ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Toukousphere/Issue 25

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This Week's Tsukkomi Aurica

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やっぱりみんな、シュレリア様の歳と胸の話題がしたくて仕方ないのかな。 そして、更にとんでもない結果なのが、みぅちゃん(ミュール)の票の伸び!これは一体どういう事なのかな…。 単品ではどうにも面白さを想像できないけど、シュレリア様と組めば確かに漫才になるかもね。

So, let's announce the results from the last Tsukkomi Aurica!
First place fair and square is Lady Shurelia! That means that even Misha and Chibi-Misha put together couldn't beat Lady Shurelia this time, which is pretty amazing.
I guess everyone just wants to talk about Lady Shurelia's age and chest, right? And even more amazing is how many votes Miu (Mir) got! Just what on earth does this mean ... ? I can't imagine what would be interesting about her by herself, but she'd probably make an okay comedy duo with Lady Shurelia.
Maybe we'll have to set the stage with them sometime ...

Question Corner

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シャさんが大人になったり子供になったりしているときに服装はどうなってるのでしょうか? 一緒に大きくなったりしてるのですか?
When Misha changes between her adult and child versions, what happens to her clothes? Does it grow and shrink along with her?

Adult Misha 1.jpg

ええ、ちゃんと変わってるわ。 だってそうじゃないと、
子供から大人になった時にとんでもないことになっちゃうでしょ? ちなみにもし服が変わらなかったらどうなるかというと……多分ショックで私はクレセントクロニクルに引きこもってたわ。 でも、そのこと考えずに機械に入ってたと思うと
Yes, they change, too. If they didn't,
could you imagine the scene when I change from child to adult? If that had happened, by the way ... ... I probably would have locked myself up in the Crescent Chronicle from the shock. When I think back on it, though,
... it's scary to think I stepped into the machine without thinking about that.

ュレリア様〜 この頃あまり「きゅっきゅっ」って言いませんねぇ〜〜(m-3-)m たまには言って下さい♪♪
Lady Shurelia~ You haven't been saying "Kyuu! Kyuu!" lately~~ (m-3-)m I wish you'd say it every once in a while!♪♪


すまん、どうしても思ってたことがあるので思わず出てきてしまった。 いや、実はどうもこの言葉を聴くと、髪の毛三本タラコ唇なオバケを思い出してしまってな。 もしかして、私だけだろうか? いや、すまん、それだけなんだがどうしても気になってな…… Sorry, this has been on my mind a lot lately, so I ended up showing up without meaning to. You know, no matter how much I hear that, it makes me think of that three-haired fish-lipped ghost. Is it just me? Sorry, I just can't help thinking about it ... ...

ですねー! シュレリア様もミュールさんも皆さんも何か予定はありますかー? 私は夏休み全て使ってこの投稿スフィアの投稿ネタを考えてみたいと思います。 投稿するって楽しいですね!
It's summer! Lady Shurelia, Mir, and everyone else, do you all have plans? I think I'm going to spend all of my summer vacation thinking of stuff to post to the Toukousphere. Posting's a lot of fun!


特にこれといった予定もないわ。 それはそうと、夏といえばあれよね?
I don't have any particular plans. But, you know, it is summer,
the season when heroes make their pilgrimage to Tokyo Big Sight.


ちなみにデータによると、使徒の祭壇を聖地と称して行軍したファルス司祭と教会の騎士達なんか足元にも及ばないくらいの人間が数日間にわたって押し寄せる場所だとのことです。 つまりビッグサイトとくらべたら、使徒の祭壇はまだまだ聖地としてはヒヨッ子ということですね。 According to the data, the size of the army of Elemian Church knights that Bishop Falss led to the Altar of Apostles doesn't even compare to the number of people who showed up on Sunday. In other words, the Altar of Apostles is just a shabby little temple compared to Big Sight.



