ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Toukousphere/Issue 6

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This Month's Tsukkomi Aurica

Toukou 01.jpg



Hey, everyone, Aurica here!
In last episode's Tsukkomi Aurica, we ran a popul...


今日は他でもない、先週途中までしか語れなかった「オボンヌの魅力」についての続きを語ろうと思ってさ。 どこまで話したっけ?ああ、そうだ、口に入れるところまでだったな。それじゃ続きから行くぜ。 もし覚えてないって人は、カコログをおさらいしておいてくれよな!
まずはこのきめ細かな皮が、舌にしっとりと触れるんだ。この時、香ばしいながらも甘い…それも砂糖のようなダイレクトなものではない、 より奥ゆかしくも華やかな味が、舌先に与えられる。この時こそ、オボンヌを食べていることが人生における最高の一時だと確信できるときだ。 徐々に触れる面積が増えていく舌とオボンヌ。
そして、最初は香ばしくも奥ゆかしい刺激が味覚を占有しているが、面積が増えるにしたがって、 それは見事なまでに調整された、薄皮の材料、オパール粉と砂糖の比率による芸術的な匠の技によって創り出されていることに気づくだろう。 そして、舌と上あごで徐々にオボンヌを包み込んでいくと、その力によって薄皮が破けて中身が出てくるんだ。 そして、ホッコリとしたこしあんが舌に触れる。ここからがオボンヌの本番なんだ!
オボンヌのために日々品種改良され続けてきた、オボンヌ専用のカリカリ「カリカリ・ラ・シャンテ」を100%使用し、 それを三日三晩煮込んで柔らかくしたものを丹念に潰して均一にしている。
更にこの皮と中身のマッチングは、その接着力の絶妙さによって更に拍車がかかっている。 オボンヌを舌先で味わっていると、最初にほろっと皮がとれ、中身と皮を別々に堪能できる。 しかし、味わっているうちに双方が融合し始め、今度はそれぞれの味とはまた別の、香ばしさと甘みがマイルドにマッチした…

Hey, everyone! How have you been?
Today I'm here to continue none other than my speech on the appeal of Funbuns which got interrupted last time. How far did I get, anyway? Oh yeah, right to where you put it in your mouth. Well, here we go. If you don't remember what I said last time, look it up in the last entry!
Right, so the moment you put it in your mouth!
First of all, the smooth outer shell of the Funbun touches your tongue. It's so sweet and fragrant... But it's not as in your face as sugar, it's a more humble yet brilliant flavor that graces the tip of your tongue. It's in this moment that you can truly believe that eating Funbuns is the greatest moment that you will experience in your life. More and more of the Funbun comes into contact with your tongue.
At first, that brilliant yet humble stimulus is relegated only to the realm of taste, but as more enters your mouth, surely you'll realize the deep level of artistic craftsmanship that finely regulated the blend of pastry flour and sugar that make up the outer shell. And then, as your mouth wholly embraces the fullness of the Funbun, you break its shell and release the contents inside. Then, the warm and fluffy bean paste inside makes contact with your tongue. This is what really makes a Funbun a Funbun!
You just can't talk about Funbuns without bringing up the bean paste inside!
This isn't just any bean paste.
This is a 100% pure specimen of the crispy red beans that were selectively bred just for Funbuns: "Crispy La Chanté", boiled together for three days and three nights into a completely homogeneous paste.
The flavore of the bean paste made from Crispy La Chanté feels as soft as silk on the tongue, evoking a refreshing flavor like that of the fruits of Shangri-la.
And then there's the perfect compatibility between the Funbun's outer shell and Crispy La Chanté. If they didn't have just the right balance, maybe Funbuns would be just another run of the mill snack.
However, as long as I've been alive, there's never been another food with such an exquisite balance of its ingredients.
Yet, this combination is better than rice, eggs, and soy sauce; better than dipping cucumbers in honey; better than putting soy sauce on a pudding! It brings out the most exquisite contrast.
The match-up between the shell and its insides is spurred to even higher greatness by how well they stick together.
When you taste a Funbun on the tip of your tongue, at first you sense the outer shell, and then you can distinguish the shell and its inside. However, once the two flavors begin to combine, it brings out yet another completely different flavor, a perfect match between sweet and savory that's...




