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This song is a remix of Singing Hill ~Harmonics EOLIA~, released in Akiko Shikata's RAKA album, and tells a legend about a priestess, Harvestasha, who was the namesake of the Third Tower of Ar tonelico and its main systems. It's the prequel to the story presented in the song Afezeria HARVESTASYA.

There was once a priestess named Harvestasha. She was deeply in love with a man named Myu, the village elder's son. However, he was to be wed to another girl. Harvestasha's jealousy caused Myu to collapse from an unknown sickness, from which he would not wake up. Harvestasha cried and cried, until her mother came and told her of the legend of the Singing Hill, where the Goddess of Songs resided. Harvestasha resolved to go to the Singing Hill, see the Goddess, and ask her for a Song to save Myu.

After an extremely long and difficult journey, she finally reached the Singing Hill, and pleaded to the Goddess for a Song to save her beloved. The Goddess (most likely, Suzunomiya/Hymmnosphere) agreed to teach her the Song, but only after showing Harvestasha how her jealousy had caused Myu's suffering. Having learned the Song, Harvestasha ran back to her village as fast as she could. She sang him the Song, while expressing her sincere feelings to him. Instantly, Myu awoke, and found himself embraced by a crying Harvestasha, overjoyed to see her beloved conscious again.


Rrha ki ra tie yor ini en nha
Rrha ki ra tie yor ini en nha
Come here
(Restraining you, I'll initialize your summoning to this world)

Wee ki ra parge yor ar ciel
Wee ki ra parge yor ar ciel
Strip off everything
(I'll detach you from this only world)

Was yea ra chs mea yor en fwal
Was yea ra chs mea yor en fwal
Because I'll accept everything about you
(You'll put on the wings I'll turn into)

Ma ki ga ks maya yor syec
Ma ki ga ks maya yor syec
Don't be afraid, and entrust yourself to me
(And I'll cast my magic over your abyss)