I can't believe there's such an incredible holy site ... ... I'm not sure I understand what it's for, but as a minister, I'd love to go see it some time.

Why is it I can't see Bourd as anything but the kind of guy with a rebellious outside hiding a nice, hard-working big brother type these days?


おまえみたいなやつがこういう投稿をしてくるから、俺のイメージがどんどん変わるんだろうが!! いいか、おまえらよく思い出しやがれ!!
俺はゲーム中ではミシャを誘拐し、スクワート村をテル族に攻撃させ、さらにはファルスと結託してオリカを生贄にする手伝いまでしたんだぜ!? ライナーだってボコして誘拐したし、飛空挺から落としてやったりもしたんだ!!
Dammit, it's punks like you making posts like this that are screwing up my image!! Look, there's something you gotta remember!!
In the game, I kidnapped Misha, made the Teru attack Skuwat village, and conspired with Falss to sacrifice Aurica for our own good!! I even beat up and kidnapped Lyner and dropped him from a freaking airship!!
There's no way I'm some kinda nice, hard-working big brother!!
Just go play the game again and burn the spectacle of my scheming, evil ways into your eyelids!!


あ、金魚すくいのおじさんのモデルになったボルドさんですね? 最後まで取れなかったシュレリア様こと零羅さんにオマケで金魚をあげたボルドさんですね? Oh, you're the Mr. Bourd the goldfish scooping booth owner was based on, right? You're the Mr. Bourd that gave Lady Shurelia as Leyla a goldfish as a present when she couldn't catch any, right?


バイナリ野の話はするんじゃねぇ!! I'm not talkin' about the Binary Field!!

めまして。初投稿です。 前回、シュレリア様が「誰かとコンビでというならまだできる」と言っていましたよね? それなら、今度の時はペアでやってみてはどうでしょうか? 私的には、ライナーとオリカがいいです。 この二人が一番好きなので。
Nice to meet you. This is my first post. Last time Lady Shurelia said "I could probably do it paired off with someone", right? Does that mean that column will be done in a pair this time? Personally, I'd like to see Lyner and Aurica. They're my favorite couple.


That might be nice, but I think it would be nice to use the chance to have a pair that you didn't see in-game but that could be pretty interesting, instead of a main character/heroine couple.
For example, Leard and Bourd, Jack and Mir, or Krusche and Radolf.




Am I the only one who thinks those you never saw those pairs in the game because they just wouldn't have anything to talk about?

うすぐ、誕生日が来て18歳になります!! 夏休みですし自動車免許を取ることも考えています。 ソル・シエールには免許とかの資格はありますか?たとえば、飛空挺運転免許みたいなものでしょうか?
Soon it'll be my birthday and I'll turn 18!! It's summer vacation, and I'm thinking of getting my full driver's license. Do you need licenses for things in Sol Ciel? Like an airship pilot's license?
(White Cat)


そりゃもちろんあるよ。 だって、無かったら絶対に事故起こす人多発するのは確実だしね。 飛空挺だろうがなんだろうが、大抵の乗り物には免許が必要だけど…… ちなみに、ライナーは無免許なのに飛空挺を飛ばしたからスレイプニルに簡単に落とされたんだよ。 Of course you do. If you didn't have to have a license, lots of people would have accidents. Airships or not, you need licenses for most vehicles ... ... by the way, Sleipnir made Lyner crash so easily because he didn't have a license.


免許云々の問題じゃない気がするけどな…… I don't think that was a license-related problem ... ...

分の通ってる学校は今週末から夏休みですが、その宿題に国家試験の予想問題集、丸々1冊とおまけ他が出ました…そして休みが1ヶ月ありません。そして今週までの宿題3つほど終わってません。 彌紗に極楽金舟を歌ってもらえるとこの夏を何とか乗り切れそうな気がするのでお願いします。
My school goes on summer vacation at the end of this week, but they gave us a nice, thick book of questions that are supposed to show up on the national tests ... so I've lost a month of vacation. And I've still got three assignments left this week. I feel like I can make it through the summer somehow if Misha would sing Paradise Cinna for me, so please!


