch this time around.
We already had unveiled the character [Mute] previously, but we came up with the setting for her actually before we even had done that for the protagonst. So far we had made all the Reyvateils seen in the series under the concept of them [being weak existences that needed protection], but she's a character that takes a large step away from that framework. Mute is a Third Generation Reyvateil (the name given to halfbloods born out from the union of a human and a Reyvateil (more specifically, the artifically made ones called Pureblooded β-Types), so unlike the artificial Pureblooded β-Types, she is more like a normal human in several aspects. And like there are some people that are into the physical beauty stint and that have a solidly built body in the real world, I'm sure there should be some Third Generation Reyvateils that also have these characteristics, reason why I decided to take the chance and make a character that made use of them. However, when I initially proposed Mute's creation, she had a more feminine appearance than her final design, so she had more of an air of being a [woman that had a solidly built physique]. As for at which point she ended up becoming like this, the answer to that question has already vanished into the depths of darkness (!), but I could come up with and solidify the rest of the setting for her after that happened, which allowed her to gradually become quite an amazing character. I want to unveil her initial design drafts at some point if we ever get a chance to do so, but for now, please make sure to enjoy Mute as she is in the game. And for Ar tonelico 3, we also did several challenging things, and yes, this also includes Mute herself. Due to the reflections I made upon the previous games, we decided to improve even more the setting for all the characters, including the secondary ones, and we also made some scenes that highlight their most prominent characteristics. I think Mute's appearance by itself already carries a lot of impact, but once you see the role she takes in the events throughout the game, you'll see she's fully loaded with surprises. And about Katena, who was hidden in the shadows and got unveiled at the same time as Mute, I'm sure your impressions of him will change once you've actually played the game and their scenes will make you grin openly when you see them.
I think every single day that it'd be great if you all came to know and like Cocona and Sasha, the heroines and of course, Aoto, and also all the other characters we haven't unveiled yet. I still think it, of course, and that's because I like all those characters.
And due to the war potential they had, we decided to have a new scenario writer in charge of writing the story's main script. Thanks to that, you'll get to know the characters in more depth than even the previous games and be able to feel them taking even more a life of their own. I earnestly wish for you all to come to love the characters in this game, and for the twenty days that still have to go by before the release date to pass quickly.
We'll be pushing even more information into the magazines for this month, so please make sure to check them. Well then, we'll stop here for the time being.