Universe of EXA PICO

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The Universe of EXA_PICO (エクサピーコ宇宙, ekusapiiiko uchuu?) is the name of the fictional universe that serves as the setting to both the Ar tonelico series and Surge Concerto series.

Although it seems similar to our universe at first sight, it is composed entirely of waves rather from waves and particles, the waves in question being emitted (Sung) continuously by the atomic nucleus that caused the Big Bang that created this universe and who serves as its current God and highest levelled Will, as well as being its namesake: EXA_PICO.

Strictly speaking though, the Universe of EXA_PICO is comprised solely by the areas where the waves emitted by the aforementioned nucleus exert influence over the void of space, which is traditionally named the Sea of Num. This is due to how the interference between Dynamic and Static Waves works, according to the currently widespread Wave Theory postulates: the clashes between Dynamic Waves create new Static Waves, while Static Waves affected by Dynamic Waves are transformed into new Dynamic Waves. Therefore, for matter to exist in the void of space, it has to be affected by EXA_PICO's waves as well.

So far, the only known galaxies in it are the unnamed star systems where planets Ar Ciel and Ra Ciela are located, as well as their respective mother stars Sol and Bezel.