別にやらなくたって学校始まったときに一回怒られるだけですむんだから、やらない方が良いだろ? 40日間丸まる遊んで新学期に1日怒られるか、40日間ちまちまと遊んで新学期に何も無く宿題回収されるだけか。 だったら俺は前者を選ぶぜ。 俺は宿題を切り捨てる!!
Don't most people just slack off on homework during summer vacation?
All that's gonna happen is your teachers will be mad at you on the first day, so just forget about it, right? Do you wanna spend 40 days having a blast and spending 1 day at school getting scolded, or spend 40 days barely having any fun to quietly hand in your homework in first period? I'd go with the first choice. Forget about your homework!!


でもどうしても不安なヤツは「問題が一問もわからなかったけど聞く相手がいなかったから出来なかった」とか言うのも手だぞ。 あとはテレビでも見ながら適当に何か文字を入れて、まさに適当に宿題を生めた状態で提出っていうのも一つの手段だ。 あとは、チラッと問題を見てそれっぽく答えを書く、っていうのは案外当たってたり三角だったりするから、なんだかんだで普通に宿題をやったと思わせることができるぞ。
Yeah, I agree!
If you're worried, you can always say, "I didn't understand the problems at all, and there wasn't anyone for me to ask." Or, you could just write down random stuff on the assignments while you're watching TV so you at least have something to hand in. Or, you could just glance at the questions and write something kind of close. Those are the three main ways to get out of doing your homework.
See? Now, relax and go have the kind of summer vacation you want to have!

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それはともかく、宿題はきちんとやらないとダメよ。 けど休みは休みなんだから、無理はしないようにね。
All right, time for a nice, big double helping of song magic!!
Anyway, you need to finish your homework. Vacation is still vacation, though, so don't push yourself too hard.

めまして。サヴァイダーと申します。 関係ない事言ってすいません、さぽているの事ですが、LILIMが出ていませんね。何故で しょう?(露出度がヤバすぎるからか?)
Nice to meet you. I'm Savider. Sorry for bringing up something unrelated, but there's no LILIM Suppotail, is there? Why is that? (Is it because the costume shows too much skin?)


露出面の話をするなら、LILIMよりももっとヤバイ服がさぽているにはあるはずだよ? ほら、あの服というよりはスライムみたいなやつとか、下着とか……
まあでも、それくらいはサービスってことでOKだよね。 だから、LILIMは無いけれど他の露出度の高い服で我慢してね。
Well, there's already lots of Suppotail costumes that expose more than LILIM, right? Like, there's that slime-looking thing you can hardly call clothing, or the underwear one ... ...
... I know it's kind of late to say this, but am I the only one that's surprised at how much Suppotail is taking off?
Well, I guess nothing's wrong with a little service. I know there's no LILIM, but try to make do with the other exposing costumes, okay?

Who came up with Funbuns, anyway??


ちなみに少し前までは100年くらい前に作られたのではないか、とされていたが、ライナーが子供の頃に、自由研究と称してオボンヌの歴史を自力で調べ、280年前には既に存在していた、という事実を発見して一時期大騒ぎになったものだ。 しかしいつ作られたのか、誰が作ったのかは未だに謎のままだ。
Ah, the eternal mystery of Sol Ciel; not a scrap of documentation is left about it, and even Lady Shurelia doesn't know anything.
Actually, a little while ago, I thought maybe they'd been around for about 100 years or so, but when Lyner was younger he studied the history of Funbuns as a self-study project and discovered they were already around over 280 years ago, which caused quite a stir for a while. It's still a mystery who first made them or when, though.
... ... if we opened a Funbuns Laboratory and left it to Lyner, then maybe ...

Ayatane's a lot like my grandma.


