ARM Backup/Ar Portal translation/Toukousphere/Issue 65

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Lady Shurelia and Jakuri's Technical Service Center

Toukou 08.jpg



Well then, let me introduce you to one of the constructive opinions from our fans that just came in.



Wouldn't it be better that the Technical cast members weren't set in stone?
It's true it's good to have the two Origins and Jakuri to answer the questions, but I have the feeling it'd be better to have the person answering change depending on the question's topic.
For example, having Krusche handle questions about airships, Infel answer the ones about Infel Phira, so would it be a bad idea to have several team members appear like guest lecturers similarly to the examples I gave?



So I guess this means that anyone can come to the Technical Service Center to answer questions from now on.



That might be great. That way they can answer questions we couldn't, like topics that are kinda far from the ones related to the Tower.

Shurelia7.jpg 構いませんが、あくまでこのコーナーの責任者は私ですよ!?

I don't mind it, but haven't you forgotten that I'm the person in charge of this section!?

Jakuri2.jpg はいはい、おおせのままに。

Okay okay, as you wish, boss.



I'm really looking forward to seeing how more and more letters get into Granny Shurelia's mailbox just as she's getting into an easy mood.
Well, first I want to say sorry because this isn't a very technical question, but how developed are the civilizations in the Ar tonelico world?
I'm thinking that Lady Shurelia is observing and keeping tabs on its development level so its civilization doesn't progress to the point of being able to destroy the world, but since basically humans are living beings that like raising the standards of their civilizations, have they been able to continue advancing until they reached a determined civilization level?
In Japan, we still had samurais parading around while wielding swords 700 years ago, so I think there should have been some notable inventions or breakthrough during the passage of all that time.



I'm not a granny. I'm still 16 years old. After all, being a Granny is Tastiella's trademark.
As for the development of civilization, this is also written in the setting materials collection, but to put it in a short way, the civilization in Sol Ciel was destroyed two times during these 700 years, so its civilization develops at an extremely fast pace.
The first catastrophe occurred 700 years ago. Humanity almost went extinct, and beginning with just a handful of people that had next to nothing, they ended reaching even the level of building even a large metropolis above the floating continent.
The urban areas were dropped off by Mir later on, and while only a handful of agricultural villages remained, it was in one of them that the ancestor to the current Tenba was founded.
To give a comparison to your current world, it would be as if the entire world excepting for Japan was destroyed, and even the large cities there like Tokyo and Osaka were reduced to nothing, leaving just an agricultural town standing. So maybe you can imagine the level of effort that would have been needed to have grown from that state to the level we have right now in a span of 300 years.
By the way, the civilization that was destroyed at the end of the "Second Era", 300 years ago, was far more advanced than the current Sol Ciel.



On the previous Technical Service Center, it was said that if someone tried going into the Sea of Death they would "melt away", but using Song Magic wouldn't work in this case?
For example, so there's no need for people to go into the Sea and check it, I'm thinking it would be possible to examine it to a limited extent without getting affected by the poison if someone has an "exploration" Song Magic.
(Rare Animal)



Infel said "melt away", but what she said is no more than simple conjecture. It might not mean they actually melt away, so we don't know if something like that would even work inside the Sea of Death.
Also, maybe Infel didn't explain it well, but it seems like people weren't going in and examining it for investigation's sake. Anyhow, since nothing can go back from the Sea because it's as if "they melted away" inside it, there's no way we could send people there.
The same goes for Song Magic, as if you sent one to do some simple "sightseeing", even the pings (surveying an area through reflections) would be unsuccessful.
I've also got a conjecture of my own, and it's that the Sea might not be just a simple physical phenomenon, as I think there's a high chance that it's being used by the Will of the Planet. Still, this is no more than the conclusion I came to from the things I researched and tested during my time at Metafalss.



For the Technical Service Center.
I've got a question about the Mind Guardians.
First, in which generation were the Mind Guardians created? And how were they derived, and for what goal were they made?
Since there are several generations of Reyvateils that started with the Origins, I was wondering what goal the Reyvateil developers had to make them. I'm very curious about it.
(Angel Fossil)



The Mind Guardians aren't created, but rather exist in the minds of their masters from the beginning.
The "Mind Guardian" system isn't something that was programmed in by the developers of the Reyvateils, so it's not something that was in their original specifications.
So they don't have a design purpose either. So this would mean that they are something the Reyvateils potentially create to protect their own minds, okay?
To put it simply, they are parts of their subconscious that act on to protect their own minds, kinda. Maybe we could also say they're like a kind of dream.
There are many cases in which they end up being the things they like the most, those on which they have put the greatest amount of feelings and those on which they rely, which end up becoming "suggestions" to their master Reyvateil, and similar to how you might feel stronger if you put on a demon mask, the Reyvateils get a sense of security due to giving form to something in which they rely, which makes them feel safer than if they were by themselves...
And to explain it more easily, if you could Dive into a human, maybe you'd end up running into Mind Guardians inside their minds too. Sorry for being so clumsy at explaining things...



And now, there's a high chance of getting an AT All-Star Technical Service center!



It'd be great if they tried tackling now the questions we couldn't answer before for whatever reason.



But this is because things have gotten too fast even for me, who has been answering questions for such a long time. Well, I hope to be able to work with you all!

Editor's Postscript


So for those who noticed the "Kontonsphere" we published yesterday for April 1st, how did you like it? Since it wasn't published during the morning, it was only possible to see it to those who entered the site during the afternoon, so I'm very sorry to those who couldn't see it.
This was a much more chaotic project than the one from the previous year, so I think it'd be great if I ever have another chance to show it off to you all.

How was this issue?
[ 面白かった! ]
It was interesting!
[ 前回の方が面白かった ]
The previous issue was more interesting
[ まあまあだな ]
Fun's minivote system -TOU=Hyoon-. Made by A.T