ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Toukousphere/Issue 13

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Question Corner

Otayori top.gif

シ ュレリア様に質問です! ゲームのほうで「1000年以上生きている」と言っていましたが 公式設定資料のほうは739歳となっています。 ほんとのところはどっちなんですか?

I have a question for Lady Shurelia! In the game it said you've been "alive for 1000 years", but in the official setting material book it says 739 years. What's the right answer?


確かに739年くらい昔に生まれたりしましたけど、それと年齢は関係ありません。 だから、私の年齢は気にしないでください。

I have no idea what they're talking about,
I'm 16 years old.
It's true I might have been born around 739 years ago, but that has nothing to do with my age. Please, pay no mind to it.
I mean, it's impolite to ask a woman her age... ugh...

Hama's Submission Dojo

Tks header 04 hama.jpg


イラストでは無いですが、やっぱりアルトネリコファンとして最低1回はやらなければいけない事をやってしまいました。 私の(正確には胃の)調子が良い時でないと挑戦できません……

An image I saw being used on a blog a little while ago.
The illustration doesn't exist, but of course Ar Tonelico Fans will give it a try at least once. I (or better said, my stomach) wasn't up to the challenge.



It's the BBQ Soda~~!! Finally~!
My stomach's also fine as it is right now, so I'll pass on it!
Maybe it'd be better to just see Aurica drinking it once.

Lady Shurelia's Hymmnos Lecture

Tks hy syureria3.jpg

Chapter 5: Binasphere Chorus



Miss Shurelia here. Let's work hard in today's Hymmnos lecture too!
That's what I would like to say, but the topic of today's Hymmnos Lecture will be a bit of idle chatter.
While Hymmnos has several sorts of expression methods, today I'll explain something far more complex than them: the [Binasphere Chorus]!


バイナスフィアコーラスが初めて生まれたのは、ヒュムノスが体系化してからしばらくした後、 すなわち第一紀の中盤頃、月奏達がより強力なヒュムノスを生み出すために開発されました。

▼Songs Where the Binasphere Chorus can be Heard
The Binasphere Chorus can be heard in the Hymmnos called "EXEC_NULLASCENSION/.", recorded on the CD "Claire~Promise of the Gentle Breeze~", so make sure to begin by listening to it.

▼History of Binasphere
Binasphere is a coined word made by combining the words "Binary (Two)" and "Sphere (World)".
That is, while this can be directly translated to "Two Worlds", it also holds the meaning of "Two Worlds Existing in One Song".
The Binasphere Chorus was first created shortly after Hymmnos was systematized, right in the middle of the First Era, and it was something the Moon Chanters developed in order to produce even more powerful Hymmnos.
As humans can only sing one song at a time, the Binasphere Chorus required two singers in order to be used.
However, this also was its greatest flaw: as both singers were human, no matter how much they tried to synchronize their feelings or to match their breathing with each other, they never were able to reach to degree of synchronization required for the creation of Song Magic.
Theoretically, it was expected that the songs sung by the Moon Chanters would have gotten 5 to 10 ten times more powerful if they had been able to use it successfully.
However, that power was even less of a hundredth than the power displayed by the Reyvateils that were born later on when they sang alone.

そして、最後に「EXEC hymme 2x1/0 >> 01101010.」という発動ワードを実行することで、一気にその効果が発動されます。 ここで「2x1/0」を「ジ(2)グ(x)イ(1)オ(0)」と読み、「>>」を「トラス」と読みます。

=>{バイナスフィア文章}EXEC hymme 2x1/0 >> 01101010.

展開の「鍵」となるのは、最後に書いている「01101010」の部分です。この「0」が1番目の詩、「1」が2番目の詩を指しており、 インターリーブ周期を決めています。

▼Syntax (Declaration)
While the Binasphere Chorus can be considered as a kind of cypher, it actually just consists of separating the words into single pronunciation units and interweaving them in order to interleave (overlap) "two different feelings" in a more efficient way.
Therefore, it's compulsory to add a "=>" symbol at the point where the interleave starts.
This symbol is pronounced "Tab".
And likewise, by executing the invocation word at the end, "EXEC hymme 2x1/0 >> 01101010.", the effects of the song will be manifested all at once.
Here, the 「2x1/0」 is read as 「Zi(2) Gu(x) I(1) O(0)」, while the ">>" is read as "Tras".

