Singing Hill ~Harmonics EOLIA~

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This song serves as the opening to Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia, and it also serves as the very first song in the Singing Hill series that spans the entirety of the trilogy. Its main theme is the happiness brought by singing and sharing your feelings with others, and also the fact that we all, as members of a same family, should coexist in peace and harmony.

Don't just copy and paste
This article contains a fan translation. Please give credit to the translator if it is used elsewhere.


Note: There are occasionally two different translations. Translations taken from the setting encyclopedia are within parenthesis. Those without parenthesis are from the Hymmnos Concert and original soundtrack booklets.

Rrha ki ra tie yor ini en nha
Rrha ki ra tie yor ini en nha
Come here
(Restraining you, I'll initialize your summoning to this world)
Wee ki ra parge yor ar ciel
Wee ki ra parge yor ar ciel
Strip off everything
(I'll detach you from this only world)
Was yea ra chs mea yor en fwal
Was yea ra chs mea yor en fwal
Because I'll accept everything about you
(You'll put on the wings I'll turn into)
Ma ki ga ks maya yor syec
Ma ki ga ks maya yor syec
Don't be afraid, and entrust yourself to me
(And I'll cast my magic over your abyss)
Was yea ra Wee yea ra
Was yea ra Wee yea ra
I'm happy, I'm happy
chs hymmne
chs hymmne
about being able to become the waves
chs frawr
chs frawr
about being able to become the flowers
chs yor en chs ar ciel ya
chs yor en chs ar ciel ya
about being able to become you. About being able to become the world
Wee yea ra ene foul enrer
Wee yea ra ene foul enrer
I always think that Songs are mysterious
Wee yea ra ene hymme syec mea
Wee yea ra ene hymme syec mea
That Songs are what shake the depths of my heart more than anything else
Was yea ra hymme mea ks maya gyen yeal
Was yea ra hymme mea ks maya gyen yeal
I'll pluck and make resound my heartstrings to craft the magic of happiness
(Resounding with myself, I'll craft magic)
innna ar hopb syec mea ya.ya!
innna ar hopb syec mea ya.ya!
in the deep, deep abyss of my heart
天上を翔舞う 霊囁き結えば
Amakami o kakemau tama sasayaki yueba
Once the spiritual murmurings that dance through the heavens connect
冠火降り満ちて 何人幸織り成せ
Kanmuribi furimichite nanihito yuki orinase
their crown of fire will fully descend, interweaving the happiness of everyone.
五月雨の藍海を 唯流るる声は
Samidare no aimi o tada nagaruru koe wa
A voice merely pours the indigo sea of an early summer rain
移ろひ逆凪ぎ 朧気な故郷の音
Utsuroi sakanagi oborogena furusato no ne
Containing changing, reversed and faint sounds of birthplaces
奏で鳴り吹く凱亜 空に響き相成せば
Kanade narifuku gaia sora ni hibiki ainaseba
When the gaias we sing echo with each other in the skies,
飛翔く 祈りの謳 纏ひて
Habataku inori no uta matoite
they will be clad in the soaring Song of a prayer.
Was yea ra chs hymmnos yor
Was yea ra chs hymmnos yor
You'll become a Song
en chs fwal fwal yor
en chs fwal fwal yor
and you'll be clad into wings.
exec drone hymmnos enter yor
exec drone hymmnos enter yor
I'll execute the Download of this Song and enter it into you
Ma num ra flip 0x1011001001 yor
Ma num ra flip 0x1011001001 yor
I'll perform the Flip-Flop conversion in you
enter ar hymmnos ar ciel
enter ar hymmnos ar ciel
And input you to make you the Song of the world
Exec enter AR_TONELICO
Exec enter AR_TONELICO
To input you into Ar tonelico
安らぎの丘 涙の硝子 記憶の箱 想いの碑
Yasuragi no oka namida no garasu kioku no hako omoi no hi
The hills of peace, the glass sheets of tears, the boxes of memories, the monuments of feelings
一重幾重の虚ろふ生糸 魂の根結び繋ぐ
Hitoe ikue no utsurou kiito tamashii no ne musubitsunagu
One, multiple blank silk threads tie and connect the roots of the souls
たゆたう無の海 精霊の風息
Tayutau mu no umi shourei no kazaiki
Within the swaying ocean of nothingness, within the spirits' breath of wind
溶け結ふ曼荼羅に 謳ひの御子あれ
Tokeyuu mandara ni utai no miko are
Within the mandala that melt and connect together, may you be there, singing priestesses
Wee yea ra ene foul enrer
Wee yea ra ene foul enrer
I always think that Songs are mysterious
hymme syec mea
hymme syec mea
That Songs are what shake the depths of my heart more than anything else
(That they shake the bottom of my heart)
Wee yea ra ene foul enrer
Wee yea ra ene foul enrer
I always think that Songs are mysterious
pomb yor en yor.
pomb yor en yor.
Songs are better than anything for creating the jewel box of memories
(They are what creates the you inside you)
Was num ra haf ar ciel
Was num ra haf ar ciel
The grass and trees, the wind and the little birds
(This world that holds)
sara, dorn, fhyu, hymma.
sara, dorn, fhyu, hymma.
This world which holds all of them
(The grass and trees, the wind and little birds)
En hymmne leat mea en ciel
En hymmne leat mea en ciel
And the common melody they all play together
harmon en mea
harmon en mea
They all are what Songs are
Was yea ra chs hymmnos mea.
Was yea ra chs hymmnos mea.
I'll be happy to become a Song now

