ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Toukousphere/Issue 18

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This Month's Tsukkomi Aurica

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Congrats for the release of Ar tonelico 2!!
  H-huh!? Wait a second... Misha!?

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私だって、言いたいこといっぱいあるんだから。 前回のトウコウスフィアでシュレリア様が随分なこと言ってましたけど、あんな言葉で納得する私じゃありませんからね!
歴代に60年謳った人がいることも知ってる。それを分かってるくせに「たかだか30年」とか平然と言わないで欲しいわ。 正直に言ったらいいじゃない。「任期は使い潰すまで」って!
そりゃ本音を言えば嫌だけど、でもそれが私の存在意義だから、それくらいはわかってるつもり。 でも、だからこそシュレリア様には分かって欲しいのに、もう少しいたわって欲しいのに、 自分の保守にばかり回って、ちっとも私のこと分かってくれてないじゃない! 私が「一生」とか「ずっと」みたいなことを言うから自分が悪者?
いつ任期が終わるかも分からないんだから…一生って言いたくもなるわよ。 それに、任期が終わった後、気力も体力も無くなってるのよ。どう楽しめと言うの? シュレリア様は、それ全部分かってて、あの発言してるんですよね。

…まあ、別に今更終わった話だからいいんだけど。謳う必要もなくなったし。 でも、何も言わずにはいられなかったのよね。 ハッキリ言って、ライナーの「謳ってくれないか」並みの衝撃だったわ。 私が言いたいのはそれだけ。 あー、言いたいこと言ったら、すごいスッキリしたー!


Sorry, but I'm gonna have to borrow this corner for a while, because I've got a lot of things I want to say. And that's because Lady Shurelia said a lot of unpleasant things to which I can't really agree!
That our period of work lasts 30 years? And where's the proof of that being the case?
As far as I know, there were quite a few that had to sing for around 60 years, and I'd really like that she didn't calmly say that they "sing for 30 years" with that smile on her face despite knowing that. Shouldn't you be honest and say that this "lasts until they've been worked to death"!?
And you really thought we'd be okay with just a welfare program? I have the feeling you never bothered to actually follow through with this. Aren't you saying with this that no one would ever dislike being a Star Singer?
And honestly speaking, I really hate being the Star Singer, but since that's the reason for my existence, I just want you all to know it. And most of all, for Lady Shurelia to know it and understand better where I'm coming from, as she didn't seem to mind in the slightest what happened to me in the end! For example, about me saying that "forever" and "all my life" made her seem like a villain?
Well, of course!
If I didn't knew how long I'd have to work like this... I'd have to say that I'd do it forever. And after my period of work ended, I wouldn't have any vitality or stamina to do anything. How I'd be able to enjoy the time after it? And Lady Shurelia said all these things even though she knew all of that.
How great! What a wonderful Administrator!

...But well, this is just talking about the past now, as I don't need to sing anymore. But still, I couldn't let that go without saying anything. Honestly, it was every bit as shocking to me as when Lyner told me "Won't you sing again?". That's everything I wanted to say. And now I've vented all of that, I feel pretty refreshed!

Sorry, Aurica. Feel free to carry on.



でも!!! トウコウスフィアはあたし達が盛り上げるからね!


C-congrats for the release of Ar tonelico 2!!
  ...Huh...? I made a mistake!
  Congrats on its announcement!

But we'll continue stirring up the Toukousphere!
Everyone, please come with us!
Make sure to come with us!

Don't shy away from this place, and make sure to come with us!

Lady Shurelia's Technical Service Center

Hy syureria2.jpg

ヒュムノスのこと、詩や設定に関するお話を、真面目に取り上げて、真面目に回答するコーナーです! 「本気で知りたい!マジに回答してくれ!」という質問が有る方は、是非私のコーナー宛てに投稿してくださいね。 その時は、本文に「テクニカルサービスセンター宛」と書いて送ってください。

最初に言っておきますが、諸般の事情により回答できない事もありますので、その際はボツになってしまいます。 その点ご了承いただいて、みんなで楽しく盛り上げていきましょうね!