どこがどう似てるのはわからないけど、僕と同じで料理とか家事とかが大好きだったりするのかな? まさかとは思うけど、

外見とかが似てる、なんてことはないよね? なんにせよ、おばあちゃんは大切にしてあげてね。

Well, that's a hard one to answer.
I don't know what you think is similar between us, but maybe it's about how we both like cooking and other household activities? I don't think it's very likely, but you're not saying we look alike, right? Well, in any case, make sure to take good care of your grandmother.

んにちは^^ アトリエ収穫祭広報担当月夜です。
本祭 8月1日〜8月31日

今年は、見る作品だけでなく、読む作品にもかなり力を入れてますw 私のオススメは「挿絵SS企画」 文字書きさんと絵描きさんの合作です!
Hello ^^ I'm Tsukiyo, PR director of the Atelier Harvest Festival.
We're running the Atelier Harvest Festival again this year~!!
The schedule is:
Pre-party 7/1-7/31
Main event 8/1-8/31
After party 9/1-

The main contents are:
・summer festival
・Harvest festival 5 conversation・
・3 fusion (darkness, color, what if)
・Atelier dictionary
・Costume contest
・100+10 questions
・Web drama
・Portrait SS project
・Pic-chat convention
・and more, with some limited events!
There's a lot to do☆
We're putting a lot into literary works this year as well as visual ones, lol. I recommend the portrait SS project. It's a nice combination event for artists and writers!
The festival will be fun to watch, play talk, and participate in! So, if you love the Atelier and Ar tonelico series, please drop by☆
The Summer of Atelier Harvest Festival


It's mostly Atelier-related, but we ran it since there's some Ar tonelico content as well.
Check it out if you're interested.

Don Leon's Confessional

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My enlightenment has ended!!!
I have returned to my former state!!
And so, you're all in for some real punishment this tiiiiiime!!!
I hope you're ready!!

Don Leon, are you joking? I mean, you're wearing a pot on your head ...
(Pianin Z)

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そこへひざまづけ!!命乞いをしろ!! 拙者が成敗してくれるわ!!
貴様にはその愛がわからんのかーーーーっ!! この愛を感じ取れるまで、
Whyyyyy yoooooooouuuuuuu!!!
Who are you to make light of this pot!?
Kneel down right there and beg for your life!! It's time for you to receive my punishment!!
This pot, this poooooooot ...
This is a very, very important pot that Miss Aurica gave me!!!
Can't you understand that feeling of loooooooooooove!?
I'll keep punishing you
until you can understand her love!!

Hama's Dojo

Lady Shurelia's Technical Service Center

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みなさん、こんにちは。シュレリア様ですよ。 最近またテクニカルサービスセンター宛のおたよりが増えて、とっても嬉しいです。 ソル・シエールの科学や文化のことを、皆さんと楽しくお勉強できるこのコーナー、 末永く続けていきたいですね。きゅっきゅっ! Hello, everyone, it's Lady Shurelia. I'm so happy that so many more people are writing to the Technical Service Center nowadays. I hope I can continue this corner where we all study the physics and culture of Sol Ciel together for a long time to come. Kyuu! Kyuu!

Adult Misha 1.jpg

増えてるって言っても、シュレリア様のドジッ子属性へのツッコミと、前回の私の誤植のツッコミが殆どじゃない。 まあそれでも、投稿が増えるのは良いことなんだけどね。 Yeah, but most of the people writing in are writing about your klutziness and my misprints from last time. Oh well, it's nice that people are asking more questions.

3世代の六角板試験についてですが、生まれたばかりの時にインストールポイントってあるんですか? それと六角板て何ですか?この辺よくわからないのでシュレリア様よろしく。
I have a question about the hexagonal plate tests used on the 3rd generations. Do 3rd gens have install points when they're born? Also, what are the hexagonal plates? I don't really understand, so I hope you can explain it, Lady Shurelia.


