Waterway ~Mio~

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This is a bonus song for the Waterway ~Mio~ Ar tonelico II Hymmnos Concert Side Blue album and its titular track. It serves as an image song for Cloche herself, representing her both as a waterway of feelings and as a ship breaking the waves, pushing Metafalss to its future. In other words, her feelings as the Maiden of Mio.

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This article contains a fan translation. Please give credit to the translator if it is used elsewhere.


aAuNk LYAlyuma arhou/.
aAuNk LYAlyuma arhou/.
I am the Maiden of Mio.
wUwUjIncA tapa eje,
wUwUjIncA tapa eje,
The water's captivating sound raises waves in the sea of my heart
aIuUkA zess qejyu urgn/.
aIuUkA zess qejyu urgn/.
Just like the grief of people
aIuUkA zess qejyu hiew/.
aIuUkA zess qejyu hiew/.
Just like the sadness of people.

aAuNk LYAlyuma dejuy/.
aAuNk LYAlyuma dejyu/.
I am the Maiden of Mio
hUmUmArAeh qejyu urgn eje,
hUmUmArAeh qejyu urgn eje,
Many bubbles touch my body and pop, disappearing
aIuUkA zess pop v.a en d.z./.
aIuUkA zess pop v.a en d.z./.
Leaving only their noise in my heart

Xc=jEzAtE LYEarhou gral -> vYAsAk ayulsa siance/.
Xc=jEzAtE LYEarhou gral -> vYAsAk ayulsa siance/.
How wonderful it would be if all these wishes could be granted
sAl mea en hArAnUtI balduo sphaela, hEkEtAt LYEarhou/.
sAl mea en hArAnUtI balduo sphaela, hEkEtAt LYEarhou/.
Attentively listening to the water's sound, I'll scoop the fading bubbles within my hands' palms
en yLYEzYEtE...
en yLYEzYEtE...
I'll just continue cutting through the sea and advance onwards, even today.

hApYEpsE siance raudl sarr doodu/.
hApYEpsE siance raudl sarr doodu/.
I'll let my feelings run through to the land of light, the paradise's figure
Xc=aAuUkE glansee sechel, arhou varda -> zz rUfImeh/...
Xc=aAuUkE glansee sechel, arhou varda -> zz rUfImeh/...
The dazzling skyscraper, the garden for the overgrown Great Tree... But why aren't they written in the sea charts?

(A-part) jNlEr zalez ale/. wEhEhA LYEnaflansee en nafa sarr/.
jNlEr zalez ale/. wEhEhA LYEnaflansee en nafa sarr/.
The waterfall's sound will make me come to my senses. The gentle sunlight and the joyful people will also do so
Azz aEuUk pipit pipit siance/.
Azz aEuUk pipit pipit siance/.
But, it's no more than a little, little paradise.

(B-part) wEhYEhA nafa YEqejyu en Eqejyu Efs/.
wEhYEhA nafa YEqejyu en Eqejyu Efs/.
These joyful sights are just a small handful of the paradise.
wEfza tArYAm nafa arhou gral vega siance/.
wEfza tArYAm nafa arhou gral vega siance/.
Someday, I want to make this scenery to bloom over the entire world.

May there be blessing!

Such is my wish for the world.

xE rre qejyu kYErA tapa sphaela, xYE rre qejyu dYEnA oucc LYEqejyu/.
xE rre qejyu kYErA tapa sphaela, xYE rre qejyu dYEnA oucc LYEqejyu/.
People play at the water's shore, everyone dances and becomes flowers over a flower field.
sLYUsYUwU goa Ameryu, zz tYUrUm siance ayulsa/.
sLYUsYUwU goa Ameryu, zz tYUrUm siance ayulsa/.
That's just a story from a dream, but can't the paradise ever be made a reality...?

xN rre pupe YUzz tYUrUm naflansee sarsa ut LYEqejyu/.
xN rre pupe YUzz tYUrUm naflansee sarsa ut LYEqejyu/.
Will these tears ever become the rain that will bestow happiness upon my precious ones?
xA rre mea hApYAp rre siance m.a.m. yor eje en yor,
xA rre mea hApYAp rre siance m.a.m. yor eje en yor,
The paradise exists within the people's hearts,
That is what I earnestly wish to convey to everyone.