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Technical Service Center!
This is the corner where we seriously pick up all the questions related to the Songs, setting, Hymmnos and laws of the world of Ar tonelico, "Sol Ciel", to then seriously answer them! If you have any question of the type "I really want to know it! Please answer it seriously!", please make sure to send it over to my corner. And remember to write a line saying "Addressed to the Technical Service Center" when you send it.

And I might have said this at the beginning, but if there are any questions that I can't answer due to several reasons, I'll be forced to discard them. Now you all have this clear, let's have some fun by stirring these questions up!


Lady Shurelia, the items made with Grathmelding can continue working even if they are taken to a place very far away from the Silver Horn?
And the effects these items have are endowed magic, so is the magic used only during the creation of the item, or do the items continue receiving a supply of magical effects from the Silver Horn after their creation...?
If it's the latter, wouldn't the long distance airships made from Grathmeld break apart in mid-air once they go beyond the effect area of the Silver Horn...? (doesn't laugh)
(Tram (former Croart))



It's true that the effects of Grathmelding can only manifest inside the effect area of the Silver Horn. It's basically the same as a cellphone that loses signal strength the farther away it gets from a transmission antenna.
However, the Silver Horn has a very large effect area which covers the entirety of the Wings of Horus, so there isn't any place in Sol Ciel where the effects of the items made with Grathmelding can't manifest.
However, if you went a great distance away from the Wings of Horus, its influence would weaken considerably.
Theoretically, a faint effect of the Silver Horn's power should remain active no matter how far away you take the item, but there is no doubt that in the case of items that require a great amount of power to work, such as airships, they would break apart.
However, this is purely hypothetical, as there haven't been any people flying off to the outer world ever since the Third Era started.

ふと疑問に思ったのですが、ソル・シエールは季節などは有るんですか? 気候などは確か六角板で(うろ覚えで申し訳ないです)調整しているらしいですが…
シンガーエンジェルのイベントで夏祭りやプールなどが有ったので質問させてもらいました。 リンケージの質問に負けないでくださいね!きゅっきゅっ!

さっそく質問なんですが、ソル・シエールに雨や雪はあるんですか? 雲はブラストライン付近に雷雲があるけど、
ホルスの翼だとか、その下の段々畑とかに届くにはちょっと遠すぎるような気も… だからと言っていつも晴れだと、水不足になっちゃいますよね。 そのあたりも含めて、教えてくだされば嬉しいです。よろしくお願いします!

This is addressed to the Technical Service Center. Lady Shurelia, today we're having a nice weather.
This is a question I came up with a bit suddenly, but does Sol Ciel have seasons? I remember about you being able to control the weather and such through the Hexagonal Plates (please forgive me for such a vague recollection), but...
I wanted to ask this because of the events in the Singer Angel such as the summer festival and the pool. Please make sure to not lose against your Linkage questions! Kyuukyuu!

I'll ask the question at once, so does Sol Ciel have things like rain and snow? The clouds near the Blast Line look like thunder clouds, but I have the feeling that they would be a little too far away to reach either the Wings of Horus, or the Terraced Fields located even farther below.... so it seems like there's always a clear time, and thus this would lead to water shortage problems. Because of these things, I'd be very glad if you could tell me. Please help me!


ですから、マメにコントロールすれば、季節を創ることも可能です。現在は一年中春のような陽気に設定していますが。 …だって、面倒くさいんですよ?アレをコントロールするのって。 確かに昔は、夏はプールに入ったりしましたけどね。

In the Ar tonelico world, all of the matters related to weather are controlled by the [Musical Corridor].
It can produce clouds and make them rain, as well as also controlling the temperature and gravity inside of its effect area.
Usually I never control this aspect, but if I ever did, it could produce a gravitational pull of 1/6 the planet's own, similar the one exerted by the moon.
Therefore, it could also produce seasons if it was controlled diligently. However, right now it has been configured to provide the world with a weather similar to that of spring during the entire year... but it's quite bothersome to control that.
However, it's true that I used to go to the pool during summer long ago.
Anyway, it doesn't matter if you say Kyuukyuu or anything, I won't be making any seasons.