はい、御指名いただきましたシュレリア様です。 でも残念ながら私は六角板の事は詳しく解らないんです。 なぜなら、プラティナには六角板試験はありませんからね…。 Yes, I'm the Lady Shurelia you asked for. Unfortunately, I don't know very much about hexagonal plates. We don't have the hexagonal plate test in Platina...

Adult Misha 1.jpg

第三世代レーヴァテイルは、個人個人で人間質とレーヴァテイル質の比率に差があるの。このレーヴァテイル質の多い人ほど、 六角板試験で六角板が深く潜るというわけ。
インストールポイントは、生まれたときにはもちろん無いわね。有ったら六角板試験なんてする必要ないじゃない。 インストールポイントは個体差もあるけど、だいたい9歳から16歳の間に現れることが多くて、 インストールポイントが現れることを「レーヴァテイル質の発症」というのよ。
発症は確率なんだけど、六角板のめりこみが激しかったからといって、発症率が高いわけではないのよ。 とまあ、だいたいこんな感じかしら。
That's true, but you understand the theory, right?
The hexagonal plate is a metal plate made of Grathnode crystals and base metals that you use to measure a Reyvateil's ability by seeing how much it sinks in when you press it into her skin.
Third generation Reyvateils each have different proportional strengths between their human and Reyvateil natures. The plate will sink deeper into a particularly strong Reyvateil's skin during the test.
Of course, third generation Reyvateils don't have install points when they're born. If they did, there wouldn't be any need to do the test. It differs from person to person, but the install point usually appears between ages 9 and 16, and its appearance is taken as the outbreak of a Reyvateil's nature.
It's all a question of probability, but just because the plate sinks in really deeply doesn't mean that a later outbreak is very likely. Well, that's basically how it works.
Sorry for answering a question where you asked for Lady Shurelia.

んにちは。毎週楽しみにさせてもらってます。 ところでミシャちゃんとシュレリア様に聴きたい事があります。 こっちの世界ではウィルスに対抗する為に定義ファイルを更新したりしますが、 アルトネリコのアンチウィルスであるクロニクルキーにはそういった物はあるんでしょうか? ウィルスと間違って彩音回廊を止めてしまった!とかなると冗談では済まされないと思うので。
Hello. I really enjoy reading this all the time. Anyway, there's something I want to ask Misha and Lady Shurelia. In our world we have virus definition files to help protect against viruses; is the Chronicle Key antivirus in Ar tonelico kind of like that? It seems like it would be pretty bad if you mistook the Musical Corridor for a virus and shut it down.


私達の世界では、ヒュムノスに秘められた効果が外的要因で変化する、すなわちプログラムが誰かに書き換えられるという事はありません。 なぜなら、そのヒュムノスの想いを力に変えるのは、ダウンロードした本人自身であり、 そのヒュムノスを謳っているその時でないと、その処理は行われないからです。そして、その処理はその瞬間のみであり、 次の瞬間には、次のプログラムが動いていると言っても過言では無いでしょう。
要するに瞬間瞬間でリフレッシュされているため、どこかにプログラムとして保管されているわけではないのです。 だから、プログラムの改ざん、という事は起き得ません。
I think there are a number of differences between the viruses Nori talks about and the viruses that lurk inside the tower.
The power hidden in Hymmnos in our world can't be changed by external effects; in other words, somebody else can't overwrite the programs in Hymmnos. This is because it's the singer who downloaded the Hymmnos that turns its feelings into power, and it will only be processed while they're singing it. It's not wrong to say that its processing is only valid for that instant, and in the very next instant some other program will be running.
Since it needs to be constantly refreshed from moment to moment, it's not really stored somewhere as a program. Therefore, it's not possible for one program to masquerade as another.
About the extent to which this is possible is if the singer's heart undergoes some radical change as they're singing, resulting in a Hymmnos Fusion that alters the effects of the song somewhat.

