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This creepy monster made up of toys and stuffed dolls first appears at Lakra as consequence of the backflow of negative emotions in Infel Phira, all of which ended up getting a physical manifestation.

First Battle

As Cloche is out of commission for this battle due to Hibernation, the player will be forced to use Jacqli and Luca here. Zodom is quite strong, and it also has a large amount of attacks at its disposal, some of which have effects no other enemy has access to: Scissors hits a party member three times; Gatling hits a party member four times; Dead Time reduces the available Action Time to the party in their next Attack Phase; the Carnival Night series of attacks (Carnival Night: Prelude, Carnival Night: Epilogue; Night Carnival; Night Carnival'; Night Carnival'' and Night Carnival''') deals a varying number of attacks to a party member depending on the version used, excepting for Epilogue, which hits the entire party; and finally, Curse Weaving, which hits all party members once but inflicts a random status ailment if it isn't blocked perfectly.

Given this, fighting against Zodom will be quite strange and annoying between the random status ailments and the reducion of the time the player will be able to act due to Dead Time. Additionally, while the Carnival Night attacks all hit multiple times; their timing isn't exactly hard to follow, so it's a mattter of the player being careful at the time of blocking them. Additionally, while using the best Song Magic available to either Jacqli or Luca is advised, it could be interesting to try using a Dual Song like Icy Silverlocks or Clumsy Bear by making Luca and Jacqli reach the Synchronicity state, provided the player has seen the Heroine Topics needed to reach a 20% of synchronization. However, it should be noted that Zodom has a large resistance to Ice elemental-attacks, so the player should take this in consideration while choosing which Song Magic they will have the Reyvateils sing.

Second Battle

This fight is the second-to-last boss battle in the game, and it takes place in the Tower to the Heavens after Jacqli hacks into Raki with Shurelia's assistance to open the doors to Sol Marta's core.

Zodom itself is unchanged from the first battle, although it received a monstruous increase in stats. However, since the player's party should have also gotten much more powerful between the level ups, IPD hunting and synthesizing, this battle should be pretty much a joke at this point due to Curse Weaving being pretty much inutilized thanks to the status prevention equipments that should be available at this point. Likewise, at this point the Reyvateil chosen by the player should have access to her ultimate Song Magic (Infel Phira, Meteor Shine, Ar tonelico), so it should be a matter of just using it and charging up to around a 80000% before blowing Zodom up. Likewise, since at this point the player should have recruited a large amount of IPDs, Replekia would be a good idea to use provided they have Cloche in their battle party. However, it isn't advisable to use any attacks that are Ice-elemental because Zodom now has complete immunity against them.


A severely weakened version of Zodom is also fought in Jacqli's Cosmosphere.