ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Toukousphere/Issue 29

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Lady Shurelia's Technical Service Center

Hy syureria2.jpg


ここ最近、質問の内容がだんだん高度化してきていて、みなさんもお勉強されているんだと思ってすこし嬉しいです。 私も皆さんに負けないように、がんばらないとですね!


It's Lady Shurelia. I think I want to have a fun time getting technical along you all today too!
Lately, the topics the questions are about have been gradually getting more advanced, so it makes me glad to know you all are being so studious. I have to keep doing my best so I won't lose to you all!

Here is the corner where we answer thoroughly and earnestly all technical questions you might have about the world setting of Ar tonelico.
If there are any questions that make you go all "I really wanna know! Please answer them seriously!", then please send them to this corner.
When you do, make sure to put the sentence
"For the Technical Service Center"
in any place of your message when you send it. Be careful about it, as if you don't write it, we might end up overlooking your question.


以前『シルヴァホルンの出力が届かないのでグラスメルクで作った飛空挺で宇宙に行くことは出来ない』とありましたが、 雲海の下には出力は届くのでしょうか?もしそうだとしたら、ブラストラインを超えることの出来る飛空挺なら死の雲海の下へいけるのではないでしょうか?

For the Technical Service Center:
Previously it was said that "that airships made through Grathmelding can't go to space because the Silver Horn's output doesn't reach them", but said output could reach the inside of the Sea of Death? If that's the case, then the airships that can cross the Blastline shouldn't be able to get inside the Sea of Death too?


本当のところを言えば、まだ誰もそれを実践した人はいませんからどちらとも言えないのですが、 ただ1つ、死の雲海の障気は船内に入り込み、パイロットの命を奪うこと間違いないですね。

You are correct, as they theoretically could get into the Sea of Death.
However, it's just theoretically... therefore, there are several obstacles in real life that might make it impossible.
Speaking in practical terms, I can't really say what would happen because no one has tried it yet, but there is just one sure fact: if an airship goes into the Sea of Death, its poisonous gases will seep inside and kill off the pilot.


世界と同量のその質量を維持(調整)しているのは、アヤタネさんの場合はミウ様になるのですか?それともミウ様担当はデータの情報元だけで、 導力の維持(調整)は本人が実行しているのですか?? ウイルス体になったミウ様とELMA-DSとELMAも基本的に、 アヤタネさんと同じ原理で物質化する、のですよね? シュレリア様のリンケージの構成、維持はたしか、源初のオルゴールでしたよね? 専門的でも頑張って辞書ひくので、ご教授お願いいたします!それでは。 (こんなに勉強になるゲームも希ですよね、素敵すぎます)

Please, for the Technical Service Center.
Hello, I'm very glad that Lady Shurelia's explanations are so easy to understand. ^^ Thank you very much! ^^ You're really a honey. She's so capable, huh, Ayatane...?
It's too wonderful. ^^
I'd like to ask an additional question to what you taught us in this same corner at issue 28.
Lady Miu is who provides the same amount of mass as the one the world needs to maintain (regulate) its order in Ayatane's case? Or Lady Miu only serves as the origin of his data and the preservation (regulation) of Ayatane's Symphonic Power is done by himself? Does Ayatane materialize under the same basic principles as Lady Miu in her virus form, ELMA-DS and ELMA? And is the structure of Lady Shurelia's Linkage preserved by any chance by the Orgel of Origins? No matter how technical it might get, I'll get out a dictionary and do my best to understand, so please tell me! Well, see you later. (It's pretty rare for me to study, even about a game, so it's too wonderful)


その時、既にその波形の変更の中に「材質」という概念まで反映しており、波形が変わる=物質がかわる、それは重さが変わる、という事になります。 ですから、作為的にカモフラージュをしたい場合(鉄なのに凄く軽くする、など)以外は、自然な重さになります。

When a materialization takes place, an influence is given to the FFT Spectrum that serves as the agglomeration of multiple wave frequencies located on its target point, which changes the frequencies forming it.
At that moment, the changes in these wave forms are reflected already in a way we could already recognize as "matter", so if the wave forms change, the matter changes, as also does it weight. That's how it works.
Therefore, aside of situations in which you want to camouflage something (such as making something like steel a lot lighter), it would have its natural weight.


ゲームをしてから長らく疑問だったのですが、塔の武装(ガーディアンは除く)はどうなっているのでしょうか?まさか、あの戦略兵器っぽい攻撃魔法しかないなんて事は・・・ (古鷹型)

For the Technical Service Center:
I've been wondering about this ever since I played the game, but what kind of weapons (aside of the guardians) does the Towwer have? Don't tell me it doesn't have any aside of the attack magic that seems so much like strategic weapons...
(Ancient Falcon)



「あの戦略兵器」というのが某詩魔法の事なら、あれすらも標準搭載された武器というわけではありません。 塔はあくまで「テレビ塔」と同じで、大義名分としては攻撃兵器ではないという形で創られました。

That's correct. If you think about the Tower of Ar tonelico as a battleship, it might natural for it to have several cannons and such, right?
But actually, Ar tonelico doesn't have any conspicuous attack methods like the "weapons" you are thinking of.
As for basic Song Magic, which you called "these strategic weapons", it isn't considered either as the basic weapons installed on the Tower. The Tower is in the end like a "TV Tower", so given it was created for a just cause, it was decided it wouldn't have any weapons.
And it was decided it would be okay to create the Tower without installing any weapons on it, so it's true they weren't necesary.
There are many reasons for it, so there's no need to talk about it, okay? But one of them is because it had a considerable number of "Reyvateils" stationed inside and around, which could be said to serve like gun batteries in the Tower.



For the Technical Service Center:
It might be late to ask this, but do Third Generations physically age?




Third Generations are human, so they will get old.
Betas and Origins don't age, so you wouldn't notice if they had gotten frozen in time.
That's why I'm always 16 years old. Understood?




And thus this issue of the Technical Center ends in success.
I'd like to keep flying through like this in the next isue too, so please continue sending all the questions you want! Kyuu kyuu!

Editor's Postscript

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色んな苦労したことや、悩んだところを思い起こしてしみじみしたり、 PVを見た皆さんの反応を見て喜んでみたり…。
皆さんが遊んでくれて、楽しんでもらえるかな、ここ、笑ってくれるかな…ここ、泣いてくれるかな…と、 制作者の想いが伝わることを祈りつつ、その日を今か今かと待っているのです。

And the time for 2's countdown has finally come.
When this time comes and I look at the magazines and the various media outlets, I get extremely moved.
I earnestly begin remembering the many difficulties and worries I went through, and I get really glad upon reading the impressions everyone who saw the PV had...
And just like everyone is restless and can't wait to try it out, I also get restless and can't wait to see your impressions on playing it.
Will you enjoy as you play it? Will you laugh when you get to this point...? Will you cry when you get to this one...? I'm praying all the times that my feelings as a creator will be conveyed, and I wait for that day to be either this one or the one after.
It isn't just you all: I feel were all mutually and anxiously looking forward to the release date.