ュレリア様ミシャ様こんにちは、または、こんばんは!!今回もがんばってください!!きゅっきゅっ! それでは質問です。ヒュムノス語は、いくつかの律がありますが、それらをいくつか組み合わせて使うこともできるんですか??
Good day, Lady Shurelia, or perhaps good night!! Please do your best this time, too!! Kyuu! Kyuu! Well, I have a question. Hymmnos has a few different dialects called Notes, but can you combine them and use them together??


基本的に殆どのヒュムノス語は、組み合わせて使うことが可能です。ただし、一部に例外が存在します。 また、中央正純律という律は流派ではなく、国際標準に認定されたヒュムノス単語でしかありません。 ですから本来は、「中央正純律に認定されたクルトシエール」であったり「中央正純律に認定された古メタファルス律」なわけです。 なぜなら、一部の律を除いた全ての単語の起源は同じで、遙か昔、第一紀よりも前まで遡るからです。 ルーツは一緒…という事ですね。
逆に言えば、例外のヒュムノスとは、そのルーツから外れているもの…という事になります。 そんな感じです。わかりましたか?きゅっきゅっ!
Basically, most Hymmnos dialects can be used together, but there are a few exceptions. Remember, Central Standard Note isn't so much a dialect as an agreed upon national standard. So, the situation is that you have things like the Kurt Ciel and the Ancient Metafalss Note that are recognized as part of the Central Standard Note. This is because, a few exceptions excluded, their vocabularies all have a common origin that dates to long before the times of the First Age. In other words, they have the same roots.
On the other hand, the Hymmnos you can't use don't share those common roots. That's basically how it works? Did you understand? Kyuu! Kyuu!

ームをプレイしていて思ったのですが、詩魔法で発生した水や剣などはすぐ消えてしまうのでしょうか? それともそのまま残るのでしょうか? あと詩魔法キャラには意思みたいなものはあるのでしょうか?
I was wondering this while I was playing the game, but do the swords and water and stuff summoned by song magic disappear right away? Or do they stick around? Do the song magic characters have any sort of free will?


…難しいお話をしてしまいましたね。 詩魔法で発生させた「もの」は、謳い手が謳っている間だけ、この世界に存在し続けます。 当然、謳い手が謳うことを止めてしまえば、この世界から無くなってしまいます。 戦闘中に詩魔法を謳っていて、MPが切れたときに詩魔法が消滅しますよね?そういう事です。 さて、詩魔法キャラに意志があるか無いか…ですが、答えから言えば、意志があります。 ですが、私達の「意志」と、彼女たちの「意志」は、少し違うかもしれません。 ただ、彼女たちは彼女たちの意志と想いによって自らの力を生み出し、それによって大きな力を相手に対して与えます。 そして、その意志の想いのルーツは謳い手その者なのです。
…とっても難しお話になってしまいましたね…。ごめんなさい。 でも、この手の話はとても難しいんですよ!?決して私の説明が下手なわけじゃないんです!
It's said that all things in this world, not just song magic, have something singing them, and that their existence is only in accordance to the "love" of their singer ...
... It's complicated, isn't it? The things that are created by song magic can only exist while their singer continues to sing. Naturally, if they stop singing, those things will disappear from this world. If you run out of MP while singing song magic in battle, the magic disappears, right? That's how it works. Now, as for whether song magic characters have a will or not ... to work backwards from the answer, they do. However, their will is a little different from the will that you and I have. Their will serves as the basis for their emotions and power, and the greater these are, the greater the effect the magic will have. Further, the source of their will is none other than the singer of the song magic.
... I know it's probably hard to understand ... I'm sorry. But, it's just that this sort of things is very complicated, okay!? It doesn't mean my explanation isn't very good!

