ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Toukousphere/Issue 14

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Question Corner

Otayori top.gif


Boom! Like new! A PS3 please.



Really, everyone is going around with the "new new" thing. Stop it already.
Just because something new came out, don't tell me I have to use it immediately.
Aside from that, should we look into it further?
New versions of anything are good, but there's still a lot left that can be made with their originals.
For starters, it's like a mere TV becoming useless by just having a game console, as the 37 inches LCD monitors with 5.1 channel audio systems already have become the standard in current console gaming.
And wouldn't you want too a
GUST original gaming system?
Well, I think the price would end up on the six digits range, so do your best earning that.

ミ ュールとシュレリア様とでは、どっちの方が胸が大きいですか?

Between Mir and Shurelia, who has the larger breasts?



I won't tell you in detail but, I'll let you in on something good.
50-steps and 100-steps, when both are compared, they seem like the same exact thing.
Those two have them big enough that when confronting them, no one could avoid remembering these words. Well, if we said these things right at their faces, we'd end up becoming enemies of them both, so there's no guarantee of survival after that now, is there?
For now, they both aren't quite as full as me. Or isn't that a satisfactory enough answer for you?

Lady Shurelia's Hymmnos Lecture

Tks hy syureria3.jpg

Chapter 6: Genealogy of the Hymmnos Notes



This Hymmnos Lecture feels like we have come to a climax!
This time, we'll talk about the history of Hymmnos.


▼▼How the Hymmnos Language came to be
What we call Song Magic... or better said, provoking paranormal phenomena by pronouncing words, was discovered far before the First Era, during the period we call BC.
Back then, the system we know as "Hymmnos Language" didn't exist, and instead there were very ambiguous conventions about an uttering like "iiiiya!" having a effect, other like "yahaa" having its own effect, and such. And since this was long before the crystallization of technology we call Reyvateils were born, some shamans called the "Moon Chanters" were the ones who could receive power from mother nature by pronouncing this non-standardized predecessor to the current Song Magic.
Later on, they began wondering why "iiiya" had "the effects it had", and upon researching it, they made up a system in which "i", "y" and "a" had their own effects. This was when the era of "Carmena Foreluna", in which each letter has a specific meaning, began; although we couldn't call this "Hymmnos" just yet. As mentioned previously, each letter had a meaning in Carmena Foreluna, such as for example, "y" meaning "Light" and "z" meaning "God", and by following these rules, you could simply line them up to make up words. Therefore, the order in which you put them would completely change their effects, and furthermore, this also caused large differences in ability and experience from a practitioner to other.
Much later on, they began carefully researching the ordering of the letters, and discovered they could put them in a block with a specific order. That was the actual point of origin for "Hymmnos". For example, while the word "hymme (to sing)" looks like this written in Latin characters, in Carmena Foreluna it is actually composed of the combination of the letters "h", "y", "m" and "e", so while in Hymmnos it means "to sing", a more rough translation of the letters and the order in which they are put would be something to the effect of "great salvation with the love of the Gods".
It was in this way that the vocabulary system for the "Hymmnos language" was established several centuries, even millennia ago. And this allowed the Moon Chanters to display a power greater than anyone else and with much better efficiency.
And later on, the Reyvateils were born and the Hymmnos language was registered as a programming language in the great super computer located in the Tower of "Ar tonelico". Thus, when the Reyvateils Sing, their Songs are amplified by Ar tonelico, allowing them to release a power a hundred times greater than that the Moon Chanters had when they Sang their own Songs.
And in this way, when the golden era of the Reyvateils came, the "Hymmnos language" came to be known as the language of the Reyvateils.


もっとも古に存在した、ヒュムノスの原点。この段階ではまだ「ヒュムノス」とは言わない。 「発音(文字)」と「意味」が一元的で、文字1つ単位で意味や効果がある。しかし、その効果の程は小さい。 現在(第三紀)では、唯一レーヴァテイルがサポートしていない言語。







▼The Hymmnos language Has Several Dialects
Similarly to how you have languages like English and Japanese on Earth, the Hymmnos language also has several languages within itself.
These are called "Notes". While in musical terminology the Notes are like something that can be simply explained as being "the types of tuning for the 12 musical scales", the "Notes" in Hymmnos can be easily recognized as being the dialects for it.
While there are several kinds of Notes, the most commonly used ones in the Third Era are the following.

・Carmena Foreluna
The oldest one and the point of origin for Hymmnos, although we couldn't call it "Hymmnos" at this stage. Each "pronunciation (letter)" has a specific "meaning", and by fusing them into a single word, they can have effects. However, these effects are generally very weak. In the current times (the Third Era), this is the only language that isn't supported by the Reyvateils.