[4]dera deri da , dera deri da , dera deri da , Ma num ra 0x vvi.
[4]dera deri da , dera deri da , dera deri da , Ma num ra 0x vvi.
[4] Give me power to love, give me holiness to love and live within the darkness.
[3]      kyuase,      kyuase,      kyuase,
[3]      kyuase,      kyuase,      kyuase,
[3] I pray for the love to create a light of hatred.
[2] ya- hahaha ha syera, ya- hahaha ha syera, Ma num ra 0x vvi.
[2] ya- hahaha ha syera, ya- hahaha ha syera, Ma num ra 0x vvi.
[2] Power of light... burn power, burn with the prayer of love I offer with all my strength.
[1]        ri ru ra don turu ru ra ri- 4, 3, 2, 1, Ma num ra 0x vvi.
[1]        ri ru ra don turu ru ra ri- 4, 3, 2, 1, Ma num ra 0x vvi.
[1] The holiness, hatred, power of all the lives, together with my hateful self and power, are holiness in this void of darkness.
[0]          4, 3, 2, 1, Ma num ra 0x vvi.
[0]          4, 3, 2, 1, Ma num ra 0x vvi.
[0] With all these wishes, let us begin
Linen yor akata ar ciel, hymme xest pauwel.
Linen yor akata ar ciel, hymme xest pauwel.
There once was a magical land in a certain different world, where Songs became power
En titilia forlinden, grave sik yeeel.
En titilia forlinden, grave sik yeeel.
This is a story about a small village secluded deep within the mountains
Der foul en cyuie selena la harton.
Der foul en cyuie selena la harton.
It was something that was caused by
der diasee Harvestasya, en forlindel Myu.
der diasee Harvestasya, en forlindel Myu.
the far too strong bonds shared between two people who lived there:
Gran sos ee HYMMNE...
Gran sos ee HYMMNE...
The Priestess Harvestasya, and Myu, the village elder's son
天詩を舞結う 巫子はハーヴェスターシャ
Amauta wo maiyuu miko wa Harvestasya
Tied to the dancing song of the heavens, the priestess called Harvestasya
弓弦の月ノ夜 届かない恋をした
Gyuugen no tsuki no yo todokanai koi wo shita
During a night in which the moon had a bowstring shape, she fell into an unreachable love
風抜ける丘の音 二人愛で謳えど
Kaze nukeru oka no ne futari medeutaedo
Even though they sang with love at the sound of the wind that crossed the hills
世継ぎ君の明日は 結び姫の憂き運命
Yotsugi kimi no asu wa musubihi no uki sadame
Tomorrow, he would become the successor, and she would be destined to be a grievous princess
Was i ga na yehah mea yor, hierle yor cenjue.
Was i ga na yehah mea yor, hierle yor cenjue.
I can't feel happy about our relationship, as that change brought upon you makes me sad.
li na lir sol ciel, faura na fwal.
li na lir sol ciel, faura na fwal.
It is like a world without light, like a little bird without wings.
心隠し微笑む 二人の奏でし詩は
Kokoro kakushihohoemu futari no kanadeshi uta wa
The song that they concealed deep in their hearts, behind their smiling faces
一吹(いぶき)のつむじ風 呼び紡ぐ
Ibuki no tsumuji kaze yobitsumugu
Then summoned the breath of a whirlwind
Heighte mea en yor hymmne crushue crudea art.
Heighte mea en yor hymmne crushue crudea art.
By crafting my own pain into it, that Song only brings us pain.
na faja! kierre enerel! enclone mea!
na faja! kierre enerel! enclone mea!
I don't want to continue! I want to stay like this! Embrace me forever!
鬼霊(きりょう)か魔呪詛(まじゅそ)か 彼(か)の開かぬ瞳(め)の
Kiryou ka majuso ka ka no akanu me no
Either by a demon soul or an evil curse, the eyes of the boy didn't open,
唯(ただ)伏せ泣く 巫子の手を
tada fusenaku miko no te wo
and the priestess just helplessly cried.
包み説く母 西の伝承 詩神(ししん)の住まふ「謳う丘」
Tsutsumitoku haha nishi no denshou shishin no sumabu [utau oka]
Then her mother held her hand, and told her about the legends of the west, about the [Singing Hill] where the Goddess of the Songs lived.
少女は翔(と)び発つ 朱(あか)き御星(みほし) 抱(だ)いて…
Kanojo wa tobitatsu akaki mihoshi daite...
She departed and flew away, embracing the beautiful red stars...
Linen yor akata ar ciel, hymme xest pauwel.
Linen yor akata ar ciel, hymme xest pauwel.
There once was a magical land in a certain different world, where Songs became power
En titilia forlinden, grave sik yeeel.
En titilia forlinden, grave sik yeeel.
This is a story about a small village secluded deep within the mountains
Was yant ga suwant en guard yor, tasyue tes yor omnis.
Was yant ga suwant en guard yor, tasyue tes yor omnis.
Myu, wait for me! I'll save you, no matter what...
水の加護 森の魂 無き旅幾歳
Mizu no kago mori no tama naki tabi ikutose
Without the divine protection of the water or the forest spirits, she continued her neverending journey
己の神祀り 想いの灯西照らし
Onore no kami matsuri omoi no hi nishi terashi
And only her prayers to the Goddess and her feelings illuminated her way to the West
[1] Hymme ieeya ar ciel, selena waats murfanare, ...
[1] Hymme ieeya ar ciel, selena waats murfanare, ...
[1]The land of hope sings, the precious feelings sing as well
[2] Hymme rol faura, firle fhyu ieeya nepo kapa, keen sheak lusye, yasra walasye.
[2] Hymme rol faura, firle fhyu ieeya nepo kapa, keen sheak lusye, yasra walasye.
[2]I'll sing like little birds, I'll feel the wind of hope, the damp water, the bright sunlight, the gentle people
[4] Hymme lamenza cyuie gauzewiga polon mea, sphilar tie cupla hierle ryusse.
[4] Hymme lamenza cyuie gauzewiga polon mea, sphilar tie cupla hierle ryusse.
[4]Crying and grieving as I sing, make me fall to the depths of despair from my loneliness, heart bound by the sins, sorrowful journey