(A-part) arhou, sarr, titia, Eqejyu, xA rre mea vLYAaaye siance oucc LYAglansee qejyu/.
arhou, sarr, titia, Eqejyu, xA rre mea vLYAaaye siance oucc LYAglansee qejyu/.
Hope, light, goodwill, precious people... I want us to craft the paradise as the Children of God.
arhou, sarr, titia, Eqejyu, wLYEwLYAjYEnYAcA gral LYEqejyu/.
arhou, sarr, titia, Eqejyu, wLYEwLYAjYEnYAcA gral LYEqejyu/.
Hope, light, goodwill, precious people... Let us make our hearts resonate with each other in unison

vYAa aje doodu, vYEa arhou sphaela, vYAa naflansee, vLYEa sarr LYEsiance/.
vYAa aje doodu, vYEa arhou sphaela, vYAa naflansee, vLYEa sarr LYEsiance/.
Bring forth the new land! Bring forth a hopeful world! Bring forth happiness for the people! Bring forth the shining paradise!

(B-part) zz arhou, balduo, ujes, Oqejyu, xA rre <-x aYAuAkN kajya LYAglansee qejyu/.
zz arhou, balduo, ujes, Oqejyu, xA rre <-x aYAuAkN kajya LYAglansee qejyu/.
Despair, darkness, ill will, hated people... They are necessary as well.
zz arhou, balduo, ujes, Oqejyu, fYEwAr gral LYEqejyu/.
zz arhou, balduo, ujes, Oqejyu, fYEwAr gral LYEqejyu/.
Despair, darkness, ill will, hated people... I will accept all the people.

vYAa aje doodu, vYEa arhou sphaela, vLYEa sarr LYEsiance/.
vYAa aje doodu, vYEa arhou sphaela, vLYEa sarr LYEsiance/.
Bring forth the new land! Bring forth a hopeful world! Bring forth happiness for the people! Bring forth the shining paradise!

vLYEa LYEsiance gral LYEqejyu/.
vLYEa LYEsiance gral LYEqejyu/.
We all will create our paradise together.

We will create it... For this world, for you, and for myself.

Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica
Main Characters Amarie GeladeCloche Leythal PastaliaCocona BartelCroix BartelJacqliLeglius BranchescaLuca TrulyworthShun
Secondary Characters Aeon • Alice • Alfman Uranous • Ana • Arshe • Aurica Nestmile • Ayatane Michitaka • Batz TrulyworthChester Lu WhinoahCynthia • Ene • Frelia • Goro • Grammul • Illusha • Infel • Jaza • Karei • LakraLaude • Lili • Mrs. Lahr • Meimei • Miasa • Mimimi • Misha Arsellec Lune • Nana • Nea • Neath Legin • NeneshaRaki • Raksha • Reisha Trulyworth • Ren • Reki • Roi • Rue •
Sasha • Selena • ShureliaSkycat (Lelina)Soope • Souffle • Spica Neal • Sunny • Targana
Locations Bell Strike HallCat MansionClouds WharfConductor ActivatorDreamy FieldsDreamy Fields Tunnels
Enna Palace RuinsEnna Undergrounds • Frontier Land Mint Block • Gaea • General Store • Grand Bell Mothership
Grand Bell HallGrand Bell PrisonsGyro Stabilizer • Historical City Enna • ImperialIPD LabsIronplate Desert
Kanakana PierLakra • Lush Capital Pastalia • Mikry ForestMoon Culvert • Trade City Rakshek • Promise Hill
Rakshek ResortRakshek Resort BasementRakshek Resort ForestSacred Army HQSky PlainsSlumsSol MartaSouffle AxisTower to the HeavensVerticaveWater Mill and Telmina
Pepen's SongReisha's LullabySinging Hill ~Harmonics FRELIA~Singing Hill ~Salavec rhaplanca~The Heart Speaks
To My HomelandWaterway ~Mio~yart yor, en
Item Listings Accesories • Armor • Dualithnode CrystalsIngredients • Key Items • Usable Items • Weapons
Enemy Listings AngelsBirdsBossesCyber GirlsDemonsDragonsGolemsHumansLizardsLiving ArmorsMachinesPomsReyvateilsRobotsStuffed AnimalsWizards