ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Toukousphere/Issue 34

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Lady Shurelia's Technical Service Center

Hy syureria2.jpg


ここ最近、質問の内容がだんだん高度化してきていて、みなさんもお勉強されているんだと思ってすこし嬉しいです。 私も皆さんに負けないように、がんばらないとですね!

「テクニカルサービスセンター宛」 と書いて送ってね。書いてないと、見落としちゃうかもしれないから、気をつけてね。

It's Lady Shurelia. I think I want to have a fun time getting technical along you all today too!
Lately, the topics the questions are about have been gradually getting more advanced, so it makes me glad to know you all are being so studious. I have to keep doing my best so I won't lose to you all!

Here is the corner where we answer thoroughly and earnestly all technical questions you might have about the world setting of Ar tonelico.
If there are any questions that make you go all "I really wanna know! Please answer them seriously!", then please send them to this corner.
When you do, make sure to put the sentence
"For the Technical Service Center" in any place of your message when you send it. Be careful about it, as if you don't write it, we might end up overlooking your question.


This is for the Technical Service Center.
I've got a question about Ar tonelico's Ardelberg Buffer Band (Frozen Eye). What kind of structure does the Ardelberg Buffer Band have? Something with so much mass has to be propped up in order to be kept stable (or maybe it's propped but it's simply not shown in the game?), but then what kind of energy does it use to work!? And besides, I'd like to know why it was necessary to divide the Tower in parts. It could be to keep the upper areas unassailable by invaders from below, but I think dividing the Tower like that it's pretty dangerous.


これは、簡単に言えば導力エネルギーを単方向にしか通さない「半導体」なのですが、 世界を揺るがす程の強大な導力を通すアルトネリコの半導体部分は、更に強力な抵抗によって制御されています。
上側は支えているとはいえ、それより下側との相対的な質量にしてみれば1%未満の部分ですから、 アンテナを浮かせている程度だと思ってください。支えているのは、アーデル結晶の外側にある4本の避雷針です。

The Ardelberg Buffer Band is a structured made of a certain type of crystals called "Ardel Crystals" that have a high degree of purity.
To put it simply, it is a "semiconductor" that makes impossible for the Symphonic Power to flow in any direction aside from a specific one, so as the semiconductor part of Ar tonelico, through which an amount of Symphonic Power capable of destroying the world flows, it needs to be even stronger than these energies in order to regulate them.
In fact, two places in front of the crystals are used for contactless transmission done through the sending of air.
By doing this, the Symphonic Power that goes out from the flow can be commuted and becomes again a single flow that can be controlled more easily.
The Ardel Crystals themselves also have properties that allow them to act as Symphonic Power cleaners, taking out the components that serve as noise within it and dispersing them into the atmosphere.
It's because of these reasons that the Ardel Crystals are also isolated.
As for what supports the upper areas, please think of it as something similar to an antenna, as that part has a relative mass that doesn't reach even an 1% of the mass from the lower parts. What supports the structure is the four lightning rods located outside of the crystal, which are what always keep these areas balanced.

そこで質問なのですが、シュレリア様は他の塔の塔のオリジン(ティリア・フレリア)との面識はありますか?現実でなければバイナリ野とかで… シュレリア様ことエオリアとフレリア・ティリアは姉妹みたいなものでしょうか?気になります!

This is for the Technical Service Center.
I don't have a PS2, so I haven't played Ar tonelico yet and I still can't grasp things beyond what was published in the official setting materials and the internet.
What I want to ask is if Lady Shurelia is acquainted with the the Origins (Frelia, Tyria) from the other Towers. Even if it isn't in the real world and just through the Binary Field... but does Lady Shurelia consider Eolia, Frelia and Tyria sisters? I really want to know!


すみません、実は無いのです。フレリア、ティリアの話は少しだけ聞いているのですが、 彼女たちが培養槽から出る前に、培養槽に入った状態で遠い世界へ行ってしまったという事だけを知っています。

I'm sorry, but I actually don't. I've only heard a little about Frelia and Tyria, and that was that the were shipped off to distant worlds right before they were taken out from their nurturing capsules.
As for us Origins, we don't have any other connection beyond being the first, second and third Reyvateils ever made in the world.
That doesn't even mean we were made using the same D-Cellophane, so maybe we have too little conditions fulfilled to be able to consider ourselves as sisters.