Hello! In the previous Technical Service Center, Lady Shurelia talked a bit about the Teru Schools, which reminded me of how in the manga Arpeggio, the familiar of the "Purarura" School was the "doppelganger", but how about the other schools? And could you tell us the names of all the schools, please?


全ての流派の名前なども細かく載っていますので、是非読んでみてくださいね! きゅっきゅっ!

Everything about the Teru Schools and their familiars has been published in the "Setting Materials Collection" released by Softbank Creative, and in the "Perfect Guide" released by Enterbrain.
They have published a lot of details such as the names of all the schools, so please make sure to give them a read! Kyuukyuu!

ーム中のMPが、シュレリア様>ミシャ>オリカとなってますが、これはオリジン>β純血種>第3世代の順番でMPが多い事を表しているのでしょうか? それとも、ただ単にこの3人のRTではこの順番になっただけですか?

In the game, the amounts of MP for each Reyvateil goes Lady Shurelia -> Misha -> Aurica, but does this mean that the order in which Reyvateils have from more MP to the lowest actually goes: Origin -> Pureblooded β-type -> Third Generation? Or this is just the order in the case of these three particular Reyvateils?
In the guidebook, it seems that MP is used to represent magical power and mental strength, but...


ただ、一概に魔力の残量とかそういった話ではなく、どれだけ集中して詩魔法を唱え続けられるか…といった、精神力の強さや集中力の数値だと思っていただければ間違い有りません。 やはりどうしても、第三世代は人間質が入っていますから、純粋なレーヴァテイルであるベータ純血種ほどは集中力が続きませんし、 衝撃対抗値と言われる「外的要因に対して集中力が途切れない度合」というものは、どうしてもオリジンが一番となります。

MP is a representation of our mental power.
However, it doesn't serve to indicate how much magical power we have in reserve, but it's actually a representation of how long we can keep concentrated in singing Song Magic... so it wouldn't be a mistake to consider it akin to a numerical representation of our ability to concentrate or the strength of our mental power.
And likewise, since the Third Generations have human qualities, they don't have the ability to keep themselves concentrated for as long as pure Reyvateils like the βs can, but still, the ones that have the best shock resistance capability known as "value to keep concentrated without interruption despite any external stimuli" are the Origins.
Once this value reaches zero, our ability to concentrate and mental power will get cut-off completely and we won't be able to keep singing anymore.


Does Lady Shurelia float whenever she's wearing her Linkage? Does it float because of Song Magic, or it's one of the functions inherent to the Linkage itself?


リンケージの機能で浮いていますが、リンケージ自体が詩魔法で創られていますので、結果的には詩魔法で浮いていることになります。 ただ「詩魔法で浮いている」というのが、私が謳っているから浮いている、という意味であれば、それは違いますよ。
浮くように創られている理由は、高所での移動が多いこと、万一落下した際にもダメージを受けないように設計されているもので、 決して転けないようにするためではありませんからね!

The Linkage does have a floating function, but since the armor itself is also created out of Song Magic, I guess it would float because of Song Magic regardless of anything. However, if you are thinking that I sing to make it float just "because Song Magic makes it float", you would be mistaken.
And that is because the Linkage was made with floating as its default configuration.
As for the reason I had to make it as floating suit of armor, it's because I'm always moving through very high places, so I configured it that way in order to avoid getting injured due to a fall during emergencies. It wasn't because I tend to trip and fall!



And thus, this Technical Service Center comes to an end.
The number of submissions has decreased quite a bit lately, so I'll be expecting these "submission filled with love" from everyone!

Editor's Postscript

祝!アルトネ2発表!なのですが、トウコウスフィアは相変わらずアルトネ1のキャラで賑わっています。 アルトネ2のキャラは、しばらく投稿には出てきませんので、これからも末永くアルトネ1のキャラを可愛がってあげてくださいね。

Time to celebrate! Ar tonelico 2 has been announced! But don't worry, as the characters from AT1 will continue thriving as always in the Toukousphere. There will be some time before we allow submissions for the AT2 characters, so I hope you'll always continue loving the characters from AT1.