Hey! Lyner!!
This is supposed to be my corner!!

Geez! And I was looking forward to poking fun at the popularity contest results.

Question Corner

Otayori top.gif


Lately I started wondering what all you posters do all day?
Next time please feel free to post about anything that happened during your daily life, or something you want to tell everyone, or something you're worried about! We'll do our best to respond to your splendid posts.
Be sure to put your heart into it!


I've been wondering about this for a long time, but would Lady Shurelia happen to be a tsundere? What do you say, Lady Shurelia~



私、ちょっとツンツンつつかれたくらいでは、お肌デレたりしません! 人より”ちょっとだけ”長生きしてるからって、バカにしないで下さいね! 素肌年齢は16歳なんですから!

And just what is a tsundere!?
Please don't just start calling me that for no reason!

My skin doesn't get all droopy if you poke at it like tsun-tsun! Please don't make fun of me just because I've lived "a little" longer than you! After all, my body's age is still just 16 years old!


Hello, nice to meet you.
I just thought of something; why is Hama a cat, anyway? She was originally an ocarina, so I can't imagine how she turned out that way. Why does Hama look like a cat? Does Misha like cats? Or is it just a coincidence? Oooooh, please, someone~, tell me!!


でも、心の護はそのマスターの心に影響されて形を変えることもあるから…もしかしたら、ミシャに何かあったのかも…。 多分、ミシャがネコ耳好きになっちゃったのよーーー!

I am NOT a cat!
I wish people wouldn't try making me out to be a cat!
But, I really don't know why I have cat ears...
One day I woke up and suddenly I had cat ears!!!
Well, it's also true that Mind Guardians can change shape due to the influence of their master's heart... Maybe something happened to Misha... Maybe Misha started liking cat ear or something!!


When Spica's in her black market Grathnode crystal seller mode she deals with you fairly, but her "normal" candy seller side rips you off (according to Aurica) I think that's backwards. Or is that all according to Spica's plan...?
(Spicy Mansion)


知らないということは、貴方はまだ全然踏み込みが浅いという事ね。 ええ、世の中は知らないことが多い人ほど幸せ…。いいのよ、知らなくて。 私が10万リーフを越えるグラスノ結晶を売っていても、 知らなければ売っていないのと同じですものね。
ちなみに私は、お客さんを見て、何のグラスノ結晶を出すか判断しているわ。 貴方はもしかしたら…私から見たら安いお客なのかしらね。 あら、誤解がないように言っておくけど、安いグラスノしか見たことがないあなたは、ある意味幸せ者…という事を言っているのよ。ふふ。

Oh, do you really think so? Hmhm, what a good customer.
Or maybe you don't know? ...I guess you don't.
If you don't know, I think it's a little early for you to be getting into such things. Yes, they say you're happier the less you know about the world... you don't need to know. Even if I had a Grathnode crystal for sale for over 100,000 Leaf, if you didn't know about it it would be the same as if it didn't even exist.
By the way, I decide which Grathnode crystals to bring out after sizing up my customers. I guess you'd look like... a pretty cheap customer to me. Oh, sorry, don't get the wrong idea. I mean, you've only ever seen cheap Grathnode crystals, which makes you lucky, in a way... that's all I meant.


I heard Aurica's really only interested in looks, but I have no idea what your standards for looks are. Who do you rate others' looks by?


いやだなあ。そういうのって、感覚で分かって欲しいんだけどな。 下の比較表を見て、そこから汲んでみてね。

1.ライナー > ラードルフ
2.ガルツベルン > ボルド
3.ラードルフ > アヤタネ
4.ジャック > ライナー
5.ボルド > ファルス
6.ラードルフ > フラウト
7.フラウト > ジャック
8.レアード > ファルス
9.ボルド > レアード
10.アヤタネ > ガルツベルン


Huuuuh!? You don't know?
That's no good. But, you have to really feel this sort of thing out. Have a look at the table below and try to figure it out.