Xa Zatyy wn itt sss.
Xa Zatyy wn itt sss.
Oh God, please protect me.
[1] Zahha rana iem hymme diviega grandus, lequera gott getrra spiritum.
[1] Zahha rana iem hymme diviega grandus, lequera gott getrra spiritum.
[1]Advance! Run! Sing out a holy sword, protect the good people, smash the evil souls!
Zahha rana iem hymme diviega grandus, lequera ridalnae, yehah got!
Zahha rana iem hymme diviega grandus, lequera ridalnae, yehah got!
Advance! Run! Sing out a holy sword, protect the good people, grasp the irreplaceable happiness!
[3] Zahha guwo quesa yehar gauzewiga, yaha vit hierle walasye beja ar ciel.
[3] Zahha guwo quesa yehar gauzewiga, yaha vit hierle walasye beja ar ciel.
[3]Advance! Shaking the land with anger, unleash the despair!
Tremble in sadness! Laugh! Defile, defile everything!
Zahha guwo quesa yehar gauzewiga, yaha sa yor en tie unloee jenhah got!
Zahha guwo quesa yehar gauzewiga, yaha sa yor en tie unloee jenhah got!
Advance! Shaking the land with anger, unleash the despair!
Laughing at your karma, I'll make you prostrate and kneel before me, as I push unhappiness into you!
最果ての丘には 空の朱纏ひた
Saihate no oka ni wa sora no aka matoita
At the farthest hill, the sky was colored with an scarlet color
石の碑そびえ立つ 天上へ続く道…
Ishi no hi sobietatsu amakami e tsudzuku michi...
There was standing a gigantic stone monument, with a path that continued into the heavens...
想い追ひ 駆け昇る 朱き御星見えるまで
Omoioi kakenoboru akaki mihoshi mieru made
Following her feelings, she climbed up the hill, until she could see the red stars
吐息を重ね 詩神の祀(まつり)へ
Toiki wo kasane shishin no matsuri e
She continued advancing, gasping, until she reached the altar of the Goddess
Was yea ra yassa ridalnae lof.
Was yea ra yassa ridalnae lof.
I've finally reached this place, Myu.
yorr harton sos mea grandus enerel mea.
yorr harton sos mea grandus enerel mea.
I did my best to come to this place because you were always supporting me
Myu.. Was yea ra hartes yor firle syec syec mea. sos faf cause yor der ridalnae murfan.
Myu.. Was yea ra hartes yor firke syec syec mea. sos faf cause yor der ridalnae murfan.
Hey... Myu, I knew it... I really love you.
Maybe that has been causing you trouble, but even so...
闇夜を照らして 愛す者助く為に
Yamiyo wo terashite aisu mono tasuku tame ni
"So you can make the light shine upon the dark night, and save the person you love so much,
教えよう 輝く光の詩を
Oshieyou kagayaku hikari no uta wo
I shall teach you the Song of the Shining Light."
Was ki ra hartes yor yanyaue yanyaue,
Was ki ra hartes yor yanyaue yanyaue,
Even if you already have a fiancee, even if it's impossible for us to be together for the rest of our lives
van govaz tes yor, van na pitod enerel.
van govaz tes yor, van na pitod enerel.
The fact that I truly love you from the bottom of my heart won't ever change.
van na hartes yorr mea,
van na hartes yorr mea,
Regardless of what you think of me, I'll continue loving you
forgandal, parith en clyncye hymme syec mea boh murfanare!!
forgandal, parith en clyncye hymme syec mea boh murfanare!!
Because these are my most honest and purest feelings!!
『Was yea ra melenas en yanje yanje.. eterne pitod yor...』
『Was yea ra melenas en yanje yanje.. eterne pitod yor...』
"I love you... I always... always want to be with you..."
新たな光 生まるる夜明け 少年の瞳は還(かえ)り
Aratana hikari umaruru yoake shounen no hitomi wa kaeri
The dawn's newborn light returns to the eyes of the boy.
溢るる雫 伝うその頬 胸にうずめ 泣き明かす
Afururu shizuku tsutau sono hoho mune ni uzume nakiakasu
The overflowing tears ran through her face, and she cried all night long in his chest.
朝日の レエスに 包まれた 二人の
Asahi no reesu ni tsutsumareta futari no
The two embraced each other in the warm rays of the morning sun.
黒き狭間の影 永久に 溶け逢うた
Kuroki hazama no kage towa ni tokeauta
And the dark shadow that was between them finally dissolved forever.
Linen yor akata ar ciel, hymme xest pauwel.
Linen yor akata ar ciel, hymme xest pauwel.
There once was a magical land in a certain different world, where Songs became power
En titilia forlinden, grave sik yeeel.
En titilia forlinden, grave sik yeeel.
This is a story about a small village secluded deep within the mountains
Wee ki ga linen rre nosaash mea, watt heighte hes innna gyas.
Wee ki ga linen rre nosaash mea, watt heighte hes innna gyas.
The Goddess told Harvestasya that the darkness in her heart had been undermining Myu
En pilt sa ugi hymme parith ridalnae yor.
En pilt sa ugi hymme parith ridalnae yor.
And upon realizing that, I honestly felt that I ought to express my own feelings to you
Linen yor akata ar ciel, hymme xest pauwel.
Linen yor akata ar ciel, hymme xest pauwel.
There once was a magical land in a certain different world, where Songs became power
En titilia forlinden, grave sik yeeel.
En titilia forlinden, grave sik yeeel.
This is a story about a small village secluded deep within the mountains
今宵の語りの 愛(あい)し巫子の魂が
Koyoi no katari no aishi miko no tama ga
I hope that the story I told you tonight about the loving soul of a priestress
貴方の胸にも 届きますように…
Anata no mune ni mo todokimasu youni...
may reach even your heart, and touch it...
Was ki ra hymme waats hes clyncye murfanare?
Was ki ra hymme waats hes clyncye murfanare?
Would you tell your precious one the feelings you wish to express to them?