■Declaration Format
=>{Binasphere Sentences}EXEC hymme 2x1/0 >> 01101010.

■Syntax (Reconstruction)
The two songs that were interleaved through the Binasphere Chorus are decompressed in a process like the one shown below.
The decompression "key" is basically the "01101010" part written at the end. Here, the "0" corresponds to the first Song and the "1" corresponds to the second one, which is decided at the time the interleaving is done.
And as they say that pictures are worth a thousand words, let's illustrate in some way the decompression process.


ここで「GAx」などの「x」とは、接着剤の意味があります。2つに分解した後、並びの中で「x」が間に挟まっている場所は連結し、 1つの単語にしていきます。そうすることで、上記図説の一番下の文章のように、ちゃんとしたヒュムノス文が2つ作られるはずです。

Here, the "x"s found in places such as "GAx" serve as a glue of sorts, as after disassembling the two songs, if you join all of the units that have an "x" after them you will get complete words. If you do so, you should end up forming two separate Hymmnos sentences, as shown in the diagram above with the bottommost line.
It might be redundant to say this, but as you might have grasped by now, if you change the order of "01101010", you are capable of changing the order of interleaving and decompression as you wish. Furthermore, if you change the ratio of 0s and 1s in there, you can even change the length of the first and second sentences that form it.

自習されたい方は、是非「アルトネリコ・ヒュムノスミュージカル クレア~そよかぜの伝言」を聴いてみてくださいね。

Hymno ser.gif

Since this lecture was just a bit of idle chatter, I won't be giving you any homework, so please feel free to rest.
Still, any self-study you do will be warmly received.
In fact, if you're interested on learning further, please try giving a listen to the "Ar tonelico Hymmnos Musical Claire~Promise of the Gentle Breeze~".
That way you might be able to understand how incredible the Binasphere Chorus is.

Hymno ser.gif


『Was yea ra melenas yor ,forgandal firle yehah iem.』

▼Last time's homework
The questions are getting steadily more difficult, right? Are you all understanding them well?
Well then, here is a model answer for the question from the previous issue♪.
"It gives me the greatest happiness to love you,
because I am very happy right now."

Model response
"Was yea ra melenas yor ,forgandal firle yehah iem."

W as yea ra melenas yor, forgandal, firle yehah iem.
で、あってると良いなと思いつつ初めて宿題提出です 初めて真面目にヒュムノス語に取り組みましたが、難しかったです ところで、シュレリア様しか教える人が居ないとか言ってましたけど 他の人たちは暇が無いのか、それとも教えられるほど熟練してないのかどっちなんでしょうか? そもそも、ヒュムノスって皆さんはどうやって覚えたんですか?

Was yea ra melenas yor, forgandal, firle yehah iem.
Although I think it's pretty good, this is the first bit of homework I've ever turned in. While at first I was very serious about wanting to learn the Hymmnos language, it was pretty difficult, and while I said that I didn't have anyone besides Lady Shurelia that could teach me, it's actually because the others were either too busy or weren't good at teaching... How did everyone else learn Hymmnos in the first place?


ちなみにヒュムノス語は、レーヴァテイルならば発症と同時に全て頭の中にインプットされます。 厳密には、塔と身体が繋がるので、塔の中のライブラリを参照出来るだけなのですが。

It's wonderful! Full marks!
You understood it pretty well, and you made absolutely no mistakes.
It might have been very difficult for you, but here you can see the results of seriously studying it!
By the way, the Hymmnos language is directly input into the heads of the Revateils at the same time as their Reyvateil natures awaken. Strictly speaking, it's merely that, when their bodies and the Tower get connected, they become able of browsing the Tower's library at will.
Even so, even Aurica and Misha can handle the Hymmnos language as freely as they wish, excepting for one part.

was yea ra glasden wael yorr melenas, forgandal iem was yehah en.