1. Lyner > Radolf
2. Gartzbern > Bourd
3. Radolf > Ayatane
4. Jack > Lyner
5. Bourd > Falss
6. Radolf > Flute
7. Flute > Jack
8. Leard > Falss
9. Bourd > Leard
10. Ayatane > Gartzbern

There! Do you get it now?
It's really simple!

んだん寒くなってきて、なんだか体調が悪い日が続きます…… それで、アルトネリコの世界で病気になった時、当然病院はあると思うんですが、レーヴァテイル専用の医者っているんですか? アルペジオであったようなレーヴァテイル特有の病気の場合はどうなるのでしょうか。 やはり、レーヴァテイルも人とあまり変わらないのだろうか……?

It's getting colder, and I'm starting to feel worse by the day......
I'm sure there are hospitals in the Ar tonelico world you can go to when you get sick, but are there doctors just for Reyvateils? What happens with diseases only Reyvateils get, like what happened in Arpeggio? I guess Reyvateils aren't that different from humans, right......?

Child Misha3.jpg

普通のお医者さんと違って、コスモスフィアや延命剤の知識が豊富だから、 普通のお医者さんよりも、安心してかかれるわね。

…あ、別にあやしいって言っても、そっちの「あやしい」じゃないからね? なんかマッドサイエンティストっぽい人が多いかな…っていう事だから! 身体ベタベタさわられたりとか、インストールポイント撫でられたりとか、そういうのは無いから…。

There are Reyvateil specialist doctors.
Unlike normal doctors, they know a lot about Cosmospheres and the life extending agent, so they're easier to open up to than normal doctors.
But there's also a lot of kind of suspicious characters...

...Oh, but I don't really mean it like that, right? I just mean there's a lot of mad scientist types... that's it! There aren't really any doctors who touch you all over, or stroke your install point, or anything..,

つも気になるんですが、クルシェの作業着に付いている管のようなモノ…あれは何ですか? ついでに飛空挺専門メルクだと聞きましたがジャックの義手メンテをする事になった経緯を教えてほしいです。

I've always wondered, what are the tubes on Krusche's work clothes... could it be...? By the way, I heard you were an airship specialist, so how did you start doing work on Jack's arm?
(Cherry tree leaf.)


アレはボクの体液だってば。そもそも作業着じゃないし、身体の一部なんだって。 ボクは3761年製の天覇が開発したメンテナンスロイドなんだから。 メイメイと同じ型のデータを発掘したときに創られたんだって。 その証拠に、手がでかいでしょ?
だいたいこの年で飛空挺が創れる子なんていないってば。考えればわかると思うけど。 洞察力ないなぁ…。

昔、天覇の一団と一緒に塔を発掘に行ったときにさ、 テル族の襲撃にあったんだ。
その時、不覚にもボクが重傷を負っちゃって、もうここで終わりかな…なんて思ってたことがあって… そんなとき颯爽と現れたのがジャック。
ジャックが応急処置をしてくれたから、出血多量で死ななくて済んだんだ。 でも、戦いはそれで終わりじゃなかった。
次々と襲いかかるテル族に応戦するジャック! その時ジャックの銃が壊れちゃって、ボク達は囲まれちゃって… そこでボクは提案したんだ。
「後払いで良いから直すよ。あと、出張料と危険地帯特別割増はサービスしておくから」 何故かジャックは面食らっていたみたいだけど、3秒半くらいでOKしてくれた。 結局その後、今に至るまでジャックは払えてないんだよね…その時の修理代。 そこでボクは、ジャックとメンテナンス専属契約を結ぶ代わりに、修理費を半額にしてあげることにしたんだ。 まあ、今に至るまではそんな感じかな。
ちなみに、ジャックがあと残しているローンは、504,298リーフ。 なんか、ジャックの話の方が盛り上がっちゃったね。 メンテナンスロイドの件は忘れて。嘘だし、もうどうでも良くなったから。

Huh? I didn't say before?
Those are my bodily fluids. And this isn't my work outfit, it's part of my body. I'm a maintenancebot Tenba came out with in 3761. They say they created me based on data they recovered from a Meimei-style model. And the proof of that is, see, look how huge my hands are.
I guess they're right when they say kids these days can't build airships anymore. I think you'll figure it out if you think about it. Guess you're not very perceptive...
Next time I'll show you the schematics to prove it, so you'd better study up.