Feelings Contained in This Song

Japanese Parts (Narration)

This is a story about a little village hidden in a mountain.

A story about a Priestess whose singing calls rain and brings abundant crops.
Her name was Harvestasya.
One day she fell in love with a young man.
He was the son of the village elder, his name was Myu.
The two of them were sitting on the Twilight Hill, under the setting sun's light,
they sang and played their melody together.

Myu had a fiancee.
Knowing so, Harvestasya was very sad.
However, they still loved each other.
Day after day, under the setting sun's light, they sang and played their melody together.

Suddenly one day, an evil wind blew.
Myu fell into sickness.
It was a mysterious illness with no cure.
Thus began the days of sadness when Harvestasya could not see Myu.

And then her mother spoke.
Faraway, to the West land, existed a "Singing Hill"
There lived a Goddess of Songs.
The Goddess might knew a Song that could save Myu.
So Harvestasya decided.
She began her struggle toward the "Singing Hill"
Singing one Song, tying two wings
With the thoughts of Myu in her heart, she soared to the high sky.

Her journey was full of unimaginable obstacles.
Meadows without water, unknown people.
There was a time she lost her way till nightfall.
There was a time she was chased by beasts till the edge of a cliff.
Song of Flame, Song of Ice, Song of Storm, Song of Tornado.
With only her Songs guiding the way, the Priestess continued her journey.

And she finally arrived at the "Singing Hill"
It was an endless pillar that pierced through countless layers of clouds.
And in the middle was a stairway that led to the Heavens.
Climbing and climbing that stairway
She reached an altar.

Oh Goddess, please teach me the Song to heal my love.
The Goddess smiled and told her
The Song that would save Myu.

"I love you... I always... always want to be with you..."

Myu slowly opened his eyes.
His eyes stayed the same.
His body stayed the same.
And Harvestasya cried all night long till her tears dried.

The Priestess brought forth a miracle with her power.
For the sake of your most precious person
Would you too bring about such a miracle?

Hymmnos Parts (Feelings and Dialogues)

Note: The parts in italics are the explanations given by Akira Tsuchiya himself about each set of lyric lines.

Rrha ki ra tie yor ini en nha.
Wee ki ra parge yor ar ciel.
Was yea ra chs mea yor en fwal.
Ma ki ga ks maya yor syec.

These lines are exactly the same ones used in the original version, [Harmonics EOLIA].

This can be described as an initiation to leave our own world (reality) to visit Harvestasya's world. It wouldn't mistaken to think of it as a summoning spell.

[4]dera deri da, kyuase,dera deri da, kyuase, dera deri da, kyuase, Ma num ra 0x vvi.
[2]ya- hahaha ha syera, ya- hahaha ha syera, Ma num ra 0x vvi.
[1]ri ru ra don turu ru ra ri- 4. 3. 2. 1. Ma num ra 0x vvi.

I suddenly introduced a very complex arrangement here, so let's start explaining the simplest part: the [Ma num ra 0x vvi] one. This is a definer syntax that orders [please, add the [Ma num ra] emotion sounds to all the Hymmnos sentences lacking emotion sounds from this point on and consider them as actually having these emotion sounds]. Actually speaking, the above-described Hymmnos is a descriptor used over multiple parts in order to make them easier to understand, but when it's actually sung here it is divided in six parts.

When it comes to meaning, it also has three different ones.

