ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Toukousphere/Issue 57

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Lady Shurelia and Jakuri's Technical Service Center

Toukou 08.jpg



Ready! Shurelia's and...!






Technical Cent...



Technical Servi...



Sis, aren't you saying the name of the corner wrong? And didn't you make that same mistake before?
Besides, I think your timing got thrown off because you said "Ready!"...

Shurelia5.jpg …!!!

I-It's okay! Let's do it over!



Hmm, I don't mind, but we have to start answering questions because we don't have much time. Don't you think everyone would be happier that way?






...Uhuhu. You never change, but I acknowledge you're really putting effort into it.


Would it be possible for a Third Generation to be the Tower Administrator of Ar tonelico if the guard change ever becomes necessary?
Or would she be unable to accomplish the functions of the Administrator because of not being a Pureblooded β-Type, which are clones of the Origins?
(Make a Fanclub For Lady Shurelia Too!)


β純血種はβ-6Dの内的素体という位置づけですので、管理者になることは不可能です。 原理を説明すると長くなりますので割愛しますが、結論から言えばNGという事ですね。

The Third Generations and Pureblooded Beta-Types cannot become Tower Administrators. That is because in the first place, the principles that allow the Origins, Pureblooded Beta-types and Third Generations to continue living are completely different between each of them.
It's a difficult explanation, but the Origins are the users of the top level of the server system, and as the only owners of the Song Servers, they also have been physically connected to the Unified Control System of the Tower.
Thanks to the Installs that were performed on me during the First Era, I was bestowed many faculties, but in the end, that is only speaking at a software level, and although the Pureblooded Beta-Types can also receive them, they cannot be physically connected to the Tower.
Between the currently living Reyvateils, the only ones that could take my place as the Administrator of this Tower are Frelia, and despite not appearing yet, the prime field of the Pureblooded Beta-Types, called β-6D.
This is the reason why the βs cannot become Administrators: because they are located within β-6D's inner prime field.
I'm sorry that I had to omit many details about the explanation of this fundamental theory, but the only conclusion you should be able to draw from it is "No Good".



We were told in a previous question that Reyvateils can also have female partners, but are there cases in which a Reyvateil works as a partner for another Reyvateil? Which would be the restrictions that they would have then?
I'm thinking that Origins and their clones wouldn't be able to be partners of other Reyvateils, or that they would have to decide who would Dive into who.
Depending on your answer, I'll decide how I'll draw a Shurelia x Mir book!




If they are Third Generations, they can function as Divers. Given they have human qualities due to being humans themselves, they can enter the Diver's pod with no problems.
In the case of the Pureblooded β-Types, they only have Reyvateil qualities and lack human qualities completely, so the current Dive Machines won't start up even if they enter the Diver's pod.
Still, it isn't very recommendable for Third Generations to do this, and the reason is that there are several cases in which their Reyvateil natures ended up causing negative effects to their partners during a Dive.
By the way, what kind of Shurelia x Mir book are you making?
A story about my war with Mir? Is it that?



About the IPDs, it seems that all the regions aside of the Cosmospheres of the currently living IPDs are occupied by Metafalica, so would it be impossible for new IPDs to be born (it'd be impossible for their Genetic Spectra to be overwritten) in the future?



Seems like you've got a little misunderstanding there, so I'll explain.
Infel Phira's memory is defragmented when Metafalica is created, but that doesn't mean that all space aside of that used by the currently living IPDs will be occupied to keep it existing.
The reason for the defragmentation is that a large contiguous wave plane must be created for the continent. So far only the IPDs had been using the memory, so there weren't any discontinuities in the space because the size of the wave planes used by each IPD were uniform between them all.
So the defragmentation is unnecessary because when an IPD died and her space was freed up, it would be filled as soon as the next IPD awakened, and this was a process that repeated over and over.
However, since the continent's Will needs a continuous wave plane of a size equivalent to that of several hundreds, or even several thousand IPDs, it's necessary to relocate the memory addresses for the currently living IPDs.
As a result, the continent's Will can be stored because of the large empty wave plane, and since it gets put in as if it was a gigantic Reyvateil, there's still a fair amount of free space, despite being much less than before.
However, this deletes the backup banks. For people that are knowledgeable about computers, would you understand if I said that it's like removing a RAID mirroring that gave you double the storage space? So because of this, Implanta can't be executed any more.
Infel Phira has very limited resources, so such trade-offs are frequently necessary.


Both Lyner and Croix were able to Dive up to the Lv. 9 Cosmosphere of their partners, but is it possible to Dive into all the nine levels of all other Reyvateils?
Are there any people that have more levels than that, or even less levels?



Theoretically, it's possible that there are an infinite number of levels in the Cosmospheres. But given that basically Reyvateils don't have a proper consciousness beyond the H-Wave frequency band where Lv. 9 is located, that's where it's actually stopped.
But in Wave Science terms, there could be even 100 or 200 levels. If it was possible to Dive into a consciousness of the level of Planet Ar Ciel, which has H-Waves frequencies far higher than both humans and Reyvateils, even reaching Lv. 200 might not be enough to fully clear its Soulspace.



For the Technical Service Center. Which are the conditions for creating a Heart of the Land?



Because of the Grathnode Inferia, the surface of Ar Ciel became a world where life can't exist, yet the planet itself still exists.
I'm thinking that EXA_PICO itself and some secondary waves keep Singing the planet into existence, but if that's the case, that would make me think that the Hearts of the Land could be spontaneously generated from EXA_PICO's dying wish. If that's the case, would it be possible to regenerate the planet by appealing to that Will?
(Kimura Shuuichi [Walking Electromagnetic Wave Tower Gathering])



Hmm, the conditions for the creation of a Heart of the Land? In our current times, all the Hearts of the Land we made are artificially created by using the structure of a Triangular Nuclear Loop, so I've never seen with my own eyes one spontaneously appearing.
To give an example, it would be as if a human, which doesn't have a Triangular Nuclear Loop, had something equivalent to it spontaneously appearing on their body. This would be a genuine Triangular Nuclear Loop spontaneously generated by planet Ar Ciel.
Similarly, it isn't impossible for Ar Ciel itself to spontaneously generate a Heart of the Land... or in other words, an Autostabilizing Tesseractal Nuclear Loop... but that isn't a phenomenon that has been scientifically confirmed.
It's true that like mister Kimura says, planet Ar Ciel "exists", so even if its surface appears "dead", it wouldn't be mistaken to think that it still "lives".
If something moves its feelings, it might be possible for Planet Ar Ciel... or for a higher-order life form than it, to generate spontaneously a Heart of the Land... or Autostabilizing Tesseractal Nuclear Loop.



Somehow, we really ended up spending all our energies working today.



As Jakuri was resting today, the number of answers per person increased, huh?



But Sis, you actually answered them all on your own before? You're so amazing!



That's correct. If I look back on these times, I feel like I actually worked very hard.



And in the end, we can come to the conclusion that you are no match for senility, huh?



My age hasn't changed. I'm 16 years old.

Editor's Postscript

Tks header 06.jpg


And finally, the Targana's Friends Squad Mug has appeared! It is a completely limited production item, so regardless of if you want it or are hesitating about buying it, make sure to preorder it. The production will be for a limited time, but we won't have a set number for it, so make sure to seek it please.
And we will begin producing the Phantasmagoria Orgel for the third time on that same day. So to make sure they can reach the hands of you all, I made several arrangements with several artisans. I'll do my best to make sure that the demand doesn't surpass the offer for these items, so please make sure to give them a look.

How was this issue?
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