Oh yeah, about Jack.
This one time I was out in the Tower with one of Tenba's expeditionary forces, and we came under Teru attack.
I was hurt pretty bad, and I thought it was all over... But then, who should appear before but Jack.
He gave me some emergency treatment, which stopped the bleeding and kept me from dying. But, the battle wasn't over yet.
Jack faced off against the Teru that kept coming! But then his gun broke down, and then we were surrounded... So, I came up with a proposal.
"I'll fix your gun now, but you can pay me back later. And the materials and dangerous area costs are on the house." For some reason he looked really confused at first, but after a few seconds he said OK. Of course, he still hasn't paid me back for that yet... So, in return for signing a contract to do his maintenance, I decided I'd go easy on him and do it for half price. Anyway, that's about the long and short of it, I guess.
By the way, Jack still has 504,298 Leaf of his loan left to pay. Huh, I guess I ended up talking about Jack quite a bit. Forget about that maintenancebot stuff earlier. I was kidding, it doesn't matter anymore.


Aurica wears a pouch on her waist, but what's inside it?







Huuuh?... J-just a.... why did you have toe ask that?
It's... um... really embarrassing... geez... want me to tell you? I... really have to?

Well then, come here.... I'll sneak you a peek...
But you're only allowed to look, okay? Because it's a secret, okay!?
■It's just our little secret...■
G-geez... that's so embarrassing......

く「歌って踊れる○○」ってあるじゃないですか。 だったら「詩って戦えるレーヴァテイル」ってのはありえないんでしょうかね? 詩も詩って自分で剣も振るえる、万能型レーヴァテイル。 やっぱ無謀?RTは体力的に一般人以下とか? う~ん、SELAPHとかなら戦えそうなのに……

There's lots of various "Dancing and Singing ***" things out there, aren't there. So, how about a "Fighting and Singing Reyvateil"? She would be an all-purpose Reyvateil who would swing a sword around while she sings her song. Or maybe that's a bad idea? Are RTs weaker than most people? Mmmm, but it looks like you could fight in the SERAPH costume......

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レーヴァテイルが前に出て戦えない、というのは一種の観念ね。 実際はレーヴァテイル質が出ているか出ていないの違いでしかないわけだし、根本は同じ人間だから。 ただ、第三世代は突然ダイキリティが切れて倒れたりすることもあるし、 普段から少しからだが重いから、前衛として剣を振るうにはハンデがあるのは確か。 まあ、普通の人より体力がないのは確かだから、大抵のレーヴァテイルは魔法を謳う方に専念するわよ。 …え?私…?
まあ、私は倒れたりしないし、身体も重くはないけど… …人にはそれぞれ事情があるのよ。

Most people think Reyvateils can't fight on the front lines. Actually, Reyvateils really are just humans that have active Reyvateil genes; fundamentally we're the same. However, with third generations there's always the risk that their diquility will run out and they'll collapse, and their bodies are a little heavier than usual, so they're definitely have a handicap in physical battle. Well, since they're not really quite as strong as most, most Reyvateils just provide support with song magic. ...Huh? Me...?
Well, I wouldn't collapse like that, and my body isn't that heavy, but... ...we all have our own circumstances to deal with.
Geez! You already know the answer, so you shouldn't ask questions like that!

ぽているのルージェタイプの子が可愛くていつかはボディチェンジを!と頑張っている最中にふと気になりましたが、テル族にもレーヴァテイルって生まれるんですか? あとアルモニカ氏の年齢も気になって仕方ないんで教えて下さい。

The Rouge-type Suppotails are so adorable, I'm working really hard so I can get a body change! But in the midst of my efforts I couldn't help but wonder, can Teru be born as Reyvateils, too? And I really wonder what Mr. Harmonica's age is, so please tell me.