Feelings Contained in This Song

If you ever were to be overflowing with happiness,
pour these feelings into a Song and make it heard
The radiance of the present, contained in a fiddle,
will illuminate this world, and enshroud everyone in warmth.
If you sometime were to hide your tears,
then pour that pain into a Song and make it heard
The shifting time is hidden inside a lute,
and while it chews on the trembling feelings, one by one,
By being somewhere another person that sympathizes with your heart,
We all become connected by a great wheel,
Your feelings will ride the wind, cross the sea,
because they will go and connect to the farthest of the cities.
The plains of peace, the glass of the tears,
the box of memories, and the silk threads of the feelings.
Each word you say contains power,
And they overlap each other, flow and cross each other,
and entwine with the breath of the spirits of the wind.
These trembling lips are whispering a melody close to your ears,
If you gently close your eyelids, you will be able to feel the pulse of all of them,
the pulse of all the hearts melting into one.


This is what the series creator, Akira Tsuchiya, had to say about the meaning of each one of the Japanese lyric lines. According to him, the Japanese lines have a grammar invented by himself, which is why they seem unusual to even the native Japanese speakers, not to mention they also have hidden meanings.[1] The hidden meanings are revealed below:

 天上を翔舞う 霊囁き結えば
 Amakami o kakemau tama sasayaki yueba
 Once the spiritual murmurings that dance through the heavens connect

  "Dance through the heavens" is a metaphor for happiness, and the "spiritual murmurings" are the power of the words, or rather, of the songs, while "connect" means to sing them.
 冠火降り満ちて 何人幸織り成せ
 Kanmuribi furi michite nanihito yuki orinase
 their crown of fire will fully descend, interweaving the happiness of everyone.

 The "crown of fire" refers to the holy light.

 五月雨の藍海を 唯流るる声は
 Samidare no aimi o tada nagaruru koe wa
 A voice merely pours the indigo sea of an early summer rain

 The "indigo sea" refers to the tears of sadness. By "merely pours", it means that you shouldn't hide your feelings, and that you should just let them out.

 Utsuroi sakanagi oboroge na furusato no ne
 Containing changing, reversed, and faint sounds of birthplaces

 By "changing, reversed and faint", it means the coming and going, and also, the insecurity of our hearts. On the other hand, "sounds of birthplaces" means your past memories.

 奏で鳴り吹く凱亜 空に響き相成せば
 Kanade narifuku gaia sora ni hibiki ainaseba
 When the gaias we sing echo with each other in the skies,

 "Gaia" means the entirety of this world. And by "singing" them through your voice [singing them (making them resound) and making them echo (singing them together)], it means to turn them into one in the firmament.

 飛翔く 祈りの謳 纏ひて
 Habataku inori no uta matoite
 they will be clad in the soaring Song of a prayer.

 By "soaring", it means that they will ride even in the farthest winds and by "Song of prayer", it means your own feelings, and by "clad in", it means to ride on the winds.