These three meanings are a representation of how the [spiritual structure (we could also call it Cosmosphere, as it would make this concept easier to grasp for those who played the game)] is stratified, so in other words, we're talking here from top to bottom about the [True Self World], the [Memory World] and the [Conscious Self]. You might be asking at this point, "so, what you're using them for?". The answer is simply that we're performing a [spiritual reconstruction] on you.

In other words, after the first line in the previous block, [Rrha ki ra tie yor...] has [summoned] you, you get [reconstructed] inside the story's world. In fact, it might be easier to understand if we consider it as the [materialization] process used after teleporting and arriving at your destination if we could describe this as a sci-fi phenomenon. However, we only need to reconstruct your spiritual self so you can enjoy this story, so you physical body isn't necessary. It's due to this that this process only deals with your spiritual self. So it's basically that your spiritual self is summoned, gets disassembled and after undergoing multiple processes from its deepest to its shallowest layers, it gets reconstructed inside Harvestasya's world.

Linen yor akata ar ciel, hymme xest pauwel.
En titilia forlinden, grave sik yeeel.
Der foul en cyuie selena la harton.
der diasee Harvestasya, en forlindel Myu.
Gran sos ee HYMMNE...

Everything up to this point is the prologue, the [world setting explanation].

We could say that it's like the [Once upon a long time ago...] introduction that fairytales have. When I was considering about how I'd make it match with the music, I was thinking that in the movie I had playing in my mind I'd make the title log show up right before the A-Melody, and the story would start being told once the A-Melody entered (the part where it goes "Tied to the dancing song..."). In short, we could say that everything up to this point was like the opening theme for a TV drama or anime series.

was i ga na yehah mea yor, hierle yor cenjue.
li na lir sol ciel, faura na fwal.
heighte mea en yor hymmne crushue crudea art.
na faja! kierre enerel! enclone mea!
Linen yor akata ar ciel, hymme xest pauwel.
En titilia forlinden, grave sik yeeel.
was yant ga suwant en guard yor, tasyue tes yor omnis.

This part was where I made the first of some experiments I tried out for this Hymmnos.

I think comparing these lines to the ones that are sung at the same time in Japanese should prove quite an interesting exercise. As the Japanese lyrics described [visible phenomena], it shows pretty well what Myu and Harvestasya are doing on the surface. Therefore, it can't be helped that you go [Hmm] to a certain extent if you just read these parts.

By the way, now I'm exposing the meanings to the Hymmnos parts, which describe Harvestasya's emotional state... you should have noticed she is quite conflicted.

I've always thought that I wanted to try making something that showed off both the foreground and background of a story at the same time. And given that Hymmnos is especially rooted on [feelings], I thought this might be the best method possible I could use to express them.

[1]World (expressing scenery elements like the physical land)
Hymme ieeya ar ciel, selena waats murfanare, ...

[2]Hope (the hopeful feelings of the protagonist)
Hymme rol faura, firle fhyu ieeya nepo kapa, keen sheak lusye, yasra walasye.

[4]Despair (the despair-filled feelings of the protagonist)
Hymme lamenza cyuie gauzewiga polon mea, sphilar tie cupla hierle ryusse.

These are some of the scenes from Harvestasya's journey throughout the world in search of the [Singing Hill].

As these weren't included in the Japanese lyrics, I intended you all to not [sight-see] these world scenery elements, but to [feel] them.

And like all adventures, it has both hope and anxiety mixed into it. Adventures can't start without hope, but they can't be called adventures either if there isn't some anxiety during the journey. These two emotions are always mixed with each other, at times one of them becoming dominant over the other, at times becoming inferior... their delicate balance is what rules over people's hearts. If the balance breaks and the heart tips in any direction, it won't end in anything good... though that should go without saying, as I think everyone out there has had such experiences at least once.

Musically speaking, this entire section is built over the [World (1)] part that I made as the basis, and the parts [Hope (2)] and [Despair (4)] are complexly mixed and represented over it.

The [World] never changes changes after all, and just continues existing there all the time. Therefore, that also should be represented in the world for this song, which is made just by a short and simple musical scale that repeats itself over and over.

On the other hand, both the [Hope] and [Despair] sections are made from melodies that never repeat themselves. They head in a direction, then in another, and try to drown each other to the point where it's next to impossible to know which one can be heard clearer than the other... and it's in this way that they're made to be extremely fluid. After all, it's to represent that the humans have hearts that wave and change very frequently.