I don't really like English, but since I love the Hymmnos language, I'll do my best.
(Although I did it wrongly in the previous issue *lol*). Umm, as for the homework:
was yea ra glasden wael yorr melenas, forgandal iem was yehah en.
That's how I made it. It's okay?


意味は伝わりますが、forgandalの後、wasという「第一想音」が文章の中に出てきているのが惜しい理由です。 「第一想音」と言われる単語は、文章の頭にしか付けることはできませんから、その事は覚えておきましょう。 それにしても、英語は嫌いでヒュムノス語は大好きなんですね。
ふふ、気づいていらっしゃるか解りませんが、ヒュムノス語には、英語が上達する詩魔法がかけられているんですよ。 ヒュムノス語を修得すると、英語のことも良く解る仕掛けになっているんです。
ただし、鵜呑みにすると、妙な文法違いまで出てしまいますから、要注意…ですけど。 はぅ…そんなの使えないじゃん…なんて言わないでくださいね…。

Close! Close but not quite there!
You do get the meaning across, but the reason for the almost is because you put "was" right after "forgandal", or in other words, you a "First Emotion Sound" right in the middle of sentence. The "First Emotion Sounds" are words that can be used only at the start of a sentence, so make sure to remember it well. At any rate, it surprise me that you don't like English but love the Hymmnos language.
Huhu, I don't know if you have noticed it, but for the Hymmnos language, the further you improve in English, the more your Song Magic improves. And if you learn the Hymmnos language, you might be able to use it as some kind of trick to understand English better as well.
However, I have to warn you that if you just do it like this, it's possible you might end up making strange sentences to the point of them not even being valid grammatically... but... *sigh*... no, that isn't useful, correct...? Please, don't say anything...

「Was apea ra melenas, forgandal firle yehah iem.」
実は今、「どっちも大好きだから両方とつき合うってダメかな?」と言われていて……。 この心境をヒュムノスにするなら「Was yant ga cyuie, forgandal melenas hes.」でしょうか。

Hello. I'm turning in the homework for this issue. I carelessly forgot to do so in the last one...
"Was apea ra melenas, forgandal firle yehah iem."
By the way, Lady Shurelia, what you said about giving advice on love triangles was true?
Actually, right now he was told that "Wouldn't it be bad if you went out with both of them at the same time because you like them both?" ...If I could express my current mental state, I think it'd be "Was yant ga cyuie, forgandal melenas hes."
(A Point in a Love Triangle)


男なんだから、誠意を見せてもらわないと、ですよ! でも、両方とつき合ってもらうのもありかもしれませんね。
その間にまだチャンスを掴めるかも知れないですし…。 それにしても…この話、なんだか他人事のように思えませんね…どうしてでしょうか。 更に、その言葉…なんだか特有の声を思い出してしまいます…。 あ…最後のは忘れてください!

Wait a moment! This isn't the kind of matter that can be talked thoughtlessly during a Hymmnos Lecture!
As for him, "going out with both of them"? "He shouldn't"?
Of course he shouldn't!
As a man, he should show his sincerity! But he might be going out with both of you, right?
In that case, you might still have a chance that you should catch while you can... At any rate, for some reason... I can't seem to feel this story as if it was the problem of someone else. Furthermore, these words... have remembered me of a certain voice... Ah...! Please forget that last part!



For the next issue... hmm, what should I do? Well, I think I'll decide depending on how I feel then.
...Any complaints about this?
Well then, I wish you all a good day!

Editor's Postscript


The Hymmnos Lecture for this issue really ate up a lot of my capacity...
I might have allowed you all to deal with the Binasphere Chorus, but I think this should allow
everyone who listened to Claire's CD to enjoy it again in a different way.
Even in the next Hymmnos Musical I'll be preparing some special material,
so please make sure to give it a listen.
Well then, see you on the next issue! (Tsuchiya)