 安らぎの丘 涙の硝子 記憶の箱 想いの碑
 Yasuragi no oka namida no garasu kioku no hako omoi no hi
 The hills of peace, the glass sheets of tears, the boxes of memories, the monuments of feelings

 一重幾重の虚ろふ生糸 魂の根結び繋ぐ
 Hitoe ikue no utsurou kiito tamashii no ne musubitsunagu
 One, multiple blank silk threads tie and connect the roots of the souls

 By single and multiple, it refers to your feelings and the feelings of other person(s). By "blank", it means to how airily these feelings flow, similarly to silk threads, and by "connecting the roots of the souls", it says how the feelings are transmitted and connect with each other.

 たゆたう無の海 精霊の風息
 Tayutau mu no umi shourei no kazaiki
 Within the swaying ocean of nothingness, within the spirits' breath of wind

  The "ocean of nothingness" refers to the innocence inside your heart, and by relaxedly floating in it, you are receiving that innocence, the "spirits" are the personification of the transmission of feelings, while their "breath of wind" are the feelings themselves.

 溶け結ふ曼荼羅に 謳ひの御子あれ
 Tokeyuu mandara ni utai no miko are
 Within the mandala that melt and connect together, may you be there, singing priestesses

 The "Mandala" refers to the hearts (and furthermore, to their deepest areas), while the "melting and connecting" is a metaphor for connecting the consciousness existent in the depths of the hearts. And the "singing priestesses" refer to those whose lives are the closest to understanding the truth about this world.


  • This song was used as the background music to part of the routine used by the Australian artistic swimming team in the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games.


Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia
Main Characters Aurica NestmileAyatane MichitakaKrusche ElendiaJack HamiltonLyner BarsettMisha Arsellec Lune
Radolf SchnaizenShurelia
Secondary Characters Aigil • Ayano Raizer EldukeBishop FalssBourd Rade • Card Master • Claire Branch • Crew Arza • Dian •
Eleno • Father of Sound Science • Fayma • Flute Ross Loria • Fropth Yivardi • Funbun Seller •
Garzbern Luke Raid • Hoshinose Ave. Store Clerk • Ilya • Jemi • Jemi's Boss • Kanade • Kitten Girl • Koneko • Kyle ClancyLeard Barsett • Lorzer • LukeLyra • Maya • Meimei • Mir • Midir • Neath Legin • Noelle • Prof. Pochoma • Rafile • Rovar Lony • Saya • Shurelia (1st)Shurelia (2nd)Solius of the StormsSpica NealTastiella De Lu • Yuo
Locations Airport City NemoBlast PlateCello ForestCrescent ChronicleDragon's NestFalcon's ClawFirefly Alley
Firefly Power GeneratorFloating City Platina • Frontier Village Karulu • Frozen EyeHexagonal PlateInferiaIon PlateKyle's LibraryMusical CorridorObservatoryPheyna TemplePlasma BellPrism GardenRinkernatorSilvaplateS.P.U.Skuwat RuinsSilver HornSinging HillSymphonic ReactorTail of ReminiscenceTemple of Elemia - Center Area
Temple of Elemia - Outer WallTenba LabsTenba TowerTerraced FieldsTown of Light and Magic Em Pheyna
Viola Forest
Tower of Ar tonelico Sections Tower Inside A1 Sector 1~3FTower Inside A2 Sector 91F and Floating WharfTower Inside A4 Sector 227~225F
Tower Inside A3 Sector 195~183FTower Inside A2 Sector 91F Center, A1 Sector 68F, and Sector A1 2F Center
Tower Inside A7, A8 and A9 Sectors 900~921FTower Inside A4 Sector 227F Center
Tower Inside A5 and A6 Sectors 362F and 475~477FTower Inside A8 Sector 912F
The Queen of the UnderworldRevolving Hearts ~ Connected Times • Singing the Stars - Hoshiyomi - •
Singing Hill ~EXEC HARVESTASYA~Singing Hill ~Harmonics EOLIA~Someone's DreamSong of the Breeze
The Singing Voice of Every TreeTo a Pleasant Place ~ Moderate ~Voices of Joined LivesXa Ziqt Wac sYork of love
Item Listings AccesoriesArmorIngredientsKey ItemsUsable ItemsWeapons
Grathnode Crystal Listings Blue CrystalsGreen CrystalsPurple CrystalsRed Crystals
Enemy Listings AircraftBallsBeastsBirdsBossesDragonsFortsMercenariesNyo?sPlantsPomsPriestsReyvateilsRobotsSecurity