I think that we humans are always playing such conflicted melodies every single day as we go about our daily lives.

Xa Zatyy wn itt sss.

This is a prayer in the language of the ancient [Moon Chanters].

 As this existed before the [Hymmnos language] was established, it has no vocabulary nor set meanings, but it was still known that it was [possible to gain tremendous powers just by emitting these pronunciations]... so there were many pronunciations back then. This sentence is such an example of them, and later on, many words were established and created (which was what gave birth to the Kurt Ciel Note).

[1]SELF (Harvestasya)
Zahha rana iem hymme diviega grandus, lequera gott getrra spiritum.

Zahha rana iem hymme diviega grandus, lequera ridalnae, yehah got!

Zahha guwo quesa yehar gauzewiga, yaha vit hierle walasye beja ar ciel.

Zahha guwo quesa yehar gauzewiga, yaha sa yor en tie unloee jenhah got!

All adventures that call themselves as such also must have at least one battle. Therefore, we could say this is a battle scene. While battles invoke images of fighting monsters, we are also fighting many battles in our current society. This part can be described as a [critical situation] in the broadest way possible. And of course, Harvestasya is bound to undergo many trials for the duration of her adventures, which means she gets frustrated many times and uses all her strength in the process. These are her [trials]. And like anyone should have experienced it, our hearts always get enraged while we're enduring a [trial], so I don't think expressing it this way is wrong. Of course, imagining that she would be in actual life-or-death situations wouldn't be mistaken either, as she is journeying through an unknown world.

In any case, the Hymmnos lines represent the feelings she has in her heart, so the feelings represented here are [Whoa... This isn't good... I'm about the lose... Is everything over...?] and [No, I can't let that happen! I can still go on... I still have things I need to see through!]

Was yea ra yassa ridalnae lof, yorr harton sos mea grandus enerel mea.

Myu... Was yea ra hartes yor firle syec syec mea, sos faf cause yor der ridalnae murfan.

Was ki ra hartes yor yanyaue yanyaue, van govaz tes yor, van na pitod enerel.

van na hartes yorr mea, forgandal, parith en clyncye hymme syec mea boh murfanare!!

Here we are spelling out Harvestasya's honest feelings.

Here she is realizing for the first time since she arrived at this place the [great reason inside her heart] that drove her to go on this long journey. This wasn't something anyone could have taught her, as she needed to realize it on her own. And we also suffer from multiple inhibitions in our daily life, so it would be good to think carefully about things like [Why am I doing this?] and [Why are I worrying so much about something like this?] whenever we encounter them... As for Harvestasya, she might have journeyed for so long until she reached the Singing Hill while having held these worries in her heart all that time. But now she unexpectedly realized the root of it all, the [reason that drove her to do this], it was actually a very simple and pure motive.

And people become stronger when they realize this and their inhibitions are gone. This is because this grants them overflowing confidence in all the actions they carry out from that point on. This was also what she gained from her travels.

"Was yea ra melenas, en yanje yanje... eterne pitod yor..."

Psychologically speaking, we could call this the [release] and [acceptance], as now she has grasped the uncomfortable feelings she had in her heart and said something that was important in extreme. This single spell line was the words that Harvestasya wanted to say for such a long, long time, but she unconsciously became unable to do so due to factors like being unsatisfied with her own appearance, knowledge and ideas.

 All these factors, like [he has a fianceé already...] and [we have different social statuses...] are just [reasons to run away] she locked herself in, and they ran all contrary to what she actually wanted to do inside her heart. Why didn't she say anything...? We can summarize it all in a single phrase: [because she feared accepting the fact that she loved Myu]. But now she accepted that [Yes, I really love Myu so much], she won't be able to continue running away from the great (real) obstacles she has like the society and world that shackled her, and instead she'll have to confront them head-on... That's what happens here. So during all the time she had been stalwartly refusing to accept she loved Myu, she had been lying to herself. Whenever she thought things like [I don't really like Myu (as an opposite sex member), we're just friends], that he has a fianceé, that they had different social standings, that they had nothing to do with each other... she was doing nothing but beating around the bush.

