ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Toukousphere/Issue 56

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Lady Shurelia and Jakuri's Technical Service Center

Toukou 08.jpg
Jakuri1.jpg 今回は私が仕切だから、容赦しないわよ。覚悟しなさい。

We'll be settling the score between us today, and I won't have any mercy. So get ready.

Shurelia4.jpg えっと…覚悟するのは…質問者の方ですか?それとも…

Um... get ready... do you mean the users?

Frelia3.jpg 私達の方かな…?

Do you mean us?

Jakuri1.jpg 私達に決まってるじゃない。今回はいつもより増量していくわよ。

Of course it's us. We're getting more questions than usual this issue.

Shurelia1.jpg …ジャクリの焦りは相当なものですね…。まさか2週間経った今も後を引くなんて思いもしませんでした…。

...And Jakuri's impatience is really fitting her, huh...? It's been two weeks, but I didn't think she was so moreish...



But it's true that if we answer more questions, we'll make happy the people who sent them! So let's do our best!



It's possible for Reyvateils to also have female partners instead of only male ones? (If it's possible, it should be very convenient to Skycat...)



Normally, it's possible, though I don't have any examples at hand now. Generally it seems like partnerships are formed by a knight and a Reyvateil.
Basically, Reyvateils need to be accompanied by a partner because they are completely defenseless when they are maintaining their concentration power while they sing, so the partner needs to have a tough body that can defend her like an iron wall.
Of course, in regions were wartime destruction isn't as severe, and the Reyvateils don't see combat often, they can have the goal of simply crafting Song Magic in order to improve their life standards, and female Divers are the ones who mostly help them in these cases.
So a person like President Ayano could actually be an experienced Diver.



Oh, so you knew. I did Dive into many Reyvateils a long time ago. It makes me feel so nostalgic...


If Jakuri was going to make a Reyvateil-only world such as Reyvateilia, how were the Reyvateils going to have children?




The Reyvateils weren't going to need having children, and that's because it was going to be a Utopia inhabited only by Pureblooded β-types.
Do you know that Pureblooded β-types are clones of the Origins and are all created in special tripolar resonance incubators, right?
Reyvateilia would have an administration server called the Mainframe, and that server would dictate how many Reyvateils would be created per year.
In short, that means that the Pureblooded β-types would be created systematically. And because of that, there wouldn't be a population boom problem, since each Reyvateil would have been born whenever it was her turn to do so.
But now that I think about it... it somehow ended turning into a plan for creating only a boring paradise, even though I felt at the time that it was the best system in history. It seems that even I come up with some vulgarities every now and then.



Clusterian names are the ones that fundamentally use kanji, but Clusterians also give names that have a proper meaning taken from the kanjis forming them?
Incidentally, I'd like to know what's the meaning of the kanji form for Jakuri's name (蛇刳).



Unfortunately, "Jakuri" isn't a name I gave myself, as it's actually the name of the robot I ride in. Almost the entire time I was on Metafalss, I spent it riding the Jakuri.
As for the reason for everyone calls me "Jakuri", it's because I got stuck with it even after I stopped riding the robot. My true name is different, but I have no intentions to reveal it for now. However, I think you already know it.
By the way, you were also asking about why the ancients called it "Jakuri"? I can only offer conjectures about it, but I think it's because it's as cold and obstinate as a snake, as the kanji for the name translate to "cold snake".


Previously, it was said that "Reyvateil genes are examined through the Hexagonal Plate Test" and "Lyner has Reyvateil qualities", but does that mean that Lyner was administered the Hexagonal Plate Test? Weren't there any objections to it?