テル族とレーヴァテイルの混血の前に、まずは人間とテル族の混血について説明せねばならん。 ソル・シエールでは、その文化や観念の為、テル族と人間が交流することは滅多にない。 だが、仮に交流したとするならば、混血は発生する。
その際に、テル族の特徴である角やしっぽが出るときと出ないときがある。 また、角はあるがしっぽはない、その逆も往々にして現れるのである。 それと同じ事がレーヴァテイルとの混血にも言えよう。
レーヴァテイル質を持ちながら、インストールポイントが発現しない混血も発生するのだ。 その場合インストールは出来ないと言われているが、実際の所定かではない。 また、テル族自体にも特殊な力が有るため、それと相まって更に特異な力が生まれる事もあると言われている。 まあ、事例が少ないため、何とも言えんがな。

Hmm. Teru have mixed their blood with Reyvateils before.
However, the results of such a union are exceedingly interesting.
But first I believe I need to explain about human-Teru unions. Due to the culture and traditions of Sol Ciel, Teru and humans only interact very rarely. But when they do, their children are of mixed blood.
Sometimes they have the Teru's trademark horns and tail, and sometimes they don't. They might even have horns and no tail, or the opposite. You can say the same thing about mixed Reyvateil children.
Sometimes you'll see children with Reyvateil genes that never develop an install point. They say you can't perform installs in that case, but it isn't really certain. Since the Teru have special powers of their own, they say that sometimes those powers interact and give birth to something even different. It's hard to say for sure, since there isn't any precedent for it.

問です!!なぜオリカはミュールと血縁関係に なっているのですか?気になります。 ぜひ教えてくださいっ!

I have a question!! Mir and Aurica are related, right? What's their relation? I'm really curious. Please tell me!


ただ、ちょっとスペクトラム遺伝子の形状が酷似していただけよ…。 …ホントに侵害ね。

Just a minute, don't just decide we're related by blood.
There's no relationship between me and her whatsoever.
It just so happens that our Spectrum Genes are very similar... rude.
Just to make it even clearer, isn't it obvious that there's no comparison between her naming sense and my writing sense?

Don Leon's Confessional Dojo

O don top.gif


Why, you! Thanks to your rotten tricks last time, my Miss Aurica was... my Miss AURICA was.... haaaah! I won't fall for such shenanigans again this time! This time it shall be I who laughs last!

リカさんのネーミングセンスに勝つために、逆にオリカさんのあだ名を考えて、はや三週間・・・ ・・・はっ!!オリカさんのテラフラムな破壊力と、かわいさを一言で表すなら・・・・・・『ドカりん☆』これだぁ!! ドカりん☆勝負です!!

It's been three weeks since I started trying to think up a nickname for Aurica-san in order to try to beat her naming sense... ...Ha!! Something that wraps up the destructiveness of her Tera Flame in a single cute word........ "Dokarin☆" Yes, that's it!! Dokarin☆, it's on!! (Apea)

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飛空挺と共に墜落するという、オリカさんの命にかかわる様なシーンで、何を破廉恥なことを考えておるかーーっっ!! そのような時には命が一番大切なのであるぞ!!
もしかしたら掴めたかもしれぬ命綱を掴めないで、落ちてしまうかもしれんではないか!! おなごとて容赦はせぬぞ!
オリカさんの命に比べたら、ぱんつなど取るに足らぬものである!! この不肖どんすけ、貴様を成敗してくれる…

またもや迷惑メール対策で引っかかるではないか!! とはいえ、貴様の文章にだって、そもそもぱんつと…

書いていない!!! おのれ貴様!図りおったな!