・Kurt Ciel Note
This Note was created by systematizing Carmena Foreluna in a way that the many letters could be ordered in a set (word) that gave off a specific effect.
It's from this point on that it could be called Hymmnos.
The Kurt Ciel Note was a language used both by the ancient human shamans "Moon Chanters", and by the artificial life forms "Reyvateils" in order to receive the blessings of the Tower. However, even if they pronounced the same words, the Reyvateils can draw a far greater power from the Tower than the small amount power the Moon Chanters can from nature, this being due to the execution logic for their Songs being completely different from each other.

・Central Standard Note
A group of words that was created to be the common world standard for Hymmnos. It's mostly formed by the Kurt Ciel Note, as it was created to be an expanded and optimized form of said Note by carefully selecting words from it. We could also say that it's the international standard (ISO) for Hymmnos.

・Ancient Metafalss Note
A unique type of Hymmnos language that was developed in the region of "Metafalss", located very far away from the world where the game "Ar tonelico" is set. As it features extremely complex and long words, it has a high degree of difficulty, but thanks to it, it also has very strong effects. As it was once registered into the libraries of the "Ar tonelico" server, the Reyvateils can also Sing it, but they don't reach the 100% of the power it once displayed on its golden era.

・Alpha Note (Origin Spells)
This is the only Note that has the particularity of not "being developed by combining the meanings of its component letters" from "Carmena Foreluna". If we had to define it in some way, it would be the artificial words that the Tower Administrators programmed into their respective Towers. Therefore, even though the humans can exhibit (extremely weak) power by pronouncing the words from other Notes, nothing would happen if they pronounced any of the words from the Origin Spells. These words will only have an effect through the computer we call the Tower.
Therefore, while these are words completely exclusive to the Reyvateils, they can naturally exhibit great effects despite having short and simple pronunciations.

・Cluster Note
A unique type of Hymmnos language that was developed in the region of "Sol Cluster", located very far away from the world where the game "Ar tonelico" is set. As long ago the region of Sol Cluster burned with hostility towards the region where the game is set, Sol Ciel, they made incredibly great efforts to develop a language that had a power even greater than the Central Standard Note. What was born as a result of these efforts is the Cluster Note.

・New Testament of Pastalie
It's said that it is the only Note created during the Third Era, and thus it's the newest kind of Hymmnos language. It's said to have very inhuman words, to the point that its grammatical structure even exceeds the humans' capacity for understanding it. It was developed as... result of research on how to display the greatest efficiency in the shortest time, which is why the language has a more programming language-like style to it.


▼Measurement Errors in the Hymmnos Grammar
For starters, "Carmena Foreluna", which existed before the systematization of the language, doesn't really have what we would call grammar rules. As for everything that came after it, the grammar had slight differences. The most remarkable of them would be the "Subject Definer", which I explained in one of the previous lectures.
The inclusion of the Subject Definer in the grammar is actually very recent: from the time in which the language became based on the Central Standard Note, as it wasn't really necessary and didn't really matter if the Subject Definer was used when the other Notes were more prevalent. However, they noticed this would it make much harder for others when they tried translating these sentences. Therefore, since one of the goals of the systematization carried out with the creation of the Central Standard Note was making sure that the other people and listeners clearly understood the meaning of the sentences, they added several auxiliary grammar mechanisms. On the other hand, there are also Notes like the New Testament of Pastalie, which use a completely different grammar system.



And this Hymmnos Lecture comes to an end.
For the next Hymmnos Lecture... hmmm, what should I do?
Well, if you have any requests, please send them to us. We'll use the most interesting ones, or maybe we'll end up making a Q&A corner!

Editor's Postscript

最近は色々とバタバタとしていて、色々と悪巧み(!)をする時間も少なくなってきています。要するに、おもしろ可笑しい新しい企画を出したいのですが、なかなかその時間がない、という感じです。トウコウスフィアでも、何か「こんなコーナーが欲しい!」というのがあれば、是非そのネタを投稿してください。面白そうなモノはすぐにレギュラーコーナーになってしまうかもしれません。 それでは、また次回~!(土屋)

Lately, there has been all sorts of commotion, so I didn't have much time to plot all sorts of evil schemes(!). In short, while I want to embark into all sorts of new and funny projects, I pretty much don't have any time to do so. This even applies to the Toukousphere, so if you have any ideas such as "I want a corner like this!", please make sure to send it. If it's interesting enough, it might even end up becoming a regular corner. Well then, see you all next Toukousphere~! (Tsuchiya)