About how Leard knew that Lyner had Reyvateil qualities, it was most likely because he had authorized personal carry out the Hexagonal Plate test on him. After all, there's no other method to test for Reyvateil qualities.
As the Hexagonal Plate is a board that can detect latent Reyvateil qualities, it also responds to men. Of course, it's impossible for a man to awaken these qualities even if the plate reacts, so it's useless to the person in question to undergo that test.
And while it's redundant to say this, if the plate responds to a woman, she has a 98% probability of awakening as a Reyvateil. And if the person has latent Reyvateil qualities but won't end up awakening at all, the plate will show no reaction.
Theoretically speaking, if the plate reacted to Lyner, he would have become a Third Generation had he been born as a woman.
You might think that the reaction of the Hexagonal Plate is quite mysterious, but since the technical details would make this answer excessively long, I have omitted them.


The Hymmnos grammars are only different between the Central Standard Note and similar dialects, and the New Testament of Pastalie? Don't the Alpha Notes have any kind of special grammar?



Of course they have. It's just that if they were used with their unique grammars, no one would be able to use the Alpha Notes normally. After all, aren't they created to be customized and optimized words?


私も単語なら色々作ったよ。例えば「mekemeke pon!」で第二塔の一部を生成する(固有の場所に固有の形状を物質化する)とか。

I too have created various words. For example, "mekemeke pon!" creates various things in the Second Tower (or better said, materializes particular forms in particular places).
However, since they aren't general use words, I don't think anyone besides myself has been able to use them. And now, I can't use them either.



Though using "mekemeke pon" so many times sounds a little...



Huh? Really? Well, I think they are little different from the words you've made, Sis.
And of course, I think you might know this already, but to give an explanation for the time being, the habitual practice is registering pronunciations that express the most the feelings of an Origin as part of her corresponding Alpha Note.
Because of that, it's said that they are a good way of showing the nature of the Origin that created them...



And they... really show it, huh...?


This might be a little spoiler-ish (?), but I want to ask this.
What's going to happen to the current Metafalss after the continent was crafted in Ar tonelico 2?



After that, everyone will gradually move to Metafalica, and finally all Metafalss will be dropped. Even if I continued maintaining it as I've been doing, I wouldn't be able to keep it for beyond 100 years with what I have in my body, so it's better to drop it.
However, we're talking about doing it in about 30 to 50 years. If I had worked a bit harder, I might have been able to let it continue existing, so... I'm sorry...


This is my first contribution! I have smiled too much by reading in one day all of the previous issues... but well, I have a question about the Grathnode Inferia: when the catastrophe happened, in what condition was Lady Shurelia because of her linkage to the Tower? I couldn't avoid getting worried about it.



It was extremely painful. It was as if you had a neuralgia in the entire extension of your body.



Though that is a kind of pain that only old people know about, isn't it? My condolences.



Ughmm! I'm 16 years old!!



It seems you fought with Jakuri yet again, huh!



But if she's like this, then there wouldn't be any problem with leaving to her the answering of all the questions from now on...


何を寝ぼけたことを言ってるの。悪いけど前回と今回の2回で疲れが溜まったから、次回は少し 楽させてもらうわ。


Are you still half-sleep? Sorry, but I'm very tired from having to answer two questions from this issue and the previous one, so the next time, I'll be taking a little time off.
I think we have reinstated our positions here, so you two should be okay now. So, I'll leave everything next week to you two.

Editor's Postscript

Tks header 06.jpg


特典のポムサンタプレートでケーキを食べながら、とびきり楽しいクリスマスを過ごしてくださいね!今年もあと1ヶ月強となってしまいましたが、年末の末の末までアルトネリコとアルポータルをよろしくお願い致します! (土屋)

And winter's finally coming. The Ar tonelico Christmas Campaign has begun! And this time, the most standout products in our line-up would be the "Last Boss' Black Mug" and the beautiful "Phantasmagoria Orgel".
This is a project I wanted to try as "something that would make Christmas more enjoyable" for us both. Of course we'll have to do a lot of noise and be dressed stylishly, but if we this and this enlivens Ar tonelico even slightly, I'll be very happy.
Please, make sure to spend an incredibly fun Christmas as you eat cake on the special Santa Pom Plate we're giving with the purchases in the Gust Shop! There's only one more month left before this year ends, but until its very last second, I hope you'll always continue being with us in Ar tonelico and the Ar Portal!

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