It is I who will be your opponent heeeeeeere!
You scoundreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel!!!!
What sort of shameless things are you thinking of during a dramatic scene where Miss Aurica's life is in danger as she falls from the airshiiiiip!? Life is the most important thing in times like that!!
Just try thinking about flipping her skirt at a time like that!
If you did, you wouldn't be able to grab onto the lifeline, and you'd probably fall!! You can't fool around like that!
Compared to Miss Aurica's life, panties are worthless!! I, the unworthy Don Leon, shall mete out your punishme...
Once again I've been taken in by a bullying post!! Besides which, your post, the panties....

You don't even mention them! Why you scoundrel! You've really done it this time!

Hama's Submissions Dojo

Tks header 04 hama.jpg


そういえば、絵を投稿するときに、もしホームページを持っている人がいたら、 ホームページのURLを一緒に記載したらそれも載せるのよ。

Oh yeah, if you have a web page, if you send us the link when you send in your pictures we'll include that, too.
Don't forget it if you want to get more visitors!


今回は「せっかくハマの投稿道場なんだから、もっとハマがいてもいいじゃないか!!」 という気持ちと、ハマへの愛をこめてこの1枚を描かせて頂きました。 ある意味、父母子の勢ぞろいになるんでしょうか…?
でも、(割烹着着ているからか)ハマが2人のおもりっぽいですね! では、トウコウスフィアの長さが、本当にアルトネリコより長くなることを仄かに期待しつつ、 また、ハマの更なる活躍(?)にも期待しつつ、この辺で…。

Nice to meet you. This is my first post, so I'm kind of nervous *g*
Since it's Hama's Submissions Dojo, I thought there should be more Hama in it!! So, here's a picture full of my love for Hama. I guess you could say this is a nice family portrait...?
But, (since Hama's wearing an apron) I guess it's more like Hama is their guardian! Anyway, I'll hold out some hope that the Toukousphere will really get so long it's as tall as Ar tonelico, and eagerly await more work from Hama. So, if you'll excuse me... (SORA*)



To Hamahama.
Sorry about before. If you like wearing aprons, I guess trying out different outfits isn't such a good idea? So... To show my desire to repent, I've decided to draw everyone else in Aprons! I'm sure Ayatane would look really good in one!
(I Love You)


今回挑戦したことは 背景 と水平になるにつれての濃度差(縁の部分の濃い部分のこと)というもの 背景は「草原らしい草原」をイメージしたのですが本当に想像力の低さを思い知らされました;;
髪飾りやマント等の小物は 寝ていることを踏まえて外してあります ただ尻尾(?)についてはこれが無いとオリカっぽくないかな?ということで敢えてつけました

Thank you for posting something from me twice in a row.
This time I tried working on the close relationship between backgrounds and lying down (how one effects the other). The background I had in mind was "a real grassy grassland", which really let me know how weak my imagination is ;_;
She took her hair ornament and cloak off because she's sleeping, but without her tail(?) it feels like it's not Aurica, you know? So I decided to leave it on.
I think I'd like to draw Lady Shurelia next.



I thought I'd end up drawing these two some time. They're just so cute and I love them so much, but I wish I could have drawn them cuter after working so hard. I would have liked to spend more time working on it *g*

Super Suppotailer

Extra! Helpful Supporters

Editor's Postscript

最近、書き始める時って何も考えていないことが多いんですよ。 今回のファーストピースはクルシェでした。その他、笑えるところがあったら全部クルシェに感謝してやって下さいな。 今回個人的に一番楽しかったのは、オリカのポーチの中身を創っていたときでしょうか。 最初にどんすけも言っていますが、次回は皆さんの日常の出来事なども教えてもらえると嬉しいです。 悩み相談とかも、おなじみのキャラが親身になって(?)乗りますよー。 ではまたー!(土屋)

I've been having a lot of trouble lately where I can't think of what to write when I start writing. The first thing I started on this time was Krusche. If you thought anything else in here was funny, thank Krusche. I think my favorite thing about this episode was making up what was inside Aurica's pouch. Don Leon said the same thing at the beginning, but it would be interesting to hear about your daily lives next time. If you have any worries, your favorite characters will happily(?) give you advice. See you next time! (Tsuchiya)