Misha! I found a mistake in the Technical Service Center!
>I hardly had any lines this time. Well, time is in my hands, so I'll see you around.
There it is! Wow, I can't believe Misha would slip up ... ... Huh? It's not a mistake? A-all time revolves around Misha ... !? Th-that's magnificent! I can't wait ^^

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あーあ、とんでもないところでミスをしちゃったわね。 でも、時間を司る者ってちょっとカッコイイかも知れないわね。ふふ。 あっと、テクニカルな話題ではなかったわね…大変。 そうだ…それならちょっと、時間にまつわるテクニカルな話をしましょ。
この世界では、時間はD波と呼ばれる波動の波速によって決まるといわれているわね。 波速が早いところでは劣化も激しく、水晶が刻む振動パルスも早くなるわ。 だから、D波の波速が0になれば、理論的には時間が経たないと言うことになるわね。 でも、D波の波速が0という事は、この世界の物質が動くことは出来なくなってしまうから、 その時間の経たない時間というものを体験することは出来ないみたい。 ちょっと不思議な話かもね。
Man, I can't believe I messed up there. Well, people who can control time are pretty cool. Hehe. Hm, you didn't actually have a technical question ... too bad. I know ... let's a have a little technical discussion about time.
So, what do you think time is, anyway?
In our world, time is determined by the motions of waves called D-waves. If the waves move quickly then things will break down quickly, and crystal oscillator pulses will have higher frequencies. So, if D-waves slow down to 0, theoretically time won't pass anymore. If that happened, though, no matter in this world would be able to move, so it looks like nothing would actually be able to experience time stopping. What an unusual story.

ずーっと疑問に思っていたのですが、テル族っていつからいるんでしょう? アルトネリコ建造に関与しているらしいというのはわかるんですが、その起源が良く分かりません。 人類とともに進化をしてきた人たちなのか、それとも別の世界から来た人たちなのか。 どうなんでしょう?
Attn: Misha's Technical Service.
I've had some doubts about this for a loooong time; how long have the Teru been around? I understand they were instrumental in completing the construction of Ar Tonelico, but I don't understand where they came from. Did they advance alongside humanity, or did they come from some other world? Who are they?

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テル族の起源は、もう分からないくらい昔みたいよ。 この世界がまだ混沌としていたとき、人間とは違う超常的な力を持つ少数民族がいたわ。 それが今のテル族。竜族と人間のハーフとも言われているわね。
Oh, it's addressed to me.
The Teru have been around so long nobody knows about their origins anymore. When this world was still engulfed in chaos, there were a few other races with supernatural powers that transcended humanity's. Today, they're known as Teru and half-dragons.
Since the half-dragons have various powers that humans don't, some people think the Teru might be half-dragons that have evolved to be more like humans.
Maybe that would make them something like the elves of your world.

Editor's Postscript

アルトネリコ2の開発もいよいよ盛り上がってきまして、あっちへこっちへとバタバタな毎日。 今回のトウコウも、新幹線の中でノートPCで描いていたりします。こういうスキマ時間って貴重なんですよねー。 なぜなら、デスクトップPCに向かっている時は、作曲やムービー作成など、そこでしか出来ない事をしてしまうからです。 新幹線や出張先の宿などでは、文章モノがサクサク進むのは、文章モノの仕事しか出来ないから…なのかも!?(笑) とにかく、トウコウスフィアは続けますよー。そしてアルトネ2も制作快調!です。 発売日も発表されました。トウコウスフィアを見ながら、2を楽しみに待っていてくださいね。
We're ramping up for the release of Ar tonelico 2, so we've been running around really busy lately. A lot of this Toukousphere was even written on the Shinkansen. "Gap" time like this is really important! After all, when I sit down at my desktop PC, I really only have time for things like composition and movie direction. I get a lot of writing done when I'm on the train or at hotels, which is perhaps because that's all I can do then ... right!? *g* Anyway, we'll keep doing the Toukousphere! And development on AT2 is going great! We've announced a release date, too. I hope you'll enjoy waiting for 2 as you read the Toukousphere.