And this is something we're always doing in our daily lives. This is... what causes us untold amounts of stress and also a similar amount of failures in the things we attempt... Of course, it's not a good idea to go around answering honestly to everything we get asked either. Still, if we keep bottling things up we'll just end snapping at someone and causing quite a sorrowful incident that we can never take back (especially if that someone is a lover), so for that to not happen, I think it's important to have a honest discussion with someone (if you happen to be in such a situation) to relieve that pressure before things get so badly every now and then.

These are all the feelings contained in this single line.

Linen yor akata ar ciel, hymme xest pauwel.

En titilia forlinden, grave sik yeeel.

Wee ki ga linen rre nosaash mea, watt heighte hes innna gyas.

En pilt sa ugi hymme parith ridalnae yor.

Linen yor akata ar ciel, hymme xest pauwel.

En titilia forlinden, grave sik yeeel.

Was ki ra hymme waats hes clyncye murfanare?

And so we come to the final block, which expresses that it serves as a [story summary] in relation to the first ones. Again, they would be like the [and they lived happily ever after. The end] part that is found at the end of fairytales.

Everything I'd want to tell about this part was already told in the explanation for the first iteration of these blocks, so I won't repeat myself and make the explanation more tedious. Like it was brought up previously, if you lie to your own heart, you end up stressed and at times you might even end up exploding, so wouldn't it be a good idea to tell the people you relate to in an everyday basis about it to let some pressure out and not cause your significant others any suffering? That's what I wanted to convey here. ...So, what would do do?

 Maybe it'd be a good idea that you tried looking at yourself every now and then to see if you're committing these mistakes and did something to fix them.

Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia
Main Characters Aurica NestmileAyatane MichitakaKrusche ElendiaJack HamiltonLyner BarsettMisha Arsellec Lune
Radolf SchnaizenShurelia
Secondary Characters Aigil • Ayano Raizer EldukeBishop FalssBourd Rade • Card Master • Claire Branch • Crew Arza • Dian •
Eleno • Father of Sound Science • Fayma • Flute Ross Loria • Fropth Yivardi • Funbun Seller •
Garzbern Luke Raid • Hoshinose Ave. Store Clerk • Ilya • Jemi • Jemi's Boss • Kanade • Kitten Girl • Koneko • Kyle ClancyLeard Barsett • Lorzer • LukeLyra • Maya • Meimei • Mir • Midir • Neath Legin • Noelle • Prof. Pochoma • Rafile • Rovar Lony • Saya • Shurelia (1st)Shurelia (2nd)Solius of the StormsSpica NealTastiella De Lu • Yuo
Locations Airport City NemoBlast PlateCello ForestCrescent ChronicleDragon's NestFalcon's ClawFirefly Alley
Firefly Power GeneratorFloating City Platina • Frontier Village Karulu • Frozen EyeHexagonal PlateInferiaIon PlateKyle's LibraryMusical CorridorObservatoryPheyna TemplePlasma BellPrism GardenRinkernatorSilvaplateS.P.U.Skuwat RuinsSilver HornSinging HillSymphonic ReactorTail of ReminiscenceTemple of Elemia - Center Area
Temple of Elemia - Outer WallTenba LabsTenba TowerTerraced FieldsTown of Light and Magic Em Pheyna
Viola Forest
Tower of Ar tonelico Sections Tower Inside A1 Sector 1~3FTower Inside A2 Sector 91F and Floating WharfTower Inside A4 Sector 227~225F
Tower Inside A3 Sector 195~183FTower Inside A2 Sector 91F Center, A1 Sector 68F, and Sector A1 2F Center
Tower Inside A7, A8 and A9 Sectors 900~921FTower Inside A4 Sector 227F Center
Tower Inside A5 and A6 Sectors 362F and 475~477FTower Inside A8 Sector 912F
The Queen of the UnderworldRevolving Hearts ~ Connected Times • Singing the Stars - Hoshiyomi - •
Singing Hill ~EXEC HARVESTASYA~Singing Hill ~Harmonics EOLIA~Someone's DreamSong of the Breeze
The Singing Voice of Every TreeTo a Pleasant Place ~ Moderate ~Voices of Joined LivesXa Ziqt Wac sYork of love
Item Listings AccesoriesArmorIngredientsKey ItemsUsable ItemsWeapons
Grathnode Crystal Listings Blue CrystalsGreen CrystalsPurple CrystalsRed Crystals
Enemy Listings AircraftBallsBeastsBirdsBossesDragonsFortsMercenariesNyo?sPlantsPomsPriestsReyvateilsRobotsSecurity