クニカルサービスセンター宛同じ質問があったら申し訳ないですが(バックナンバー読む時間ないので)質問します!!ヒュムノス語はその一音一音に力がある と訊いたのですが、ヒュムネクリスタルにある詩の場合どのあたりまで歌うと効果がでるんですか?全部歌いきると効果が発動するのか、それとも始めの何語か で発動するのか気になりました、よろしくおねがいします!

I'm sorry if this question for the Technical Service Center is repeated (As I didn't I have time to check the previous issues), but I still want to ask it!! I've heard before that every single sound in the Hymmnos language has power, but in the case of the songs contained in the Hymn Crystals, how much you would have to sing until their effects manifested? Would a Song that was completely interrupted invoke any effects? Or would its effects begin manifesting as soon as a certain word was pronounced? I was sort of curious about them. Thank you for your time!



The Reyvateils' song magic effects are mainly composed of "feelings". Songs are technically called [Carrier Wave Belts], however this is not the why Songs themselves exhibit power immediately.
For example, it's impossible that when everyone remembers a song they know, at the very beginning they don't remember how to sing it consecutively, correct?
While there might be things that you can't seem to sing out of your mouth in the middle or in the end, in their minds they remember the song in its entirety. Although the songs of the Reyvateils are bound to the time axis, the "emotional" part present whenever they are singing doesn't adhere to it.
In conclusion, on the same instant a song starts being sung, all of the feelings that are contained on it are released as magic. This causes its effects to manifest instantly.
This is called in technical terminology as the "ω-Spectrum (a special wave frequency deployed on the time axis)", and Song Magic manifests as power at every instant in accordance with it.
To explain it in more detail, the effects of a Song Magic will change in every single instant in which a Reyvateil sings it.
For example, this would mean that when she sang the high point of a song, its effects would slightly grow in strength.


This is for Lady Shurelia's Technical Service Center, which Mir announced she would hijack. Please stay strong, Lady Shurelia.
As for my question today, I want to ask why Lyner didn't get grabbed by the Plasma Bell's anti-gravity field that supports the Wings of Horus when he was thrown off from the airship. Lyner shouldn't have fallen off there but somehow he did, even though he was near the area of the Falcon's Claw, which was right next to the Plasma Bell. I though the Plasma Bell was supposed to have a powerful anti-gravity field, so why did this happen? But well, maybe it's that the anti-gravity field doesn't work below the Falcon's Claw, which would render my question moot.
Finally, please be technical today and always too, and even if you didn't play much of an active role during 1's story, make sure to exhibit your tsundere traits like in the Flash Cosmospheres and Drama CD, so you won't lose against those guys who chose the other two heroines!
(Ringing Thunder)


下側からホルスの翼を見ると分かるのですが(寧ろ、ホルスの翼を横から見た図でも分かりますが) クリスタルが沢山刺さっています。そのクリスタルとプラズマベルが反応し、クリスタルが揚力を持つのです。
そもそもこのクリスタルは地面に埋設した状態だったのですが、浮遊時にクリスタルより下側は剥げ落ちて しまったので、現在は下側に刺さっているように見えるのです。

Thank you very much for your encouragement!
As for the power of the Plasma Bell, actually not all pieces of matter receive the effects of its anti-gravity field.
If that actually were the case, it would be impossible for people to stand and walk normally.
You might understand better if you look at the Wings of Horus from below (or rather, if you see a drawing of them from the side), but the landmass has several crystals jutting out from it. These crystals react to the Plasma Bell, and in turn produce lifting power.
Originally these crystals were buried under the surface of the continent, but as the ground peeled off below them when the continent began floating, it now looks like they are jutting out from below it.



Today it was quite peaceful for me too.
I'll continue answering questions without holding back from next issue on too, so please continue sending in your submissions!



...It wasn't this time either. Too bad.

Editor's Postscript

Tks header 06.jpg

アルトネリコ2は来年もまだまだ続きますよ。いよいよアルトネ2キャラも参戦するトウコウスフィア、 そしてドラマCDや設定資料集など、見逃せないアイテムも目白押しです。

Merry Christmas! So having said this, did you enjoy this Christmas Toukousphere?
Looks like the next issue will be finally receiving 2008. My 2007 feels like it ended with Ar tonelico 2.
Ar tonelico 2 was released according to plan, so it was greatest happening this year to me having seeing how all our fans enjoyed it.
Ar tonelico 2 will also continue on next year too. After all, the AT2 characters will be finally joining the Toukousphere, and we're going to put out several products you shouldn't overlook like the Drama CDs and the official setting materials collection.
So please, let's continue making together the Ar tonelico series even next year.
Thank you very much for having supported the Ar Portal and the Toukousphere for this entire year too!